[jboss-cvs] JBossAS SVN: r71995 - trunk/cluster/src/etc.

jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org
Thu Apr 10 23:40:23 EDT 2008

Author: bstansberry at jboss.com
Date: 2008-04-10 23:40:23 -0400 (Thu, 10 Apr 2008)
New Revision: 71995

Clean out legacy config file formats

Deleted: trunk/cluster/src/etc/cluster-service.xml
--- trunk/cluster/src/etc/cluster-service.xml	2008-04-11 03:40:00 UTC (rev 71994)
+++ trunk/cluster/src/etc/cluster-service.xml	2008-04-11 03:40:23 UTC (rev 71995)
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!-- ===================================================================== -->
-<!--                                                                       -->
-<!--  Sample Clustering Service Configuration                              -->
-<!--                                                                       -->
-<!-- ===================================================================== -->
-   <!-- ==================================================================== -->
-   <!-- Shared cache for JBoss cluster services                                                                       -->
-   <!-- ==================================================================== -->
-   <!-- The ClusterTreeCache instance defined here is shared by JBoss cluster services that
-         use JBossCache as their underlying data store.  Currently the services that share this 
-         cache are HAJNDI and DistributedState.  The mbean name should not be modified as
-         the cluster services locate this mbean by name.  Valid changes to the JGroups configuration
-         shouldn't cause any problems; it should also be possible to change the cluster name but this 
-         isn't recommended since it will be more difficult for others to recognize that the renamed 
-         cluster is the one used by JBoss cluster services.  
-   -->
-   <mbean code="org.jboss.cache.TreeCache"
-        name="jboss:service=ClusterTreeCache,partition=${jboss.partition.name:DefaultPartition}">
-        <depends>jboss:service=Naming</depends>
-        <depends>jboss:service=TransactionManager</depends>
-        <!--JGroups multiplexer is required for this cache -->
-        <depends>jgroups.mux:name=Multiplexer</depends>
-        <attribute name="MultiplexerService">jgroups.mux:name=Multiplexer</attribute>
-        <attribute name="MultiplexerStack">${jboss.multiplexer.stack:udp}</attribute>
-        <attribute name="TransactionManagerLookupClass">org.jboss.cache.JBossTransactionManagerLookup</attribute>
-        <!-- Valid isolation levels are 
-                              SERIALIZABLE
-                              REPEATABLE_READ (default)
-                              READ_COMMITTED
-                              READ_UNCOMMITTED
-                              NONE
-        -->
-        <attribute name="IsolationLevel">REPEATABLE_READ</attribute>
-        <!-- Valid modes are LOCAL, REPL_ASYNC and REPL_SYNC -->
-        <attribute name="CacheMode">REPL_SYNC</attribute>
-        <!-- Just used for async repl: use a replication queue -->
-        <attribute name="UseReplQueue">false</attribute>
-        <!-- Replication interval for replication queue (in ms) -->
-        <attribute name="ReplQueueInterval">0</attribute>
-        <!-- Max number of elements which trigger replication -->
-        <attribute name="ReplQueueMaxElements">0</attribute>
-        <!-- Name of cluster. Needs to be the same for all nodes in clusters, 
-          in order to find each other -->
-        <attribute name="ClusterName">${jboss.partition.name:DefaultPartition}-TreeCache</attribute>
-        <!-- Whether or not to fetch state on joining a cluster  -->
-        <attribute name="FetchInMemoryState">true</attribute>
-        <!-- The max amount of time (in milliseconds) we wait until the
-            initial state (ie. the contents of the cache) are retrieved from
-            existing members in a clustered environment -->
-        <attribute name="InitialStateRetrievalTimeout">5000</attribute>
-        <!-- Number of milliseconds to wait until all responses for a
-            synchronous call have been received. -->
-        <attribute name="SyncReplTimeout">10000</attribute>
-        <!-- Max number of milliseconds to wait for a lock acquisition -->
-        <attribute name="LockAcquisitionTimeout">15000</attribute>
-        <!-- Name of the eviction policy class. Not supported now. -->
-        <attribute name="EvictionPolicyClass"></attribute>
-    </mbean>
-   <!-- ==================================================================== -->
-   <!-- Cluster Partition: defines cluster                                   -->
-   <!-- ==================================================================== -->
-   <mbean code="org.jboss.ha.framework.server.ClusterPartition"
-      name="jboss:service=${jboss.partition.name:DefaultPartition}">      
-      <!-- ClusterPartition requires a TreeCache for state management -->
-      <depends optional-attribute-name="TreeCache"
-         proxy-type="attribute">jboss:service=ClusterTreeCache,partition=${jboss.partition.name:DefaultPartition}</depends>
-      <depends optional-attribute-name="DistributedState"
-         proxy-type="attribute">jboss:service=DistributedState,partition=${jboss.partition.name:DefaultPartition}</depends>
-      <!-- Name of the partition being built -->
-      <attribute name="PartitionName">${jboss.partition.name:DefaultPartition}</attribute>
-      <!-- The address used to determine the node name -->
-      <attribute name="NodeAddress">${jboss.bind.address}</attribute>
-      <!-- Determine if deadlock detection is enabled -->
-      <attribute name="DeadlockDetection">False</attribute>
-      <!-- Max time (in ms) to wait for state transfer to complete. Increase for large states -->
-      <attribute name="StateTransferTimeout">30000</attribute>
-   </mbean>
-   <!-- ==================================================================== -->
