[jboss-cvs] JBoss Messaging SVN: r6711 - in trunk/docs/user-manual/en: diagrams and 1 other directories.

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Fri May 8 08:24:37 EDT 2009

Author: timfox
Date: 2009-05-08 08:24:37 -0400 (Fri, 08 May 2009)
New Revision: 6711

user guide work

Modified: trunk/docs/user-manual/en/diagrams/architecture-diagrams.odg
(Binary files differ)

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-   &introduction;
+   &messaging-concepts;  

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 <chapter id="architecture">
-    <para/>
-    <para>TODO: copy blurb from User Guide</para>
+    <para>In this section we will discuss the JBoss Messaging high level architecture and
+        concepts.</para>
+    <section>
+        <title>Core Architecture</title>
+        <para>JBoss Messaging core is designed simply as set of Plain Old Java Objects
+            (POJOs).</para>
+        <para>We've also designed it to have as few dependencies on external jars as possible. In
+            fact, JBoss Messaging core has <emphasis role="italic">zero</emphasis> dependencies on
+            any jars other than the standard JDK classes!</para>
+        <para>This allows JBoss Messaging to be easily embedded in your own project, or instantiated
+            in any dependency injection framework such as JBoss Microcontainer or Spring.</para>
+        <para>A JBoss Messaging server has its own high performance persistent journal, which it
+            uses for message and other persistence.</para>
+        <para>Using a high performance journal allows outrageous persistence message performance,
+            something not achievable when using a relational database for persistence.</para>
+        <para>JBoss Messaging clients, potential on different physical machines interact with the
+            JBoss Messaging server. JBoss Messaging currently provides two APIs for messaging at the
+            client side:</para>
+        <para>
+            <orderedlist>
+                <listitem>
+                    <para>Core client API. This is a simple intuitive Java API that allows the full
+                        set of messaging functionality without some of the complexities of
+                        JMS.</para>
+                </listitem>
+                <listitem>
+                    <para>JMS client API. The standard JMS classes are available at the client
+                        side.</para>
+                </listitem>
+            </orderedlist>
+        </para>
+        <para>JMS semantics are implemented in a thin JMS facade layer on the client side.</para>
+        <para>The JBoss Messaging server does not speak JMS and in fact does not know anything about
+            JMS, it's a protocol agnostic messaging server designed to be used with multiple
+            different protocols.</para>
+        <para>When a user uses the JMS API on the client side, all JMS interactions are translated
+            into operations on the JBoss Messaging core client API before being transferred over the
+            wire using the JBoss Messaging wire format.</para>
+        <para>The server always just deals with core API interactions.</para>
+        <para>A schematic illustrating this relationship is shown in figure 1</para>
+    </section>
+    <section>
+        <title>JBoss Messaging embedded in your own application</title>
+        <para>JBoss Messaging core is designed as a set of simple POJOs so if you have an
+            application that requires messaging functionality internally but you don't want to
+            expose that as a messaging server you can directly instantiate and embed messaging
+            servers in your own application.</para>
+        <para>Here's a real code example demonstrating just how easy that is:</para>
+        <para><code> Server server = new MessagingServer(); </code></para>
+    </section>
+    <section>
+        <title>JBoss Messaging integrated with a JEE application server</title>
+        <para>JBoss Messaging provides its own fully functional Java Connector Architecture (JCA)
+            adaptor which enables it to be integrated easily into any JEE compliant application
+            server or servlet engine.</para>
+        <para>JEE application servers provide Message Driven Beans (MDBs), which are a special type
+            of Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs) which can process messages from sources such as JMS
+            systems or mail systems.</para>
+        <para>Problem the most common use of an MDB is to consume messages from a JMS messaging
+            system.</para>
+        <para>According to the JEE specification, a JEE application server uses a JCA adapter to
+            integrate with a JMS messaging system so it can consume messages for MDBs.</para>
+        <para>The JCA adapter is not only used by the JEE application server for <emphasis
+                role="italic">consuming</emphasis> messages via MDBs, it is also used when sending
+            message to the JMS messaging system e.g. from inside an EJB or servlet.</para>
+        <para>When integrating with a JMS messaging system from inside a JEE application server it
+            is always recommended that this is done via the JCA adaptor.</para>
+        <para>The application server's JCA service provides extra functionality such as connection
+            pooling and automatic transaction enlistment, which are desirable when using messaging,
+            say, from inside an EJB.</para>
+        <para>Diagram</para>
+    </section>
+    <section>
+        <title>JBoss Messaging stand-alone server</title>
+        <para>JBoss Messaging can also be deployed as a stand-alone server. This means a fully
+            independent messaging server not dependent on a JEE application server.</para>
+        <para>The standard stand-alone messaging server configuration comprises a core messaging
+            server, plus a JMS server manager service which allows JMS connection factorys, Queues
+            and Topics to be deployed from xml configuration on the server side, and also a JNDI
+            service.</para>
+        <para>We choose to include these in the standard stand-alone config since JMS and JNDI are
+            often requirements in many deployments. If JNDI or JMS is not required then these
+            services can easily be disabled in the configuration.</para>
+        <para>The stand-alone server configuration uses JBoss Microcontainer to instantiate and
+            enforce dependencies between the components. JBoss Microcontainer is a very lightweight
+            POJO bootstrapper.</para>
+        <para>The stand-alone server architecture is shown in figure X</para>
+     </section>

