[jboss-cvs] JBoss Messaging SVN: r4577 - in trunk: tests/src/org/jboss/messaging/tests/unit/jms and 2 other directories.

jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org
Wed Jun 25 09:09:52 EDT 2008

Author: jmesnil
Date: 2008-06-25 09:09:52 -0400 (Wed, 25 Jun 2008)
New Revision: 4577

renamed Bridge class into o.j.message.jms.bridge.impl.BridgeImpl & added Bridge interface
added unit tests + refactoring of BridgeImpl (WIP)

Added: trunk/src/main/org/jboss/messaging/jms/bridge/QualityOfServiceMode.java
--- trunk/src/main/org/jboss/messaging/jms/bridge/QualityOfServiceMode.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/src/main/org/jboss/messaging/jms/bridge/QualityOfServiceMode.java	2008-06-25 13:09:52 UTC (rev 4577)
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+ * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
+ * Copyright 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors
+ * by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
+ * full listing of individual contributors.
+ *
+ * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
+ * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+ * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
+ */
+package org.jboss.messaging.jms.bridge;
+ * <h3>Quality of service (QoS) levels</h3>
+ * 
+ * <h4>QOS_AT_MOST_ONCE</h4>
+ * 
+ * With this QoS mode messages will reach the destination from the source at
+ * most once. The messages are consumed from the source and acknowledged before
+ * sending to the destination. Therefore there is a possibility that if failure
+ * occurs between removing them from the source and them arriving at the
+ * destination they could be lost. Hence delivery will occur at most once. This
+ * mode is avilable for both persistent and non persistent messages.
+ * 
+ * <h4>QOS_DUPLICATES_OK</h4>
+ * 
+ * With this QoS mode, the messages are consumed from the source and then
+ * acknowledged after they have been successfully sent to the destination.
+ * Therefore there is a possibility that if failure occurs after sending to the
+ * destination but before acknowledging them, they could be sent again when the
+ * system recovers. I.e. the destination might receive duplicates after a
+ * failure. This mode is available for both persistent and non persistent
+ * messages.
+ * 
+ * 
+ * This QoS mode ensures messages will reach the destination from the source
+ * once and only once. (Sometimes this mode is known as "exactly once"). If both
+ * the source and the destination are on the same JBoss Messaging server
+ * instance then this can be achieved by sending and acknowledging the messages
+ * in the same local transaction. If the source and destination are on different
+ * servers this is achieved by enlisting the sending and consuming sessions in a
+ * JTA transaction. The JTA transaction is controlled by JBoss Transactions JTA
+ * implementation which is a fully recovering transaction manager, thus
+ * providing a very high degree of durability. If JTA is required then both
+ * supplied connection factories need to be XAConnectionFactory implementations.
+ * This mode is only available for persistent messages. This is likely to be the
+ * slowest mode since it requires extra persistence for the transaction logging.
+ * 
+ * Note: For a specific application it may possible to provide once and only
+ * once semantics without using the QOS_ONCE_AND_ONLY_ONCE QoS level. This can
+ * be done by using the QOS_DUPLICATES_OK mode and then checking for duplicates
+ * at the destination and discarding them. Some JMS servers provide automatic
+ * duplicate message detection functionality, or this may be possible to
+ * implement on the application level by maintaining a cache of received message
+ * ids on disk and comparing received messages to them. The cache would only be
+ * valid for a certain period of time so this approach is not as watertight as
+ * using QOS_ONCE_AND_ONLY_ONCE but may be a good choice depending on your
+ * specific application.
+ * 
+ * @author <a href="mailto:jmesnil at redhat.com">Jeff Mesnil</a>
+ * 
+ * @version <tt>$Revision$</tt>
+ * 
+ */
+public enum QualityOfServiceMode
+   private final int value;
+   QualityOfServiceMode(int value)
+   {
+      this.value = value;
+   }
+   public int intValue()
+   {
+      return value;
+   }
+   public static QualityOfServiceMode valueOf(int value)
+   {
+      if (value == AT_MOST_ONCE.value)
+      {
+         return AT_MOST_ONCE;
+      }
+      if (value == DUPLICATES_OK.value)
+      {
+         return DUPLICATES_OK;
+      }
+      if (value == ONCE_AND_ONLY_ONCE.value)
+      {
+         return ONCE_AND_ONLY_ONCE;
+      }
+      throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid QualityOfServiceMode value: "
+            + value);
+   }

Added: trunk/tests/src/org/jboss/messaging/tests/unit/jms/bridge/impl/BridgeImplTest.java
--- trunk/tests/src/org/jboss/messaging/tests/unit/jms/bridge/impl/BridgeImplTest.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/tests/src/org/jboss/messaging/tests/unit/jms/bridge/impl/BridgeImplTest.java	2008-06-25 13:09:52 UTC (rev 4577)
@@ -0,0 +1,993 @@
+ * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
+ * Copyright 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors
+ * by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
+ * full listing of individual contributors.
