[jboss-cvs] JBossAS SVN: r92987 - in projects/docs/enterprise/5.0/Administration_And_Configuration_Guide/en-US: images and 1 other directory.

jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org
Fri Aug 28 22:30:18 EDT 2009

Author: smcgowan at redhat.com
Date: 2009-08-28 22:30:18 -0400 (Fri, 28 Aug 2009)
New Revision: 92987

JBPAPP-2617 - updates to directory structure and added new image

Modified: projects/docs/enterprise/5.0/Administration_And_Configuration_Guide/en-US/Architecture.xml
--- projects/docs/enterprise/5.0/Administration_And_Configuration_Guide/en-US/Architecture.xml	2009-08-29 01:00:17 UTC (rev 92986)
+++ projects/docs/enterprise/5.0/Administration_And_Configuration_Guide/en-US/Architecture.xml	2009-08-29 02:30:18 UTC (rev 92987)
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@
 	<title>JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 5 architecture</title>
 		<indexterm><primary>JBoss Enterprise Application Platform</primary><secondary>architecture</secondary></indexterm>
-	The following diagram illustrates an overview of the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform and its components.
+	The following diagram illustrates an overview of the JBoss Enterprise Application Server and its components.
-			<imagedata fileref="images/projects_communitygraph.png"/>
+			<imagedata fileref="images/jboss-as-components.png"/>
@@ -17,139 +17,33 @@
 		The directory structure of JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 5 resembles that of the 4.x series with some notable differences:
-<![CDATA[-&lt;JBOSS_HOME&gt;/ - the path to your JBoss Enterprise Application Platform installation.
+<![CDATA[-jboss-as - the path to your JBoss Enterprise Application Server.
 		|-- bin - contains start scripts and run.jar
-		|-- client - client jars
-		|-- common - static jars shared across server configuration
-		|   |-- lib
-		|   |   |-- antlr.jar
-		|   |   |-- ... many more jars
-		|-- docs - docs, schemas/dtds, examples
-		|   |-- dtd
-		|   |-- examples
-		|   |   |-- binding-manager
-		|   |   |   `-- sample-bindings.xml
-		|   |   |-- jca
-		|   |   |-- jms
-		|   |   |-- jmx
-		|   |   |-- netboot
-		|   |   |   `-- netboot.war
-		|   |   `-- varia
-		|   |       |-- deployment-service
-		|   |       |-- derby-plugin.jar
-		|   |       |-- entity-resolver-manager
-		|   |       |   `-- xmlresolver-service.xml
-		|   |       `-- jboss-bindings.xml
-		|   `-- schema
-		|-- lib - core bootstrap jars.
-		|   |-- concurrent.jar
-		|   |-- dom4j.jar
-		|   |-- getopt.jar
-		|   |-- javassist.jar
-		|   |--	...
-		|   |-- endorsed - added to the server JVM java.endorsed.dirs path
-		|   |   |-- serializer.jar
-		|   |   |-- xalan.jar
-		|   |   `-- xercesImpl.jar
-		`-- server - contains the same server configuration/profile directories.
-		|-- default
-		|   |-- conf - contains server configuration files used when starting the server.
-		|   |   |-- bootstrap/
-		|   |   |   |-- aop.xml - JBoss AOP integration and AspectManager beans
-		|   |   |   |-- bindings.xml - Rewrite of the ServiceBindingManager as a POJO bean
-		|   |   |   |-- classloader.xml - the root class loading beans for the peer class loading model
-		|   |   |   |-- deployers.xml - Core deployers for -jboss-beans.xml and -service.xml 
-		|   |   |   |-- jmx.xml - JBoss JMX kernel initialization
-		|   |   |   |-- profile-repository.xml - full featured repository based profile service referenced by bootstrap.xml
-		|   |   |   |-- profile.xml - simple disk based profile service referenced by bootstrap-norepo.xml
-		|   |   |   |-- vfs.xml - JBoss VFS caching beans
-		|   |   |-- bootstrap.xml - bootstrap deployment definition file
-		|   |   |-- bootstrap-norepo.xml - bootstrap deployment definition file for the non-repository profile service
-		|   |   |-- java.policy - stub for java security policy
-		|   |   |-- jax-ws-catalog.xml - oasis catalog driven schema/dtd namespace configuration
-		|   |   |-- jboss-log4j.xml - the server log4j configuration
-		|   |   |-- jboss-service.xml - legacy static mbeans, to be removed in future
-		|   |   |-- jbossjta-properties.xml - JBossTS properties
-		|   |   |-- jndi.properties - server default JNDI properties
-		|   |   |-- login-config.xml - security authentication domain definitions
-		|   |   |-- props - 
-		|   |   |   |-- jbossws-roles.properties
-		|   |   |   |-- jbossws-users.properties
