[jboss-cvs] JBossAS SVN: r79723 - in projects/docs/enterprise: 4.3.3/readme/en-US and 1 other directory.

jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org
Mon Oct 20 01:33:40 EDT 2008

Author: irooskov at redhat.com
Date: 2008-10-20 01:33:39 -0400 (Mon, 20 Oct 2008)
New Revision: 79723

updated release notes with new JIRAs

Modified: projects/docs/enterprise/4.2.5/readme/en-US/Release_Notes_CP05.xml
--- projects/docs/enterprise/4.2.5/readme/en-US/Release_Notes_CP05.xml	2008-10-20 04:00:24 UTC (rev 79722)
+++ projects/docs/enterprise/4.2.5/readme/en-US/Release_Notes_CP05.xml	2008-10-20 05:33:39 UTC (rev 79723)
@@ -275,6 +275,31 @@
+					<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-1271">JBPAPP-1271</ulink>: Within test cases where an Entity Manager is necessary the command <command>EntityManager em = factory.createEntityManager();</command> was being used but did not handle exceptions correctly. In order to fix this issue the command has been replaced with the following: <command>EntityManager em = getOrCreateEntityManager();</command> and the code to always reopen a new Entity Manager and to close the existing one at the beginning of the test case has been re-written. 
+				</para>
+			</listitem>
+			<listitem>
+				<para>
+					<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-1270">JBPAPP-1270</ulink>: The Hibernate Entity Manager has been upgraded to version 3.2.1-2.GA_CP04 for this EAP CP release.  
+				</para>
+			</listitem>
+			<listitem>
+				<para>
+					<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-1269">JBPAPP-1269</ulink>: The Hibernate Annotations has been upgraded to version 3.2.1-4.GA_CP03 for this EAP CP release.  
+				</para>
+			</listitem>
+			<listitem>
+				<para>
+					<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-1265">JBPAPP-1265</ulink>: Within Hibernate Annotations the method <methodname>AnnotationBinder.mustBeSkipped</methodname> had a hardcoded string reference to the class <classname>org.hibernate.tool.instrument.javassist.FieldHandler</classname>. This reference would fail as the class is located in another package to that specified. The new hardcoded string reference points to the class being in the correct package of <package>bytecode</package>: <classname>org.hibernate.bytecode.javassist.FieldHandler</classname>.
+				</para>
+			</listitem>
+			<listitem>
+				<para>
+					<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-1258">JBPAPP-1258</ulink>: The ProxyBreakingTest failed on case sensitive systems because the file <filename>hammer.hbm.xml</filename> should be named <filename>Hammer.hbm.xml</filename>. This case error has been corrected for this release. 
+				</para>
+			</listitem>
+			<listitem>
+				<para>
 					<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-1253">JBPAPP-1253</ulink>: Implementations of the <classname>ValidConnectionChecker</classname> class were not serializable. The way in which the implementations handle excepetion cases has been rewritten, along with the testing of valid connections. By recoding these methods, the implementations are now serializable.
@@ -312,11 +337,21 @@
+					<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-1218">JBPAPP-1218</ulink>: If an illegal character was entered into the JMX console search function, a 500 exception would be presented to a user isntead of an error message explaining the exception occurrance. With this latest EAP release, the JMX console search function now displays an error message when given a malformed string. 
+				</para>
+			</listitem>
+			<listitem>
+				<para>
 					<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-1217">JBPAPP-1217</ulink>: The Installation Guide did not provide correct information on how a Red Hat Enterprise Linux customer would install or update their Java JDK using Red Hat Network (RHN). This necessary information has now been included and the distinction made between the Red Hat Enterprise Linux customer Java installation method and installing Java on a generic Linux distribution. 
+					<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-1214">JBPAPP-1214</ulink>: The Hibernate core version has been upgraded to 3.2.4.SP1_CP06 that incorporates numerious fixes and enhancements. 