+ *
+ * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
+ * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+ * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
+ */
+package org.jboss.messaging.tests.unit.jms.bridge.impl;
+import static org.easymock.EasyMock.anyBoolean;
+import static org.easymock.EasyMock.anyInt;
+import static org.easymock.EasyMock.createNiceMock;
+import static org.easymock.EasyMock.createStrictMock;
+import static org.easymock.EasyMock.expect;
+import static org.easymock.EasyMock.expectLastCall;
+import static org.easymock.EasyMock.getCurrentArguments;
+import static org.easymock.EasyMock.isA;
+import static org.easymock.EasyMock.replay;
+import static org.easymock.EasyMock.verify;
+import static org.jboss.messaging.tests.util.RandomUtil.randomString;
+import javax.jms.Connection;
+import javax.jms.ConnectionFactory;
+import javax.jms.Destination;
+import javax.jms.ExceptionListener;
+import javax.jms.JMSException;
+import javax.jms.Message;
+import javax.jms.MessageConsumer;
+import javax.jms.MessageListener;
+import javax.jms.MessageProducer;
+import javax.jms.Session;
+import javax.transaction.TransactionManager;
+import junit.framework.TestCase;
+import org.easymock.IAnswer;
+import org.jboss.messaging.jms.bridge.Bridge;
+import org.jboss.messaging.jms.bridge.ConnectionFactoryFactory;
+import org.jboss.messaging.jms.bridge.DestinationFactory;
+import org.jboss.messaging.jms.bridge.QualityOfServiceMode;
+import org.jboss.messaging.jms.bridge.impl.BridgeImpl;
+ * @author <a href="mailto:jmesnil at redhat.com">Jeff Mesnil</a>
+ * 
+ * @version <tt>$Revision$</tt>
+ * 
+ */
+public class BridgeImplTest extends TestCase
+   // Constants -----------------------------------------------------
+   // Attributes ----------------------------------------------------
+   // Static --------------------------------------------------------
+   // Constructors --------------------------------------------------
+   // Public --------------------------------------------------------
+   public void testBridge() throws Exception
+   {
+      ConnectionFactoryFactory sourceCFF = createStrictMock(ConnectionFactoryFactory.class);
+      ConnectionFactoryFactory targetCFF = createStrictMock(ConnectionFactoryFactory.class);
+      DestinationFactory sourceDF = createStrictMock(DestinationFactory.class);
+      DestinationFactory targetDF = createStrictMock(DestinationFactory.class);
+      String sourceUsername = randomString();
+      String sourcePassword = randomString();
+      String targetUsername = randomString();
+      String targetPassword = randomString();
+      String selector = "color = 'green'";
+      long failureRetryInterval = 1000;
+      int maxRetries = 1;
+      QualityOfServiceMode qosMode = QualityOfServiceMode.AT_MOST_ONCE;
+      int maxBatchSize = 1;
+      long maxBatchTime = -1;
+      String subName = randomString();
+      String clientID = randomString();
+      boolean addMessageIDInHeader = false;
+      replay(sourceCFF, sourceDF, targetCFF, targetDF);
+      Bridge bridge = new BridgeImpl(sourceCFF, targetCFF, sourceDF, targetDF,
+            sourceUsername, sourcePassword, targetUsername, targetPassword,
+            selector, failureRetryInterval, maxRetries, qosMode, maxBatchSize,
+            maxBatchTime, subName, clientID, addMessageIDInHeader);
+      assertNotNull(bridge);
+      assertEquals(sourceDF, bridge.getSourceDestinationFactory());
+      assertEquals(targetDF, bridge.getTargetDestinationFactory());
+      assertEquals(sourceUsername, bridge.getSourceUsername());
+      assertEquals(sourcePassword, bridge.getSourcePassword());
+      assertEquals(targetUsername, bridge.getTargetUsername());
+      assertEquals(targetPassword, bridge.getTargetPassword());
+      assertEquals(selector, bridge.getSelector());
+      assertEquals(failureRetryInterval, bridge.getFailureRetryInterval());
+      assertEquals(maxRetries, bridge.getMaxRetries());
+      assertEquals(qosMode, bridge.getQualityOfServiceMode());
+      assertEquals(maxBatchSize, bridge.getMaxBatchSize());
+      assertEquals(maxBatchTime, bridge.getMaxBatchTime());
+      assertEquals(subName, bridge.getSubscriptionName());
+      assertEquals(clientID, bridge.getClientID());
+      assertEquals(addMessageIDInHeader, bridge.isAddMessageIDInHeader());
+      verify(sourceCFF, sourceDF, targetCFF, targetDF);
+   }
+   public void testSetSourceDestinationFactoryWithNull() throws Exception
+   {
+      Bridge bridge = new BridgeImpl();
+      try
+      {
+         bridge.setSourceDestinationFactory(null);
+         fail("IllegalArgumentException");
+      } catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
+      {
+      }
+   }
+   public void testSetSourceDestinationFactory() throws Exception
+   {
+      DestinationFactory sourceDF = createStrictMock(DestinationFactory.class);
+      replay(sourceDF);
+      Bridge bridge = new BridgeImpl();
+      bridge.setSourceDestinationFactory(sourceDF);
+      assertEquals(sourceDF, bridge.getSourceDestinationFactory());
+      verify(sourceDF);
+   }
+   public void testSetSourceUserName() throws Exception
+   {
+      Bridge bridge = new BridgeImpl();
+      bridge.setSourceUsername(null);
+      assertNull(bridge.getSourceUsername());
+      String sourceUsername = randomString();
+      bridge.setSourceUsername(sourceUsername);
+      assertEquals(sourceUsername, bridge.getSourceUsername());
+   }
+   public void testSetSourcePasword() throws Exception
+   {
