[jboss-cvs] JBossAS SVN: r82608 - in projects/ejb3/trunk/docs/tutorial/guide/en: modules and 1 other directory.

jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org
Mon Jan 5 05:53:19 EST 2009

Author: jaikiran
Date: 2009-01-05 05:53:19 -0500 (Mon, 05 Jan 2009)
New Revision: 82608

Updated the todos and added the guide for Merge tutorial

Modified: projects/ejb3/trunk/docs/tutorial/guide/en/master.xml
--- projects/ejb3/trunk/docs/tutorial/guide/en/master.xml	2009-01-05 10:18:01 UTC (rev 82607)
+++ projects/ejb3/trunk/docs/tutorial/guide/en/master.xml	2009-01-05 10:53:19 UTC (rev 82608)
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 <!ENTITY jndibinding          SYSTEM "modules/jndibinding.xml">
 <!ENTITY mdb          SYSTEM "modules/mdb.xml">
 <!ENTITY mdb_deployment_descriptor          SYSTEM "modules/mdb_deployment_descriptor.xml">
+<!ENTITY merge          SYSTEM "modules/merge.xml">
 <!ENTITY todo          SYSTEM "modules/todo.xml">
 <book lang="en">
@@ -27,5 +28,5 @@
     <title>Target Audience</title>
     <para>This tutorial is meant for EJB3 application developers on JBoss Application Server. The tutorial walks you through the EJB 3.0 features and how they deploy to JBoss.  Please check the <xref linkend="Installation">install guide</xref> for system requirements.</para>

Modified: projects/ejb3/trunk/docs/tutorial/guide/en/modules/interceptor.xml
--- projects/ejb3/trunk/docs/tutorial/guide/en/modules/interceptor.xml	2009-01-05 10:18:01 UTC (rev 82607)
+++ projects/ejb3/trunk/docs/tutorial/guide/en/modules/interceptor.xml	2009-01-05 10:53:19 UTC (rev 82608)
@@ -751,7 +751,7 @@
 		InvocationContext :
 			As you have seen the <literal>@AroundInvoke</literal> annotated interceptor methods all take a parameter of type 
-			<literal>javax.ejb.InvocationContext</literal>. The definition of InvocationContext is:
+			<literal>javax.ejb.InvocationContext</literal>. The definition of <ulink url="http://java.sun.com/javaee/5/docs/api/javax/interceptor/InvocationContext.html">InvocationContext</ulink> is:

Modified: projects/ejb3/trunk/docs/tutorial/guide/en/modules/jndibinding.xml
--- projects/ejb3/trunk/docs/tutorial/guide/en/modules/jndibinding.xml	2009-01-05 10:18:01 UTC (rev 82607)
+++ projects/ejb3/trunk/docs/tutorial/guide/en/modules/jndibinding.xml	2009-01-05 10:53:19 UTC (rev 82608)
@@ -69,11 +69,6 @@
-			<note>
-				<xref linkend="JNDIBinding">Not supported in JBossAS-5.0 GA</xref> 
-			</note>