-		|   |   |   |-- jmx-console-roles.properties
-		|   |   |   `-- jmx-console-users.properties
-		|   |   |-- standardjboss.xml - legacy EJB2 container definitions
-		|   |   |-- standardjbosscmp-jdbc.xml - legacy CMP2 definitions
-		|   |   `-- xmdesc - JBoss XMBean descriptors
-		|   |       |-- AttributePersistenceService-xmbean.xml
-		|   |       |-- ClientUserTransaction-xmbean.xml
-		|   |       |-- JNDIView-xmbean.xml
-		|   |       |-- Log4jService-xmbean.xml
-		|   |       |-- NamingBean-xmbean.xml
-		|   |       |-- NamingService-xmbean.xml
-		|   |       |-- TransactionManagerService-xmbean.xml
-		|   |       |-- org.jboss.deployment.JARDeployer-xmbean.xml
-		|   |       |-- org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer-xmbean.xml
-		|   |       `-- org.jboss.deployment.SARDeployer-xmbean.xml
-		|   |-- data - location for services data
-		|   |   |-- hypersonic
-		|   |   |-- jboss.identity
-		|   |   |-- tx-object-store
-		|   |   `-- xmbean-attrs
-		|   |-- deploy - this is where services and your java applications are deployed.
-	   You can deploy an application on the JBoss application server by simply
-	   copying the application's (WAR, EAR or JAR files) into this directory.
-		|   |-- deployers/ - new vdf deployers
-		|   |   |-- alias-deployers-jboss-beans.xml - Deployers that know how to handle The know 
-how to handle deployment aliases.
-		|   |   |-- bsh-deployer - beanshell deployer
-		|   |   |-- clustering-deployer-jboss-beans.xml - add dependencies on needed clustering services 
-to clustered EJB3, EJB2 beans and to distributable web applications. 
-		|   |   |-- dependency-deployers-jboss-beans.xml - aliases.txt, jboss-dependency.xml
-		|   |   |-- directory-deployer-jboss-beans.xml
-		|   |   |-- ear-deployer-jboss-beans.xml - ear deployers
-		|   |   |-- ejb-deployer-jboss-beans.xml - ejb2.x deployers
-		|   |   |-- ejb3.deployer - ejb3 deployers
-		|   |   |-- hibernate-deployer-jboss-beans.xml - deployers for -hibernate.xml descriptors
-		|   |   |-- jboss-aop-jboss5.deployer - aspect deployer
-		|   |   |-- jboss-jca.deployer - JCA deployers
-		|   |   |-- jbossweb.deployer - war deployers
-		|   |   |-- jbossws.deployer - web services deployers
-		|   |   |-- jsr77-deployers-jboss-beans.xml - JSR77 mbean view creation deployers
-		|   |   |-- metadata-deployer-jboss-beans.xml - metadata handlers
-		|   |   |-- seam.deployer - seam integration deployer
-		|   |   |-- security-deployer-jboss-beans.xml - security deployers
-		|   |-- lib - default server static jars, empty by default
-		|   |-- log - default root for log files, controlled by jboss.server.log.dir
-		|   |   |-- boot.log
-		|   |   |-- server.log
-		|   |-- tmp
-		|   `-- work
-		|       `-- jboss.web
-		|           `-- localhost
-		`-- minimal - a minimal server configuration
-		|   |-- conf - contains server configuration files used when starting the server.
-		|   |-- bootstrap/
-		|   |   |   |-- aop.xml
-		|   |   |   |-- classloader.xml
-		|   |   |   |-- deployers.xml
-		|   |   |   |-- jmx.xml
-		|   |   |   |-- profile.xml
-		|   |-- bootstrap.xml
-		|   |-- jboss-log4j.xml
-		|   |-- jboss-service.xml
-		|   |-- jndi.properties
-		|   |-- xmdesc
-		|       |-- NamingBean-xmbean.xml
-		|       `-- NamingService-xmbean.xml
-		|	|-- deploy/
-		|	|	|-- hdscanner-jboss-beans.xml
-		|	|-- deployers/
-		|	|-- lib
-		|	|	|-- jboss-minimal.jar
-		|	|	|-- jnpserver.jar
-		|	|	|-- log4j.jar
+		|-- client - client jars 
+		|-- common/lib - static jars shared across server configuration
+		|-- docs - schemas/dtds, examples
+		|-- lib - core bootstrap jars
+		|   lib/endorsed - added to the server JVM java.endorsed.dirs path
+		`-- server - server configuration/profile directories. See Section 3.2 for details of the server
+				profiles included in this release
+<![CDATA[-seam - the path to JBoss SEAM application framework 
+		|-- bootstrap
+		|-- build
+		|-- examples - examples demonstrating uses of SEAM's features
+		|-- extras
+		|-- lib - library directory
+		|-- seam-gen - command-line utility used to generate simple skeletal SEAM code to get your project started
+		|-- ui - 
+<![CDATA[-resteasy - a Technology Preview of RESTEasy - a portable implementation of JSR-311 JAX-RS Specification
+		|-- embedded-lib
+		|-- lib
+		|-- resteasy-jaxrs.war
 	<sect1 id="Architecture_Server_Bootstrap">

