[jboss-cvs] JBossAS SVN: r86217 - in trunk: connector and 11 other directories.

jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org
Mon Mar 23 12:43:55 EDT 2009

Author: pgier
Date: 2009-03-23 12:43:55 -0400 (Mon, 23 Mar 2009)
New Revision: 86217

[JBBUILD-515] Remove old build.xml files.

Deleted: trunk/cluster/build.xml
--- trunk/cluster/build.xml	2009-03-23 16:19:41 UTC (rev 86216)
+++ trunk/cluster/build.xml	2009-03-23 16:43:55 UTC (rev 86217)
@@ -1,405 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE project [
-   <!ENTITY buildmagic SYSTEM "../tools/etc/buildmagic/buildmagic.ent">
-   <!ENTITY libraries SYSTEM "../thirdparty/libraries.ent">
-   <!ENTITY modules SYSTEM "../tools/etc/buildmagic/modules.ent">
-<!-- ====================================================================== -->
-<!--                                                                        -->
-<!--  JBoss, the OpenSource J2EE webOS                                      -->
-<!--                                                                        -->
-<!--  Distributable under LGPL license.                                     -->
-<!--  See terms of license at http://www.gnu.org.                           -->
-<!--                                                                        -->
-<!-- ====================================================================== -->
-<!-- $Id$ -->
-<project default="main" name="JBoss/Cluster">
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Setup                                                              -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-     | Include the common Buildmagic elements.
-     |
-     | This defines several different targets, properties and paths.
-     | It also sets up the basic extention tasks amoung other things.
-   -->
-  &buildmagic;
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Initialization                                                     -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-     | Initialize the build system.  Must depend on '_buildmagic:init'.
-     | Other targets should depend on 'init' or things will mysteriously fail.
-   -->
-  <target name="init" unless="init.disable" depends="_buildmagic:init">
-  </target>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Configuration                                                      -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-     | Configure the build system.
-     |
-     | This target is invoked by the Buildmagic initialization logic and
-     | should contain module specific configuration elements.
-   -->
-  <target name="configure" unless="configure.disable">
-    <!-- =================== -->
-    <!-- Basic Configuration -->
-    <!-- =================== -->
-    <!-- Module name(s) & version -->
-    <property name="module.name" value="cluster"/>
-    <property name="module.Name" value="JBoss Cluster"/>
-    <property name="module.version" value="DEV"/>
-    <!-- ========= -->
-    <!-- Libraries -->
-    <!-- ========= -->
-    &libraries;
-    <!-- The combined library classpath -->
-    <path id="library.classpath">
-      <path refid="apache.commons.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="apache.log4j.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="junit.junit.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jgroups.jgroups.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="org.jboss.cluster.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="oswego.concurrent.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.remoting.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.metadata.classpath"/>     
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.deployers.classpath"/>  
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.man.classpath"/>      
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.mdr.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.microcontainer.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.integration.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.javaee.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.common.core.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.common.logging.spi.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.common.logging.log4j.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.common.logging.jdk.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.vfs.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="sun.jaxb.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jbossxb.classpath"/>
-    </path>
-    <!-- ======= -->
-    <!-- Modules -->
-    <!-- ======= -->
-    &modules;
-    <!-- The combined dependent module classpath -->
-    <path id="dependentmodule.classpath">
-      <path refid="jboss.bootstrap.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.profileservice.spi.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.system.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.systemjmx.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jnpserver.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.server.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.mx.classpath"/>
-    </path>
-    <!-- ===== -->
-    <!-- Tasks -->
-    <!-- ===== -->
-    <!-- Where source files live -->
-    <property name="source.java" value="${module.source}/main"/>
-    <property name="source.etc" value="${module.source}/etc"/>
-    <property name="source.examples" value="${module.source}/examples"/>
-    <property name="source.resources" value="${module.source}/resources"/>
-    <!-- Where build generated files will go -->
-    <property name="build.classes" value="${module.output}/classes"/>
-    <property name="build.gen-src" value="${module.output}/gen-src"/>
-    <property name="build.lib" value="${module.output}/lib"/>
-    <property name="build.api" value="${module.output}/api"/>
-    <property name="build.etc" value="${module.output}/etc"/>
-    <property name="build.examples" value="${module.output}/examples"/>
-    <property name="build.reports" value="${module.output}/reports"/>
-    <property name="build.resources" value="${module.output}/resources"/>
-    <!-- Install/Release structure -->
-    <property name="install.id" value="${module.name}-${module.version}"/>
-    <property name="release.id" value="${install.id}"/>
-    <property name="install.root" value="${module.output}/${install.id}"/>
-    <!-- The combined thirdparty classpath -->
-    <path id="thirdparty.classpath">
-      <path refid="library.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="dependentmodule.classpath"/>
-    </path>
-    <!-- RMIC should generate stubs compatible with Java 1.2+ -->
-    <property name="rmic.stubVersion" value="1.2"/>
-    <!-- classpath and local.classpath must have a value using with a path -->
-    <property name="classpath" value=""/>
-    <property name="local.classpath" value=""/>
-    <!-- The classpath required to build classes. -->
-    <path id="javac.classpath">
-      <pathelement path="${classpath}"/>
-      <pathelement path="${local.classpath}"/>
-      <path refid="thirdparty.classpath"/>
-    </path>
-    <!-- The classpath required to build javadocs. -->
-    <path id="javadoc.classpath">
-      <path refid="javac.classpath"/>
-    </path>
-    <!-- Packages to include when generating api documentation -->
-    <property name="javadoc.packages" value="org.jboss.*"/>
-    <!-- Override JUnit defaults -->
-    <property name="junit.timeout" value="240000"/> <!-- 4 minutes -->
-    <property name="junit.batchtest.todir" value="${build.reports}"/>
-    <property name="junit.jvm.options" value="-Ddummy"/>
-    <!-- xdoclet -->
-    <path id="xdoclet.task.classpath">
-      <path refid="javac.classpath"/>
-      <fileset dir="${xdoclet.xdoclet.lib}">
-        <include name="**/*.jar"/>
-      </fileset>
-    </path>
-    <property name="xdoclet.task.classpath"
-      refid="xdoclet.task.classpath"/>
-    <taskdef name="todo"
-      classname="xdoclet.modules.doc.DocumentDocletTask"
-      classpathref="xdoclet.task.classpath"/>
-  </target>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Compile                                                            -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-     |  Compile everything.
-     |
-     |  This target should depend on other compile-* targets for each
-     |  different type of compile that needs to be performed, short of
-     |  documentation compiles.
-    -->
-  <target name="compile"
-    description="Compile all source files."
-    depends="compile-classes,
-  <!-- Compile all class files -->
-  <target name="compile-classes" depends="init">
-    <mkdir dir="${build.classes}"/>
-    <taskdef name="jmxdoclet" classname="xdoclet.modules.jmx.JMXDocletTask" classpathref="xdoclet.task.classpath"/>
-    <javac destdir="${build.classes}"
-      optimize="${javac.optimize}"
-      target="${javac.target}"
-      source="${javac.source}"
-      debug="${javac.debug}"
-      depend="${javac.depend}"
-      verbose="${javac.verbose}"
-      deprecation="${javac.deprecation}"
-      includeAntRuntime="${javac.include.ant.runtime}"
-      includeJavaRuntime="${javac.include.java.runtime}"
-      includes="${javac.includes}"
-      excludes="${javac.excludes}"
-      failonerror="${javac.fail.onerror}">
-      <src path="${source.java}"/>
-      <src path="${source.examples}"/>
-      <classpath refid="javac.classpath"/>
-    </javac>
-  </target>
-  <!-- Compile RMI stubs -->
-  <target name="compile-rmi" depends="compile-classes">
-    <rmic base="${build.classes}"
-      verify="${rmic.verify}"
-      iiop="${rmic.iiop}"
-      iiopopts="${rmic.iiopops}"
-      idl="${rmic.idl}"
-      idlopts="${rmic.idlops}"
-      debug="${rmic.debug}"
-      stubVersion="${rmic.stubVersion}">
-      <classpath refid="javac.classpath"/>
-      <include name="${rmic.includes}"/>
-      <exclude name="${rmic.excludes}"/>
-      <include name="org/jboss/ha/framework/server/DistributedReplicantManagerImpl.class"/>
-      <include name="org/jboss/ha/framework/server/DistributedStateImpl.class"/>
-      <include name="org/jboss/ha/jndi/HAJNDI.class"/>
-      <include name="org/jboss/ha/framework/server/HARMIServerImpl.class"/>
-    </rmic>
-  </target>
-  <!-- Compile manifests -->
-  <target name="compile-etc" depends="init">
-    <mkdir dir="${build.etc}"/>
-    <copy todir="${build.etc}" filtering="yes">
-      <fileset dir="${source.etc}">
-        <include name="**"/>
-      </fileset>
-    </copy>
-  </target>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Archives                                                           -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-     |  Build all jar files.
-    -->
-  <target name="jars" description="Builds all jar files."
-    depends="_buildmagic:build-bypass-check"
-    unless="build-bypass.on">
-    <call target="compile"/>
-    <mkdir dir="${build.lib}"/>
-    <!-- Build jgroups-channelfactory.sar -->
-    <mkdir dir="${build.resources}/jgroups-channelfactory.sar/META-INF"/>   
-    <copy todir="${build.resources}/jgroups-channelfactory.sar/META-INF" filtering="yes">
-      <fileset dir="${source.resources}/jgroups">
-        <include name="**"/>
-      </fileset>
-    </copy>
-    <!-- Build jboss-cache-manager.sar -->
-    <mkdir dir="${build.resources}/jboss-cache-manager.sar"/>   
-    <copy todir="${build.resources}/jboss-cache-manager.sar" filtering="yes">
-      <fileset dir="${source.resources}/jboss-cache-manager.sar">
-        <include name="**"/>
-      </fileset>
-    </copy>
-    <!-- Build the jbossha.jar -->
-    <!--
-    	since the examples are just a few small files,
-    	for now they are bundled with the main jar
-    	to reduce file explosion
-    -->
-    <jar jarfile="${build.lib}/jbossha.jar"
-      manifest="${build.etc}/default.mf">
-      <fileset dir="${build.classes}">
-        <include name="**"/>
-        <exclude name="org/jboss/mq/**"/>
-      </fileset>
-    </jar>
-    <!-- Build the jboss-ha-legacy-client.jar -->
-    <jar jarfile="${build.lib}/jboss-ha-legacy-client.jar"
-      manifest="${build.etc}/default.mf">
-      <fileset dir="${build.classes}">
-        <include name="org/jboss/ha/framework/interfaces/**"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/ha/hasessionstate/interfaces/**"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/invocation/jrmp/interfaces/**"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/invocation/http/interfaces/**"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/invocation/unified/interfaces/**"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/invocation/InvokerProxyHA**"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/ha/**/*Stub.class"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/proxy/*"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/ha/framework/test/ExplicitFailoverClientInterceptor.class"/>
-      </fileset>
-    </jar>
-    <!-- Update the build marker to allow bypassing -->
-    <touch file="${build-bypass.marker}"/>
-  </target>
-  <!-- Generate examples files -->
-  <!-- Should really place these in a package, compile, then include source -->
-  <target name="docs-examples" depends="init">
-    <mkdir dir="${build.examples}"/>
-    <copy todir="${build.examples}" filtering="yes">
-      <fileset dir="${source.examples}">
-        <include name="**/*"/>
-      </fileset>
-    </copy>
-  </target>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Install & Release                                                  -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <target name="install"
-    description="Install the structure for a release."
-    depends="all, _buildmagic:install:default"/>
-  <target name="release" depends="install"/>
-  <target name="release-zip"
-    description="Builds a ZIP distribution."
-    depends="release, _buildmagic:release:zip"/>
-  <target name="release-tar"
-    description="Builds a TAR distribution."
-    depends="release, _buildmagic:release:tar"/>
-  <target name="release-tgz"
-    description="Builds a TAR-GZ distribution."
-    depends="release, _buildmagic:release:tgz"/>
-  <target name="release-all"
-    description="Builds a distribution for each archive type."
-    depends="release-zip, release-tgz"/>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Cleaning                                                           -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Clean up all build output -->
-  <target name="clean"
-    description="Cleans up most generated files."
-    depends="_buildmagic:clean">
-  </target>
-  <!-- Clean up all generated files -->
-  <target name="clobber"
-    description="Cleans up all generated files."
-    depends="_buildmagic:clobber, clean">
-  </target>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Misc.                                                              -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <target name="main"
-    description="Executes the default target (most)."
-    depends="most"/>
-  <target name="all"
-    description="Builds everything."
-    depends="jars, docs"/>
-  <target name="most"
-    description="Builds almost everything."
-    depends="jars"/>
-  <target name="help"
-    description="Show this help message."
-    depends="_buildmagic:help:standard"/>