+				</para>
+			</listitem>
+			<listitem>
+				<para>
 					<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-1212">JBPAPP-1212</ulink>:  JBoss Remoting has been upgraded to version 2.2.2.SP10, fixing five major bugs.
@@ -360,11 +395,6 @@
-					<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-1195">JBPAPP-1195</ulink>: The <classname>UsernameToken</classname> implementation was mandating that the <property>wsu:id</property> attribute be included on incomming requests. The way in which the <filename>Timestamp.java</filename>, <filename>UsernameToken.java</filename> and <filename>X509Token.java</filename> files opperate has been updated in order to correct this issue.
-				</para>
-			</listitem>
-			<listitem>
-				<para>
 					<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-1185">JBPAPP-1185</ulink>:  A test case <methodname>org.jboss.seam.test.InterpolatorTest.testFail()</methodname> would fail when it should have passed. This issue has been rectified by changing the expected date of the test method to what the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) provides for a US locale.
@@ -422,6 +452,35 @@
+					<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-1065">JBPAPP-1065</ulink>:  Quoting in Hibernate clashed with particular defaults within the <classname>NamingStrategy</classname> class. In order to fix this, the files <filename>Ejb3JoinColumn.java</filename> and <filename>TableBinder.java</filename> have undergone extensive re-working. 
+				</para>
+			</listitem>
+			<listitem>
+				<para>
+					<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-1064">JBPAPP-1064</ulink>: Select annotation tests within <classname>IndexedCollectionTest</classname> would fail due to a failure reguarding the foreign key constraint within MySQL. To fix this issue, after each test the transaction needs to be committed instead of rolled back. Within the <filename>testMapKeyToEntity.java</filename> file the following ammendment has been made in order to fix this issue:
+				</para>
+				<para>
+					The original code at the end of a test consisted of the following:
+				</para>
+<programlisting language="java">
+s.delete( book );
+				<para>
+					The corrected code at the end of a test consists of the following:
+				</para>
+<programlisting language="java">
+s.delete( book );
+				<para>
+					Where the <code>tx.rollback();</code> call is replaced with a <code>tx.commit();</code> call.
+				</para>
+			</listitem>
+			<listitem>
+				<para>
 					<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-1053">JBPAPP-1053</ulink>:  Seam icefaces would generate an error stipulating that an instance of the <code>compiler.ExpressionFactory</code> feature could not be achieved. In this release, the application deploys successfully and without the instance issue.
@@ -492,11 +551,53 @@
-					<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-969">JBPAPP-969</ulink>: An unchanged persistent entity which is a parent in a one to many relationship, would have its version number incorrectly incremented once a transaction commit had occured. This issue has been rectified by modifying the way objects are retrieved back into the target of the <literal>replace</literal> object within the <filename>CollectionType.java</filename> file.  
+					<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-984">JBPAPP-984</ulink>: When a <classname>CollectionLoadContext</classname> is created for an empty <classname>ResultSet</classname> it is not registered with <classname>LoadContexts</classname>. This means that the CollectionLoadContext is not removed until the <methodname>PersistenceContext.clear()</methodname> method is executed. Hibernate now checks to make sure that a <classname>CollectionLoadContext</classname> is registered when created. 
+					<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-965">JBPAPP-965</ulink>: SchemaValidator would fail when views were involved. To fix this problem, the <filename>DatabaseMetadata.java</filename> file has been updated so that when a static final String[] is created, it is done so with types table and view. 
+				</para>
+			</listitem>
+			<listitem>
+				<para>
+					<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-950">JBPAPP-950</ulink>: The <classname>testScrollingJoinFetchesForward</classname> class was unsupported by DB2. To fix this, the <classname>DB2Dialect</classname> class has had to override the <methodname>Dialect.supportsResultSetPositionQueryMethodsOnForwardOnlyCursor()</methodname> method and return false. 