-   <!-- DistributedState Service                                             -->
-   <!-- ==================================================================== -->
-   <mbean code="org.jboss.ha.framework.server.DistributedStateImpl"
-          name="jboss:service=DistributedState,partition=${jboss.partition.name:DefaultPartition}">
-      <depends optional-attribute-name="TreeCache"
-         proxy-type="attribute">jboss:service=ClusterTreeCache,partition=${jboss.partition.name:DefaultPartition}</depends>
-   </mbean>
-   <!-- ==================================================================== -->
-   <!-- HA Session State Service for SFSB                                    -->
-   <!-- ==================================================================== -->
-   <mbean code="org.jboss.ha.hasessionstate.server.HASessionStateService"
-      name="jboss:service=HASessionState">
-      <!-- We now inject the partition into the HA Session State service instead
-           of requiring that the partition name be passed -->
-      <depends optional-attribute-name="HAPartition"
-         proxy-type="attribute">jboss:service=${jboss.partition.name:DefaultPartition}</depends>
-      <!-- JNDI name under which the service is bound -->
-      <attribute name="JndiName">/HASessionState/Default</attribute>
-      <!-- Max delay before cleaning unreclaimed state.
-           Defaults to 30*60*1000 => 30 minutes -->
-      <attribute name="BeanCleaningDelay">0</attribute>
-   </mbean>
-   <!-- ==================================================================== -->
-   <!-- HA JNDI                                                              -->
-   <!-- ==================================================================== -->
-   <mbean code="org.jboss.ha.jndi.HANamingService"
-      name="jboss:service=HAJNDI">      
-      <!-- We now inject the partition into the HAJNDI service instead
-           of requiring that the partition name be passed -->
-      <depends optional-attribute-name="HAPartition"
-         proxy-type="attribute">jboss:service=${jboss.partition.name:DefaultPartition}</depends>
-      <depends optional-attribute-name="cache"
-         proxy-type="attribute">jboss:service=ClusterTreeCache,partition=${jboss.partition.name:DefaultPartition}</depends>
-      <!-- Bind address of bootstrap and HA-JNDI RMI endpoints -->
-      <attribute name="BindAddress">${jboss.bind.address}</attribute>
-      <!-- Port on which the HA-JNDI stub is made available -->
-      <attribute name="Port">1100</attribute>
-      <!-- RmiPort to be used by the HA-JNDI service once bound. 0 => auto. -->
-      <attribute name="RmiPort">1101</attribute>
-      <!-- Accept backlog of the bootstrap socket -->
-      <attribute name="Backlog">50</attribute>
-      <!-- The thread pool service used to control the bootstrap and
-      auto discovery lookups -->
-      <depends optional-attribute-name="LookupPool"
-         proxy-type="attribute">jboss.system:service=ThreadPool</depends>
-      <!-- A flag to disable the auto discovery via multicast -->
-      <attribute name="DiscoveryDisabled">false</attribute>
-      <!-- Set the auto-discovery bootstrap multicast bind address. If not 
-      specified and a BindAddress is specified, the BindAddress will be used. -->
-      <attribute name="AutoDiscoveryBindAddress">${jboss.bind.address}</attribute>
-      <!-- Multicast Address and group port used for auto-discovery -->
-      <attribute name="AutoDiscoveryAddress">${jboss.partition.udpGroup:}</attribute>
-      <attribute name="AutoDiscoveryGroup">1102</attribute>
-      <!-- The TTL (time-to-live) for autodiscovery IP multicast packets -->
-      <attribute name="AutoDiscoveryTTL">16</attribute>
-      <!-- The load balancing policy for HA-JNDI -->
-      <attribute name="LoadBalancePolicy">org.jboss.ha.framework.interfaces.RoundRobin</attribute>
-      <!-- Client socket factory to be used for client-server
-           RMI invocations during JNDI queries
-      <attribute name="ClientSocketFactory">custom</attribute>
-      -->
-      <!-- Server socket factory to be used for client-server
-           RMI invocations during JNDI queries
-      <attribute name="ServerSocketFactory">custom</attribute>
-      -->
-   </mbean>
-   <mbean code="org.jboss.invocation.jrmp.server.JRMPInvokerHA"
-      name="jboss:service=invoker,type=jrmpha">
-      <attribute name="ServerAddress">${jboss.bind.address}</attribute>
-      <attribute name="RMIObjectPort">4447</attribute>
-      <!--
-      <attribute name="RMIObjectPort">0</attribute>
-      <attribute name="RMIClientSocketFactory">custom</attribute>
-      <attribute name="RMIServerSocketFactory">custom</attribute>
-      -->
-   </mbean>
-   <mbean code="org.jboss.invocation.unified.server.UnifiedInvokerHA"
-      name="jboss:service=invoker,type=unifiedha">
-      <depends>jboss:service=TransactionManager</depends>
-      <depends optional-attribute-name="Connector"
-       proxy-type="attribute">jboss.remoting:service=Connector,transport=socket</depends>
-      <depends>jboss:service=${jboss.partition.name:DefaultPartition}</depends>
-   </mbean>
-   <!-- ==================================================================== -->
-   <!-- Distributed cache invalidation                                       -->
-   <!-- ==================================================================== -->
-   <mbean code="org.jboss.cache.invalidation.bridges.JGCacheInvalidationBridge"
-      name="jboss.cache:service=InvalidationBridge,type=JavaGroups">
-      <depends optional-attribute-name="HAPartition"
-         proxy-type="attribute">jboss:service=${jboss.partition.name:DefaultPartition}</depends>
-      <depends>jboss.cache:service=InvalidationManager</depends>
-      <attribute name="InvalidationManager">jboss.cache:service=InvalidationManager</attribute>
-      <attribute name="BridgeName">DefaultJGBridge</attribute>
-   </mbean>