Deleted: trunk/connector/build.xml
--- trunk/connector/build.xml	2009-03-23 16:19:41 UTC (rev 86216)
+++ trunk/connector/build.xml	2009-03-23 16:43:55 UTC (rev 86217)
@@ -1,541 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE project [
-   <!ENTITY buildmagic SYSTEM "../tools/etc/buildmagic/buildmagic.ent">
-   <!ENTITY libraries SYSTEM "../thirdparty/libraries.ent">
-   <!ENTITY modules SYSTEM "../tools/etc/buildmagic/modules.ent">
-<!-- ====================================================================== -->
-<!--                                                                        -->
-<!--  JBoss, the OpenSource J2EE webOS                                      -->
-<!--                                                                        -->
-<!--  Distributable under LGPL license.                                     -->
-<!--  See terms of license at http://www.gnu.org.                           -->
-<!--                                                                        -->
-<!-- ====================================================================== -->
-<!-- $Id$ -->
-<project default="main" name="JBoss/Connector">
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Setup                                                              -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-     | Include the common Buildmagic elements.
-     |
-     | This defines several different targets, properties and paths.
-     | It also sets up the basic extention tasks amoung other things.
-   -->
-  &buildmagic;
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Initialization                                                     -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-     | Initialize the build system.  Must depend on '_buildmagic:init'.  
-     | Other targets should depend on 'init' or things will mysteriously fail.
-   -->
-  <target name="init" unless="init.disable" depends="_buildmagic:init">
-  </target>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Configuration                                                      -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-     | Configure the build system.  
-     |
-     | This target is invoked by the Buildmagic initialization logic and 
-     | should contain module specific configuration elements.
-   -->
-  <target name="configure" unless="configure.disable">
-    <!-- =================== -->
-    <!-- Basic Configuration -->
-    <!-- =================== -->
-    <!-- Module name(s) & version -->
-    <property name="module.name" value="connector"/>
-    <property name="module.Name" value="JBoss Connector"/>
-    <property name="module.version" value="DEV"/>
-    <!-- ========= -->
-    <!-- Libraries -->
-    <!-- ========= -->
-    &libraries;
-    <!-- The combined library classpath -->
-    <path id="library.classpath">
-      <path refid="apache.log4j.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="apache.commons.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="sun.javamail.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="quartz.quartz.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.metadata.classpath"/>       
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.deployers.classpath"/>      
-      <path refid="jboss.integration.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.cl.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.man.classpath"/>      
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.mdr.classpath"/>      
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.reflect.classpath"/>      
-      <path refid="jboss.microcontainer.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.profileservice.spi.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.vfs.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="sun.jaxb.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="sun.jaf.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="stax.api.classpath"/>
-    </path>
-    <!-- ======= -->
-    <!-- Modules -->
-    <!-- ======= -->
-    &modules;
-    <!-- The combined depedant module classpath -->
-    <path id="dependentmodule.classpath">
-      <path refid="jboss.common.core.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.common.logging.spi.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.common.logging.log4j.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.common.logging.jdk.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.javaee.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.jaspi.api.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jbosssx.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.security.spi.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.security.int.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.server.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.bootstrap.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.system.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.systemjmx.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.mx.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.serialization.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jbossxb.classpath"/> 	
-      <path refid="jboss.aop.classpath"/>
-    </path>
-    <!-- ===== -->
-    <!-- Tasks -->
-    <!-- ===== -->
-    <!-- Where source files live -->
-    <property name="source.java" value="${module.source}/main"/>
-    <property name="source.etc" value="${module.source}/etc"/>
-    <property name="source.resources" value="${module.source}/resources"/>
-    <!-- Where build generated files will go -->
-    <property name="build.reports" value="${module.output}/reports"/>
-    <property name="build.classes" value="${module.output}/classes"/>
-    <property name="build.lib" value="${module.output}/lib"/>
-    <property name="build.api" value="${module.output}/api"/>
-    <property name="build.jmx-api" value="${module.output}/jmx-api"/>
-    <property name="build.etc" value="${module.output}/etc"/>
-    <property name="build.resources" value="${module.output}/resources"/>
-    <property name="build.stylesheets" value="${module.output}/stylesheets"/>
-    <property name="tools.stylesheets" value="${project.tools}/etc/stylesheets"/>
-    <!--xdoclet output directories-->
-    <property name="build.gen-src" value="${module.output}/gen-src/"/>
-    <property name="build.jmx-doc" value="${module.output}/jmx-doc/"/>
-    <!-- Install/Release structure -->
-    <property name="install.id" value="${module.name}-${module.version}"/>
-    <property name="release.id" value="${install.id}"/>
-    <property name="install.root" value="${module.output}/${install.id}"/>
-    <!-- The combined thirdparty classpath -->
-    <path id="thirdparty.classpath">
-      <path refid="library.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="dependentmodule.classpath"/>
-    </path>
-    <!-- classpath and local.classpath must have a value using with a path -->
-    <property name="classpath" value=""/>
-    <property name="local.classpath" value=""/>
-    <!-- The classpath required to build classes. -->
-    <path id="javac.classpath">
-      <pathelement path="${classpath}"/>
-      <pathelement path="${local.classpath}"/>
-      <path refid="thirdparty.classpath"/>
-    </path>
-    <!-- The classpath required to build javadocs. -->
-    <path id="javadoc.classpath">
-      <path refid="javac.classpath"/>
-    </path>
-    <!-- Packages to include when generating api documentation -->
-    <property name="javadoc.packages" value="org.jboss.*"/>
-    <!-- xdoclet -->
-    <path id="xdoclet.task.classpath">
-      <path refid="javac.classpath"/>
-      <fileset dir="${xdoclet.xdoclet.lib}">
-        <include name="**/*.jar"/>
-      </fileset>
-    </path>
-    <property name="xdoclet.task.classpath"
-      refid="xdoclet.task.classpath"/>
-  </target>
-  <!-- new jaxb generation 
-  <target name="jaxb">
-  	<taskdef name="xjc" classname="com.sun.tools.xjc.XJCTask" classpathref="thirdparty.classpath"/>
-  	<xjc schema="${source.resources}/schema/jboss-cf.xsd" package="org.jboss.resource.deployment.mx" target="/Users/wmprice">  	
-  	</xjc> 
-  </target>
-	<target name="schema">
-	  	<taskdef name="schemagen" classname="com.sun.tools.jxc.SchemaGenTask" classpathref="thirdparty.classpath"/>
-		<schemagen srcdir="${source.java}/org/jboss/resource/metadata/mcf" destdir="/Users/wmprice/testschema"/>
-  	</target>
-	-->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Compile                                                            -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- 
-     |  Compile everything.
-     |
-     |  This target should depend on other compile-* targets for each 
-     |  different type of compile that needs to be performed, short of
-     |  documentation compiles.
-    -->
-  <target name="compile"
-    depends="compile-classes, compile-resources, compile-etc"
-    description="Compile all source files."/>
-  <!-- Compile all class files -->
-  <target name="compile-classes" depends="compile-classes-jdk5, compile-classes-jdk6"/>
-  <target name="compile-classes-jdk5" depends="init" unless="HAVE_JDK_1.6">
-    <mkdir dir="${build.classes}"/>
-    <javac destdir="${build.classes}"
-      optimize="${javac.optimize}"
-      target="1.5"
-      source="1.5"
-      debug="${javac.debug}"
-      depend="${javac.depend}"
-      verbose="${javac.verbose}"
-      deprecation="${javac.deprecation}"
-      includeAntRuntime="${javac.include.ant.runtime}"
-      includeJavaRuntime="${javac.include.java.runtime}"
-      failonerror="${javac.fail.onerror}">
-      <src path="${source.java}"/>
-      <exclude name="org/jboss/resource/adapter/jdbc/jdk6/**"/>
-      <classpath refid="javac.classpath"/>
-    </javac>
-  </target>
-  <target name="compile-classes-jdk6" depends="init" if="HAVE_JDK_1.6">
-    <mkdir dir="${build.classes}"/>
-    <javac destdir="${build.classes}"
-      optimize="${javac.optimize}"
-      target="1.6"
-      source="1.6"
-      debug="${javac.debug}"
-      depend="${javac.depend}"
-      verbose="${javac.verbose}"
-      deprecation="${javac.deprecation}"
-      includeAntRuntime="${javac.include.ant.runtime}"
-      includeJavaRuntime="${javac.include.java.runtime}"
-      failonerror="${javac.fail.onerror}">
-      <src path="${source.java}"/>
-      <exclude name="org/jboss/resource/adapter/jdbc/jdk5/**"/>
-      <classpath refid="javac.classpath"/>
-    </javac>
-  </target>
-  <!-- Compile resource files -->
-  <target name="compile-resources" depends="init">
-    <mkdir dir="${build.resources}"/>
-    <copy todir="${build.resources}" filtering="yes">
-      <fileset dir="${source.resources}">
-        <include name="**/*"/>
-      </fileset>
-    </copy>
-  </target>
-  <!-- Compile manifests -->
-  <target name="compile-etc" depends="init">
-    <mkdir dir="${build.etc}"/>
-    <copy todir="${build.etc}" filtering="yes">
-      <fileset dir="${source.etc}">
-        <include name="**"/>
-      </fileset>
-    </copy>
-  </target>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Archives                                                           -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- 
-     |  Build all jar files.
-    -->
-  <target name="jars"
-    description="Builds all jar files."
-    depends="_buildmagic:build-bypass-check"
-    unless="build-bypass.on">
-    <call target="compile"/>
-    <mkdir dir="${build.lib}"/>
-	<mkdir dir="${build.lib}/jboss-jca.deployer"/>
-	<mkdir dir="${build.lib}/jboss-jca.deployer/META-INF"/>
-  	<jar jarfile="${build.lib}/jboss-jca-deployer.jar" 
-  		 manifest="${build.etc}/default.mf">
-  		<fileset dir="${build.classes}">
-			<include name="org/jboss/resource/deployers/**"/>  				
-			<include name="org/jboss/resource/deployment/**"/>  				
-			<include name="org/jboss/resource/metadata/repository/**"/>  				
-  		</fileset>  		
-  	</jar>
-    <!--
-  	<jar jarfile="${build.lib}/jboss-jca-metadata.jar" 
-  		manifest="${build.etc}/default.mf">
-  		<fileset dir="${build.classes}">
-			<include name="org/jboss/resource/metadata/**"/>  				
-			<exclude name="org/jboss/resource/metadata/repository/**"/>  				
-  		</fileset>  		  		
-  	</jar>
-  	-->
-  	<copy file="${build.lib}/jboss-jca-deployer.jar" todir="${build.lib}/jboss-jca.deployer/"/>
-  	<!-- 
-	<copy file="${build.lib}/jboss-jca-metadata.jar" todir="${build.lib}/jboss-jca.deployer/"/>
-  	-->
-  	<copy file="${build.resources}/deployers/jca-deployers-jboss-beans.xml" todir="${build.lib}/jboss-jca.deployer/META-INF"/>
-  	<!-- Build jboss-jca.jar -->
-    <jar jarfile="${build.lib}/jboss-jca.jar"
-      manifest="${build.etc}/default.mf">
-      <fileset dir="${build.classes}">
-        <include name="**"/>
-         <exclude name="**/adapter/**"/>
-         <exclude name="org/jboss/resource/deployers/**"/>
-      </fileset>
-      <fileset dir="${build.resources}">
-        <include name="dtd/**"/>
-        <include name="stylesheets/**"/>
-      </fileset>
-    </jar>
-    <!-- Create the jar containing common classes for the JDBC wrapper resource adapters -->
-    <jar jarfile="${build.lib}/jboss-common-jdbc-wrapper.jar"
-      manifest="${build.etc}/default.mf">
-      <fileset dir="${build.classes}">
-        <include name="org/jboss/resource/adapter/jdbc/JBossWrapper.class"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/resource/adapter/jdbc/WrapperConnectionFactory.class"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/resource/adapter/jdbc/ExceptionSorter.class"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/resource/adapter/jdbc/CheckValidConnectionSQL.class"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/resource/adapter/jdbc/ValidConnectionChecker.class"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/resource/adapter/jdbc/StaleConnectionChecker.class"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/resource/adapter/jdbc/StaleConnectionException.class"/>
-      	<include name="org/jboss/resource/adapter/jdbc/vendor/*.class"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/resource/adapter/jdbc/Null*.class"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/resource/adapter/jdbc/Wrap*.class"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/resource/adapter/jdbc/BaseWrap*.class"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/resource/adapter/jdbc/CachedCallableStatement.class"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/resource/adapter/jdbc/CachedPreparedStatement.class"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/resource/adapter/jdbc/PreparedStatementCache*.class"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/resource/adapter/jdbc/StatementAccess.class"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/resource/adapter/jdbc/jdk5/*.class"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/resource/adapter/jdbc/jdk6/*.class"/>
-		<include name="org/jboss/resource/adapter/jdbc/URLSelectorStrategy.class"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/resource/adapter/jdbc/remote/*"/>
-        <!-- JBAS-2250 hack -->
-        <include name="org/jboss/ejb/plugins/cmp/jdbc/*" />
-      </fileset>
-    </jar>
-    <!-- Create the new local transaction JDBC wrapper resource adapter -->
-    <!-- Build ra-jdbc-libs.jar -->
-    <jar jarfile="${build.lib}/jboss-local-jdbc.jar"
-      manifest="${build.etc}/default.mf">
-      <fileset dir="${build.classes}">
-        <include name="org/jboss/resource/adapter/jdbc/local/Local*.class"/>
-      </fileset>
-    </jar>
-    <!-- Build jboss-local-jdbc.rar -->
-    <jar jarfile="${build.lib}/jboss-local-jdbc.rar"
-      manifest="${build.etc}/default.mf">
-      <fileset dir="${build.resources}/local-rar">
-        <include name="**/*"/>
-      </fileset>
-      <fileset dir="${build.lib}">
-        <include name="jboss-local-jdbc.jar"/>
-      </fileset>
-    </jar>
-    <!-- Create the xa transaction JDBC wrapper resource adapter -->
-    <!-- Build ra-xa-libs.jar -->
-    <jar jarfile="${build.lib}/jboss-xa-jdbc.jar"
-      manifest="${build.etc}/default.mf">
-      <fileset dir="${build.classes}">
-        <include name="org/jboss/resource/adapter/jdbc/xa/**/*.class"/>
-      </fileset>
-    </jar>
-    <!-- Build jboss-xa.rar -->
-    <jar jarfile="${build.lib}/jboss-xa-jdbc.rar"
-      manifest="${build.etc}/default.mf">
-      <fileset dir="${build.resources}/xa-rar">
-        <include name="**/*"/>
-      </fileset>
-      <fileset dir="${build.lib}">
-        <include name="jboss-xa-jdbc.jar"/>
-      </fileset>
-    </jar>
-    <!-- jms-ra.rar -->
-    <jar jarfile="${build.lib}/jms-ra.jar"
-      manifest="${build.etc}/default.mf">
-      <fileset dir="${build.classes}">
-        <include name="org/jboss/resource/adapter/jms/**"/>
-      </fileset>
-    </jar>
-    <jar jarfile="${build.lib}/jms-ra.rar"
-      manifest="${build.etc}/default.mf">
-      <fileset dir="${build.lib}">
-        <include name="jms-ra.jar"/>
-      </fileset>
-      <fileset dir="${build.resources}/jms-rar/">
-        <include name="**"/>
-      </fileset>
-    </jar>
-     <!-- mail-ra.rar -->
-     <jar jarfile="${build.lib}/mail-ra.jar"
-       manifest="${build.etc}/default.mf">
-       <fileset dir="${build.classes}">
-         <include name="org/jboss/resource/adapter/mail/**"/>
-       </fileset>
-     </jar>
-     <jar jarfile="${build.lib}/mail-ra.rar"
-       manifest="${build.etc}/default.mf">
-       <fileset dir="${build.lib}">
-         <include name="mail-ra.jar"/>
-       </fileset>
-       <fileset dir="${build.resources}/mail-rar/">
-         <include name="**"/>
-       </fileset>
-     </jar>
-     <!-- quartz-ra.rar -->
-     <jar jarfile="${build.lib}/quartz-ra.jar"
-       manifest="${build.etc}/default.mf">
-       <fileset dir="${build.classes}">
-         <include name="org/jboss/resource/adapter/quartz/**"/>
-       </fileset>
-     </jar>
-     <jar jarfile="${build.lib}/quartz-ra.rar"
-       manifest="${build.etc}/default.mf">
-       <fileset dir="${build.lib}">
-         <include name="quartz-ra.jar"/>
-       </fileset>
-        <fileset dir="${source.resources}/quartz-rar">
-           <include name="META-INF/ra.xml"/>
-        </fileset>
-     </jar>
-    <!-- jbosscx-client.jar -->
-    <jar jarfile="${build.lib}/jbosscx-client.jar"
-      manifest="${build.etc}/default.mf">
-      <fileset dir="${build.classes}">
-        <include name="org/jboss/resource/JBossResourceException.class"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/resource/adapter/jdbc/remote/*"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/resource/connectionmanager/JBossLocalXAException.class"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/resource/adapter/jdbc/JBossWrapper.class"/>
-      </fileset>
-    </jar>
-    <!-- Update the build marker to allow bypassing -->
-    <touch file="${build-bypass.marker}"/>
-  </target>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Install & Release                                                  -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <target name="install"
-    description="Install the structure for a release."
-    depends="all, _buildmagic:install:default"/>
-  <target name="release" depends="install"/>
-  <target name="release-zip"
-    description="Builds a ZIP distribution."
-    depends="release, _buildmagic:release:zip"/>
-  <target name="release-tar"
-    description="Builds a TAR distribution."
-    depends="release, _buildmagic:release:tar"/>
-  <target name="release-tgz"
-    description="Builds a TAR-GZ distribution."
-    depends="release, _buildmagic:release:tgz"/>
-  <target name="release-all"
-    description="Builds a distribution for each archive type."
-    depends="release-zip, release-tgz"/>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Cleaning                                                           -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Clean up all build output -->
-  <target name="clean"
-    description="Cleans up most generated files."
-    depends="_buildmagic:clean">
-  </target>
-  <!-- Clean up all generated files -->
-  <target name="clobber"
-    description="Cleans up all generated files."
-    depends="_buildmagic:clobber, clean">
-  </target>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Misc.                                                              -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <target name="main"
-    description="Executes the default target (most)."
-    depends="most"/>
-  <target name="all"
-    description="Builds everything."
-    depends="jars, docs"/>
-  <target name="most"
-    description="Builds almost everything."
-    depends="jars"/>
-  <target name="help"
-    description="Show this help message."
-    depends="_buildmagic:help:standard"/>