+				</para>
+			</listitem>
+			<listitem>
+				<para>
+					<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-949">JBPAPP-949</ulink>: There was an issue that Hibernate would not account for parameters within the select clause of the INSERT-SELECT statement of DB2.  The following files within Hibernate have been updated for compatibility with parameters within the select clause of the INSERT-SELECT statement of DB2:
+				</para>
+				<itemizedlist>
+					<listitem>
+						<para>
+							DB2Dialect.java
+						</para>
+					</listitem>
+					<listitem>
+						<para>
+							Dialect.java
+						</para>
+					</listitem>
+					<listitem>
+						<para>
+							HqlSqlWalker.java
+						</para>
+					</listitem>
+					<listitem>
+						<para>
+							BulkManipulationTest.java
+						</para>
+					</listitem>
+				</itemizedlist>
+			</listitem>
+			<listitem>
+				<para>
+					<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-948">JBPAPP-948</ulink>: The Hibernate test <filename>ASTParserLoadingTest.java</filename> tested unsupported queries for DB2. This problem arose because DB2 does not support untyped parameters. To fix this the queries have had to be modified so that the parameters are cast to an appropriate data type. 
+				</para>
+			</listitem>
+			<listitem>
+				<para>
 					<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-940">JBPAPP-940</ulink>: The hibernate tests <code>org.hibernate.test.jpa.lock.JPALockTest</code> and <code>org.hibernate.test.tm.CMTTest</code> would not conclude when executed on a DB2 server. To overcome this problem, the method <methodname>doesReadCommittedCauseWritersToBlockReaders()</methodname>, which returns true if executed correctly, has been added to DB2Dialect in order to override Dialect's default settings.
@@ -530,6 +631,11 @@
 					<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-596">JBPAPP-596</ulink>: Nulls were being returned in an array when toArray was called on a list of Xids in the Txmanager because the size of the array may not be the same. To fix this issue relating to JBossMQ, the <methodname>preparedXids.size()</methodname> method is not called to create a new Xid when calling the <methodname>preparedXids.toArray()</methodname> method. 
+			<listitem>
+				<para>
+					<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-526">JBPAPP-526</ulink>: The uninstall shortcut created within the Microsoft Windows Start menu would not always work as it would always use the javaw path during the uninstall instead of first checking if a JAVA_HOME path is set. The uninstaller now checks if A JAVA_HOME path is set. If it is, it uses this path during the uninstall; if not, the uninstaller falls back to the javaw path.  
+				</para>
+			</listitem>

Modified: projects/docs/enterprise/4.3.3/readme/en-US/Release_Notes_CP03.xml
--- projects/docs/enterprise/4.3.3/readme/en-US/Release_Notes_CP03.xml	2008-10-20 04:00:24 UTC (rev 79722)
+++ projects/docs/enterprise/4.3.3/readme/en-US/Release_Notes_CP03.xml	2008-10-20 05:33:39 UTC (rev 79723)
@@ -376,6 +376,11 @@
+							<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-927">JBPAPP-927</ulink>: JBoss Web Services has been upgraded to version 2.0.1.SP2_CP04, fixing many issues and adding enchancements. 
+						</para>
+					</listitem>
+					<listitem>
+						<para>
 							<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-919">JBPAPP-919</ulink>: The Web Services stack was not able to be fully initialized and thus the first <methodname>webmethod </methodname> call is slow. In this latest version of the EAP, the Web Services stack is fully initialized. 
@@ -460,6 +465,36 @@
+							<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-1271">JBPAPP-1271</ulink>: Within test cases where an Entity Manager is necessary the command <command>EntityManager em = factory.createEntityManager();</command> was being used but did not handle exceptions correctly. In order to fix this issue the command has been replaced with the following: <command>EntityManager em = getOrCreateEntityManager();</command> and the code to always reopen a new Entity Manager and to close the existing one at the beginning of the test case has been re-written. 
+						</para>
+					</listitem>
+					<listitem>
+						<para>
+							<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-1270">JBPAPP-1270</ulink>: The Hibernate Entity Manager has been upgraded to version 3.2.1-2.GA_CP04 for this EAP CP release.  
