[jboss-cvs] JBossAS SVN: r82790 - projects/docs/community/5/Clustering_Guide/en-US.

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Mon Jan 12 22:45:37 EST 2009

Author: bstansberry at jboss.com
Date: 2009-01-12 22:45:37 -0500 (Mon, 12 Jan 2009)
New Revision: 82790

[JBAS-6358] Add CacheManager section

Modified: projects/docs/community/5/Clustering_Guide/en-US/Clustering_Guide_Introduction.xml
--- projects/docs/community/5/Clustering_Guide/en-US/Clustering_Guide_Introduction.xml	2009-01-12 23:12:15 UTC (rev 82789)
+++ projects/docs/community/5/Clustering_Guide/en-US/Clustering_Guide_Introduction.xml	2009-01-13 03:45:37 UTC (rev 82790)
@@ -849,20 +849,241 @@
 	        <para>Users can also create their own JBoss Cache and POJO Cache 
 	        instances for custom use by their applications, see 
 	        <xref linkend="jbosscache.chapt"/> for more on this.</para>
-           <para>JBoss AS ships with a reasonable set of default JBoss Cache 
-           configurations that are suitable for standard clustered service
-           use cases listed above.  Most applications that involve the standard
-           clustered services just work out of the box with the default configurations. 
-           You only need to tweak them when you are deploying an application that 
-           has special network or performance requirements.</para>
 	       <section id="clustering-blocks-jbc-cachemanager">
 	          <title>The JBoss AS CacheManager Service</title>
-	          <para></para>
+	          <para>Many of the standard clustered services in JBoss AS use JBoss 
+	          Cache to maintain consistent state across the cluster.  Different 
+	          services (e.g. web session clustering or second level caching of 
+	          JPA/Hibernate entities) use different JBoss Cache instances, with 
+	          each cache configured to meet the needs of the service that uses it. 
+	          In AS 4, each of these caches was independently deployed in the 
+	          <literal>deploy/</literal> directory, which had a number of disadvantages:
+	          <itemizedlist>
+	          <listitem><para>Caches that end user applications 
+	          didn't need were deployed anyway, with each creating an expensive 
+	          JGroups channel. For example, even if there were no clustered EJB3 
+	          SFSBs, a cache to store them was started.</para></listitem>
+             <listitem><para>Caches are internal details of the services that 
+             use them. They shouldn't be first-class deployments.</para></listitem>
+             <listitem><para>Services would find their cache via JMX lookups. 
+             Using JMX for purposes other exposing management interfaces is just 
+             not the JBoss 5 way.</para></listitem>
+	          </itemizedlist>
+	          </para>
+	          <para>In JBoss 5, the scattered cache deployments have been replaced 
+	          with a new <emphasis role="bold">CacheManager</emphasis> service, 
+	          deployed via the <literal>JBOSS_HOME/server/all/deploy/cluster/jboss-cache-manager.sar</literal>. 
+	          The CacheManager is a factory and registry for JBoss Cache instances. 
+	          It is configured with a set of named JBoss Cache configurations. 
+	          Services that need a cache ask the cache manager for the cache by 
+	          name; the cache manager creates the cache (if not already created) 
+	          and returns it.  The cache manager keeps a reference to each cache 
+	          it has created, so all services that request the same cache name 
+	          will share the same cache. When a service is done with the cache, 
+	          it releases it to the cache manager.  The cache manager keeps track 
+	          of how many services are using each cache, and will stop and destroy 
+	          the cache when all services have released it.</para>
+	          <section id="clustering-blocks-jbc-cachemanager-stdconfigs">
+	            <title>Standard Cache Configurations</title>
+	            <para>The following standard configuration ship with JBoss AS 5. 
+	            You can add others to suit your needs, or edit these configurations 
+	            to adjust cache behavior. Additions or changes are done by editing 
+	            the <literal>deploy/cluster/jboss-cache-manager.sar/META-INF/jboss-cache-manager-jboss-beans.xml</literal> 
+	            file (see <xref linkend="jbosscache-custom-deployment-cachemgr"/> 
+	            for details). Note however that these configurations are specifically 
+	            optimized for their intended use, and except as specifically noted 