Deleted: trunk/console/build.xml
--- trunk/console/build.xml	2009-03-23 16:19:41 UTC (rev 86216)
+++ trunk/console/build.xml	2009-03-23 16:43:55 UTC (rev 86217)
@@ -1,467 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE project [
-   <!ENTITY buildmagic SYSTEM "../tools/etc/buildmagic/buildmagic.ent">
-   <!ENTITY libraries SYSTEM "../thirdparty/libraries.ent">
-   <!ENTITY modules SYSTEM "../tools/etc/buildmagic/modules.ent">
-<!-- ====================================================================== -->
-<!--                                                                        -->
-<!--  JBoss, the OpenSource J2EE webOS                                      -->
-<!--                                                                        -->
-<!--  Distributable under LGPL license.                                     -->
-<!--  See terms of license at http://www.gnu.org.                           -->
-<!--                                                                        -->
-<!-- ====================================================================== -->
-<!-- $Id$ -->
-<project default="main" name="JBoss/Console">
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Setup                                                              -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-     | Include the common Buildmagic elements.
-     |
-     | This defines several different targets, properties and paths.
-     | It also sets up the basic extention tasks amoung other things.
-   -->
-  &buildmagic;
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Initialization                                                     -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-     | Initialize the build system.  Must depend on '_buildmagic:init'.
-     | Other targets should depend on 'init' or things will mysteriously fail.
-   -->
-  <target name="init" unless="init.disable" depends="_buildmagic:init">
-  </target>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Configuration                                                      -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-     | Configure the build system.
-     |
-     | This target is invoked by the Buildmagic initialization logic and
-     | should contain module specific configuration elements.
-   -->
-  <target name="configure" unless="configure.disable">
-    <!-- =================== -->
-    <!-- Basic Configuration -->
-    <!-- =================== -->
-    <!-- Module name(s) & version -->
-    <property name="module.name" value="jboss-console"/>
-    <property name="module.Name" value="JBoss Console"/>
-    <property name="module.version" value="DEV"/>
-    <!-- ========= -->
-    <!-- Libraries -->
-    <!-- ========= -->
-    &libraries;
-    <!-- The combined library classpath -->
-    <path id="library.classpath">
-      <path refid="gnu.getopt.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="apache.log4j.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="apache.commons.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="dom4j.dom4j.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="beanshell.beanshell.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.microcontainer.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.web.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jfreechart.jfreechart.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="trove.classpath"/>
-    </path>
-    <!-- ======= -->
-    <!-- Modules -->
-    <!-- ======= -->
-    &modules;
-    <!-- The combined dependent module classpath -->
-    <path id="dependentmodule.classpath">
-      <path refid="jboss.common.core.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.common.logging.spi.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.common.logging.log4j.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.common.logging.jdk.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.mx.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.management.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jbosssx.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.server.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.mq.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.bootstrap.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.system.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.systemjmx.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.varia.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.aop.classpath"/>
-    </path>
-    <!-- ===== -->
-    <!-- Tasks -->
-    <!-- ===== -->
-    <!-- Where source files live -->
-    <property name="source.java" value="${module.source}/main"/>
-    <property name="source.bin" value="${module.source}/bin"/>
-    <property name="source.resources" value="${module.source}/resources"/>
-    <property name="source.etc" value="${module.source}/etc"/>
-    <!-- Where build generated files will go -->
-    <property name="build.reports" value="${module.output}/reports"/>
-    <property name="build.classes" value="${module.output}/classes"/>
-    <property name="build.lib" value="${module.output}/lib"/>
-    <property name="build.api" value="${module.output}/api"/>
-    <property name="build.etc" value="${module.output}/etc"/>
-    <property name="build.bin" value="${module.output}/bin"/>
-    <property name="build.resources" value="${module.output}/resources"/>
-    <property name="build.etc" value="${module.output}/etc"/>
-    <property name="build.gen-src" value="${module.output}/gen-src"/>
-    <property name="build.todo" value="${module.output}/todo"/>
-    <!-- Install/Release structure -->
-    <property name="install.id" value="${module.name}-${module.version}"/>
-    <property name="release.id" value="${install.id}"/>
-    <property name="install.root" value="${module.output}/${install.id}"/>
-    <!-- The combined thirdparty classpath -->
-    <path id="thirdparty.classpath">
-      <path refid="library.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="dependentmodule.classpath"/>
-    </path>
-    <!-- classpath and local.classpath must have a value using with a path -->
-    <property name="classpath" value=""/>
-    <property name="local.classpath" value=""/>
-    <!-- The classpath required to build classes. -->
-    <path id="javac.classpath">
-      <pathelement path="${classpath}"/>
-      <pathelement path="${local.classpath}"/>
-      <path refid="thirdparty.classpath"/>
-    </path>
-    <!-- The classpath required to build javadocs. -->
-    <path id="javadoc.classpath">
-      <path refid="javac.classpath"/>
-    </path>
-    <!-- Packages to include when generating api documentation -->
-    <property name="javadoc.packages" value="org.jboss.*"/>
-  </target>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Compile                                                            -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-     | Compile everything.
-     |
-     | This target should depend on other compile-* targets for each
-     | different type of compile that needs to be performed, short of
-     | documentation compiles.
-   -->
-  <target name="compile"
-    description="Compile all source files."
-    depends="compile-classes, compile-resources, compile-etc, compile-bin"/>
-  <!-- Compile all class files -->
-  <target name="compile-classes" depends="init">
-    <mkdir dir="${build.classes}"/>
-    <javac destdir="${build.classes}"
-      optimize="${javac.optimize}"
-      target="${javac.target}"
-      source="${javac.source}"
-      debug="${javac.debug}"
-      depend="${javac.depend}"
-      verbose="${javac.verbose}"
-      deprecation="${javac.deprecation}"
-      includeAntRuntime="${javac.include.ant.runtime}"
-      includeJavaRuntime="${javac.include.java.runtime}"
-      includes="${javac.includes}"
-      excludes="${javac.excludes}"
-      failonerror="${javac.fail.onerror}">
-      <src path="${source.java}"/>
-      <classpath refid="javac.classpath"/>
-    </javac>
-  </target>
-  <!-- Compile resource files -->
-  <target name="compile-resources" depends="init">
-    <mkdir dir="${build.resources}"/>
-    <copy todir="${build.resources}" filtering="no">
-      <fileset dir="${source.resources}">
-        <include name="**/*"/>
-      </fileset>
-    </copy>
-  </target>
-  <!-- Compile etc files (manifests and such) -->
-  <target name="compile-etc" depends="init">
-    <mkdir dir="${build.etc}"/>
-    <copy todir="${build.etc}" filtering="yes" overwrite="yes">
-      <fileset dir="${source.etc}">
-        <include name="**/*"/>
-      </fileset>
-    </copy>
-  </target>
-  <!-- Compile bin scripts -->
-  <target name="compile-bin" depends="init">
-    <mkdir dir="${build.bin}"/>
-    <copy todir="${build.bin}" filtering="yes">
-      <fileset dir="${source.bin}">
-        <include name="**/*"/>
-      </fileset>
-    </copy>
-    <fixcrlf srcdir="${build.bin}"
-      eol="lf" eof="remove"
-      includes="**/*.sh"/>
-    <fixcrlf srcdir="${build.bin}"
-      eol="crlf" eof="remove"
-      includes="**/*.bat, **/*.cmd"/>
-    <chmod perm="+x">
-      <fileset dir="${build.bin}">
-        <include name="**/*.sh"/>
-      </fileset>
-    </chmod>
-  </target>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Archives                                                           -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-     | Build all jar files.
-   -->
-  <target name="jars"
-    description="Builds all jar files."
-    depends="_buildmagic:build-bypass-check"
-    unless="build-bypass.on">
-    <call target="compile"/>
-    <mkdir dir="${build.lib}"/>
-    <!-- Build the ${module.name}.jar -->
-    <jar jarfile="${build.lib}/${module.name}.jar">
-      <fileset dir="${build.classes}">
-        <include name="org/jboss/console/**"/>
-      </fileset>
-    </jar>
-    <!-- Build the ${module.name}-client.jar -->
-    <jar jarfile="${build.lib}/${module.name}-client.jar">
-      <fileset dir="${build.classes}">
-        <include name="**/*Exception*.class"/>
-      </fileset>
-    </jar>
-    <!-- Build twiddle.jar -->
-    <jar jarfile="${build.lib}/twiddle.jar" manifest="${build.etc}/twiddle.mf">
-      <fileset dir="${build.classes}">
-        <include name="org/jboss/console/twiddle/**"/>
-      </fileset>
-      <fileset dir="${build.resources}">
-        <include name="org/jboss/console/twiddle/**"/>
-        <include name="log4j.properties"/>
-        <include name="jndi.properties"/>
-      </fileset>
-    </jar>
-    <!-- Build console.jar -->
-    <jar jarfile="${build.lib}/console.jar" manifest="${build.etc}/console.mf">
-      <fileset dir="${build.classes}">
-        <include name="org/jboss/console/text/**"/>
-      </fileset>
-      <fileset dir="${build.resources}">
-        <include name="org/jboss/console/text/**"/>
-        <include name="log4j.properties"/>
-        <include name="jndi.properties"/>
-      </fileset>
-    </jar>
-    <!-- Build console-mgr-classes.jar (we need this for jsp compilation
-         that do not check classes inside SARs -->
-    <jar jarfile="${build.lib}/console-mgr-classes.jar">
-      <fileset dir="${build.classes}">
-        <include name="org/jboss/console/**"/>
-        <exclude name="org/jboss/console/text/**"/>
-        <exclude name="org/jboss/console/twiddle/**"/>
-      </fileset>
-    </jar>
-    <!-- Build console-mgr.sar -->
-    <jar jarfile="${build.lib}/console-mgr.sar">
-      <fileset dir="${build.lib}">
-        <include name="console-mgr-classes.jar"/>
-      </fileset>
-      <fileset dir="${jfreechart.jfreechart.lib}">
-        <include name="*.jar"/>
-        <exclude name="*-sources.jar"/>
-      </fileset>
-      <fileset dir="${source.resources}/console-mgr.sar">
-        <include name="**"/>
-      </fileset>
-    </jar>
-    <!-- Build applet.jar -->
-    <jar destfile="${build.lib}/applet.jar" excludes="META-INF/INDEX.LIST">
-      <zipgroupfileset dir="${jboss.server.lib}">
-        <include name="jmx-rmi-adaptor.jar"/>
-      </zipgroupfileset>
-      <zipgroupfileset dir="${jfreechart.jfreechart.lib}">
-        <include name="jfreechart.jar"/>
-        <include name="jcommon.jar"/>
-      </zipgroupfileset>
-      <zipfileset src="${jboss.server.lib}/jboss-client.jar">
-        <include name="org/jboss/invocation/*"/>
-        <exclude name="META-INF/INDEX.LIST"/>
-      </zipfileset>
-      <zipfileset src="${jboss.common.logging.spi.lib}/jboss-logging-spi.jar">
-        <include name="org/jboss/logging/**"/>
-      </zipfileset>
-      <zipfileset src="${jboss.common.logging.log4j.lib}/jboss-logging-log4j.jar">
-        <include name="org/jboss/logging/**"/>
-      </zipfileset>      
-      <zipfileset src="${jboss.common.core.lib}/jboss-common-core.jar">
-        <exclude name="META-INF/INDEX.LIST"/>
-        <exclude name="org/jboss/util/property/**"/>
-        <exclude name="org/jboss/util/propertyeditor/**"/>
-        <exclude name="org/jboss/util/state/**"/>
-        <exclude name="org/jboss/util/xml/**"/>
-        <exclude name="org/jboss/util/collection/**"/>
-        <exclude name="org/jboss/util/file/**"/>
-        <exclude name="org/jboss/util/platform/**"/>
-        <exclude name="org/jboss/util/stream/**"/>
-        <exclude name="org/jboss/util/timeout/**"/>
-        <exclude name="org/jboss/util/coerce/**"/>
-        <exclude name="org/jboss/util/net/**"/>
-      </zipfileset>
-      <zipfileset src="${jboss.system.lib}/jboss-system-client.jar">
-        <exclude name="META-INF/INDEX.LIST"/>
-      </zipfileset>
-      <zipfileset src="${jboss.jnp.client.lib}/jnp-client.jar">
-        <exclude name="META-INF/INDEX.LIST"/>
-      </zipfileset>
-      <zipfileset src="${jboss.mx.lib}/jboss-jmx.jar">
-        <exclude name="META-INF/INDEX.LIST"/>
-        <exclude name="org/jboss/mx/server/**"/>
-        <exclude name="org/jboss/mx/remote/**"/>
-        <exclude name="org/jboss/mx/persistence/**"/>
-        <exclude name="org/jboss/mx/modelmbean/**"/>
-        <exclude name="org/jboss/mx/metadata/**"/>
-        <exclude name="org/jboss/mx/loading/**"/>
-        <exclude name="org/jboss/mx/logging/**"/>
-        <exclude name="org/jboss/mx/interceptor/**"/>
-        <exclude name="javax/management/loading/**"/>
-        <exclude name="javax/management/modelmbean/**"/>
-      </zipfileset>
-      <fileset dir="${build.classes}">
-        <include name="org/jboss/console/manager/**"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/console/plugins/**"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/console/navtree/**"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/console/remote/**"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/console/manager/navtree/**"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/console/manager/**MBean.*"/>
-      </fileset>
-    </jar>
-    <!-- Build web-console.war -->
-    <jar destfile="${build.lib}/web-console.war">
-      <fileset dir="${build.lib}">
-        <include name="applet.jar"/>
-      </fileset>
-      <!--fileset dir="${build.lib}">
-        <include name="console-mgr.sar"/>
-      </fileset-->
-      <fileset dir="${source.resources}/webconsole.war">
-        <include name="**"/>
-      </fileset>
-    </jar>
-    <!-- Update the build marker to allow bypassing -->
-    <touch file="${build-bypass.marker}"/>
-  </target>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Install & Release                                                  -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <target name="install"
-    description="Install the structure for a release."
-    depends="all, _buildmagic:install:default"/>
-  <target name="release" depends="install"/>
-  <target name="release-zip"
-    description="Builds a ZIP distribution."
-    depends="release, _buildmagic:release:zip"/>
-  <target name="release-tar"
-    description="Builds a TAR distribution."
-    depends="release, _buildmagic:release:tar"/>
-  <target name="release-tgz"
-    description="Builds a TAR-GZ distribution."
-    depends="release, _buildmagic:release:tgz"/>
-  <target name="release-all"
-    description="Builds a distribution for each archive type."
-    depends="release-zip, release-tgz"/>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Cleaning                                                           -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Clean up all build output -->
-  <target name="clean"
-    description="Cleans up most generated files."
-    depends="_buildmagic:clean">
-  </target>
-  <!-- Clean up all generated files -->
-  <target name="clobber"
-    description="Cleans up all generated files."
-    depends="_buildmagic:clobber, clean">
-  </target>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Misc.                                                              -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <target name="main"
-    description="Executes the default target (most)."
-    depends="most"/>
-  <target name="all"
-    description="Builds everything."
-    depends="jars, docs"/>
-  <target name="most"
-    description="Builds almost everything."
-    depends="jars"/>
-  <target name="help"
-    description="Show this help message."
-    depends="_buildmagic:help:standard"/>