+      Bridge bridge = new BridgeImpl();
+      bridge.setSourcePassword(null);
+      assertNull(bridge.getSourcePassword());
+      String sourcePassword = randomString();
+      bridge.setSourcePassword(sourcePassword);
+      assertEquals(sourcePassword, bridge.getSourcePassword());
+   }
+   public void testSetTargetDestinationFactoryWithNull() throws Exception
+   {
+      Bridge bridge = new BridgeImpl();
+      try
+      {
+         bridge.setTargetDestinationFactory(null);
+         fail("IllegalArgumentException");
+      } catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
+      {
+      }
+   }
+   public void testSetTargetDestinationFactory() throws Exception
+   {
+      DestinationFactory targetDF = createStrictMock(DestinationFactory.class);
+      replay(targetDF);
+      Bridge bridge = new BridgeImpl();
+      bridge.setTargetDestinationFactory(targetDF);
+      assertEquals(targetDF, bridge.getTargetDestinationFactory());
+      verify(targetDF);
+   }
+   public void testSetTargetUserName() throws Exception
+   {
+      Bridge bridge = new BridgeImpl();
+      bridge.setTargetUsername(null);
+      assertNull(bridge.getTargetUsername());
+      String targetUsername = randomString();
+      bridge.setTargetUsername(targetUsername);
+      assertEquals(targetUsername, bridge.getTargetUsername());
+   }
+   public void testSetTargetPasword() throws Exception
+   {
+      Bridge bridge = new BridgeImpl();
+      bridge.setTargetPassword(null);
+      assertNull(bridge.getTargetPassword());
+      String targetPassword = randomString();
+      bridge.setTargetPassword(targetPassword);
+      assertEquals(targetPassword, bridge.getTargetPassword());
+   }
+   public void testSetSelector() throws Exception
+   {
+      Bridge bridge = new BridgeImpl();
+      assertNull(bridge.getSelector());
+      String selector = "color = 'green'";
+      bridge.setSelector(selector);
+      assertEquals(selector, bridge.getSelector());
+      bridge.setSelector(null);
+      assertNull(bridge.getSelector());
+   }
+   public void testSetFailureRetryInterval() throws Exception
+   {
+      Bridge bridge = new BridgeImpl();
+      bridge.setFailureRetryInterval(-1);
+      assertEquals(-1, bridge.getFailureRetryInterval());
+      bridge.setFailureRetryInterval(1000);
+      assertEquals(1000, bridge.getFailureRetryInterval());
+      try
+      {
+         bridge.setFailureRetryInterval(0);
+         fail("IllegalArgumentException");
+      } catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
+      {
+      }
+      try
+      {
+         bridge.setFailureRetryInterval(-2);
+         fail("IllegalArgumentException");
+      } catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
+      {
+      }
+   }
+   public void testSetMaxRetries() throws Exception
+   {
+      Bridge bridge = new BridgeImpl();
+      bridge.setMaxRetries(-1);
+      assertEquals(-1, bridge.getMaxRetries());
+      bridge.setMaxRetries(1000);
+      assertEquals(1000, bridge.getMaxRetries());
+      try
+      {
+         bridge.setMaxRetries(0);
+         fail("IllegalArgumentException");
+      } catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
+      {
+      }
+      try
+      {
+         bridge.setMaxRetries(-2);
+         fail("IllegalArgumentException");
+      } catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
+      {
+      }
+   }
+   public void testSetMaxBatchSize() throws Exception
+   {
+      Bridge bridge = new BridgeImpl();
+      bridge.setMaxBatchSize(1);
+      assertEquals(1, bridge.getMaxBatchSize());
+      bridge.setMaxBatchSize(1000);
+      assertEquals(1000, bridge.getMaxBatchSize());
+      try
+      {
+         bridge.setMaxBatchSize(0);
+         fail("IllegalArgumentException");
+      } catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
+      {
+      }
+      try
+      {
+         bridge.setMaxBatchSize(-1);
+         fail("IllegalArgumentException");
+      } catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
+      {
+      }
+   }
+   public void testSetMaxBatchTime() throws Exception
+   {
+      Bridge bridge = new BridgeImpl();
+      bridge.setMaxBatchTime(1);
+      assertEquals(1, bridge.getMaxBatchTime());
+      bridge.setMaxBatchTime(-1);
+      assertEquals(-1, bridge.getMaxBatchTime());
+      bridge.setMaxBatchTime(1000);
+      assertEquals(1000, bridge.getMaxBatchTime());
+      try
+      {
+         bridge.setMaxBatchTime(0);
+         fail("IllegalArgumentException");
+      } catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
+      {
+      }
+      try
+      {
+         bridge.setMaxBatchTime(-2);
+         fail("IllegalArgumentException");
+      } catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
+      {
+      }
+   }
+   public void testSetQualityOfServiceMode() throws Exception
+   {
+      Bridge bridge = new BridgeImpl();
+      bridge.setQualityOfServiceMode(QualityOfServiceMode.DUPLICATES_OK);
+      assertEquals(QualityOfServiceMode.DUPLICATES_OK, bridge
+            .getQualityOfServiceMode());
+      try
+      {
+         bridge.setQualityOfServiceMode(null);
+         fail("IllegalArgumentException");
+      } catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
+      {
+      }
+   }
+   public void testSetClientID() throws Exception
+   {
+      Bridge bridge = new BridgeImpl();
+      String clientID = randomString();
+      bridge.setClientID(clientID);
+      assertEquals(clientID, bridge.getClientID());