Modified: projects/docs/enterprise/5.0/Administration_And_Configuration_Guide/en-US/Deploy.xml
--- projects/docs/enterprise/5.0/Administration_And_Configuration_Guide/en-US/Deploy.xml	2009-08-29 01:00:17 UTC (rev 92986)
+++ projects/docs/enterprise/5.0/Administration_And_Configuration_Guide/en-US/Deploy.xml	2009-08-29 02:30:18 UTC (rev 92987)
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
     <indexterm><primary>Server Configuration</primary><see>Server Profile</see></indexterm>
     <indexterm><primary>Server Profile</primary><secondary>definition</secondary></indexterm>
-    <para>The JBoss Enterprise Application Platform ships with five server profiles. You can choose which configuration to start by passing the <code>-c</code> parameter to the server startup script. For instance, the <code>run.sh -c all</code> command  would start the server in the <emphasis>all</emphasis> profile. Each profile is contained in a directory named <filename>JBOSS_HOME/server/[profile name]/</filename>. You can look into each server profile's directory to see the services, applications, and libraries included in the profile.</para>
+    <para>The JBoss Enterprise Application Platform ships with six server profiles. You can choose which configuration to start by passing the <code>-c</code> parameter to the server startup script. For instance, the <code>run.sh -c all</code> command  would start the server in the <emphasis>all</emphasis> profile. Each profile is contained in a directory named <filename>JBOSS_HOME/server/[profile name]/</filename>. You can look into each server profile's directory to see the services, applications, and libraries included in the profile.</para>
     <note><para>The exact contents of the <filename>server/[profile name]</filename> directory depends on the profile service implementation and is subject to change as the management layer and embedded server evolve.</para></note>
@@ -80,6 +80,9 @@
         <para>The <emphasis>all</emphasis> profile is the default profile with clustering support and other enterprise extensions.</para></listitem>
+        <indexterm><primary>Profiles</primary><secondary>production</secondary></indexterm>
+        <para>The <emphasis>production</emphasis> profile is based on the all profile but optimized for production environments.</para></listitem>
+      <listitem>
         <para>The <emphasis>web</emphasis> profile is a new experimental lightweight configuration created around JBoss Web that will follow the developments of the JavaEE 6 web profile. Except for the <filename>servlet/jsp</filename> container it provides support for JTA/JCA and JPA. It also limits itself to allowing access to the server only through the http port. Please note that this configuration is not JavaEE certified and will most likely change in the following releases.</para></listitem>

Added: projects/docs/enterprise/5.0/Administration_And_Configuration_Guide/en-US/images/jboss-as-components.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: projects/docs/enterprise/5.0/Administration_And_Configuration_Guide/en-US/images/jboss-as-components.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

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