Deleted: trunk/deployment/build.xml
--- trunk/deployment/build.xml	2009-03-23 16:19:41 UTC (rev 86216)
+++ trunk/deployment/build.xml	2009-03-23 16:43:55 UTC (rev 86217)
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE project [
-   <!ENTITY buildmagic SYSTEM "../tools/etc/buildmagic/buildmagic.ent">
-   <!ENTITY libraries SYSTEM "../thirdparty/libraries.ent">
-   <!ENTITY modules SYSTEM "../tools/etc/buildmagic/modules.ent">
-   <!ENTITY targets SYSTEM "../tools/etc/buildmagic/targets.ent">
-<!-- ====================================================================== -->
-<!--                                                                        -->
-<!--  JBoss, the OpenSource J2EE webOS                                      -->
-<!--                                                                        -->
-<!--  Distributable under LGPL license.                                     -->
-<!--  See terms of license at http://www.gnu.org.                           -->
-<!--                                                                        -->
-<!-- ====================================================================== -->
-<!-- $Id$ -->
-<project default="main" name="JBoss/Deployment">
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Setup                                                              -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-     | Include the common Buildmagic elements.
-     |
-     | This defines several different targets, properties and paths.
-     | It also sets up the basic extention tasks amoung other things.
-   -->
-  &buildmagic;
-  <!--
-     | Include the normal targets.
-   -->
-  &targets;
-  <property name="javac.target" value="1.5"/>
-  <property name="javac.source" value="1.5"/>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Configuration                                                      -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-     | Configure the build system.
-     |
-     | This target is invoked by the Buildmagic initialization logic and
-     | should contain module specific configuration elements.
-   -->
-  <target name="configure" unless="configure.disable">
-    <!-- =================== -->
-    <!-- Basic Configuration -->
-    <!-- =================== -->
-    <!-- Module name(s) & version -->
-    <property name="module.name" value="deployment"/>
-    <property name="module.Name" value="JBoss JSR-88 Deployment"/>
-    <!-- ========= -->
-    <!-- Libraries -->
-    <!-- ========= -->
-    &libraries;
-    <!-- The combined library classpath -->
-    <path id="library.classpath">
-      <path refid="dom4j.dom4j.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.deployers.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.man.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.microcontainer.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.vfs.classpath"/>
-    </path>
-    <!-- ======= -->
-    <!-- Modules -->
-    <!-- ======= -->
-    &modules;
-    <!-- The combined dependant module classpath -->
-    <path id="dependentmodule.classpath">
-      <path refid="jboss.common.core.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.common.logging.spi.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.common.logging.log4j.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.common.logging.jdk.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.javaee.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.j2se.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.system.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.systemjmx.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.remoting.classpath"/>
-    </path>
-    <!-- ===== -->
-    <!-- Tasks -->
-    <!-- ===== -->
-    <call target="_default:task-init"/>
-  </target>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Compile                                                            -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-     | Compile everything.
-     |
-     | This target should depend on other compile-* targets for each
-     | different type of compile that needs to be performed, short of
-     | documentation compiles.
-   -->
-  <target name="compile"
-    description="Compile all source files."
-    depends="compile-resources, _default:compile-classes">
-  </target>
-   <target name="compile-resources" depends="init">
-     <mkdir dir="${build.etc}"/>
-     <copy todir="${build.etc}" filtering="yes">
-       <fileset dir="${source.etc}">
-         <include name="**/*"/>
-       </fileset>
-     </copy>
-   </target>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Archives                                                           -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-     |  Build all jar files.
-    -->
-  <target name="module-jars">
-    <!-- Build jboss-deployment.jar -->
-    <jar jarfile="${build.lib}/jboss-deployment.jar" manifest="${source.etc}/default.mf">
-      <fileset dir="${build.classes}">
-        <include name="org/jboss/deployment/spi/**"/>
-      </fileset>
-    </jar>
-     <!-- Build jboss-jsr88.jar -->
-     <jar jarfile="${build.lib}/jboss-jsr88.jar">
-       <fileset dir="${build.classes}">
-         <include name="org/jboss/deployment/**"/>
-       </fileset>
-     </jar>
-  </target>

Deleted: trunk/hibernate-int/build.xml
--- trunk/hibernate-int/build.xml	2009-03-23 16:19:41 UTC (rev 86216)
+++ trunk/hibernate-int/build.xml	2009-03-23 16:43:55 UTC (rev 86217)
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE project [
-   <!ENTITY buildmagic SYSTEM "../tools/etc/buildmagic/buildmagic.ent">
-   <!ENTITY libraries SYSTEM "../thirdparty/libraries.ent">
-   <!ENTITY modules SYSTEM "../tools/etc/buildmagic/modules.ent">
-<!-- ====================================================================== -->
-<!--                                                                        -->
-<!--  JBoss, the OpenSource J2EE webOS                                      -->
-<!--                                                                        -->
-<!--  Distributable under LGPL license.                                     -->
-<!--  See terms of license at http://www.gnu.org.                           -->
-<!--                                                                        -->
-<!-- ====================================================================== -->
-<!-- $Id$ -->
-<project name="JBoss/Hibernate" default="main" basedir=".">
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Setup                                                              -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-    | Include the common Buildmagic elements.
-    |
-    | This defines several different targets, properties and paths.
-    | It also sets up the basic extention tasks amoung other things.
-  -->
-  &buildmagic;
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Initialization                                                     -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-    | Initialize the build system.  Must depend on '_buildmagic:init'.
-    | Other targets should depend on 'init' or things will mysteriously fail.
-  -->
-  <target name="init" unless="init.disable" depends="_buildmagic:init"/>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Configuration                                                      -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-    | Configure the build system.
-    |
-    | This target is invoked by the Buildmagic initialization logic and
-    | should contain module specific configuration elements.
-  -->
-  <target name="configure" unless="configure.disable">
-    <!-- =================== -->
-    <!-- Basic Configuration -->
-    <!-- =================== -->
-    <!-- Module name(s) & version -->
-    <property name="module.name" value="jboss-hibernate"/>
-    <property name="module.Name" value="JBoss Hibernate"/>
-    <property name="module.version" value="DEV"/>
-    <!-- ========= -->
-    <!-- Libraries -->
-    <!-- ========= -->
-    &libraries;
-    <!-- The combined library classpath -->
-    <path id="library.classpath">
-      <path refid="apache.commons.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="dom4j.dom4j.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.web.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="hibernate3.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="odmg.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="cglib.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="sun.jaxb.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.deployers.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.microcontainer.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.integration.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.vfs.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.mdr.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.man.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jbossxb.classpath"/>
-    </path>
-    <!-- ======= -->
-    <!-- Modules -->
-    <!-- ======= -->
-    &modules;
-    <!-- Specify modules upon which this build depends -->
-    <path id="dependentmodule.classpath">
-      <path refid="org.hibernate.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.common.core.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.common.logging.spi.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.common.logging.log4j.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.common.logging.jdk.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.j2se.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.javaee.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.server.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.system.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.systemjmx.classpath"/>
-    </path>
-    <!-- Where source files live -->
-    <property name="source.java" value="${module.source}/main"/>
-    <property name="source.bin" value="${module.source}/bin"/>
-    <property name="source.resources" value="${module.source}/resources"/>
-    <property name="source.etc" value="${module.source}/etc"/>
-    <!-- Where build generated files will go -->
-    <property name="build.reports" value="${module.output}/reports"/>
-    <property name="build.classes" value="${module.output}/classes"/>
-    <property name="build.lib" value="${module.output}/lib"/>
-    <property name="build.api" value="${module.output}/api"/>
-    <property name="build.etc" value="${module.output}/etc"/>
-    <property name="build.bin" value="${module.output}/bin"/>
-    <property name="build.resources" value="${module.output}/resources"/>
-    <property name="build.etc" value="${module.output}/etc"/>
-    <property name="build.gen-src" value="${module.output}/gen-src"/>
-    <property name="build.todo" value="${module.output}/todo"/>
-    <!-- Install/Release structure -->
-    <property name="install.id" value="${module.name}-${module.version}"/>
-    <property name="release.id" value="${install.id}"/>
-    <property name="install.root" value="${module.output}/${install.id}"/>
-    <!-- The combined thirdparty classpath -->
-    <path id="thirdparty.classpath">
-      <path refid="library.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="dependentmodule.classpath"/>
-    </path>
-    <!-- classpath and local.classpath must have a value using with a path -->
-    <property name="classpath" value=""/>
-    <property name="local.classpath" value=""/>
-    <!-- The classpath required to build classes. -->
-    <path id="javac.classpath">
-      <pathelement path="${classpath}"/>
-      <pathelement path="${local.classpath}"/>
-      <path refid="thirdparty.classpath"/>
-    </path>
-    <!-- The classpath required to build javadocs. -->
-    <path id="javadoc.classpath">
-      <path refid="javac.classpath"/>
-    </path>
-    <!-- Packages to include when generating api documentation -->
-    <property name="javadoc.packages" value="org.jboss.*"/>
-  </target>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Convenience targets                                                -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <target name="build-hibernate-jars" depends="init, compile">
-    <mkdir dir="${build.lib}"/>
-    <!-- Generate a jar containing all the compiled sources -->
-    <jar destfile="${build.lib}/${module.name}.jar">
-      <fileset dir="${build.classes}"/>
-    </jar>
-  </target>
-  <target name="rebuild-hibernate-jars" depends="init, clean-hibernate-jars, compile, build-hibernate-jars"/>
-  <target name="clean-hibernate-jars" depends="init">
-    <delete file="${build.lib}/${module.name}.jar"/>
-  </target>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Compile                                                            -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-    | Compile everything.
-    |
-    | This target should depend on other compile-* targets for each
-    | different type of compile that needs to be performed, short of
-    | documentation compiles.
-  -->
-  <target name="compile"
-    description="Compile all source files."
-    depends="compile-classes, compile-resources"/>
-  <!-- Compile all class files -->
-  <target name="compile-classes" depends="init">
-    <mkdir dir="${build.classes}"/>
-    <javac destdir="${build.classes}"
-      optimize="${javac.optimize}"
-      target="${javac.target}"
-      source="${javac.source}"
-      debug="${javac.debug}"
-      depend="${javac.depend}"
-      verbose="${javac.verbose}"
-      deprecation="${javac.deprecation}"
-      includeAntRuntime="${javac.include.ant.runtime}"
-      includeJavaRuntime="${javac.include.java.runtime}"
-      includes="${javac.includes}"
-      excludes="${javac.excludes}"
-      failonerror="${javac.fail.onerror}">
-      <src path="${source.java}"/>
-      <classpath refid="javac.classpath"/>
-    </javac>
-  </target>
-  <!-- Compile resource files -->
-  <target name="compile-resources" depends="init">
-    <mkdir dir="${build.resources}"/>
-    <copy todir="${build.resources}" filtering="yes">
-      <fileset dir="${source.resources}">
-        <include name="**/*"/>
-      </fileset>
-    </copy>
-  </target>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Archives                                                           -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-    | Build all jar files.
-  -->
-  <target name="jars"
-    description="Builds all jar files."
-    depends="_buildmagic:build-bypass-check"
-    unless="build-bypass.on">
-    <antcall target="build-hibernate-jars"/>
-    <!-- Update the build marker to allow bypassing -->
-    <touch file="${build-bypass.marker}"/>
-  </target>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Install & Release                                                  -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <target name="install"
-    description="Install the structure for a release."
-    depends="all, _buildmagic:install:default"/>
-  <target name="release" depends="install"/>
-  <target name="release-zip"
-    description="Builds a ZIP distribution."
-    depends="release, _buildmagic:release:zip"/>
-  <target name="release-tar"
-    description="Builds a TAR distribution."
-    depends="release, _buildmagic:release:tar"/>
-  <target name="release-tgz"
-    description="Builds a TAR-GZ distribution."
-    depends="release, _buildmagic:release:tgz"/>
-  <target name="release-all"
-    description="Builds a distribution for each archive type."
-    depends="release-zip, release-tgz"/>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Cleaning                                                           -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Clean up all build output -->
-  <target name="clean"
-    description="Cleans up most generated files."
-    depends="_buildmagic:clean"/>
-  <!-- Clean up all generated files -->
-  <target name="clobber"
-    description="Cleans up all generated files."
-    depends="_buildmagic:clobber, clean"/>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Misc.                                                              -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <target name="main"
-    description="Executes the default target (most)."
-    depends="most"/>
-  <target name="all"
-    description="Builds everything."
-    depends="jars, docs"/>
-  <target name="most"
-    description="Builds almost everything."
-    depends="jars"/>
-  <target name="help"
-    description="Show this help message."
-    depends="_buildmagic:help:standard"/>

