[jboss-cvs] JBossAS SVN: r98107 - branches/EWP_5_0/build.

jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org
Mon Dec 21 19:10:42 EST 2009

Author: fnasser at redhat.com
Date: 2009-12-21 19:10:41 -0500 (Mon, 21 Dec 2009)
New Revision: 98107

Build EWP default and production configs only

Modified: branches/EWP_5_0/build/build.xml
--- branches/EWP_5_0/build/build.xml	2009-12-21 23:42:40 UTC (rev 98106)
+++ branches/EWP_5_0/build/build.xml	2009-12-22 00:10:41 UTC (rev 98107)
@@ -92,6 +92,14 @@
+    <!-- Choose between EAP and EWP build -->
+    <condition property="build.ewp">
+       <and>
+          <isset property="version.name"/>
+          <equals arg1="${version.name}" arg2="EWP"/>
+       </and>
+    </condition>
     <!-- The combined library classpath -->
     <path id="library.classpath">
@@ -737,7 +745,9 @@
   <target name="partition-build" depends="init">
     <antcall target="addJmxToRunJar"/>
     <antcall target="partition-community"/>
+    <antcall target="partition-community-ewp"/>
     <antcall target="partition-production"/>
+    <antcall target="partition-production-ewp"/>
     <antcall target="jboss-all-client"/>
     <!--<antcall target="setup-ejb3-dist"/>-->
 	 <antcall target="apply_auth_patch"/>
@@ -768,7 +778,7 @@
-  <target name="partition-production" depends="init">
+  <target name="partition-production" depends="init" unless="build.ewp">
     <!-- Build production based on all -->
     <!-- Copy server/all to server/production
@@ -780,10 +790,27 @@
+  <target name="partition-production-ewp" depends="init" if="build.ewp">
+    <!-- Build production based on default -->
+    <!-- Copy server/default to server/production
+    -->
+    <copy todir="${install.production}">
+      <fileset dir="${install.default}">
+      </fileset>
+    </copy>
+    <!-- production is clustered, default is not -->
+    <copy verbose="true" overwrite="true" 
+          tofile="${install.default}/deployers/clustering-deployer-jboss-beans.xml"
+          file="${project.root}/cluster/output/etc/clustering-deployer-jboss-beans-non-clustered.xml"/>
+  </target>
   <!-- Partition the default single configuration build into a minimal,
   default and all configs with a minimal set of jars in the root lib dir.
-  <target name="partition-community" depends="init">
+  <target name="partition-community" depends="init" unless="build.ewp">
     <!-- move to the common library directory the jars common to all configs;
          the minimal config currently is not point to it
@@ -988,6 +1015,128 @@
+  <!-- Partition the default single configuration build into a
+  default and production configs with a minimal set of jars in the root lib dir.
+  Note that the EWP default config corresponds to the EAP web config.
+  The EWP production config is a clustering version of the default one.
+  -->
+  <target name="partition-community-ewp" depends="init" if="build.ewp">
+    <!-- move to the common library directory the jars common to all configs.
+    -->
+    <move todir="${install.common.lib}">
+      <fileset dir="${install.all.lib}">
+        <exclude name="hibernate-jbosscache2.jar"/>
+        <exclude name="jacorb.jar"/>
+        <exclude name="jbosscache-core.jar"/>
+        <exclude name="jbosscache-pojo.jar"/>
+        <exclude name="jgroups.jar"/>
+        <exclude name="jcip-annotations.jar"/>
+        <exclude name="bsf.jar"/>
+        <exclude name="bsh.jar"/>
+        <exclude name="jboss-iiop.jar"/>
+        <exclude name="jboss-messaging-int.jar"/>
+        <exclude name="jboss-messaging.jar"/>
+        <exclude name="jboss-monitoring.jar"/>
+        <exclude name="joesnmp.jar"/>
+        <exclude name="log4j-snmp-appender.jar"/>
+        <exclude name="quartz.jar"/>
+      </fileset>
+    </move>
+    <!-- Copy server/all to server/default and then remove the services 
+         outside of the scope of the default config
+    -->
+    <copy todir="${install.default}">
+      <fileset dir="${install.all}">
+        <exclude name="data/**"/>
+        <exclude name="deploy-hasingleton/**"/>
+        <exclude name="farm/**"/>
+        <exclude name="lib/**"/>
+        <exclude name="log/**"/>
+        <exclude name="tmp/**"/>
+        <exclude name="work/**"/>
+        <exclude name="conf/jacorb.properties"/>
+        <exclude name="conf/jboss-log4j-production.xml"/>
+        <exclude name="deploy/cluster/**"/>
+        <exclude name="deploy/iiop-service.xml"/>
+        <exclude name="deploy/deploy.last/**"/>
+        <exclude name="deploy/httpha-invoker.sar/**"/>
+        <exclude name="deploy/snmp-adaptor.sar/**"/>
+        <exclude name="deploy/juddi-service.sar/**"/>
+        <exclude name="deploy/messaging/**"/>
+      </fileset>
+    </copy>
+    <!-- leave the empty default/lib directory there --> 
+    <mkdir dir="${install.default.lib}"/>
+    <copy todir="${install.default.conf}" overwrite="true">
+    	<fileset dir="${project.root}/server/output/etc/conf/default"/>
+	 </copy>
+    <unjar src="${project.root}/varia/output/lib/http-invoker.sar"
+      dest="${install.default}/deploy/http-invoker.sar"/>
+    <!-- Build web config manually -->
+    <copy todir="${install.web}">
+      <fileset dir="${install.default}">
+        <include name="conf/**"/>
+        <include name="deploy/**"/>
+        <exclude name="deploy/messaging/**"/>
+        <exclude name="deploy/management/**"/>
+        <exclude name="deploy/sqlexception-service.xml"/>
+        <exclude name="deploy/monitoring-service.xml"/>
+        <exclude name="deploy/properties-service.xml"/>
+        <exclude name="deploy/quartz-ra.rar"/>
+        <exclude name="deploy/jms-ra.rar"/>
+        <exclude name="deploy/jsr88-service.xml"/>
+        <exclude name="deploy/jmx-remoting.sar"/>
+        <exclude name="deploy/xnio-provider.jar"/>
+        <exclude name="deploy/cache-invalidation-service.xml"/>
+        <exclude name="deploy/uuid-key-generator.sar/**"/>
+        <exclude name="deploy/http-invoker.sar/**"/>
+        <exclude name="deploy/scheduler-service.xml"/>
+        <exclude name="deploy/schedule-manager-service.xml"/>
+        <include name="deployers/**"/> 
+      </fileset>
+      <fileset dir="${install.all}">
+        <include name="deploy/cluster/jbossweb-cluster.aop"/>
+        <include name="deploy/cluster/jgroups-channelfactory.sar/**"/>
+        <include name="deploy/cluster/jboss-cache-manager.sar/**"/>
+        <include name="lib/jbosscache-*"/>
+        <include name="lib/hibernate-jbosscache2.jar"/>
+        <include name="lib/jgroups.jar"/>
+        <exclude name="lib/bsf.jar"/>
+        <exclude name="lib/bsh.jar"/>
+        <exclude name="lib/jboss-iiop.jar"/>
+        <exclude name="lib/jboss-messaging-int.jar"/>
+        <exclude name="lib/jboss-messaging.jar"/>
+        <exclude name="lib/jboss-monitoring.jar"/>
+        <exclude name="lib/joesnmp.jar"/>
+        <exclude name="lib/log4j-snmp-appender.jar"/>
+        <exclude name="lib/quartz.jar"/>
+      </fileset>
+    </copy>
+   <patch patchFile="jbossas-5-ewp.patch"
+       dir="${install.root}" strip="0"/>
+    <!-- We no longer need default nor all -->
+    <delete dir="${install.all}"/>
+    <delete dir="${install.default}"/>
+    <!-- Recreate default based on web -->
+    <!-- Copy server/web to server/default
+    -->
+    <mkdir dir="${install.default}"/>
+    <copy todir="${install.default}">
+      <fileset dir="${install.web}">
+        <exclude name="deployers/messaging-definitions-jboss-beans.xml"/>
+      </fileset>
+    </copy>
+    <delete dir="${install.web}"/>
+  </target>
   <target name="jboss-all-client" depends="init"
       description="Create jar containing client classpath">