Added: projects/ejb3/trunk/docs/tutorial/guide/en/modules/merge.xml
--- projects/ejb3/trunk/docs/tutorial/guide/en/modules/merge.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ projects/ejb3/trunk/docs/tutorial/guide/en/modules/merge.xml	2009-01-05 10:53:19 UTC (rev 82608)
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<chapter id="Merging and Basic Queries on entities">
+	<title>Introduction to merging and querying of entities in EJB3</title>
+	<para>
+		This example shows a bunch of things. First, it introduces the <literal>@Column</literal> annotation. 
+		It also shows how entities can be detached and re-attached to persistence storage using the <literal>EntityManager.merge()</literal>.
+		It also shows some basic queries.
+	</para>
+	<sect5>
+		@Column :
+		<para>
+			EJB 3.0 has a complete Object/Relational mapping. You can use the <literal>@Column</literal> annotation to specify
+			which column in the table your property should map to. Take a look at the <literal>org.jboss.tutorial.merge.bean.Customer</literal>
+			entity.
+			<programlisting>
+				<![CDATA[
+ at Column(name = "FIRST")
+public String getFirst()
+   return first;
+				]]>
+			</programlisting>
+		</para>
+	</sect5>
+	<sect5>
+		Find by primary key :
+		<para>
+			The <literal>EntityManager</literal> service has a built in find by primary key method:
+			<programlisting>
+				<![CDATA[
+<T> find(Class<T>, Object pk)				
+				]]>
+			</programlisting> 
+			The <literal>org.jboss.tutorial.merge.bean.CustomerDAOBean</literal> stateless EJB's <literal>find()</literal> method
+			wraps remote calls to the EntityManager.
+			<programlisting>
+				<![CDATA[
+public Customer find(int id)
+   return manager.find(Customer.class, id);
+				]]>
+			</programlisting>
+		</para>
+	</sect5>
+	<sect5>
+		Queries :
+		<para>
+			<literal>EntityManager</literal> allows you to create query objects on the fly that can be reused over and over,
+			or just one time.  Queries also support named parameters. The <literal>org.jboss.tutorial.merge.bean.CustomerDAOBean</literal>
+			reflects this usage in the <literal>findByLastName</literal> method.
+			<programlisting>
+				<![CDATA[
+public List findByLastName(String name)
+   return manager.createQuery("from Customer c where c.last = :name").setParameter("name", name).getResultList();
+				]]>
+			</programlisting>
+		</para>
+	</sect5>
+	<sect5>
+		Merging :
+		<para>
+			The Value Object pattern is built into EJB 3.0. You can detach an object from persistence storage and send it across
+			the network to the client. The client can make updates locally to the object, send it back to the server and the changes
+			can be merged/synchronized back to the database using the <literal>EntityManager.merge()</literal> method.
+			This is exactly what the <literal>org.jboss.tutorial.merge.client.Client</literal> does.
+		</para>
+	</sect5>
+	<sect5>
+Building and Running
+	<para>
+			<note>
+					<para>
+						To build and run the example, make sure you have installed JBoss 5.x. 
+						See the <xref linkend="JBossAS5">installation section</xref> for details.
+					</para>
+			</note>
+			<sect5>
+		Ant Users:
+			</sect5>
+				<para>
+				Make sure your JBossAS-5.x is running
+				</para>
+			<programlisting>
+			<![CDATA[
+$ ant
+$ ant run
+     [java] Create Bill Burke and Monica Smith
+     [java] Bill and Monica get married
+     [java] Get all the Burkes
+     [java] There are now 2 Burkes
+		     ]]>
+			</programlisting>
+			<sect5>
+		Maven Users: <xref linkend="Maven_Users_TODO">TODO</xref>
+			</sect5>
+			<programlisting>
+$ mvn clean install
+			</programlisting>
+		</para>
+	</sect5>	
+	<sect5>
+			View the tables and rows:
+		<para>
+			You can view the tables created by JBoss by going to the 
+			<ulink url="http://localhost:8080/jmx-console/HtmlAdaptor?action=inspectMBean&amp;name=jboss%3Aservice%3DHypersonic%2Cdatabase%3DlocalDB">Hypersonic Service</ulink>,
+			scrolling down to the <literal>startDatabaseManager</literal> button and clicking it.  
+			A Hypersonic SQL window will be minimized, but you can open it up to look at the tables and do queries.
+		</para>
+	</sect5>

Modified: projects/ejb3/trunk/docs/tutorial/guide/en/modules/todo.xml
--- projects/ejb3/trunk/docs/tutorial/guide/en/modules/todo.xml	2009-01-05 10:18:01 UTC (rev 82607)
+++ projects/ejb3/trunk/docs/tutorial/guide/en/modules/todo.xml	2009-01-05 10:53:19 UTC (rev 82608)
@@ -12,35 +12,7 @@
-		<section id="JNDIBinding">
-			<title>TODO - Support for binding the EntityManager and EntityManagerFactory in JNDI</title>
-			<para>
-				JBoss-5.0 GA does NOT support binding the EntityManager and EntityManagerFactory in JNDI, using
-				the following properties in persistence.xml:
-				<programlisting>
-					<![CDATA[
-   <persistence-unit name="manager1">
-		...
-      <properties>
-         <property name="jboss.entity.manager.jndi.name" value="java:/Manager1"/>
-         <property name="jboss.entity.manager.factory.jndi.name" value="java:/Manager1Factory"/>
-      </properties>
-   </persistence-unit>
-					]]>
-				</programlisting>
-				We are tracking this in our EJBTHREE JIRA.		 
-			</para>
-		</section>
-		<section id="InvocationContext_Javadoc">
-			<title>Point to the javadocs of InvocationContext in the "interceptor" tutorial guide</title>
-			<para>
-				Better point to javadocs instead of the listing the methods in the guide
-			</para>
-		</section>			
\ No newline at end of file

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