Deleted: trunk/iiop/build.xml
--- trunk/iiop/build.xml	2009-03-23 16:19:41 UTC (rev 86216)
+++ trunk/iiop/build.xml	2009-03-23 16:43:55 UTC (rev 86217)
@@ -1,412 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE project [
-   <!ENTITY buildmagic SYSTEM "../tools/etc/buildmagic/buildmagic.ent">
-   <!ENTITY libraries SYSTEM "../thirdparty/libraries.ent">
-   <!ENTITY modules SYSTEM "../tools/etc/buildmagic/modules.ent">
-<!-- ====================================================================== -->
-<!--                                                                        -->
-<!--  JBoss, the OpenSource J2EE webOS                                      -->
-<!--                                                                        -->
-<!--  Distributable under LGPL license.                                     -->
-<!--  See terms of license at http://www.gnu.org.                           -->
-<!--                                                                        -->
-<!-- ====================================================================== -->
-<!-- $Id$ -->
-<project default="main" name="JBoss/IIOP">
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Setup                                                              -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-     | Include the common Buildmagic elements.
-     |
-     | This defines several different targets, properties and paths.
-     | It also sets up the basic extention tasks amoung other things.
-   -->
-  &buildmagic;
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Initialization                                                     -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-     | Initialize the build system.  Must depend on '_buildmagic:init'.  
-     | Other targets should depend on 'init' or things will mysteriously fail.
-   -->
-  <target name="init" unless="init.disable" depends="_buildmagic:init">
-  </target>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Configuration                                                      -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-     | Configure the build system.  
-     |
-     | This target is invoked by the Buildmagic initialization logic and 
-     | should contain module specific configuration elements.
-   -->
-  <target name="configure" unless="configure.disable">
-    <!-- =================== -->
-    <!-- Basic Configuration -->
-    <!-- =================== -->
-    <!-- Module name(s) & version -->
-    <property name="module.name" value="jboss-iiop"/>
-    <property name="module.Name" value="JBoss IIOP Plugin"/>
-    <property name="module.version" value="DEV"/>
-    <!-- ========= -->
-    <!-- Libraries -->
-    <!-- ========= -->
-    &libraries;
-    <!-- The combined library classpath -->
-    <path id="library.classpath">
-      <path refid="apache.avalon.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="apache.log4j.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="junit.junit.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jacorb.jacorb.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="oswego.concurrent.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.metadata.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.microcontainer.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.integration.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="sun.jaxb.classpath"/>
-    </path>
-    <!-- ======= -->
-    <!-- Modules -->
-    <!-- ======= -->
-    &modules;
-    <!-- The combined dependent module classpath -->
-    <path id="dependentmodule.classpath">
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.javaee.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.common.core.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.common.logging.spi.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.common.logging.log4j.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.common.logging.jdk.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.bootstrap.classpath"/>
-    	<path refid="jboss.main.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.system.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.systemjmx.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jnpserver.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.server.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.mx.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jbosssx.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.security.spi.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.security.int.classpath"/>
-    </path>
-    <!-- ===== -->
-    <!-- Tasks -->
-    <!-- ===== -->
-    <!-- Where source files live -->
-    <property name="source.bin" value="${module.source}/bin"/>
-    <property name="source.java" value="${module.source}/main"/>
-    <property name="source.idl" value="${module.source}/idl"/>
-    <property name="source.etc" value="${module.source}/etc"/>
-    <property name="source.resources" value="${module.source}/resources"/>
-    <!-- Where build generated files will go -->
-    <property name="build.bin" value="${module.output}/bin"/>
-    <property name="build.classes" value="${module.output}/classes"/>
-    <property name="build.lib" value="${module.output}/lib"/>
-    <property name="build.api" value="${module.output}/api"/>
-    <property name="build.etc" value="${module.output}/etc"/>
-    <property name="build.gen-src" value="${module.output}/gen-src"/>
-    <property name="build.reports" value="${module.output}/reports"/>
-    <property name="build.resources" value="${module.output}/resources"/>
-    <!-- Install/Release structure -->
-    <property name="install.id" value="${module.name}-${module.version}"/>
-    <property name="release.id" value="${install.id}"/>
-    <property name="install.root" value="${module.output}/${install.id}"/>
-    <!-- The combined thirdparty classpath -->
-    <path id="thirdparty.classpath">
-      <path refid="library.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="dependentmodule.classpath"/>
-    </path>
-    <!-- RMIC should generate stubs compatible with Java 1.2+ -->
-    <property name="rmic.stubVersion" value="1.2"/>
-    <!-- RMIC should generate IIOP fluff -->
-    <property name="rmic.iiop" value="yes"/>
-    <property name="rmic.iiopops" value=""/>
-    <!-- classpath and local.classpath must have a value using with a path -->
-    <property name="classpath" value=""/>
-    <property name="local.classpath" value=""/>
-    <!-- The classpath required to build classes. -->
-    <path id="javac.classpath">
-      <pathelement path="${classpath}"/>
-      <pathelement path="${local.classpath}"/>
-      <path refid="thirdparty.classpath"/>
-    </path>
-    <!-- Don't compile SunJDK14IsLocalBugFix if baseclass missing -->
-    <condition property="javac.excludes" value="org/jboss/iiop/SunJDK14IsLocalBugFix.java">
-      <not>
-        <available classname="com.sun.corba.se.internal.iiop.ShutdownUtilDelegate"/>
-      </not>
-    </condition>
-    <!-- The classpath required to build javadocs. -->
-    <path id="javadoc.classpath">
-      <path refid="javac.classpath"/>
-    </path>
-    <!-- Packages to include when generating api documentation -->
-    <property name="javadoc.packages" value="org.jboss.*"/>
-    <!-- Override JUnit defaults -->
-    <property name="junit.timeout" value="240000"/> <!-- 4 minutes -->
-    <property name="junit.batchtest.todir" value="${build.reports}"/>
-    <property name="junit.jvm.options" value="-Ddummy"/>
-  </target>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- IDL Compilation                                                    -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <target name="compile-idl" depends="init">
-    <taskdef name="jacidl" classname="org.jacorb.idl.JacIDL" classpathref="jacorb.idl.classpath"/>
-    <mkdir dir="${build.gen-src}"/>
-    <jacidl srcdir="${source.idl}"
-      destdir="${build.gen-src}"
-      includepath="${jacorb.idl.include}"
-      includes="**/TransactionService.idl,**/SASCurrent.idl"/>
-    <delete dir="${build.gen-src}/CORBA"/>
-  </target>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Compile                                                            -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- 
-     |  Compile everything.
-     |
-     |  This target should depend on other compile-* targets for each 
-     |  different type of compile that needs to be performed, short of
-     |  documentation compiles.
-    -->
-  <target name="compile"
-    depends="compile-classes, compile-rmi, compile-etc, compile-resources"
-    description="Compile all source files."/>
-  <!-- Compile all class files -->
-  <target name="compile-classes" depends="init, compile-idl">
-    <mkdir dir="${build.classes}/main"/>
-    <javac destdir="${build.classes}/main"
-      optimize="${javac.optimize}"
-      target="${javac.target}"
-      source="${javac.source}"
-      debug="${javac.debug}"
-      depend="${javac.depend}"
-      verbose="${javac.verbose}"
-      deprecation="${javac.deprecation}"
-      includeAntRuntime="${javac.include.ant.runtime}"
-      includeJavaRuntime="${javac.include.java.runtime}"
-      includes="${javac.includes}"
-      excludes="${javac.excludes}"
-      failonerror="${javac.fail.onerror}">
-      <src path="${source.java}"/>
-      <src path="${build.gen-src}"/>
-      <classpath refid="javac.classpath"/>
-    </javac>
-  </target>
-  <!-- Generate IIOP stubs for EJBObject and EJBHome -->
-  <target name="compile-rmi" depends="init">
-    <!-- Below we use rmic to generate IIOP stubs for the interfaces
-         EJBObject and EJBHome. WARNING: do not specify a stubVersion,
-         such as 1.2, or else rmic will think we want JRMP stubs, which
-         cannot be generated for interfaces! -->
-    <rmic base="${build.classes}"
-      classname="javax.ejb.EJBObject"
-      verify="${rmic.verify}"
-      iiop="${rmic.iiop}"
-      debug="${rmic.debug}">
-      <classpath refid="javac.classpath"/>
-    </rmic>
-    <rmic base="${build.classes}"
-      classname="javax.ejb.EJBHome"
-      verify="${rmic.verify}"
-      iiop="${rmic.iiop}"
-      debug="${rmic.debug}">
-      <classpath refid="javac.classpath"/>
-    </rmic>
-  </target>
-  <!-- Compile manifests -->
-  <target name="compile-etc" depends="init">
-    <mkdir dir="${build.etc}"/>
-    <copy todir="${build.etc}" filtering="yes">
-      <fileset dir="${source.etc}">
-        <include name="**"/>
-      </fileset>
-    </copy>
-  </target>
-  <!-- Compile resource files -->
-  <target name="compile-resources" depends="init">
-    <mkdir dir="${build.resources}"/>
-    <copy todir="${build.resources}" filtering="yes">
-      <fileset dir="${source.resources}">
-        <include name="**/*"/>
-      </fileset>
-    </copy>
-  </target>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Archives                                                           -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- 
-     | Build all jar files.
-   -->
-  <target name="jars" description="Build the Service Archive"
-    depends="_buildmagic:build-bypass-check"
-    unless="build-bypass.on">
-    <call target="compile"/>
-    <mkdir dir="${build.lib}"/>
-    <jar jarfile="${build.lib}/${module.name}.jar"
-      manifest="${build.etc}/default.mf">
-      <fileset dir="${build.classes}/main">
-        <include name="**/jboss/iiop/**"/>
-        <include name="**/jboss/invocation/**"/>
-        <include name="**/jboss/proxy/**"/>
-        <include name="**/jboss/tm/**"/>
-        <include name="**/jboss/util/**"/>
-      </fileset>
-      <fileset dir="${build.classes}">
-        <include name="org/omg/stub/javax/ejb/_EJBHome_Stub.class"/>
-        <include name="org/omg/stub/javax/ejb/_EJBObject_Stub.class"/>
-      </fileset>
-    </jar>
-    <jar jarfile="${build.lib}/${module.name}-client.jar"
-      manifest="${build.etc}/default.mf">
-      <fileset dir="${build.classes}/main">
-        <include name="**/jboss/iiop/CorbaORB.class"/>
-        <include name="**/jboss/iiop/StubClassLoader.class"/>
-        <include name="**/jboss/iiop/JBossUtilDelegate.class"/>
-        <include name="**/jboss/iiop/rmi/*"/>
-        <include name="**/jboss/iiop/rmi/marshal/*"/>
-        <include name="**/jboss/iiop/rmi/marshal/strategy/StubStrategy.class"/>
-        <include name="**/jboss/iiop/rmi/marshal/strategy/StubStrategy$ExceptionReader.class"/>
-        <include name="**/jboss/proxy/compiler/**"/>
-        <include name="**/jboss/proxy/ejb/DynamicIIOPStub.class"/>
-        <include name="**/jboss/proxy/ejb/*ImplIIOP*.class"/>
-        <include name="**/jboss/proxy/ejb/IIOPHomeFactory.class"/>
-        <include name="**/jboss/tm/**"/>
-        <exclude name="**/jboss/tm/iiop/TransactionServiceImpl*"/>
-        <exclude name="**/jboss/tm/iiop/*POA*"/>
-        <include name="**/jboss/util/Log4jLoggerFactory.class"/>
-      </fileset>
-      <fileset dir="${build.classes}">
-        <include name="org/omg/stub/javax/ejb/_EJBHome_Stub.class"/>
-        <include name="org/omg/stub/javax/ejb/_EJBObject_Stub.class"/>
-      </fileset>
-    </jar>
-    <mkdir dir="${build.bin}"/>
-    <!-- Update the build marker to allow bypassing -->
-    <touch file="${build-bypass.marker}"/>
-  </target>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Install & Release                                                  -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <target name="install"
-    description="Install the structure for a release."
-    depends="all, _buildmagic:install:default"/>
-  <target name="release" depends="install"/>
-  <target name="release-zip"
-    description="Builds a ZIP distribution."
-    depends="release, _buildmagic:release:zip"/>
-  <target name="release-tar"
-    description="Builds a TAR distribution."
-    depends="release, _buildmagic:release:tar"/>
-  <target name="release-tgz"
-    description="Builds a TAR-GZ distribution."
-    depends="release, _buildmagic:release:tgz"/>
-  <target name="release-all"
-    description="Builds a distribution for each archive type."
-    depends="release-zip, release-tgz"/>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Cleaning                                                           -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Clean up all build output -->
-  <target name="clean"
-    description="Cleans up most generated files."
-    depends="_buildmagic:clean">
-  </target>
-  <!-- Clean up all generated files -->
-  <target name="clobber"
-    description="Cleans up all generated files."
-    depends="_buildmagic:clobber, clean">
-  </target>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Misc.                                                              -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <target name="main"
-    description="Executes the default target (most)."
-    depends="most"/>
-  <target name="all"
-    description="Builds everything."
-    depends="jars, docs"/>
-  <target name="most"
-    description="Builds almost everything."
-    depends="jars"/>
-  <target name="help"
-    description="Show this help message."
-    depends="_buildmagic:help:standard"/>