+      bridge.setClientID(null);
+      assertNull(bridge.getClientID());
+   }
+   public void testSetSubscriptionName() throws Exception
+   {
+      Bridge bridge = new BridgeImpl();
+      String subscriptionName = randomString();
+      bridge.setSubscriptionName(subscriptionName);
+      assertEquals(subscriptionName, bridge.getSubscriptionName());
+      bridge.setSubscriptionName(null);
+      assertNull(bridge.getSubscriptionName());
+   }
+   public void testSetAddMessageIDInHeader() throws Exception
+   {
+      Bridge bridge = new BridgeImpl();
+      bridge.setAddMessageIDInHeader(true);
+      assertTrue(bridge.isAddMessageIDInHeader());
+      bridge.setAddMessageIDInHeader(false);
+      assertFalse(bridge.isAddMessageIDInHeader());
+   }
+   public void testStart() throws Exception
+   {
+      ConnectionFactoryFactory sourceCFF = createStrictMock(ConnectionFactoryFactory.class);
+      ConnectionFactory sourceCF = createStrictMock(ConnectionFactory.class);
+      Connection sourceConn = createStrictMock(Connection.class);
+      Session sourceSession = createStrictMock(Session.class);
+      MessageConsumer sourceConsumer = createStrictMock(MessageConsumer.class);
+      DestinationFactory sourceDF = createStrictMock(DestinationFactory.class);
+      Destination sourceDest = createStrictMock(Destination.class);
+      ConnectionFactoryFactory targetCFF = createStrictMock(ConnectionFactoryFactory.class);
+      ConnectionFactory targetCF = createStrictMock(ConnectionFactory.class);
+      Connection targetConn = createStrictMock(Connection.class);
+      Session targetSession = createStrictMock(Session.class);
+      MessageProducer targetProducer = createStrictMock(MessageProducer.class);
+      DestinationFactory targetDF = createStrictMock(DestinationFactory.class);
+      Destination targetDest = createStrictMock(Destination.class);
+      TransactionManager tm = createStrictMock(TransactionManager.class);
+      expect(tm.suspend()).andReturn(null);
+      expect(sourceDF.createDestination()).andReturn(sourceDest);
+      expect(targetDF.createDestination()).andReturn(targetDest);
+      expect(sourceCFF.createConnectionFactory()).andReturn(sourceCF);
+      expect(sourceCF.createConnection()).andReturn(sourceConn);
+      sourceConn.setExceptionListener(isA(ExceptionListener.class));
+      expect(sourceConn.createSession(anyBoolean(), anyInt())).andReturn(
+            sourceSession);
+      expect(sourceSession.createConsumer(sourceDest))
+            .andReturn(sourceConsumer);
+      sourceConsumer.setMessageListener(isA(MessageListener.class));
+      expect(targetCFF.createConnectionFactory()).andReturn(targetCF);
+      expect(targetCF.createConnection()).andReturn(targetConn);
+      targetConn.setExceptionListener(isA(ExceptionListener.class));
+      expect(targetConn.createSession(anyBoolean(), anyInt())).andReturn(
+            targetSession);
+      expect(targetSession.createProducer(null)).andReturn(targetProducer);
+      sourceConn.start();
+      replay(sourceCFF, sourceCF, sourceConn, sourceSession, sourceConsumer,
+            sourceDF, sourceDest);
+      replay(targetCFF, targetCF, targetConn, targetSession, targetProducer,
+            targetDF, targetDest);
+      replay(tm);
+      BridgeImpl bridge = new BridgeImpl();
+      assertNotNull(bridge);
+      bridge.setSourceConnectionFactoryFactory(sourceCFF);
+      bridge.setSourceDestinationFactory(sourceDF);
+      bridge.setTargetConnectionFactoryFactory(targetCFF);
+      bridge.setTargetDestinationFactory(targetDF);
+      bridge.setFailureRetryInterval(-1);
+      bridge.setMaxRetries(-1);
+      bridge.setMaxBatchSize(1);
+      bridge.setMaxBatchTime(-1);
+      bridge.setTransactionManager(tm);
+      bridge.setQualityOfServiceMode(QualityOfServiceMode.AT_MOST_ONCE);
+      assertFalse(bridge.isStarted());
+      bridge.start();
+      assertTrue(bridge.isStarted());
+      verify(sourceCFF, sourceCF, sourceConn, sourceSession, sourceConsumer,
+            sourceDF, sourceDest);
+      verify(targetCFF, targetCF, targetConn, targetSession, targetProducer,
+            targetDF, targetDest);
+      verify(tm);
+   }
+   public void testStartWithRepeatedFailure() throws Exception
+   {
+      ConnectionFactoryFactory sourceCFF = createStrictMock(ConnectionFactoryFactory.class);
+      ConnectionFactory sourceCF = createStrictMock(ConnectionFactory.class);
+      Connection sourceConn = createStrictMock(Connection.class);
+      Session sourceSession = createStrictMock(Session.class);
+      MessageConsumer sourceConsumer = createStrictMock(MessageConsumer.class);
+      DestinationFactory sourceDF = createStrictMock(DestinationFactory.class);
+      Destination sourceDest = createStrictMock(Destination.class);
+      ConnectionFactoryFactory targetCFF = createStrictMock(ConnectionFactoryFactory.class);
+      ConnectionFactory targetCF = createStrictMock(ConnectionFactory.class);
+      Connection targetConn = createStrictMock(Connection.class);
+      Session targetSession = createStrictMock(Session.class);
+      MessageProducer targetProducer = createStrictMock(MessageProducer.class);
+      DestinationFactory targetDF = createStrictMock(DestinationFactory.class);
+      Destination targetDest = createStrictMock(Destination.class);
+      TransactionManager tm = createStrictMock(TransactionManager.class);
+      expect(tm.suspend()).andReturn(null);
+      expect(sourceDF.createDestination()).andStubReturn(sourceDest);