+	            in the documentation chapters for each service in this guide,
+	            it is not advisable to change them.</para>
+	            <itemizedlist>
+               <listitem>
+                 <para><emphasis role="bold">standard-session-cache</emphasis></para>
+                 <para>Standard cache used for web sessions.</para>
+               </listitem>
+               <listitem>
+                 <para><emphasis role="bold">field-granularity-session-cache</emphasis></para>
+                 <para>Standard cache used for FIELD granularity web sessions.</para>
+               </listitem>
+               <listitem>
+                 <para><emphasis role="bold">sfsb-cache</emphasis></para>
+                 <para>Standard cache used for EJB3 SFSB caching.</para>
+               </listitem>
+               <listitem>
+                 <para><emphasis role="bold">ha-partition</emphasis></para>
+                 <para>Used by web tier Clustered Single Sign-On, 
+                 HA-JNDI, Distributed State.</para>
+               </listitem>
+               <listitem>
+                 <para><emphasis role="bold">mvcc-entity</emphasis></para>
+                 <para>A config appropriate for JPA/Hibernate entity/collection 
+               caching that uses JBC's MVCC locking (see notes below).</para>
+               </listitem>
+               <listitem>
+                 <para><emphasis role="bold">optimistic-entity</emphasis></para>
+                 <para>A config appropriate for JPA/Hibernate entity/collection 
+               caching that uses JBC's optimistic locking (see notes below).
+               </para>
+               </listitem>
+               <listitem>
+                 <para><emphasis role="bold">pessimistic-entity</emphasis></para>
+                 <para>A config appropriate for JPA/Hibernate entity/collection 
+               caching that uses JBC's pessimistic locking (see notes below).
+               </para>
+               </listitem>
+               <listitem>
+                 <para><emphasis role="bold">mvcc-entity-repeatable</emphasis></para>
+                 <para>Same as "mvcc-entity" but uses JBC's REPEATABLE_READ 
+               isolation level instead of READ_COMMITTED (see notes below).
+               </para>
+               </listitem>
+               <listitem>
+                 <para><emphasis role="bold">pessimistic-entity-repeatable</emphasis></para>
+                 <para>Same as "pessimistic-entity" but uses JBC's REPEATABLE_READ 
+               isolation level instead of READ_COMMITTED (see notes below).
+               </para>
+               </listitem>
+               <listitem>
+                 <para><emphasis role="bold">local-query</emphasis></para>
+                 <para>A config appropriate for JPA/Hibernate query result caching. 
+               Does not replicate query results. DO NOT store the timestamp data 
+               Hibernate uses to verify query result validity in this cache.</para>
+               </listitem>
+               <listitem>
+                 <para><emphasis role="bold">replicated-query</emphasis></para>
+                 <para>A config appropriate for JPA/Hibernate query result caching. 
+               Replicates query results. DO NOT store the timestamp data 
+               Hibernate uses to verify query result validity in this cache.</para>
+               </listitem>
+               <listitem>
+                 <para><emphasis role="bold">timestamps-cache</emphasis></para>
+                 <para>A config appropriate for the timestamp data cached as part 
+               of JPA/Hibernate query result caching. A clustered timestamp cache 
+               is required if query result caching is used, even if the query results 
+               themselves use a non-replicating cache like <literal>local-query</literal>.</para>
+               </listitem>
+               <listitem>
+                 <para><emphasis role="bold">mvcc-shared</emphasis></para>
+                 <para>A config appropriate for a cache that's shared for JPA/Hibernate 
+               entity, collection, query result  and timestamp caching. Not an 
+               advised configuration, since it requires cache mode REPL_SYNC, 
+               which is the least efficient mode. Also requires a full state 
+               transfer at startup, which can be expensive. Maintained for 
+               backwards compatibility reasons, as a shared cache was the only 
+               option in JBoss 4. Uses JBC's MVCC locking.</para>
+               </listitem>
+               <listitem>