Deleted: trunk/jbossas-jmx-remoting/build.xml
--- trunk/jbossas-jmx-remoting/build.xml	2009-03-23 16:19:41 UTC (rev 86216)
+++ trunk/jbossas-jmx-remoting/build.xml	2009-03-23 16:43:55 UTC (rev 86217)
@@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE project [
-      <!ENTITY buildmagic SYSTEM "../../tools/etc/buildmagic/buildmagic.ent">
-      <!ENTITY libraries SYSTEM "../../thirdparty/libraries.ent">
-      <!ENTITY modules SYSTEM "../../tools/etc/buildmagic/modules.ent">
-      ]>
-<!-- ====================================================================== -->
-<!--                                                                        -->
-<!--  JBoss, the OpenSource J2EE webOS                                      -->
-<!--                                                                        -->
-<!--  Distributable under LGPL license.                                     -->
-<!--  See terms of license at http://www.gnu.org.                           -->
-<!--                                                                        -->
-<!-- ====================================================================== -->
-<!-- $Id$ -->
-<project default="main" name="JBoss/JMX-Remoting">
-   <!-- ================================================================== -->
-   <!-- Setup                                                              -->
-   <!-- ================================================================== -->
-     | Include the common Buildmagic elements.
-     |
-     | This defines several different targets, properties and paths.
-     | It also sets up the basic extention tasks amoung other things.
-   -->
-   <dirname property="project.root" file="../"/>
-   &buildmagic;
-   <!-- ================================================================== -->
-   <!-- Initialization                                                     -->
-   <!-- ================================================================== -->
-     | Initialize the build system.  Must depend on '_buildmagic:init'.
-     | Other targets should depend on 'init' or things will mysteriously fail.
-   -->
-   <target name="init" unless="init.disable" depends="_buildmagic:init">
-   </target>
-   <!-- ================================================================== -->
-   <!-- Configuration                                                      -->
-   <!-- ================================================================== -->
-     | Configure the build system.
-     |
-     | This target is invoked by the Buildmagic initialization logic and
-     | should contain module specific configuration elements.
-   -->
-   <target name="configure" unless="configure.disable">
-      <!-- =================== -->
-      <!-- Basic Configuration -->
-      <!-- =================== -->
-      <!-- Module name(s) & version -->
-      <property name="module.name" value="jmx-remoting"/>
-      <property name="module.Name" value="JBoss JMX Remoting"/>
-      <property name="module.version" value="5.0.0alpha"/>
-      <!-- ========= -->
-      <!-- Libraries -->
-      <!-- ========= -->
-      &libraries;
-      <!-- ======= -->
-      <!-- Modules -->
-      <!-- ======= -->
-      &modules;
-      <path id="dependentmodule.classpath">
-      <path refid="jboss.common.core.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.common.logging.spi.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.common.logging.log4j.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.common.logging.jdk.classpath"/>
-         <path refid="jboss.j2se.classpath"/>
-         <path refid="jboss.jmx-remoting.classpath"/>
-      </path>
-      <!-- ===== -->
-      <!-- Tasks -->
-      <!-- ===== -->
-      <!-- Where source files live -->
-      <property name="source.java" value="${module.source}/main"/>
-      <property name="source.etc" value="${module.source}/etc"/>
-      <!-- Where build generated files will go -->
-      <property name="build.reports" value="${module.output}/reports"/>
-      <property name="build.classes" value="${module.output}/classes"/>
-      <property name="build.lib" value="${module.output}/lib"/>
-      <property name="build.api" value="${module.output}/api"/>
-      <property name="build.etc" value="${module.output}/etc"/>
-      <!-- Install/Release structure -->
-      <property name="install.id" value="${module.name}-${module.version}"/>
-      <property name="release.id" value="${install.id}"/>
-      <property name="install.root" value="${module.output}/${install.id}"/>
-      <!-- The combined thirdparty classpath -->
-      <path id="thirdparty.classpath">
-         <path refid="dependentmodule.classpath"/>
-      </path>
-      <!-- classpath and local.classpath must have a value using with a path -->
-      <property name="classpath" value=""/>
-      <property name="local.classpath" value=""/>
-      <!-- The classpath required to build classes. -->
-      <path id="javac.classpath">
-         <pathelement path="${classpath}"/>
-         <pathelement path="${local.classpath}"/>
-         <path refid="thirdparty.classpath"/>
-      </path>
-      <!-- The classpath required to build javadocs. -->
-      <path id="javadoc.classpath">
-         <path refid="javac.classpath"/>
-      </path>
-      <!-- Packages to include when generating api documentation -->
-      <property name="javadoc.packages" value="org.*"/>
-      <!-- Override JUnit defaults -->
-      <property name="junit.timeout" value="240000"/> <!-- 4 minutes -->
-      <property name="junit.batchtest.todir" value="${build.reports}"/>
-      <property name="junit.jvm.options" value="-Ddummy"/>
-   </target>
-   <!-- ================================================================== -->
-   <!-- Compile                                                            -->
-   <!-- ================================================================== -->
-     | Compile everything.
-     |
-     | This target should depend on other compile-* targets for each
-     | different type of compile that needs to be performed, short of
-     | documentation compiles.
-   -->
-   <target name="compile"
-           description="Compile all source files."
-           depends="compile-etc, compile-classes"/>
-   <!-- Compile all class files -->
-   <target name="compile-classes" depends="init">
-      <mkdir dir="${build.classes}"/>
-      <javac destdir="${build.classes}"
-             optimize="${javac.optimize}"
-             target="${javac.target}"
-             source="${javac.source}"
-             debug="${javac.debug}"
-             depend="${javac.depend}"
-             verbose="${javac.verbose}"
-             deprecation="${javac.deprecation}"
-             includeAntRuntime="${javac.include.ant.runtime}"
-             includeJavaRuntime="${javac.include.java.runtime}"
-             includes="${javac.includes}"
-             excludes="${javac.excludes}"
-             failonerror="${javac.fail.onerror}">
-         <src path="${source.java}"/>
-         <classpath refid="javac.classpath"/>
-      </javac>
-   </target>
-   <!-- Compile manifests -->
-   <target name="compile-etc" depends="init">
-      <mkdir dir="${build.etc}"/>
-      <copy todir="${build.etc}" filtering="yes">
-         <fileset dir="${source.etc}">
-            <include name="**"/>
-         </fileset>
-      </copy>
-   </target>
-   <!-- ================================================================== -->
-   <!-- Archives                                                           -->
-   <!-- ================================================================== -->
-     | Build all jar files.
-   -->
-   <target name="internal-jars"
-           depends="_buildmagic:build-bypass-check"
-           unless="build-bypass.on">
-      <call target="compile"/>
-      <!-- Update the build marker to allow bypassing -->
-      <touch file="${build-bypass.marker}"/>
-   </target>
-   <target name="jars"
-           description="Builds all jar files."
-           depends="internal-jars">
-      <mkdir dir="${build.lib}"/>
-      <!-- jbossas-jmx-remoting.jar -->
-      <jar jarfile="${build.lib}/jbossas-jmx-remoting.jar"
-           manifest="${build.etc}/default.mf">
-         <fileset dir="${build.classes}">
-            <include name="org/jboss/mx/remoting/**"/>
-         </fileset>
-      </jar>
-      <!-- jmx-remoting.sar -->
-      <zip destfile="${build.lib}/jmx-remoting.sar">
-         <zipfileset dir="${build.lib}">
-          <include name="jbossas-jmx-remoting.jar"/>
-        </zipfileset>
-         <zipfileset dir="${build.etc}"
-            prefix="META-INF">
-            <include name="jboss-service.xml"/>
-         </zipfileset>
-      </zip>
-   </target>
-   <!-- ================================================================== -->
-   <!-- Install & Release                                                  -->
-   <!-- ================================================================== -->
-   <target name="install"
-           description="Install the structure for a release."
-           depends="all, _buildmagic:install:default"/>
-   <target name="release" depends="install"/>
-   <target name="release-zip"
-           description="Builds a ZIP distribution."
-           depends="release, _buildmagic:release:zip"/>
-   <target name="release-tar"
-           description="Builds a TAR distribution."
-           depends="release, _buildmagic:release:tar"/>
-   <target name="release-tgz"
-           description="Builds a TAR-GZ distribution."
-           depends="release, _buildmagic:release:tgz"/>
-   <target name="release-all"
-           description="Builds a distribution for each archive type."
-           depends="release-zip, release-tgz"/>
-   <!-- ================================================================== -->
-   <!-- Cleaning                                                           -->
-   <!-- ================================================================== -->
-   <!-- Clean up all build output -->
-   <target name="clean"
-           description="Cleans up most generated files."
-           depends="_buildmagic:clean">
-   </target>
-   <!-- Clean up all generated files -->
-   <target name="clobber"
-           description="Cleans up all generated files."
-           depends="_buildmagic:clobber, clean">
-   </target>
-   <!-- ================================================================== -->
-   <!-- Misc.                                                              -->
-   <!-- ================================================================== -->
-   <target name="main"
-           description="Executes the default target (most)."
-           depends="most"/>
-   <target name="all"
-           description="Builds everything."
-           depends="jars, docs"/>
-   <target name="most"
-           description="Builds almost everything."
-           depends="jars"/>
-   <target name="help"
-           description="Show this help message."
-           depends="_buildmagic:help:standard"/>

Deleted: trunk/jbossas-remoting/build.xml
--- trunk/jbossas-remoting/build.xml	2009-03-23 16:19:41 UTC (rev 86216)
+++ trunk/jbossas-remoting/build.xml	2009-03-23 16:43:55 UTC (rev 86217)
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE project [
-      <!ENTITY buildmagic SYSTEM "../../tools/etc/buildmagic/buildmagic.ent">
-      <!ENTITY libraries SYSTEM "../../thirdparty/libraries.ent">
-      <!ENTITY modules SYSTEM "../../tools/etc/buildmagic/modules.ent">
-      ]>
-<!-- ====================================================================== -->
-<!--                                                                        -->
-<!--  JBoss, the OpenSource J2EE webOS                                      -->
-<!--                                                                        -->
-<!--  Distributable under LGPL license.                                     -->
-<!--  See terms of license at http://www.gnu.org.                           -->
-<!--                                                                        -->
-<!-- ====================================================================== -->
-<!-- $Id$ -->
-<project default="main" name="JBoss/Remoting">
-   <!-- ================================================================== -->
-   <!-- Setup                                                              -->
-   <!-- ================================================================== -->
-     | Include the common Buildmagic elements.
-     |
-     | This defines several different targets, properties and paths.
-     | It also sets up the basic extention tasks amoung other things.
-   -->
-   <dirname property="project.root" file="../"/>
-   &buildmagic;
-   <!-- ================================================================== -->
-   <!-- Initialization                                                     -->
-   <!-- ================================================================== -->
-     | Initialize the build system.  Must depend on '_buildmagic:init'.
-     | Other targets should depend on 'init' or things will mysteriously fail.
-   -->
-   <target name="init" unless="init.disable" depends="_buildmagic:init">
-   </target>
-   <!-- ================================================================== -->
-   <!-- Configuration                                                      -->
-   <!-- ================================================================== -->
-     | Configure the build system.
-     |
-     | This target is invoked by the Buildmagic initialization logic and
-     | should contain module specific configuration elements.
-   -->
-   <target name="configure" unless="configure.disable">
-      <!-- =================== -->
-      <!-- Basic Configuration -->
-      <!-- =================== -->
-      <!-- Module name(s) & version -->
-      <property name="module.name" value="remoting"/>
-      <property name="module.Name" value="JBoss Remoting"/>
-      <property name="module.version" value="5.0.0alpha"/>
-      <!-- ========= -->
-      <!-- Libraries -->
-      <!-- ========= -->
-      &libraries;
-      <!-- The combined library classpath -->
-      <path id="library.classpath">
-         <path refid="apache.log4j.classpath"/>
-         <path refid="junit.junit.classpath"/>
-         <path refid="jboss.remoting.classpath"/>
-      </path>
-      <!-- ======= -->
-      <!-- Modules -->
-      <!-- ======= -->
-      &modules;
-      <path id="dependentmodule.classpath">
-      <path refid="jboss.common.core.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.common.logging.spi.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.common.logging.log4j.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.common.logging.jdk.classpath"/>
-         <path refid="jboss.j2se.classpath"/>
-         <path refid="jboss.aop.classpath"/>
-         <path refid="jboss.jbosssx.classpath"/>
-         <path refid="jboss.jboss.security.spi.classpath"/>
-         <path refid="jboss.security.int.classpath"/>
-      </path>
-      <!-- ===== -->
-      <!-- Tasks -->
-      <!-- ===== -->
-      <!-- Where source files live -->
-      <property name="source.java" value="${module.source}/main"/>
-      <property name="source.etc" value="${module.source}/etc"/>
-      <!-- Where build generated files will go -->
-      <property name="build.reports" value="${module.output}/reports"/>
-      <property name="build.classes" value="${module.output}/classes"/>
-      <property name="build.lib" value="${module.output}/lib"/>
-      <property name="build.api" value="${module.output}/api"/>
-      <property name="build.etc" value="${module.output}/etc"/>
-      <!-- Install/Release structure -->
-      <property name="install.id" value="${module.name}-${module.version}"/>
-      <property name="release.id" value="${install.id}"/>
-      <property name="install.root" value="${module.output}/${install.id}"/>
-      <!-- The combined thirdparty classpath -->
-      <path id="thirdparty.classpath">
-         <path refid="library.classpath"/>
-         <path refid="dependentmodule.classpath"/>
-      </path>
-      <!-- classpath and local.classpath must have a value using with a path -->
-      <property name="classpath" value=""/>
-      <property name="local.classpath" value=""/>
-      <!-- The classpath required to build classes. -->
-      <path id="javac.classpath">
-         <pathelement path="${classpath}"/>
-         <pathelement path="${local.classpath}"/>
-         <path refid="thirdparty.classpath"/>
-      </path>
-      <!-- The classpath required to build javadocs. -->
-      <path id="javadoc.classpath">
-         <path refid="javac.classpath"/>
-      </path>
-      <!-- Packages to include when generating api documentation -->
-      <property name="javadoc.packages" value="org.*"/>
-      <!-- Override JUnit defaults -->
-      <property name="junit.timeout" value="240000"/> <!-- 4 minutes -->
-      <property name="junit.batchtest.todir" value="${build.reports}"/>
-      <property name="junit.jvm.options" value="-Ddummy"/>
-   </target>
-   <!-- ================================================================== -->
-   <!-- Compile                                                            -->
-   <!-- ================================================================== -->
-     | Compile everything.
-     |
-     | This target should depend on other compile-* targets for each
-     | different type of compile that needs to be performed, short of
-     | documentation compiles.
-   -->
-   <target name="compile"
-           description="Compile all source files."
-           depends="compile-etc, compile-classes"/>
-   <!-- Compile all class files -->
-   <target name="compile-classes" depends="init">
-      <mkdir dir="${build.classes}"/>
-      <javac destdir="${build.classes}"
-             optimize="${javac.optimize}"
-             target="${javac.target}"
-             source="${javac.source}"
-             debug="${javac.debug}"
-             depend="${javac.depend}"
-             verbose="${javac.verbose}"
-             deprecation="${javac.deprecation}"
-             includeAntRuntime="${javac.include.ant.runtime}"
-             includeJavaRuntime="${javac.include.java.runtime}"
-             includes="${javac.includes}"
-             excludes="${javac.excludes}"
-             failonerror="${javac.fail.onerror}">
-         <src path="${source.java}"/>
-         <classpath refid="javac.classpath"/>
-      </javac>
-   </target>
-   <!-- Compile manifests -->
-   <target name="compile-etc" depends="init">
-      <mkdir dir="${build.etc}"/>
-      <copy todir="${build.etc}" filtering="yes">
-         <fileset dir="${source.etc}">
-            <include name="**"/>
-         </fileset>
-      </copy>
-   </target>
-   <!-- ================================================================== -->
-   <!-- Archives                                                           -->
-   <!-- ================================================================== -->
-     | Build all jar files.
-   -->
-   <target name="internal-jars"
-           depends="_buildmagic:build-bypass-check"
-           unless="build-bypass.on">
-      <call target="compile"/>
-      <!-- Update the build marker to allow bypassing -->
-      <touch file="${build-bypass.marker}"/>
-   </target>
-   <target name="jars"
-           description="Builds all jar files."
-           depends="internal-jars">
-      <mkdir dir="${build.lib}"/>
-      <jar jarfile="${build.lib}/jbossas-remoting.jar"
-           manifest="${build.etc}/default.mf">
-         <fileset dir="${build.classes}">
-            <include name="org/jboss/remoting/**"/>
-            <include name="org/jboss/aspects/remoting/**"/>
-         </fileset>
-      </jar>
-   </target>
-   <!-- ================================================================== -->
-   <!-- Install & Release                                                  -->
-   <!-- ================================================================== -->
-   <target name="install"
-           description="Install the structure for a release."
-           depends="all, _buildmagic:install:default"/>
-   <target name="release" depends="install"/>
-   <target name="release-zip"
-           description="Builds a ZIP distribution."
-           depends="release, _buildmagic:release:zip"/>
-   <target name="release-tar"
-           description="Builds a TAR distribution."
-           depends="release, _buildmagic:release:tar"/>
-   <target name="release-tgz"
-           description="Builds a TAR-GZ distribution."
-           depends="release, _buildmagic:release:tgz"/>
-   <target name="release-all"
-           description="Builds a distribution for each archive type."
-           depends="release-zip, release-tgz"/>
-   <!-- ================================================================== -->
-   <!-- Cleaning                                                           -->
-   <!-- ================================================================== -->
-   <!-- Clean up all build output -->
-   <target name="clean"
-           description="Cleans up most generated files."
-           depends="_buildmagic:clean">
-   </target>
-   <!-- Clean up all generated files -->
-   <target name="clobber"
-           description="Cleans up all generated files."
-           depends="_buildmagic:clobber, clean">
-   </target>
-   <!-- ================================================================== -->
-   <!-- Misc.                                                              -->
-   <!-- ================================================================== -->
-   <target name="main"
-           description="Executes the default target (most)."
-           depends="most"/>
-   <target name="all"
-           description="Builds everything."
-           depends="jars, docs"/>
-   <target name="most"
-           description="Builds almost everything."
-           depends="jars"/>
-   <target name="help"
-           description="Show this help message."
-           depends="_buildmagic:help:standard"/>

