[jboss-cvs] jboss-seam/doc/reference/en/modules ...

Peter Muir peter at bleepbleep.org.uk
Tue Sep 4 13:00:42 EDT 2007

  User: pmuir   
  Date: 07/09/04 13:00:42

  Modified:    doc/reference/en/modules   conversations.xml concepts.xml
  Some initial docs on ajax apps with conversations and concurrent requests
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.35      +149 -1    jboss-seam/doc/reference/en/modules/conversations.xml
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: conversations.xml
  RCS file: /cvsroot/jboss/jboss-seam/doc/reference/en/modules/conversations.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.34
  retrieving revision 1.35
  diff -u -b -r1.34 -r1.35
  --- conversations.xml	21 Aug 2007 13:13:43 -0000	1.34
  +++ conversations.xml	4 Sep 2007 17:00:40 -0000	1.35
  @@ -869,4 +869,152 @@
  +    <section>
  +      <title>Concurrent calls to conversational components</title>
  +      <para>
  +        A general discussion of concurrent calls to Seam components can be 
  +        found in <xref linkend="concurrency" />. Here we will discuss 
  +        the most common situation in which you will encounter concurrency 
  +        &#8212; accessing conversational components from AJAX requests.
  +        We're going to discuss the options that a Ajax client library should
  +        provide to control events originating at the client &#8212; and we'll
  +        look at the options RichFaces Ajax gives you.
  +      </para>
  +      <para>
  +        Conversational components don't allow real concurrent access therefore
  +        Seam queues each request to process them serially.  This allows each
  +        request to be executed in a deterministic fashion and the result 
  +        returned to the client. However, a simple queue isn't that great &#8212;
  +        firstly, if a method is, for some reason, taking a very long time to
  +        complete, running over and over again whenever the client generates a
  +        request is bad (potential for Denial of Service attacks), and secondly,
  +        AJAX is often to used to provide a quick status update to the user, so
  +        continuing to run the action after a long time isn't useful. 
  +      </para>
  +      <para>
  +        Therefore Seam queues the action event for a period of time (the 
  +        concurrent request timeout); if it can't process the event in time, it 
  +        creates a temporary conversation and prints out a message to the user to
  +        let them know what's going on.  It's therefore very important not to
  +        flood the server with AJAX events!
  +      </para>
  +      <para>
  +        We can set a sensible default for the concurrent request timeout (in 
  +        ms) in components.xml:
  +      </para>
  +      <programlisting><![CDATA[<core:manager concurrent-request-timeout="500" />]]></programlisting>
  +      <para>
  +        We can also fine tune the concurrent request timeout for a request:
  +      </para>
  +      <programlisting><![CDATA[public void getTotal() {
  +   Manager.instance().setConcurrentRequestTimeout(1000);
  +   return someReallyComplicatedCalculation();
  +    <para>
  +      So far we've discussed synchronous AJAX requests - the client tells the
  +      server that an event has occur, and then rerenders part of the page based
  +      on the result. But we could also use asynchronous (poll based) requests 
  +      &#8212; the client sends an AJAX request to the server, which causes an
  +      action to be executed asynchronously on the server (so the the response
  +      to the client is immediate); the client then polls the server for
  +      updates.  This is useful when you have a long-running action for which it
  +      is important that every action executes (you don't want some to be 
  +      dropped as duplicates, or to timeout).
  +    </para>
  +    <para>
  +      <emphasis>But how should we design our conversational AJAX application?</emphasis>
  +    </para>
  +    <para>
  +      Well first, you need to decide whether you want to use the simpler push-
  +      style or whether you want to add using a poll-style approach.
  +    </para>
  +    <para>
  +      If you go for a synchronous request approach, then you need to make an
  +      estimate of how long your AJAX request will take to complete - is it much
  +      shorter than the concurrent request timeout? If not, you probably want to
  +      alter the concurrent request timeout for this method (as discussed 
  +      above). Next you probably want a queue on the client side to prevent 
  +      flooding the server with requests.  If the event occurs often (e.g. a 
  +      keypress, onblur of input fields) and immediate update of the client is
  +      not a priority you should set a request delay on the client side. When
  +      working out your request delay, factor in that the event may also be
  +      queued on the server side.
  +    </para>
  +    <para>
  +      Finally, the client library may provide an option to abort unfinished
  +      duplicate requests in favor of the most recent.  You need to be careful
  +      with this option as it can lead to flooding of the server with requests
  +      if the server is not able to abort the unfinished request.
  +    </para>
  +    <para>
  +      Using a poll-style design requires less fine-tuning.  You just mark your
  +      action method <literal>@Asynchronous</literal> and decide on a polling
  +      interval:
  +    </para>
  +    <programlisting><![CDATA[int total;
  +// This method is called when an event occurs on the client
  +// It takes a really long time to execute
  + at Asynchronous      
  +public void calculateTotal() {
  +   total = someReallyComplicatedCalculation();
  +// This method is called as the result of the poll
  +// It's very quick to execute
  +public int getTotal() {
  +   return total;
  +    <section>
  +      <title>RichFaces Ajax</title>
  +      <para>
  +        RichFaces Ajax is the most common Ajax library used with Seam, and
  +        provides all the controls discussed above:
  +      </para>
  +      <itemizedlist>
  +        <listitem>
  +          <para>
  +            <literal>eventsQueue</literal> &#8212; provide a queue in which 
  +            events are placed.  All events are queued and requests are sent to
  +            the server serially.
  +          </para>
  +        </listitem>
  +        <listitem>
  +          <para>
  +            <literal>ignoreDupRequests</literal> &#8212; if a duplicate request
  +            occurs, the unfinished event will be aborted
  +          </para>
  +        </listitem>
  +        <listitem>
  +          <para>
  +            <literal>requestDelay</literal> &#8212; Delays the sending of the
  +            request to the server
  +          </para>
  +        </listitem>
  +        <listitem>
  +          <para>
  +            <literal>&lt;a:poll reRender="total" interval="1000" /&gt;</literal> &#8212;
  +            Polls the server, and rerenders an area as needed
  +          </para>
  +        </listitem>
  +      </itemizedlist>
  +    </section>
  +  </section>
  \ No newline at end of file
  1.66      +1 -1      jboss-seam/doc/reference/en/modules/concepts.xml
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: concepts.xml
  RCS file: /cvsroot/jboss/jboss-seam/doc/reference/en/modules/concepts.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.65
  retrieving revision 1.66
  diff -u -b -r1.65 -r1.66
  --- concepts.xml	21 Jul 2007 21:45:12 -0000	1.65
  +++ concepts.xml	4 Sep 2007 17:00:41 -0000	1.66
  @@ -241,7 +241,7 @@
  -        <sect2>
  +        <sect2 id="concurrency">
               <title>Concurrency model</title>
                   Neither the servlet nor EJB specifications define any facilities for managing concurrent requests

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