+						</para>
+					</listitem>
+					<listitem>
+						<para>
+							<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-1269">JBPAPP-1269</ulink>: The Hibernate Annotations has been upgraded to version 3.2.1-4.GA_CP03 for this EAP CP release.  
+						</para>
+					</listitem>
+					<listitem>
+						<para>
+							<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-1265">JBPAPP-1265</ulink>: Within Hibernate Annotations the method <methodname>AnnotationBinder.mustBeSkipped</methodname> had a hardcoded string reference to the class <classname>org.hibernate.tool.instrument.javassist.FieldHandler</classname>. This reference would fail as the class is located in another package to that specified. The new hardcoded string reference points to the class being in the correct package of <package>bytecode</package>: <classname>org.hibernate.bytecode.javassist.FieldHandler</classname>.
+						</para>
+					</listitem>
+					<listitem>
+						<para>
+							<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-1258">JBPAPP-1258</ulink>: The ProxyBreakingTest failed on case sensitive systems because the file <filename>hammer.hbm.xml</filename> should be named <filename>Hammer.hbm.xml</filename>. This case error has been corrected for this release. 
+						</para>
+					</listitem>
+					<listitem>
+						<para>
+							<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-1214">JBPAPP-1214</ulink>: The Hibernate core version has been upgraded to 3.2.4.SP1_CP06 that incorporates numerious fixes and enhancements. 
+						</para>
+					</listitem>
+					<listitem>
+						<para>
 							<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-1205">JBPAPP-1205</ulink>: When using an Oracle Driver without an offset, the query that is generated ommits <code>rownum > 0</code>. This resulted in an incorrect number of rows being returned. This issue is fixed with this CP release and the aforementioned code is now included.  
@@ -492,11 +527,82 @@
-							<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-969">JBPAPP-969</ulink>: An unchanged persistent entity which is a parent in a one to many relationship, would have its version number incorrectly incremented once a transaction commit had occured. This issue has been rectified by modifying the way objects are retrieved back into the target of the <literal>replace</literal> object within the <filename>CollectionType.java</filename> file.  
+							<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-1065">JBPAPP-1065</ulink>:  Quoting in Hibernate clashed with particular defaults within the <classname>NamingStrategy</classname> class. In order to fix this, the files <filename>Ejb3JoinColumn.java</filename> and <filename>TableBinder.java</filename> have undergone extensive re-working. 
+							<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-1064">JBPAPP-1064</ulink>: Select annotation tests within <classname>IndexedCollectionTest</classname> would fail due to a failure reguarding the foreign key constraint within MySQL. To fix this issue, after each test the transaction needs to be committed instead of rolled back. Within the <filename>testMapKeyToEntity.java</filename> file the following ammendment has been made in order to fix this issue:
+						</para>
+						<para>
+							The original code at the end of a test consisted of the following:
+						</para>
+<programlisting language="java">
+s.delete( book );
+						<para>
+							The corrected code at the end of a test consists of the following:
+						</para>
+<programlisting language="java">
+s.delete( book );
+						<para>
+							Where the <code>tx.rollback();</code> call is replaced with a <code>tx.commit();</code> call.
+						</para>
+					</listitem>
+					<listitem>
+						<para>
+							<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-984">JBPAPP-984</ulink>: When a <classname>CollectionLoadContext</classname> is created for an empty <classname>ResultSet</classname> it is not registered with <classname>LoadContexts</classname>. This means that the CollectionLoadContext is not removed until the <methodname>PersistenceContext.clear()</methodname> method is executed. Hibernate now checks to make sure that a <classname>CollectionLoadContext</classname> is registered when created. 
+						</para>
+					</listitem>
+					<listitem>
+						<para>
+							<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-965">JBPAPP-965</ulink>: SchemaValidator would fail when views were involved. To fix this problem, the <filename>DatabaseMetadata.java</filename> file has been updated so that when a static final String[] is created, it is done so with types table and view. 