+      expect(targetDF.createDestination()).andStubReturn(targetDest);
+      expect(sourceCFF.createConnectionFactory()).andStubReturn(sourceCF);
+      // the source connection can not be created
+      expect(sourceCF.createConnection()).andStubThrow(
+            new JMSException("unable to create a conn"));
+      replay(sourceCFF, sourceCF, sourceConn, sourceSession, sourceConsumer,
+            sourceDF, sourceDest);
+      replay(targetCFF, targetCF, targetConn, targetSession, targetProducer,
+            targetDF, targetDest);
+      replay(tm);
+      BridgeImpl bridge = new BridgeImpl();
+      bridge.setSourceConnectionFactoryFactory(sourceCFF);
+      bridge.setSourceDestinationFactory(sourceDF);
+      bridge.setTargetConnectionFactoryFactory(targetCFF);
+      bridge.setTargetDestinationFactory(targetDF);
+      // retry after 10 ms
+      bridge.setFailureRetryInterval(10);
+      // retry only once
+      bridge.setMaxRetries(1);
+      bridge.setMaxBatchSize(1);
+      bridge.setMaxBatchTime(-1);
+      bridge.setTransactionManager(tm);
+      bridge.setQualityOfServiceMode(QualityOfServiceMode.AT_MOST_ONCE);
+      assertFalse(bridge.isStarted());
+      bridge.start();
+      Thread.sleep(50);
+      assertFalse(bridge.isStarted());
+      assertTrue(bridge.isFailed());
+      verify(sourceCFF, sourceCF, sourceConn, sourceSession, sourceConsumer,
+            sourceDF, sourceDest);
+      verify(targetCFF, targetCF, targetConn, targetSession, targetProducer,
+            targetDF, targetDest);
+      verify(tm);
+   }
+   public void testStartWithFailureThenSuccess() throws Exception
+   {
+      ConnectionFactoryFactory sourceCFF = createStrictMock(ConnectionFactoryFactory.class);
+      ConnectionFactory sourceCF = createStrictMock(ConnectionFactory.class);
+      Connection sourceConn = createStrictMock(Connection.class);
+      Session sourceSession = createStrictMock(Session.class);
+      MessageConsumer sourceConsumer = createStrictMock(MessageConsumer.class);
+      DestinationFactory sourceDF = createStrictMock(DestinationFactory.class);
+      Destination sourceDest = createStrictMock(Destination.class);
+      ConnectionFactoryFactory targetCFF = createStrictMock(ConnectionFactoryFactory.class);
+      ConnectionFactory targetCF = createStrictMock(ConnectionFactory.class);
+      Connection targetConn = createStrictMock(Connection.class);
+      Session targetSession = createStrictMock(Session.class);
+      MessageProducer targetProducer = createStrictMock(MessageProducer.class);
+      DestinationFactory targetDF = createStrictMock(DestinationFactory.class);
+      Destination targetDest = createStrictMock(Destination.class);
+      TransactionManager tm = createStrictMock(TransactionManager.class);
+      expect(tm.suspend()).andReturn(null);
+      expect(sourceDF.createDestination()).andStubReturn(sourceDest);
+      expect(targetDF.createDestination()).andStubReturn(targetDest);
+      expect(sourceCFF.createConnectionFactory()).andStubReturn(sourceCF);
+      // the source connection can not be created the 1st time...
+      expect(sourceCF.createConnection()).andThrow(
+            new JMSException("unable to create a conn"));
+      // ... and it succeeds the 2nd time
+      expect(sourceCF.createConnection()).andReturn(sourceConn);
+      sourceConn.setExceptionListener(isA(ExceptionListener.class));
+      expect(sourceConn.createSession(anyBoolean(), anyInt())).andReturn(
+            sourceSession);
+      expect(sourceSession.createConsumer(sourceDest))
+            .andReturn(sourceConsumer);
+      sourceConsumer.setMessageListener(isA(MessageListener.class));
+      expect(targetCFF.createConnectionFactory()).andReturn(targetCF);
+      expect(targetCF.createConnection()).andReturn(targetConn);
+      targetConn.setExceptionListener(isA(ExceptionListener.class));
+      expect(targetConn.createSession(anyBoolean(), anyInt())).andReturn(
+            targetSession);
+      expect(targetSession.createProducer(null)).andReturn(targetProducer);
+      sourceConn.start();
+      replay(sourceCFF, sourceCF, sourceConn, sourceSession, sourceConsumer,
+            sourceDF, sourceDest);
+      replay(targetCFF, targetCF, targetConn, targetSession, targetProducer,
+            targetDF, targetDest);
+      replay(tm);
+      BridgeImpl bridge = new BridgeImpl();
+      bridge.setSourceConnectionFactoryFactory(sourceCFF);
+      bridge.setSourceDestinationFactory(sourceDF);
+      bridge.setTargetConnectionFactoryFactory(targetCFF);
+      bridge.setTargetDestinationFactory(targetDF);
+      // retry after 10 ms
+      bridge.setFailureRetryInterval(10);
+      // retry only once
+      bridge.setMaxRetries(1);
+      bridge.setMaxBatchSize(1);
+      bridge.setMaxBatchTime(-1);
+      bridge.setTransactionManager(tm);
+      bridge.setQualityOfServiceMode(QualityOfServiceMode.AT_MOST_ONCE);
+      assertFalse(bridge.isStarted());
+      bridge.start();
+      Thread.sleep(50);
+      assertTrue(bridge.isStarted());
+      assertFalse(bridge.isFailed());
+      verify(sourceCFF, sourceCF, sourceConn, sourceSession, sourceConsumer,
+            sourceDF, sourceDest);
+      verify(targetCFF, targetCF, targetConn, targetSession, targetProducer,
+            targetDF, targetDest);
+      verify(tm);
+   }
+   public void testStop() throws Exception
+   {
+      ConnectionFactoryFactory sourceCFF = createStrictMock(ConnectionFactoryFactory.class);
+      ConnectionFactory sourceCF = createStrictMock(ConnectionFactory.class);