Deleted: trunk/messaging/build.xml
--- trunk/messaging/build.xml	2009-03-23 16:19:41 UTC (rev 86216)
+++ trunk/messaging/build.xml	2009-03-23 16:43:55 UTC (rev 86217)
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE project [
-   <!ENTITY buildmagic SYSTEM "../tools/etc/buildmagic/buildmagic.ent">
-   <!ENTITY libraries SYSTEM "../thirdparty/libraries.ent">
-   <!ENTITY modules SYSTEM "../tools/etc/buildmagic/modules.ent">
-   <!ENTITY targets SYSTEM "../tools/etc/buildmagic/targets.ent">
-<!-- ====================================================================== -->
-<!--                                                                        -->
-<!--  JBoss, the OpenSource J2EE webOS                                      -->
-<!--                                                                        -->
-<!--  Distributable under LGPL license.                                     -->
-<!--  See terms of license at http://www.gnu.org.                           -->
-<!--                                                                        -->
-<!-- ====================================================================== -->
-<!-- $Id$ -->
-<project default="main" name="JBoss/Messaging Integration">
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Setup                                                              -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-     | Include the common Buildmagic elements.
-     |
-     | This defines several different targets, properties and paths.
-     | It also sets up the basic extention tasks amoung other things.
-   -->
-    <property name="javac.target" value="1.5"/>
-    <property name="javac.source" value="1.5"/>
-	&buildmagic;
-  <!--
-     | Include the normal targets.
-   -->
-  &targets;
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Configuration                                                      -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-     | Configure the build system.  
-     |
-     | This target is invoked by the Buildmagic initialization logic and 
-     | should contain module specific configuration elements.
-   -->
-  <target name="configure" unless="configure.disable">
-    <!-- =================== -->
-    <!-- Basic Configuration -->
-    <!-- =================== -->
-    <!-- Module name(s) & version -->
-    <property name="module.name" value="messaging"/>
-    <property name="module.Name" value="JBoss Messaging Integration"/>
-    <!-- ========= -->
-    <!-- Libraries -->
-    <!-- ========= -->
-    &libraries;
-    <!-- The combined library classpath -->
-    <path id="library.classpath">
-      <path refid="apache.log4j.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="oswego.concurrent.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="junit.junit.classpath"/>
-    </path>
-    <!-- ======= -->
-    <!-- Modules -->
-    <!-- ======= -->
-    &modules;
-    <!-- The combined depedant module classpath -->
-    <path id="dependentmodule.classpath">
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.javaee.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.common.core.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.common.logging.spi.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.deployers.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.mx.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.messaging.classpath"/>      
-      <path refid="jboss.metadata.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.server.classpath"/>      
-      <path refid="jboss.systemjmx.classpath"/>      
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.man.classpath"/>      
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.mdr.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.microcontainer.classpath"/>      
-      <path refid="jboss.jbosssx.classpath"/>      
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.jaspi.api.classpath"/>      
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.security.spi.classpath"/>      
-      <path refid="sun.jaxb.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jbossxb.classpath"/>
-    </path>
-    <!-- ===== -->
-    <!-- Tasks -->
-    <!-- ===== -->
-    <property name="jar.prefix" value="jboss-messaging-int"/>
-    <call target="_default:task-init"/>
-  </target>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Compile                                                            -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- 
-     |  Compile everything.
-     |
-     |  This target should depend on other compile-* targets for each 
-     |  different type of compile that needs to be performed, short of
-     |  documentation compiles.
-    -->
-  <target name="compile" 
-	  depends="_default:compile-classes, _default:compile-etc"
-	  description="Compile all source files."/>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Archives                                                           -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- 
-     |  Build all jar files.
-    -->
-  <target name="module-jars">
-    <!-- Server and client jars -->
-    <call target="_default:server-client-jars"/>
-    <call target="sar" />
-  </target>
-  <target name="sar">
-  </target>

Deleted: trunk/profileservice/build.xml
--- trunk/profileservice/build.xml	2009-03-23 16:19:41 UTC (rev 86216)
+++ trunk/profileservice/build.xml	2009-03-23 16:43:55 UTC (rev 86217)
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE project [
-   <!ENTITY buildmagic SYSTEM "../tools/etc/buildmagic/buildmagic.ent">
-   <!ENTITY libraries SYSTEM "../thirdparty/libraries.ent">
-   <!ENTITY modules SYSTEM "../tools/etc/buildmagic/modules.ent">
-   <!ENTITY targets SYSTEM "../tools/etc/buildmagic/targets.ent">
-<!-- ====================================================================== -->
-<!--                                                                        -->
-<!--  JBoss, the OpenSource J2EE webOS                                      -->
-<!--                                                                        -->
-<!--  Distributable under LGPL license.                                     -->
-<!--  See terms of license at http://www.gnu.org.                           -->
-<!--                                                                        -->
-<!-- ====================================================================== -->
-<!-- $Id$ -->
-<project default="main" name="JBoss/ProfileService">
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Setup                                                              -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-     | Include the common Buildmagic elements.
-     |
-     | This defines several different targets, properties and paths.
-     | It also sets up the basic extention tasks amoung other things.
-   -->
-  &buildmagic;
-  <!--
-     | Include the normal targets.
-   -->
-  &targets;
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Configuration                                                      -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-     | Configure the build system.
-     |
-     | This target is invoked by the Buildmagic initialization logic and
-     | should contain module specific configuration elements.
-   -->
-  <target name="configure" unless="configure.disable">
-    <!-- =================== -->
-    <!-- Basic Configuration -->
-    <!-- =================== -->
-    <!-- Module name(s) & version -->
-    <property name="module.name" value="profileserivce"/>
-    <property name="module.Name" value="JBoss ProfileService"/>
-    <property name="module.version" value="DEV"/>
-    <!-- ========= -->
-    <!-- Libraries -->
-    <!-- ========= -->
-    &libraries;
-    &modules;
-    <!-- The combined library classpath -->
-    <path id="library.classpath">
-      <path refid="junit.junit.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.aop.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.aspects.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.common.core.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.common.logging.spi.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.vfs.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.deployers.classpath"/>      
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.man.classpath"/>      
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.mdr.classpath"/>      
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.reflect.classpath"/>      
-      <path refid="jboss.microcontainer.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.profileservice.spi.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.remoting.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.security.spi.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jbossxb.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="sun.jaxb.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="stax.api.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="org.jboss.aspects.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.systemjmx.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.j2se.classpath"/>
-    </path>
-    <!-- The combined dependant module classpath -->
-    <path id="dependentmodule.classpath">
-      <path refid="jboss.system.classpath"/>
-    </path>
-    <!-- ===== -->
-    <!-- Tasks -->
-    <!-- ===== -->
-    <property name="jar.prefix" value="jboss-profileservice"/>
-    <property name="javac.target" value="1.5"/>
-    <property name="javac.source" value="1.5"/>
-    <call target="_default:task-init"/>
-  </target>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Compile                                                            -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-     | Compile everything.
-     |
-     | This target should depend on other compile-* targets for each
-     | different type of compile that needs to be performed, short of
-     | documentation compiles.
-   -->
-  <target name="compile"
-	  description="Compile all source files."
-	  depends="_default:compile-classes,
-              _default:compile-resources,
-              _default:compile-etc"/>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Archives                                                           -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- 
-     |  Build all jar files.
-    -->
-  <target name="module-jars" >
-    <!-- -->
-    <jar jarfile="${build.lib}/jboss-profileservice.jar" manifest="${build.etc}/default.mf">
-      <fileset dir="${build.classes}" />
-      <!-- Get the property-files -->
-      <fileset dir="${source.java}">
-        <include name="org/jboss/**/*.properties"/>
-      </fileset>
-      <fileset dir="${build.resources}">
-        <include name="dtd/**"/>
-      </fileset>
-    </jar>
-  </target>

Deleted: trunk/security/build.xml
--- trunk/security/build.xml	2009-03-23 16:19:41 UTC (rev 86216)
+++ trunk/security/build.xml	2009-03-23 16:43:55 UTC (rev 86217)
@@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE project [
-   <!ENTITY buildmagic SYSTEM "../tools/etc/buildmagic/buildmagic.ent">
-   <!ENTITY modules SYSTEM "../tools/etc/buildmagic/modules.ent">
-   <!ENTITY libraries SYSTEM "../thirdparty/libraries.ent">
-<!-- ====================================================================== -->
-<!--                                                                        -->
-<!--  JBoss, the OpenSource J2EE webOS                                      -->
-<!--                                                                        -->
-<!--  Distributable under LGPL license.                                     -->
-<!--  See terms of license at http://www.gnu.org.                           -->
-<!--                                                                        -->
-<!-- ====================================================================== -->
-<!-- $Id$ -->
-<project default="main" name="JBoss/Security">
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Setup                                                              -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-     | Include the common Buildmagic elements.
-     |
-     | This defines several different targets, properties and paths.
-     | It also sets up the basic extention tasks amoung other things.
-   -->
-  &buildmagic;
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Initialization                                                     -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-     | Initialize the build system.  Must depend on '_buildmagic:init'.  
-     | Other targets should depend on 'init' or things will mysteriously fail.
-   -->
-  <target name="init" unless="init.disable" depends="_buildmagic:init">
-  </target>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Configuration                                                      -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-     | Configure the build system.  
-     |
-     | This target is invoked by the Buildmagic initialization logic and 
-     | should contain module specific configuration elements.
-   -->
-  <target name="configure" unless="configure.disable">
-    <!-- =================== -->
-    <!-- Basic Configuration -->
-    <!-- =================== -->
-    <!-- Module name(s) & version -->
-    <property name="module.name" value="security"/>
-    <property name="module.Name" value="JBoss Security"/>
-    <!-- ========= -->
-    <!-- Libraries -->
-    <!-- ========= -->
-    &libraries;
-    <path id="library.classpath">
-       <path refid="apache.log4j.classpath"/>
-       <path refid="javassist.classpath"/>
-       <path refid="sun.jaxb.classpath"/>
-    </path>
-    <!-- ======= -->
-    <!-- Modules -->
-    <!-- ======= -->
-    &modules;
-    <!-- The combined dependent module classpath -->
-    <path id="dependentmodule.classpath">
-      <path refid="jboss.common.core.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.common.logging.spi.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.common.logging.log4j.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.common.logging.jdk.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.j2se.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.javaee.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.jaspi.api.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jbossxb.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.deployers.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.man.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.mdr.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.reflect.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.microcontainer.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jnpserver.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.security.spi.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jbosssx.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.system.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.systemjmx.classpath"/>
-    </path>
-    <!-- ===== -->
-    <!-- Tasks -->
-    <!-- ===== -->
-    <!-- Where source files live -->
-    <property name="source.java" value="${module.source}/main"/>
-    <property name="source.etc" value="${module.source}/etc"/>
-    <!-- Where build generated files will go -->
-    <property name="build.reports" value="${module.output}/reports"/>
-    <property name="build.classes" value="${module.output}/classes"/>
-    <property name="build.lib" value="${module.output}/lib"/>
-    <property name="build.api" value="${module.output}/api"/>
-    <property name="build.etc" value="${module.output}/etc"/>
-    <property name="build.gen-src" value="${module.output}/gen-src"/>
-    <!-- Install/Release structure -->
-    <property name="install.id" value="${module.name}-${module.version}"/>
-    <property name="release.id" value="${install.id}"/>
-    <property name="install.root" value="${module.output}/${install.id}"/>
-    <!-- The combined thirdparty classpath -->
-    <path id="thirdparty.classpath">
-      <path refid="library.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="dependentmodule.classpath"/>
-    </path>
-    <!-- RMIC should generate stubs compatible with Java 1.2+ -->
-    <property name="rmic.stubVersion" value="1.2"/>
-    <!-- classpath and local.classpath must have a value using with a path -->
-    <property name="classpath" value=""/>
-    <property name="local.classpath" value=""/>
-    <!-- The classpath required to build classes. -->
-    <path id="javac.classpath">
-      <pathelement path="${classpath}"/>
-      <pathelement path="${local.classpath}"/>
-      <path refid="thirdparty.classpath"/>
-    </path>
-    <!-- The classpath required to build javadocs. -->
-    <path id="javadoc.classpath">
-      <path refid="javac.classpath"/>
-    </path>
-    <!-- Packages to include when generating api documentation -->
-    <property name="javadoc.packages" value="org.jnp.*"/>
-    <!-- Override JUnit defaults -->
-    <property name="junit.timeout" value="240000"/> <!-- 4 minutes -->
-    <property name="junit.batchtest.todir" value="${build.reports}"/>
-    <property name="junit.jvm.options" value="-Ddummy"/>
-  </target>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Compile                                                            -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- 
-     | Compile everything.
-     |
-     | This target should depend on other compile-* targets for each 
-     | different type of compile that needs to be performed, short of
-     | documentation compiles.
-   -->
-  <target name="compile"
-    description="Compile all source files."
-    depends="compile-classes, compile-rmi, compile-etc"/>
-  <!-- Compile all class files -->
-  <target name="compile-classes" depends="init">
-    <mkdir dir="${build.classes}"/>
-    <javac destdir="${build.classes}"
-      optimize="${javac.optimize}"
-      target="${javac.target}"
-      source="${javac.source}"
-      debug="${javac.debug}"
-      depend="${javac.depend}"
-      verbose="${javac.verbose}"
-      deprecation="${javac.deprecation}"
-      includeAntRuntime="${javac.include.ant.runtime}"
-      includeJavaRuntime="${javac.include.java.runtime}"
-      includes="${javac.includes}"
-      excludes="${javac.excludes}"
-      failonerror="${javac.fail.onerror}">
-      <src path="${source.java}"/>
-      <classpath refid="javac.classpath"/>
-    </javac>
-  </target>
-  <!-- Compile RMI stubs -->
-  <target name="compile-rmi" depends="compile-classes">
-    <mkdir dir="${build.gen-src}"/>
-    <rmic base="${build.classes}"
-      sourcebase="${build.gen-src}"
-      verify="${rmic.verify}"
-      iiop="${rmic.iiop}"
-      iiopopts="${rmic.iiopops}"
-      idl="${rmic.idl}"
-      idlopts="${rmic.idlops}"
-      debug="${rmic.debug}"
-      stubVersion="${rmic.stubVersion}">
-      <classpath refid="javac.classpath"/>
-      <include name="${rmic.includes}"/>
-      <exclude name="${rmic.excludes}"/>
-      <include name="**/NamingServer.class"/>
-    </rmic>
-  </target>
-  <!-- Compile manifests -->
-  <target name="compile-etc" depends="init">
-    <mkdir dir="${build.etc}"/>
-    <copy todir="${build.etc}" filtering="yes">
-      <fileset dir="${source.etc}">
-        <include name="**"/>
-      </fileset>
-    </copy>
-  </target>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Archives                                                           -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- 
-     | Build all jar files.
-   -->
-  <target name="jars" description="Builds all jar files."
-    depends="_buildmagic:build-bypass-check"
-    unless="build-bypass.on">
-    <call target="compile"/>
-    <mkdir dir="${build.lib}"/>
-    <!-- Build jbosssx-server.jar -->
-    <jar jarfile="${build.lib}/jbosssx-server.jar"
-      manifest="${build.etc}/default.mf">
-      <fileset dir="${build.classes}">
-      </fileset>
-    </jar>
-    <!-- Build jbosssx-as-client.jar -->
-    <jar jarfile="${build.lib}/jbosssx-as-client.jar"
-      manifest="${build.etc}/default.mf">
-      <fileset dir="${build.classes}">
-        <exclude name="META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"/> <!-- HACK -->
-        <include name="org/jboss/crypto/JBossSXProvider.class"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/crypto/digest/*"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/security/*"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/security/auth/callback/*"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/security/auth/login/*"/>
-        <exclude name="org/jboss/security/auth/login/XMLLoginConfig.class"/>
-        <exclude name="org/jboss/security/auth/login/XMLLoginConfigMBean.class"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/security/jndi/*"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/security/plugins/PBEUtils.class"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/security/srp/PkgCategory.class"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/security/srp/TracePriority.class"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/security/srp/SRPClientSession.class"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/security/srp/SRPServerInterface*.class"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/security/srp/SRPServerProxy.class"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/security/srp/SRPParameters.class"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/security/srp/SRPPermission.class"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/security/srp/SRPConf*.class"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/security/srp/SRPRemoteServer_Stub.class"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/security/srp/SRPRemoteServerInterface.class"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/security/srp/SRPVerifierStore.class"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/security/srp/SRPVerifierStore$*.class"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/security/srp/jaas/SRPLoginModule.class"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/security/srp/jaas/SRPPrincipal.class"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/security/ssl/ClientSocketFactory.class"/>
-        <include name="org/jboss/security/ssl/RMISSLClientSocketFactory.class"/>
-      </fileset>
-    </jar>
-    <!-- Update the build marker to allow bypassing -->
-    <touch file="${build-bypass.marker}"/>
-  </target>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Install & Release                                                  -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <target name="install"
-    description="Install the structure for a release."
-    depends="all, _buildmagic:install:default"/>
-  <target name="release" depends="install"/>
-  <target name="release-zip"
-    description="Builds a ZIP distribution."
-    depends="release, _buildmagic:release:zip"/>
-  <target name="release-tar"
-    description="Builds a TAR distribution."
-    depends="release, _buildmagic:release:tar"/>
-  <target name="release-tgz"
-    description="Builds a TAR-GZ distribution."
-    depends="release, _buildmagic:release:tgz"/>
-  <target name="release-all"
-    description="Builds a distribution for each archive type."
-    depends="release-zip, release-tgz"/>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Cleaning                                                           -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Clean up all build output -->
-  <target name="clean"
-    description="Cleans up most generated files."
-    depends="_buildmagic:clean">
-  </target>
-  <!-- Clean up all generated files -->
-  <target name="clobber"
-    description="Cleans up all generated files."
-    depends="_buildmagic:clobber, clean">
-  </target>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Misc.                                                              -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <target name="main" depends="most"
-    description="Executes the default target (most)."/>
-  <target name="all" depends="jars, docs"
-    description="Builds everything."/>
-  <target name="most" depends="jars"
-    description="Builds almost everything."/>
-  <target name="help"
-    description="Show this help message."
-    depends="_buildmagic:help:standard"/>