Deleted: trunk/cluster/src/etc/deploy-hasingleton-service.xml
--- trunk/cluster/src/etc/deploy-hasingleton-service.xml	2008-04-11 03:40:00 UTC (rev 71994)
+++ trunk/cluster/src/etc/deploy-hasingleton-service.xml	2008-04-11 03:40:23 UTC (rev 71995)
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!-- $Id$ -->
-<!-- ===================================================================== -->
-<!--                                                                       -->
-<!--  This service ensures that exactly one node in the cluster            -->
-<!--  deploys the services under "deploy-hasingleton" 			   -->
-<!--                                                                       -->
-<!-- ===================================================================== -->
-   <!--
-    |
-    | Use the deployer service on the singleton node. 
-    |
-   -->
-   <mbean code="org.jboss.ha.singleton.HASingletonController" 
-          name="jboss.ha:service=HASingletonDeployer">         
-      <!-- We now inject the partition into the HAJNDI service instead
-           of requiring that the partition name be passed -->
-      <depends optional-attribute-name="HAPartition"
-         proxy-type="attribute">jboss:service=${jboss.partition.name:DefaultPartition}</depends>
-      <depends optional-attribute-name="TargetName">jboss.system:service=MainDeployer</depends>
-      <attribute name="TargetStartMethod">deploy</attribute>
-      <attribute name="TargetStartMethodArgument">${jboss.server.home.url}/deploy-hasingleton</attribute>
-      <attribute name="TargetStopMethod">undeploy</attribute>
-      <attribute name="TargetStopMethodArgument">${jboss.server.home.url}/deploy-hasingleton</attribute>
-   </mbean>
-   <!--
-    | A BarrierController that controls the lifecycle of a Barrier mbean
-    | based on notifications received by the HASingletonController above.
-    |
-    | Services deployed normally inside ./deploy or ./farm that want to be
-    | started/stopped whenever the content of ./deploy-hasingleton/ gets
-    | deployed/undeployed, or else, whenever the current node becomes the
-    | master, need only specify a dependency on the Barrier:
-    |
-    |    <depends>jboss.ha:service=HASingletonDeployer,type=Barrier</depends>
-    |
-    | With this setup the Barrier and all services that depend on it
-    | will be started *after* the content of deploy-hasingleton is deployed.
-    | To change this, just use the following enabled notification types:
-    |
-    |    <enable type="org.jboss.ha.singleton.starting"/>
-    |    <enable type="org.jboss.ha.singleton.stopped"/>
-   -->
-   <mbean code="org.jboss.system.BarrierController"
-          name="jboss.ha:service=HASingletonDeployer,type=BarrierController">
-      <!-- Dependent services will depend on this mbean -->
-      <attribute name="BarrierObjectName">jboss.ha:service=HASingletonDeployer,type=Barrier</attribute>
-      <!-- Whether to subscribe for notifications after startup -->
-      <attribute name="DynamicSubscriptions">false</attribute>    
-      <!-- The notification subscription handback that starts the barrier -->
-      <attribute name="StartBarrierHandback">start</attribute>
-      <!-- The notification subscription handback that stops the barrier -->
-      <attribute name="StopBarrierHandback">stop</attribute>
-      <!-- The notifications to subscribe for, along with their handbacks -->
-      <attribute name="SubscriptionList">
-         <subscription-list>
-            <mbean name="jboss.ha:service=HASingletonDeployer" handback="start">
-               <filter factory="NotificationFilterSupportFactory">
-                  <enable type="org.jboss.ha.singleton.started"/>
-               </filter>
-            </mbean>
-            <mbean name="jboss.ha:service=HASingletonDeployer" handback="stop">
-               <filter factory="NotificationFilterSupportFactory">
-                  <enable type="org.jboss.ha.singleton.stopping"/>
-               </filter>
-            </mbean>        
-         </subscription-list>
-      </attribute>
-   </mbean>

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