+      Connection sourceConn = createStrictMock(Connection.class);
+      Session sourceSession = createStrictMock(Session.class);
+      MessageConsumer sourceConsumer = createStrictMock(MessageConsumer.class);
+      DestinationFactory sourceDF = createStrictMock(DestinationFactory.class);
+      Destination sourceDest = createStrictMock(Destination.class);
+      ConnectionFactoryFactory targetCFF = createStrictMock(ConnectionFactoryFactory.class);
+      ConnectionFactory targetCF = createStrictMock(ConnectionFactory.class);
+      Connection targetConn = createStrictMock(Connection.class);
+      Session targetSession = createStrictMock(Session.class);
+      MessageProducer targetProducer = createStrictMock(MessageProducer.class);
+      DestinationFactory targetDF = createStrictMock(DestinationFactory.class);
+      Destination targetDest = createStrictMock(Destination.class);
+      TransactionManager tm = createStrictMock(TransactionManager.class);
+      // to start
+      expect(tm.suspend()).andReturn(null);
+      expect(sourceDF.createDestination()).andReturn(sourceDest);
+      expect(targetDF.createDestination()).andReturn(targetDest);
+      expect(sourceCFF.createConnectionFactory()).andReturn(sourceCF);
+      expect(sourceCF.createConnection()).andReturn(sourceConn);
+      sourceConn.setExceptionListener(isA(ExceptionListener.class));
+      expect(sourceConn.createSession(anyBoolean(), anyInt())).andReturn(
+            sourceSession);
+      expect(sourceSession.createConsumer(sourceDest))
+            .andReturn(sourceConsumer);
+      sourceConsumer.setMessageListener(isA(MessageListener.class));
+      expect(targetCFF.createConnectionFactory()).andReturn(targetCF);
+      expect(targetCF.createConnection()).andReturn(targetConn);
+      targetConn.setExceptionListener(isA(ExceptionListener.class));
+      expect(targetConn.createSession(anyBoolean(), anyInt())).andReturn(
+            targetSession);
+      expect(targetSession.createProducer(null)).andReturn(targetProducer);
+      sourceConn.start();
+      // to stop
+      sourceConn.close();
+      targetConn.close();
+      replay(sourceCFF, sourceCF, sourceConn, sourceSession, sourceConsumer,
+            sourceDF, sourceDest);
+      replay(targetCFF, targetCF, targetConn, targetSession, targetProducer,
+            targetDF, targetDest);
+      replay(tm);
+      BridgeImpl bridge = new BridgeImpl();
+      assertNotNull(bridge);
+      bridge.setSourceConnectionFactoryFactory(sourceCFF);
+      bridge.setSourceDestinationFactory(sourceDF);
+      bridge.setTargetConnectionFactoryFactory(targetCFF);
+      bridge.setTargetDestinationFactory(targetDF);
+      bridge.setFailureRetryInterval(-1);
+      bridge.setMaxRetries(-1);
+      bridge.setMaxBatchSize(1);
+      bridge.setMaxBatchTime(-1);
+      bridge.setTransactionManager(tm);
+      bridge.setQualityOfServiceMode(QualityOfServiceMode.AT_MOST_ONCE);
+      bridge.start();
+      assertTrue(bridge.isStarted());
+      bridge.stop();
+      assertFalse(bridge.isStarted());
+      verify(sourceCFF, sourceCF, sourceConn, sourceSession, sourceConsumer,
+            sourceDF, sourceDest);
+      verify(targetCFF, targetCF, targetConn, targetSession, targetProducer,
+            targetDF, targetDest);
+      verify(tm);
+   }
+   public void testPauseResume() throws Exception
+   {
+      ConnectionFactoryFactory sourceCFF = createStrictMock(ConnectionFactoryFactory.class);
+      ConnectionFactory sourceCF = createStrictMock(ConnectionFactory.class);
+      Connection sourceConn = createStrictMock(Connection.class);
+      Session sourceSession = createStrictMock(Session.class);
+      MessageConsumer sourceConsumer = createStrictMock(MessageConsumer.class);
+      DestinationFactory sourceDF = createStrictMock(DestinationFactory.class);
+      Destination sourceDest = createStrictMock(Destination.class);
+      ConnectionFactoryFactory targetCFF = createStrictMock(ConnectionFactoryFactory.class);
+      ConnectionFactory targetCF = createStrictMock(ConnectionFactory.class);
+      Connection targetConn = createStrictMock(Connection.class);
+      Session targetSession = createStrictMock(Session.class);
+      MessageProducer targetProducer = createStrictMock(MessageProducer.class);
+      DestinationFactory targetDF = createStrictMock(DestinationFactory.class);
+      Destination targetDest = createStrictMock(Destination.class);
+      TransactionManager tm = createStrictMock(TransactionManager.class);
+      // to start
+      expect(tm.suspend()).andReturn(null);
+      expect(sourceDF.createDestination()).andReturn(sourceDest);
+      expect(targetDF.createDestination()).andReturn(targetDest);
+      expect(sourceCFF.createConnectionFactory()).andReturn(sourceCF);
+      expect(sourceCF.createConnection()).andReturn(sourceConn);
+      sourceConn.setExceptionListener(isA(ExceptionListener.class));
+      expect(sourceConn.createSession(anyBoolean(), anyInt())).andReturn(
+            sourceSession);
+      expect(sourceSession.createConsumer(sourceDest))
+            .andReturn(sourceConsumer);
+      sourceConsumer.setMessageListener(isA(MessageListener.class));
+      expect(targetCFF.createConnectionFactory()).andReturn(targetCF);
+      expect(targetCF.createConnection()).andReturn(targetConn);
+      targetConn.setExceptionListener(isA(ExceptionListener.class));
+      expect(targetConn.createSession(anyBoolean(), anyInt())).andReturn(
+            targetSession);