Deleted: trunk/system/build.xml
--- trunk/system/build.xml	2009-03-23 16:19:41 UTC (rev 86216)
+++ trunk/system/build.xml	2009-03-23 16:43:55 UTC (rev 86217)
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE project [
-   <!ENTITY buildmagic SYSTEM "../tools/etc/buildmagic/buildmagic.ent">
-   <!ENTITY libraries SYSTEM "../thirdparty/libraries.ent">
-   <!ENTITY modules SYSTEM "../tools/etc/buildmagic/modules.ent">
-   <!ENTITY targets SYSTEM "../tools/etc/buildmagic/targets.ent">
-<!-- ====================================================================== -->
-<!--                                                                        -->
-<!--  JBoss, the OpenSource J2EE webOS                                      -->
-<!--                                                                        -->
-<!--  Distributable under LGPL license.                                     -->
-<!--  See terms of license at http://www.gnu.org.                           -->
-<!--                                                                        -->
-<!-- ====================================================================== -->
-<!-- $Id$ -->
-<project default="main" name="JBoss/System">
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Setup                                                              -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-     | Include the common Buildmagic elements.
-     |
-     | This defines several different targets, properties and paths.
-     | It also sets up the basic extention tasks amoung other things.
-   -->
-  &buildmagic;
-  <!--
-     | Include the normal targets.
-   -->
-  &targets;
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Configuration                                                      -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-     | Configure the build system.
-     |
-     | This target is invoked by the Buildmagic initialization logic and
-     | should contain module specific configuration elements.
-   -->
-  <target name="configure" unless="configure.disable">
-    <!-- =================== -->
-    <!-- Basic Configuration -->
-    <!-- =================== -->
-    <!-- Module name(s) & version -->
-    <property name="module.name" value="system"/>
-    <property name="module.Name" value="JBoss System"/>
-    <property name="module.version" value="DEV"/>
-    <!-- ========= -->
-    <!-- Libraries -->
-    <!-- ========= -->
-    &libraries;
-    <!-- The combined library classpath -->
-    <path id="library.classpath">
-      <path refid="junit.junit.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="gnu.getopt.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="apache.xerces.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="oswego.concurrent.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="dom4j.dom4j.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.aop.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jbossxb.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.deployers.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.man.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.mdr.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.reflect.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.microcontainer.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.vfs.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.common.core.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.common.logging.spi.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.profileservice.spi.classpath"/>
-      <!-- TEMP for the temporary AOP Deployer -->
-      <path refid="javassist.javassist.classpath"/>
-      <!-- jaxb for attachment serialization -->
-      <path refid="sun.jaxb.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="stax.api.classpath"/>
-    </path>
-    &modules;
-    <!-- The combined dependant module classpath -->
-    <path id="dependentmodule.classpath">
-      <path refid="jboss.main.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.bootstrap.classpath"/>
-    </path>
-    <!-- ===== -->
-    <!-- Tasks -->
-    <!-- ===== -->
-    <property name="jar.prefix" value="jboss-system"/>
-    <property name="javac.target" value="1.5"/>
-    <property name="javac.source" value="1.5"/>
-    <property name="jar.client.includes" 
-              value="org/jboss/system/Service.class,
-                     **/*MBean.class"
-    />
-    <call target="_default:task-init"/>
-  </target>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Compile                                                            -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-     | Compile everything.
-     |
-     | This target should depend on other compile-* targets for each
-     | different type of compile that needs to be performed, short of
-     | documentation compiles.
-   -->
-  <target name="compile"
-	  description="Compile all source files."
-	  depends="_default:compile-classes,
-              _default:compile-resources,
-              _default:compile-etc"/>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Archives                                                           -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- 
-     |  Build all jar files.
-    -->
-  <target name="module-jars" >
-    <!-- -->
-    <jar jarfile="${build.lib}/jboss-system.jar" manifest="${build.etc}/default.mf">
-      <fileset dir="${build.classes}" excludes="${ps.spi.includes}" />
-      <fileset dir="${build.resources}">
-        <include name="dtd/**"/>
-      </fileset>
-    </jar>
-    <jar jarfile="${build.lib}/${jar.client.name}" manifest="${build.etc}/default.mf">
-       <fileset dir="${build.classes}" includes="${jar.client.includes}"/>
-    </jar>
-  </target>

Deleted: trunk/system-jmx/build.xml
--- trunk/system-jmx/build.xml	2009-03-23 16:19:41 UTC (rev 86216)
+++ trunk/system-jmx/build.xml	2009-03-23 16:43:55 UTC (rev 86217)
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE project [
-   <!ENTITY buildmagic SYSTEM "../tools/etc/buildmagic/buildmagic.ent">
-   <!ENTITY libraries SYSTEM "../thirdparty/libraries.ent">
-   <!ENTITY modules SYSTEM "../tools/etc/buildmagic/modules.ent">
-   <!ENTITY targets SYSTEM "../tools/etc/buildmagic/targets.ent">
-<!-- ====================================================================== -->
-<!--                                                                        -->
-<!--  JBoss, the OpenSource J2EE webOS                                      -->
-<!--                                                                        -->
-<!--  Distributable under LGPL license.                                     -->
-<!--  See terms of license at http://www.gnu.org.                           -->
-<!--                                                                        -->
-<!-- ====================================================================== -->
-<!-- $Id$ -->
-<project default="main" name="JBoss/SystemJMX">
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Setup                                                              -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-     | Include the common Buildmagic elements.
-     |
-     | This defines several different targets, properties and paths.
-     | It also sets up the basic extention tasks amoung other things.
-   -->
-  &buildmagic;
-  <!--
-     | Include the normal targets.
-   -->
-  &targets;
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Configuration                                                      -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-     | Configure the build system.
-     |
-     | This target is invoked by the Buildmagic initialization logic and
-     | should contain module specific configuration elements.
-   -->
-  <target name="configure" unless="configure.disable">
-    <!-- =================== -->
-    <!-- Basic Configuration -->
-    <!-- =================== -->
-    <!-- Module name(s) & version -->
-    <property name="module.name" value="system-jmx"/>
-    <property name="module.Name" value="JBoss SystemJMX"/>
-    <property name="module.version" value="DEV"/>
-    <!-- ========= -->
-    <!-- Libraries -->
-    <!-- ========= -->
-    &libraries;
-    <!-- The combined library classpath -->
-    <path id="library.classpath">
-      <path refid="junit.junit.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="gnu.getopt.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="apache.xerces.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="apache.log4j.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="apache.commons.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="oswego.concurrent.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="dom4j.dom4j.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jbossxb.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="sun.jaxb.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.cl.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.man.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.mdr.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.deployers.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.reflect.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.microcontainer.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.integration.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.jboss.vfs.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.common.core.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.common.logging.spi.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.common.logging.log4j.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.common.logging.jdk.classpath"/>
-    </path>
-    <!-- ======= -->
-    <!-- Modules -->
-    <!-- ======= -->
-    &modules;
-    <!-- The combined dependant module classpath -->
-    <path id="dependentmodule.classpath">
-      <path refid="jboss.j2se.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.mbeans.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.bootstrap.classpath"/>
-      <path refid="jboss.system.classpath"/>
-    </path>
-    <!-- ===== -->
-    <!-- Tasks -->
-    <!-- ===== -->
-    <property name="jar.prefix" value="jboss-system-jmx"/>
-    <property name="javac.target" value="1.5"/>
-    <property name="javac.source" value="1.5"/>
-    <property name="jar.client.includes" 
-              value="org/jboss/deployment/DeploymentException*,
-                     org/jboss/deployment/IncompleteDeploymentException*,
-                     org/jboss/deployment/Deployer*,
-                     org/jboss/system/Service.class,
-                     org/jboss/system/server/ServerLoader*.class,
-                     org/jboss/system/server/Server.class,
-                     org/jboss/system/server/ServerConfig.class,
-                     **/*MBean.class"
-    />
-    <patternset id="compile-resources.filter.pattern">
-       <include name="**/*"/>
-       <exclude name="tests/**"/>
-    </patternset>
-    <patternset id="compile-resources.pattern">
-       <include name="tests/**"/>
-    </patternset>
-    <call target="_default:task-init"/>
-  </target>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Compile                                                            -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-     | Compile everything.
-     |
-     | This target should depend on other compile-* targets for each
-     | different type of compile that needs to be performed, short of
-     | documentation compiles.
-   -->
-  <target name="compile"
-	  description="Compile all source files."
-	  depends="_default:compile-classes,
-              _default:compile-resources,
-              _default:compile-etc"/>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Archives                                                           -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- 
-     |  Build all jar files.
-    -->
-  <target name="module-jars" >
-    <!-- Server and client jars -->
-    <call target="_default:server-client-jars"/>
-    <!--
-       | JBoss/Testsuite Support
-     -->
-    <!-- testsuite-support.jar -->
-    <jar jarfile="${build.lib}/testsuite-support.jar" manifest="${build.etc}/default.mf">
-      <fileset dir="${build.classes}">
-         <include name="org/jboss/deployment/**"/>
-         <include name="org/jboss/system/Service.class"/>
-         <include name="org/jboss/system/ServiceMBean.class"/>
-         <include name="org/jboss/system/*MBeanSupport.class"/>
-         <include name="org/jboss/system/MBeanClassLoader*.class"/>
-         <include name="org/jboss/system/UnifiedClassLoader*.class"/>
-         <include name="org/jboss/system/ServiceLibraries*.class"/>
-         <include name="org/jboss/system/server/*MBean.class"/>
-         <include name="org/jboss/system/server/ServerConfigLocator.class"/>
-         <include name="org/jboss/system/server/ServerConfig.class"/>
-         <include name="org/jboss/system/server/Server.class"/>
-      </fileset>
-    </jar>
-  </target>

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