Added: branches/EWP_5_0/build/jbossas-5-ewp.patch
--- branches/EWP_5_0/build/jbossas-5-ewp.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/EWP_5_0/build/jbossas-5-ewp.patch	2009-12-22 00:10:41 UTC (rev 98107)
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+--- server/web/deployers/ejb-deployer-jboss-beans.xml.orig	2009-12-15 20:18:00.000000000 -0600
++++ server/web/deployers/ejb-deployer-jboss-beans.xml	2009-12-15 20:37:55.000000000 -0600
+@@ -91,29 +91,4 @@
+    </bean>
+    <bean name="StandardJBossMetaDataDeployer" class="org.jboss.ejb.deployers.StandardJBossMetaDataDeployer">
+    </bean>
+-   <!-- Deployer for automatically creating message driven destinations -->
+-   <bean name="CreateDestinationDeployer" class="org.jboss.ejb.deployers.CreateDestinationDeployer">
+-      <incallback method="addCreateDestination"/>
+-      <uncallback method="removeCreateDestination"/>
+-   </bean>
+-   <!-- Destination creator for JBoss Messaging -->
+-   <bean name="JBossMessageDestinationCreator" class="org.jboss.ejb.deployers.CreateDestination">
+-      <!-- We match any jms mdb that is going to be deployed using our rar -->
+-      <property name="matcher">
+-         <bean class="org.jboss.ejb.deployers.SimpleCreateDestinationMatcher">
+-            <property name="default">true</property>
+-            <property name="messageListener">javax.jms.MessageListener</property>
+-            <property name="rarName">jms-ra.rar</property>
+-         </bean>
+-      </property>
+-      <!-- Create a destination with JBoss Messaging -->
+-      <property name="factory">
+-         <bean class="org.jboss.jms.server.destination.JBossMessagingCreateDestinationFactory">
+-            <property name="serverPeerName">jboss.messaging:service=ServerPeer</property>
+-            <property name="postOfficeName">jboss.messaging:service=PostOffice</property>
+-         </bean>
+-      </property>
+-   </bean>
+ </deployment>
+diff -Naur server/web/deploy/ROOT.war/index.html server/web/deploy/ROOT.war/index.html
+--- server/web/deploy/ROOT.war/index.html	2009-08-18 21:53:43.000000000 -0400
++++ server/web/deploy/ROOT.war/index.html	2009-08-19 08:07:35.000000000 -0400
+@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
+    <ul>      
+       <li><a href="/admin-console/">Admin Console</a></li>
+       <li><a href="/jmx-console/">JMX Console</a></li>
+-      <li><a href="/web-console/">JBoss Web Console</a></li>
+       <li><a href="/status">Tomcat status</a>
+           <a href="/status?full=true">(full)</a>
+           <a href="/status?XML=true">(XML)</a></li>

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