+      expect(targetSession.createProducer(null)).andReturn(targetProducer);
+      sourceConn.start();
+      // to pause
+      sourceConn.stop();
+      // to resume
+      sourceConn.start();
+      // to stop
+      sourceConn.close();
+      targetConn.close();
+      replay(sourceCFF, sourceCF, sourceConn, sourceSession, sourceConsumer,
+            sourceDF, sourceDest);
+      replay(targetCFF, targetCF, targetConn, targetSession, targetProducer,
+            targetDF, targetDest);
+      replay(tm);
+      BridgeImpl bridge = new BridgeImpl();
+      assertNotNull(bridge);
+      bridge.setSourceConnectionFactoryFactory(sourceCFF);
+      bridge.setSourceDestinationFactory(sourceDF);
+      bridge.setTargetConnectionFactoryFactory(targetCFF);
+      bridge.setTargetDestinationFactory(targetDF);
+      bridge.setFailureRetryInterval(-1);
+      bridge.setMaxRetries(-1);
+      bridge.setMaxBatchSize(1);
+      bridge.setMaxBatchTime(-1);
+      bridge.setTransactionManager(tm);
+      bridge.setQualityOfServiceMode(QualityOfServiceMode.AT_MOST_ONCE);
+      assertFalse(bridge.isStarted());
+      assertFalse(bridge.isPaused());
+      bridge.start();
+      assertTrue(bridge.isStarted());
+      assertFalse(bridge.isPaused());
+      bridge.pause();
+      assertTrue(bridge.isStarted());
+      assertTrue(bridge.isPaused());
+      bridge.resume();
+      assertTrue(bridge.isStarted());
+      assertFalse(bridge.isPaused());
+      bridge.stop();
+      assertFalse(bridge.isStarted());
+      assertFalse(bridge.isPaused());
+      verify(sourceCFF, sourceCF, sourceConn, sourceSession, sourceConsumer,
+            sourceDF, sourceDest);
+      verify(targetCFF, targetCF, targetConn, targetSession, targetProducer,
+            targetDF, targetDest);
+      verify(tm);
+   }
+   public void testSendMessagesInNoTx_1() throws Exception
+   {
+      // with batch size of 1, receive 2 messages and send 2
+      doSendMessagesByBatchInNoTx(1, 2, 2, 2);
+   }
+   public void testSendMessagesInNoTx_2() throws Exception
+   {
+      // with batch size of 2, receive 2 messages and send 2
+      doSendMessagesByBatchInNoTx(2, 2, 2, 1);
+   }
+   public void testSendMessagesInNoTx_3() throws Exception
+   {
+      // with batch size of 2, receive 1 messages and do not send any
+      doSendMessagesByBatchInNoTx(2, 1, 0, 0);
+   }
+   public void doSendMessagesByBatchInNoTx(int batchSize, int reveivedCount, int sendCount, int batchCount) throws Exception
+   {
+      ConnectionFactoryFactory sourceCFF = createStrictMock(ConnectionFactoryFactory.class);
+      ConnectionFactory sourceCF = createStrictMock(ConnectionFactory.class);
+      Connection sourceConn = createStrictMock(Connection.class);
+      Session sourceSession = createStrictMock(Session.class);
+      MessageConsumer sourceConsumer = createStrictMock(MessageConsumer.class);
+      DestinationFactory sourceDF = createStrictMock(DestinationFactory.class);
+      Destination sourceDest = createStrictMock(Destination.class);
+      ConnectionFactoryFactory targetCFF = createStrictMock(ConnectionFactoryFactory.class);
+      ConnectionFactory targetCF = createStrictMock(ConnectionFactory.class);
+      Connection targetConn = createStrictMock(Connection.class);
+      Session targetSession = createStrictMock(Session.class);
+      MessageProducer targetProducer = createStrictMock(MessageProducer.class);
+      DestinationFactory targetDF = createStrictMock(DestinationFactory.class);
+      Destination targetDest = createStrictMock(Destination.class);
+      TransactionManager tm = createStrictMock(TransactionManager.class);
+      Message message = createNiceMock(Message.class);
+      expect(tm.suspend()).andReturn(null);
+      expect(sourceDF.createDestination()).andReturn(sourceDest);
+      expect(targetDF.createDestination()).andReturn(targetDest);
+      expect(sourceCFF.createConnectionFactory()).andReturn(sourceCF);
+      expect(sourceCF.createConnection()).andReturn(sourceConn);
+      sourceConn.setExceptionListener(isA(ExceptionListener.class));
+      expect(sourceConn.createSession(anyBoolean(), anyInt())).andReturn(
+            sourceSession);
+      expect(sourceSession.createConsumer(sourceDest))
+            .andReturn(sourceConsumer);
+      SetMessageListenerAnswer answer = new SetMessageListenerAnswer();
+      sourceConsumer.setMessageListener(isA(MessageListener.class));
+      expectLastCall().andAnswer(answer);
+      expect(targetCFF.createConnectionFactory()).andReturn(targetCF);
+      expect(targetCF.createConnection()).andReturn(targetConn);
+      targetConn.setExceptionListener(isA(ExceptionListener.class));
+      expect(targetConn.createSession(anyBoolean(), anyInt())).andReturn(
+            targetSession);
+      expect(targetSession.createProducer(null)).andReturn(targetProducer);
+      sourceConn.start();
+      if (sendCount > 0)
+      {
+         targetProducer.send(targetDest, message, 0, 0, 0);
+         expectLastCall().times(sendCount);
+      }
+      if (batchSize > 1 && batchCount > 0)
+      {
+         targetSession.commit();
+         expectLastCall().times(batchCount);
+      }
+      replay(sourceCFF, sourceCF, sourceConn, sourceSession, sourceConsumer,
+            sourceDF, sourceDest);
+      replay(targetCFF, targetCF, targetConn, targetSession, targetProducer,
+            targetDF, targetDest);
+      replay(tm);
+      replay(message);
+      BridgeImpl bridge = new BridgeImpl();
+      assertNotNull(bridge);
