[jboss-cvs] jboss-seam/doc/reference/en/modules ...

Peter Muir peter at bleepbleep.org.uk
Wed Jan 9 11:56:31 EST 2008

  User: pmuir   
  Date: 08/01/09 11:56:31

  Modified:    doc/reference/en/modules  testing.xml
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.24      +150 -0    jboss-seam/doc/reference/en/modules/testing.xml
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: testing.xml
  RCS file: /cvsroot/jboss/jboss-seam/doc/reference/en/modules/testing.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.23
  retrieving revision 1.24
  diff -u -b -r1.23 -r1.24
  --- testing.xml	1 Nov 2007 14:07:51 -0000	1.23
  +++ testing.xml	9 Jan 2008 16:56:31 -0000	1.24
  @@ -347,6 +347,156 @@
  +           <title>Configuration</title>
  +           <para>
  +              If you used seam-gen to create your project you are ready to start
  +              writing tests. Otherwise you'll need to setup the testing
  +              environment in your favorite build tool (e.g. ant, maven, 
  +              eclipse).
  +           </para>
  +           <para>
  +              First, lets look at the dependencies you need at a minimum:
  +           </para>
  +           <table>
  +              <title></title>
  +              <tgroup cols="3">
  +                 <thead>
  +                    <row >
  +                       <entry>
  +                          Group Id
  +                       </entry>
  +                       <entry>
  +                          Artifact Id
  +                       </entry>
  +                       <entry>
  +                          Location in Seam
  +                       </entry>
  +                    </row>
  +                 </thead>
  +                 <tbody>
  +                    <row>
  +                       <entry>
  +                          <literal>org.jboss.seam.embedded</literal>
  +                       </entry>
  +                       <entry>
  +                          <literal>hibernate-all</literal>
  +                       </entry>
  +                       <entry>
  +                          <literal>lib/test/hibernate-all.jar</literal>
  +                       </entry>
  +                    </row>
  +                    <row>
  +                       <entry>
  +                          <literal>org.jboss.seam.embedded</literal>
  +                       </entry>
  +                       <entry>
  +                          <literal>jboss-embedded-all</literal>
  +                       </entry>
  +                       <entry>
  +                          <literal>lib/test/jboss-embedded-all.jar</literal>
  +                       </entry>
  +                    </row>
  +                    <row>
  +                       <entry>
  +                          <literal>org.jboss.seam.embedded</literal>
  +                       </entry>
  +                       <entry>
  +                          <literal>thirdparty-all</literal>
  +                       </entry>
  +                       <entry>
  +                          <literal>lib/test/thirdparty-all.jar</literal>
  +                       </entry>
  +                    </row>
  +                    <row>
  +                       <entry>
  +                          <literal>org.jboss.seam.embedded</literal>
  +                       </entry>
  +                       <entry>
  +                          <literal>jboss-embedded-api</literal>
  +                       </entry>
  +                       <entry>
  +                          <literal>lib/test/jboss-embedded-api.jar</literal>
  +                       </entry>
  +                    </row>
  +                    <row>
  +                       <entry>
  +                          <literal>org.jboss.seam</literal>
  +                       </entry>
  +                       <entry>
  +                          <literal>jboss-seam</literal>
  +                       </entry>
  +                       <entry>
  +                          <literal>lib/jboss-seam.jar</literal>
  +                       </entry>
  +                    </row>
  +                    <row>
  +                       <entry>
  +                          <literal>org.jboss.el</literal>
  +                       </entry>
  +                       <entry>
  +                          <literal>jboss-el</literal>
  +                       </entry>
  +                       <entry>
  +                          <literal>lib/jboss-el.jar</literal>
  +                       </entry>
  +                    </row>
  +                    <row>
  +                       <entry>
  +                          <literal>javax.faces</literal>
  +                       </entry>
  +                       <entry>
  +                          <literal>jsf-api</literal>
  +                       </entry>
  +                       <entry>
  +                          <literal>lib/jsf-api.jar</literal>
  +                       </entry>
  +                    </row>
  +                    <row>
  +                       <entry>
  +                          <literal>javax.activation</literal>
  +                       </entry>
  +                       <entry>
  +                          <literal>javax.activation</literal>
  +                       </entry>
  +                       <entry>
  +                          <literal>lib/activation.jar</literal>
  +                       </entry>
  +                    </row>
  +                 </tbody>
  +              </tgroup>
  +           </table>
  +           <para>
  +              It's very important you don't put the compile time JBoss AS 
  +              dependencies from <literal>lib/</literal> (e.g. 
  +              <literal>jboss-system.jar</literal>) on the classpath, these
  +              will cause Embedded JBoss to not boot. So, just add the 
  +              dependencies (e.g. Drools, jBPM)you need as you go.
  +           </para>
  +           <para>
  +              You also need to include the <literal>bootstrap/</literal> 
  +              directory on the classpath; <literal>bootstrap/</literal> contains
  +              the configuration for Embedded JBoss.
  +           </para>
  +           <para>
  +              And, of course you need to put your built project and tests onto
  +              the classpath. Don't forget to put all the correct configuration
  +              files for JPA and Seam onto the classpath as well.Seam asks 
  +              Embedded JBoss to deploy any resource (jar or directory)
  +              which has <literal>seam.properties</literal> in it's root.
  +              Therefore, if you don't assemble a directory structure that 
  +              resembles a deployable archive containing your built project, you
  +              must put a <literal>seam.properties</literal> in each resource.
  +           </para>
  +         </section>
  +        <section>
             <title>Integration Testing with Mock Data</title>

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