+						</para>
+					</listitem>
+					<listitem>
+						<para>
+							<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-950">JBPAPP-950</ulink>: The <classname>testScrollingJoinFetchesForward</classname> class was unsupported by DB2. To fix this, the <classname>DB2Dialect</classname> class has had to override the <methodname>Dialect.supportsResultSetPositionQueryMethodsOnForwardOnlyCursor()</methodname> method and return false. 
+						</para>
+					</listitem>
+					<listitem>
+						<para>
+							<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-949">JBPAPP-949</ulink>: There was an issue that Hibernate would not account for parameters within the select clause of the INSERT-SELECT statement of DB2.  The following files within Hibernate have been updated for compatibility with parameters within the select clause of the INSERT-SELECT statement of DB2:
+						</para>
+						<itemizedlist>
+							<listitem>
+								<para>
+									DB2Dialect.java
+								</para>
+							</listitem>
+							<listitem>
+								<para>
+									Dialect.java
+								</para>
+							</listitem>
+							<listitem>
+								<para>
+									HqlSqlWalker.java
+								</para>
+							</listitem>
+							<listitem>
+								<para>
+									BulkManipulationTest.java
+								</para>
+							</listitem>
+						</itemizedlist>
+					</listitem>
+					<listitem>
+						<para>
+							<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-948">JBPAPP-948</ulink>: The Hibernate test <filename>ASTParserLoadingTest.java</filename> tested unsupported queries for DB2. This problem arose because DB2 does not support untyped parameters. To fix this the queries have had to be modified so that the parameters are cast to an appropriate data type. 
+						</para>
+					</listitem>
+					<listitem>
+						<para>
 							<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-940">JBPAPP-940</ulink>: The hibernate tests <code>org.hibernate.test.jpa.lock.JPALockTest</code> and <code>org.hibernate.test.tm.CMTTest</code> would not conclude when executed on a DB2 server. To overcome this problem, the method <methodname>doesReadCommittedCauseWritersToBlockReaders()</methodname>, which returns true if executed correctly, has been added to DB2Dialect in order to override Dialect's default settings.
@@ -608,6 +714,12 @@
+			<title>JBPAPP-1218</title>
+			<para>
+				<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-1218">JBPAPP-1218</ulink>: If an illegal character was entered into the JMX console search function, a 500 exception would be presented to a user isntead of an error message explaining the exception occurrance. With this latest EAP release, the JMX console search function now displays an error message when given a malformed string. 
+			</para>
+		</formalpara>
+		<formalpara>
 				<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-1208">JBPAPP-1208</ulink>: When load time weaving was enabled a <exceptionname>ConcurrentModificationException</exceptionname> would appear in the jboss log output for <methodname>JoinpointSimpleClassifier.classifyJoinpoint</methodname>. This bug in reporting has been rectified with these updated packages.
@@ -632,11 +744,23 @@
+			<title>JBPAPP-983</title>
+			<para>
+				<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-983">JBPAPP-983</ulink>:  The JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 4.3 has been certified on DB2 versions 8.2 and 9.1.
+			</para>
+		</formalpara>
+		<formalpara>
 				<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-933">JBPAPP-933</ulink>: When deploying an Enterprise JavaBeans 2 (EJB2) after starting a Service Bean with a Naming context associated with the applications class loader, the EJB2 will fail as it binds with the applications UnifiedClassLoader instead.
+		<formalpara>
+			<title>JBPAPP-526</title>
+			<para>
+				<ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-526">JBPAPP-526</ulink>: The uninstall shortcut created within the Microsoft Windows Start menu would not always work as it would always use the javaw path during the uninstall instead of first checking if a JAVA_HOME path is set. The uninstaller now checks if A JAVA_HOME path is set. If it is, it uses this path during the uninstall; if not, the uninstaller falls back to the javaw path.  
+			</para>
+		</formalpara>
 <!--		<formalpara>

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