+      bridge.setSourceConnectionFactoryFactory(sourceCFF);
+      bridge.setSourceDestinationFactory(sourceDF);
+      bridge.setTargetConnectionFactoryFactory(targetCFF);
+      bridge.setTargetDestinationFactory(targetDF);
+      bridge.setFailureRetryInterval(-1);
+      bridge.setMaxRetries(-1);
+      bridge.setMaxBatchSize(batchSize);
+      bridge.setMaxBatchTime(-1);
+      bridge.setTransactionManager(tm);
+      bridge.setQualityOfServiceMode(QualityOfServiceMode.AT_MOST_ONCE);
+      assertFalse(bridge.isStarted());
+      bridge.start();
+      assertTrue(bridge.isStarted());
+      for (int i = 0; i < reveivedCount; i++)
+      {
+         answer.listener.onMessage(message);
+      }
+      verify(sourceCFF, sourceCF, sourceConn, sourceSession, sourceConsumer,
+            sourceDF, sourceDest);
+      verify(targetCFF, targetCF, targetConn, targetSession, targetProducer,
+            targetDF, targetDest);
+      verify(tm);
+      verify(message);
+   }
+   public void testSendMessagesInLocalTx_1() throws Exception
+   {
+      // with batch size of 1, receive 2 messages and send 2
+      doSendMessagesByBatchInLocalTx(1, 2, 2, 2);
+   }
+   public void testSendMessagesInLocalTx_2() throws Exception
+   {
+      // with batch size of 2, receive 2 messages and send 2
+      doSendMessagesByBatchInLocalTx(2, 2, 2, 1);
+   }
+   public void testSendMessagesInLocalTx_3() throws Exception
+   {
+      // with batch size of 2, receive 1 messages and do not send any
+      doSendMessagesByBatchInLocalTx(2, 1, 0, 0);
+   }
+   public void doSendMessagesByBatchInLocalTx(int batchSize, int reveivedCount, int sendCount, int batchCount) throws Exception
+   {
+      ConnectionFactoryFactory commonCFF = createStrictMock(ConnectionFactoryFactory.class);
+      ConnectionFactory commonCF = createStrictMock(ConnectionFactory.class);
+      Connection commonConn = createStrictMock(Connection.class);
+      Session commonSession = createStrictMock(Session.class);
+      MessageConsumer sourceConsumer = createStrictMock(MessageConsumer.class);
+      DestinationFactory sourceDF = createStrictMock(DestinationFactory.class);
+      Destination sourceDest = createStrictMock(Destination.class);
+      MessageProducer targetProducer = createStrictMock(MessageProducer.class);
+      DestinationFactory targetDF = createStrictMock(DestinationFactory.class);
+      Destination targetDest = createStrictMock(Destination.class);
+      TransactionManager tm = createStrictMock(TransactionManager.class);
+      Message message = createNiceMock(Message.class);
+      expect(tm.suspend()).andReturn(null);
+      expect(sourceDF.createDestination()).andReturn(sourceDest);
+      expect(targetDF.createDestination()).andReturn(targetDest);
+      expect(commonCFF.createConnectionFactory()).andReturn(commonCF);
+      expect(commonCF.createConnection()).andReturn(commonConn);
+      commonConn.setExceptionListener(isA(ExceptionListener.class));
+      expect(commonConn.createSession(anyBoolean(), anyInt())).andReturn(
+            commonSession);
+      expect(commonSession.createConsumer(sourceDest))
+            .andReturn(sourceConsumer);
+      expect(commonSession.createProducer(null)).andReturn(targetProducer);
+      SetMessageListenerAnswer answer = new SetMessageListenerAnswer();
+      sourceConsumer.setMessageListener(isA(MessageListener.class));
+      expectLastCall().andAnswer(answer);
+      commonConn.start();
+      if (sendCount > 0)
+      {
+         targetProducer.send(targetDest, message, 0, 0, 0);
+         expectLastCall().times(sendCount);
+      }
+      if (batchCount > 0)
+      {
+         commonSession.commit();
+         expectLastCall().times(batchCount);
+      }
+      replay(commonCFF, commonCF, commonConn, commonSession, sourceConsumer,
+            sourceDF, sourceDest);
+      replay(targetProducer, targetDF, targetDest);
+      replay(tm);
+      replay(message);
+      BridgeImpl bridge = new BridgeImpl();
+      assertNotNull(bridge);
+      bridge.setSourceConnectionFactoryFactory(commonCFF);
+      bridge.setSourceDestinationFactory(sourceDF);
+      bridge.setTargetConnectionFactoryFactory(commonCFF);
+      bridge.setTargetDestinationFactory(targetDF);
+      bridge.setFailureRetryInterval(-1);
+      bridge.setMaxRetries(-1);
+      bridge.setMaxBatchSize(batchSize);
+      bridge.setMaxBatchTime(-1);
+      bridge.setTransactionManager(tm);
+      bridge.setQualityOfServiceMode(QualityOfServiceMode.AT_MOST_ONCE);
+      assertFalse(bridge.isStarted());
+      bridge.start();
+      assertTrue(bridge.isStarted());
+      for (int i = 0; i < reveivedCount; i++)
+      {
+         answer.listener.onMessage(message);
+      }
+      verify(commonCFF, commonCF, commonConn, commonSession, sourceConsumer,
+            sourceDF, sourceDest);
+      verify(targetProducer, targetDF, targetDest);
+      verify(tm);
+      verify(message);
+   }
+   // Package protected ---------------------------------------------
+   // Protected -----------------------------------------------------
+   // Private -------------------------------------------------------
+   // Inner classes -------------------------------------------------
+   class SetMessageListenerAnswer implements IAnswer
+   {
+      MessageListener listener = null;
+      public Object answer() throws Throwable
+      {
+         listener = (MessageListener) getCurrentArguments()[0];
+         return null;
+      }
+   }

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