+                 <para><emphasis role="bold">optimistic-shared</emphasis></para>
+                 <para>A config appropriate for a cache that's shared for JPA/Hibernate 
+               entity, collection, query result  and timestamp caching. Not an 
+               advised configuration, since it requires cache mode REPL_SYNC, 
+               which is the least efficient mode. Also requires a full state 
+               transfer at startup, which can be expensive. Maintained for 
+               backwards compatibility reasons, as a shared cache was the only 
+               option in JBoss 4. Uses JBC's optimistic locking.</para>
+               </listitem>
+               <listitem>
+                 <para><emphasis role="bold">pessimistic-shared</emphasis></para>
+                 <para>A config appropriate for a cache that's shared for JPA/Hibernate 
+               entity, collection, query result  and timestamp caching. Not an 
+               advised configuration, since it requires cache mode REPL_SYNC, 
+               which is the least efficient mode. Also requires a full state 
+               transfer at startup, which can be expensive. Maintained for 
+               backwards compatibility reasons, as a shared cache was the only 
+               option in JBoss 4. Uses JBC's pessimistic locking.</para>
+               </listitem>
+               <listitem>
+                 <para><emphasis role="bold">mvcc-shared-repeatable</emphasis></para>
+                 <para>Same as "mvcc-shared" but uses JBC's REPEATABLE_READ 
+               isolation level instead of READ_COMMITTED (see notes below).
+               </para>
+               </listitem>
+               <listitem>
+                 <para><emphasis role="bold">pessimistic-shared-repeatable</emphasis></para>
+                 <para>Same as "pessimistic-shared" but uses JBC's REPEATABLE_READ 
+               isolation level instead of READ_COMMITTED. (see notes below).
+               </para>
+               </listitem>
+	            </itemizedlist>
+	            <note><para>For more on JBoss Cache's locking schemes, see
+               <xref linkend="jbosscache-configuration-concurrency"/>)</para></note>
+	            <note><para>For JPA/Hibernate second level caching, REPEATABLE_READ is 
+               only useful if the application evicts/clears entities from the 
+               EntityManager/Hibernate Session and then expects to repeatably 
+               re-read them in the same transaction. Otherwise, the Session's 
+               internal cache provides a repeatable-read semantic.</para></note>
+	          </section>
+	          <section>
+	            <title>Cache Configuration Aliases</title>
+	            <para>The CacheManager also supports aliasing of caches; i.e. 
+	            allowing caches registered under one name to be looked up under a 
+	            different name. Aliasing is useful for sharing caches between 
+	            services whose configuration may specify different cache config 
+	            names. It's also useful for supporting legacy EJB3 application 
+	            configurations ported over from AS 4.</para>
+	            <para>Aliases can be configured by editing the "CacheManager" 
+	            bean in the <literal>jboss-cache-manager-jboss-beans.xml</literal> 
+	            file. The following redacted config shows the standard aliases in 
+	            AS 5.0.0.GA:</para>
+	            <programlisting><![CDATA[
+<bean name="CacheManager" class="org.jboss.ha.cachemanager.CacheManager">
+    . . .
+    <!-- Aliases for cache names. Allows caches to be shared across 
+         services that may expect different cache config names. -->
+    <property name="configAliases">
+       <map keyClass="java.lang.String" valueClass="java.lang.String">
+          <!-- Use the HAPartition cache for ClusteredSSO caching -->
+          <entry>
+             <key>clustered-sso</key>
+             <value>ha-partition</value>
+          </entry>
+          <!-- Handle the legacy name for the EJB3 SFSB cache -->
+          <entry>
+             <key>jboss.cache:service=EJB3SFSBClusteredCache</key>
+             <value>sfsb-cache</value>
+          </entry>
+          <!-- Handle the legacy name for the EJB3 Entity cache -->
+          <entry>
+             <key>jboss.cache:service=EJB3EntityTreeCache</key>
+             <value>mvcc-shared</value>
+          </entry>
+       </map>
+    </property>
+    . . .
+   </section>
       <section id="clustering-intro-farm">
         <title>Farming Deployment</title>
@@ -957,7 +1178,6 @@

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