[jboss-cvs] javassist/src/main/javassist/bytecode ...

Jason Thomas Greene jgreene at jboss.com
Sat May 24 01:12:44 EDT 2008

  User: jgreene 
  Date: 08/05/24 01:12:44

  Modified:    src/main/javassist/bytecode   BadBytecode.java
  Added:       src/main/javassist/bytecode   InstructionPrinter.java
  Fix subtypeOf in CtArray
  Introduce full data-flow analysis API
  Fix AALOAD by using data-flow analysis to determine the type
  Introduce a testsuite to the project
  Add a framedump toolp
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.8       +4 -0      javassist/src/main/javassist/bytecode/BadBytecode.java
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: BadBytecode.java
  RCS file: /cvsroot/jboss/javassist/src/main/javassist/bytecode/BadBytecode.java,v
  retrieving revision 1.7
  retrieving revision 1.8
  diff -u -b -r1.7 -r1.8
  --- BadBytecode.java	4 Jun 2007 03:11:09 -0000	1.7
  +++ BadBytecode.java	24 May 2008 05:12:44 -0000	1.8
  @@ -26,4 +26,8 @@
       public BadBytecode(String msg) {
  +    public BadBytecode(String msg, Throwable cause) {
  +        super(msg, cause);
  +    }
  1.1      date: 2008/05/24 05:12:44;  author: jgreene;  state: Exp;javassist/src/main/javassist/bytecode/InstructionPrinter.java
  Index: InstructionPrinter.java
   * Javassist, a Java-bytecode translator toolkit.
   * Copyright (C) 1999-2007 Shigeru Chiba, and others. All Rights Reserved.
   * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
   * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
   * the License.  Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under
   * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later.
   * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
   * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
   * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
   * License.
  package javassist.bytecode;
  import java.io.PrintStream;
  import javassist.CtMethod;
   * Simple utility class for printing the instructions of a method.
   * @author Jason T. Greene
  public class InstructionPrinter implements Opcode {
      private final static String opcodes[] = Mnemonic.OPCODE;
      private final PrintStream stream;
      public InstructionPrinter(PrintStream stream) {
          this.stream = stream;
      public static void print(CtMethod method, PrintStream stream) {
          (new InstructionPrinter(stream)).print(method);
      public void print(CtMethod method) {
          MethodInfo info = method.getMethodInfo2();
          ConstPool pool = info.getConstPool();
          CodeAttribute code = info.getCodeAttribute();
          if (code == null)
          CodeIterator iterator = code.iterator();
          while (iterator.hasNext()) {
              int pos;
              try {
                  pos = iterator.next();
              } catch (BadBytecode e) {
                  throw new RuntimeException(e);
              stream.println(pos + ": " + instructionString(iterator, pos, pool));
      public static String instructionString(CodeIterator iter, int pos, ConstPool pool) {
          int opcode = iter.byteAt(pos);
          if (opcode > opcodes.length || opcode < 0)
              throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid opcode, opcode: " + opcode + " pos: "+ pos);
          String opstring = opcodes[opcode];
          switch (opcode) {
              case BIPUSH:
                  return opstring + " " + iter.byteAt(pos + 1);
              case SIPUSH:
                  return opstring + " " + iter.s16bitAt(pos + 1);
              case LDC:
                  return opstring + " " + ldc(pool, iter.byteAt(pos + 1));
              case LDC_W :
              case LDC2_W :
                  return opstring + " " + ldc(pool, iter.u16bitAt(pos + 1));
              case ILOAD:
              case LLOAD:
              case FLOAD:
              case DLOAD:
              case ALOAD:
              case ISTORE:
              case LSTORE:
              case FSTORE:
              case DSTORE:
              case ASTORE:
                  return opstring + " " + iter.byteAt(pos + 1);
              case IFEQ:
              case IFGE:
              case IFGT:
              case IFLE:
              case IFLT:
              case IFNE:
              case IFNONNULL:
              case IFNULL:
              case IF_ACMPEQ:
              case IF_ACMPNE:
              case IF_ICMPEQ:
              case IF_ICMPGE:
              case IF_ICMPGT:
              case IF_ICMPLE:
              case IF_ICMPLT:
              case IF_ICMPNE:
                  return opstring + " " + (iter.s16bitAt(pos + 1) + pos);
              case IINC:
                  return opstring + " " + iter.byteAt(pos + 1);
              case GOTO:
              case JSR:
                  return opstring + " " + (iter.s16bitAt(pos + 1) + pos);
              case RET:
                  return opstring + " " + iter.byteAt(pos + 1);
              case TABLESWITCH:
                  return tableSwitch(iter, pos);
              case LOOKUPSWITCH:
                  return lookupSwitch(iter, pos);
              case GETSTATIC:
              case PUTSTATIC:
              case GETFIELD:
              case PUTFIELD:
                  return opstring + " " + fieldInfo(pool, iter.u16bitAt(pos + 1));
              case INVOKEVIRTUAL:
              case INVOKESPECIAL:
              case INVOKESTATIC:
                  return opstring + " " + methodInfo(pool, iter.u16bitAt(pos + 1));
              case INVOKEINTERFACE:
                  return opstring + " " + interfaceMethodInfo(pool, iter.u16bitAt(pos + 1));
              case 186:
                  throw new RuntimeException("Bad opcode 186");
              case NEW:
                  return opstring + " " + classInfo(pool, iter.u16bitAt(pos + 1));
              case NEWARRAY:
                  return opstring + " " + arrayInfo(iter.byteAt(pos + 1));
              case ANEWARRAY:
                  return opstring + " " + classInfo(pool, iter.u16bitAt(pos + 1));
              case WIDE:
                  return wide(iter, pos);
              case MULTIANEWARRAY:
                  return opstring + " " + classInfo(pool, iter.u16bitAt(pos + 1));
              case GOTO_W:
              case JSR_W:
                  return opstring + " " + (iter.s32bitAt(pos + 1)+ pos);
                  return opstring;
      private static String wide(CodeIterator iter, int pos) {
          int opcode = iter.byteAt(pos + 1);
          int index = iter.u16bitAt(pos + 2);
          switch (opcode) {
              case ILOAD:
              case LLOAD:
              case FLOAD:
              case DLOAD:
              case ALOAD:
              case ISTORE:
              case LSTORE:
              case FSTORE:
              case DSTORE:
              case ASTORE:
              case IINC:
              case RET:
                  return opcodes[opcode] + " " + index;
                  throw new RuntimeException("Invalid WIDE operand");
      private static String arrayInfo(int type) {
          switch (type) {
              case T_BOOLEAN:
                  return "boolean";
              case T_CHAR:
                  return "char";
              case T_BYTE:
                  return "byte";
              case T_SHORT:
                  return "short";
              case T_INT:
                  return "int";
              case T_LONG:
                  return "long";
              case T_FLOAT:
                  return "float";
              case T_DOUBLE:
                  return "double";
                  throw new RuntimeException("Invalid array type");
      private static String classInfo(ConstPool pool, int index) {
          return "#" + index + " = Class " + pool.getClassInfo(index);
      private static String interfaceMethodInfo(ConstPool pool, int index) {
          return "#" + index + " = Method "
                  + pool.getInterfaceMethodrefClassName(index) + "."
                  + pool.getInterfaceMethodrefName(index) + "("
                  + pool.getInterfaceMethodrefType(index) + ")";
      private static String methodInfo(ConstPool pool, int index) {
          return "#" + index + " = Method "
                  + pool.getMethodrefClassName(index) + "."
                  + pool.getMethodrefName(index) + "("
                  + pool.getMethodrefType(index) + ")";
      private static String fieldInfo(ConstPool pool, int index) {
          return "#" + index + " = Field "
              + pool.getFieldrefClassName(index) + "."
              + pool.getFieldrefName(index) + "("
              + pool.getFieldrefType(index) + ")";
      private static String lookupSwitch(CodeIterator iter, int pos) {
          StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("lookupswitch {\n");
          int index = (pos & ~3) + 4;
          // default
          buffer.append("\t\tdefault: ").append(pos + iter.s32bitAt(index)).append("\n");
          int npairs = iter.s32bitAt(index += 4);
          int end = npairs * 8 + (index += 4);
          for (; index < end; index += 8) {
              int match = iter.s32bitAt(index);
              int target = iter.s32bitAt(index + 4) + pos;
              buffer.append("\t\t").append(match).append(": ").append(target).append("\n");
          buffer.setCharAt(buffer.length() - 1, '}');
          return buffer.toString();
      private static String tableSwitch(CodeIterator iter, int pos) {
          StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("tableswitch {\n");
          int index = (pos & ~3) + 4;
          // default
          buffer.append("\t\tdefault: ").append(pos + iter.s32bitAt(index)).append("\n");
          int low = iter.s32bitAt(index += 4);
          int high = iter.s32bitAt(index += 4);
          int end = (high - low + 1) * 4 + (index += 4);
          // Offset table
          for (int key = low; index < end; index += 4, key++) {
              int target = iter.s32bitAt(index) + pos;
              buffer.append("\t\t").append(key).append(": ").append(target).append("\n");
          buffer.setCharAt(buffer.length() - 1, '}');
          return buffer.toString();
      private static String ldc(ConstPool pool, int index) {
          int tag = pool.getTag(index);
          switch (tag) {
              case ConstPool.CONST_String:
                  return "#" + index + " = \"" + pool.getStringInfo(index) + "\"";
              case ConstPool.CONST_Integer:
                  return "#" + index + " = int " + pool.getIntegerInfo(index);
              case ConstPool.CONST_Float:
                  return "#" + index + " = float " + pool.getFloatInfo(index);
              case ConstPool.CONST_Long:
                  return "#" + index + " = long " + pool.getLongInfo(index);
              case ConstPool.CONST_Double:
                  return "#" + index + " = int " + pool.getDoubleInfo(index);
              case ConstPool.CONST_Class:
                  return classInfo(pool, index);
                  throw new RuntimeException("bad LDC: " + tag);

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