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-<chapter id="introduction">
-   <title>Introduction</title>
-   <para>TODO</para>
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<chapter id="introduction">
+    <title>Messaging Concepts</title>
+    <para>JBoss Messaging is an asynchronous messaging system, an example of <ulink
+            url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Message_oriented_middleware">Message Oriented
+            Middleware</ulink> , we'll just call them messaging systems in the remainder of this
+        book.</para>
+    <para>We'll first prevent a brief overview of what kind of things messaging systems do and and
+        where they're useful, and the kind of concepts you'll hear about in the messaging
+        world.</para>
+    <para>If you're already familiar with what a messaging system is and what it's capable of, then
+        you can skip this chapter.</para>
+    <para>Messaging systems allow you to loosely couple heteregenous systems together, whilst
+        typically providing reliability, transactions, and many other features.</para>
+    <para>Unlike systems based on a <ulink url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remote_procedure_call"
+            >Remote Procedure Call</ulink> (RPC) pattern, messaging systems primarily use an
+        asynchronous message passing pattern with no tight relationship between requests and
+        responses. Most messaging systems also support a request-response mode but this is not a
+        primary feature of messaging systems.</para>
+    <para>Designing systems to be asynchronous from end-to-end allows you to really take advantage
+        of your hardware resources, minimising the amount of threads blocking on IO operations, and
+        to use your network bandwidth to its full capacity. With an RPC approach you have to wait
+        for a response for each request you make so are limited by the network round trip time, or
+            <emphasis role="italic">latency</emphasis> of your network. With an asynchronous you can
+        pipeline flows of messages in different directions, so are limited by the network <emphasis
+            role="italic">bandwidth</emphasis> not the latency. This typically allows you to create
+        much higher performance applications.</para>
+    <para>Messaging systems decouple the senders of messages from the consumers of messages. The
+        senders and consumers of messages are completely independent and know nothing of each other.
+        This allows you to create flexible, loosely coupled systems.</para>
+    <para>Often, large enterprises use a messaging system to implement a message bus which is to
+        loosely couple heterogenous systems together. Message buses often form the core of an <ulink
+            url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enterprise_service_bus">Enterprise Service
+        Bus</ulink>. (ESB). Using a message bus to couple disparate systems can allow the system to
+        grow and adapt more flexible as new systems are added and old ones retired, without each
+        system having hard, brittle dependencies on each other.</para>
+    <section>
+        <title>Messaging styles</title>
+        <para>Messaging systems normally support two main styles of asynchronous messaging;<ulink
+                url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Message_queue"> message queue</ulink> (also known
+            as <emphasis role="italic">point-to-point messaging</emphasis>) and <ulink
+                url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Publish_subscribe">publish subscribe</ulink>
+            messaging. We'll summarise them briefly here:</para>
+        <section>
+            <title>The Message Queue Pattern</title>
+            <para>With this type of messaging you send a message to a queue. The message is then
+                typically persisted to provide a guarantee of delivery, then some time later the
+                messaging system delivers the message to a consumer. The consumer then processes the
+                message and when it is done, it acknowledges the message. Once the message is
+                acknowledged it disappears from the queue and is not available to be delivered
+                again. If the system crashes before the messaging server receives an acknowledgement
+                from the consumer, then on recovery, the message will be available to be delivered
+                to a consumer again.</para>
+            <para>With point-to-point messaging, there can be many consumers on the queue but a
+                particular message will only ever be consumed by a maximum of one of them. Senders
+                (also known as<emphasis role="italic"> producers</emphasis>) to the queue are
+                completely decoupled from receivers (also known as <emphasis role="italic"
+                    >consumers</emphasis>) of the queue - they do not know of each others
+                existence.</para>
+            <para>A classic example of point to point messaging would be an order queue in a
+                company's book ordering system. Each order is represented as a message which is sent
+                to the order queue. There are many front end ordering systems which send orders to
+                the order queue. When a message arrives on the queue it is persisted - this ensures
+                that if the server crashes the order is not lost. There are many consumers on the
+                order queue - each representing an instance of an order processing component - this
+                can be on different physical machines but consuming from the same queue. The
+                messaging system delivers each message to one and only one of the ordering
+                processing components. Different messages can be processed by order processors, but
+                a single order is only processed by one order processor - this ensures orders aren't
+                processed twice.</para>
+            <para>As an order processor receives a message, its fulfils the order - sends order
+                information to the warehous system and then updates the order database with the
+                order details. Once it's done that it acknowledges the message to tell the server
+                that the order message is done and can be forgotten about. Often the send to the
+                warehouse system, update in database and acknowledgement will be completed in a
+                single transaction to ensure ACID properties.</para>
+        </section>
+        <section>
+            <title>The Publish-Subscribe Pattern</title>
+            <para>With publish-subscribe messaging many senders can send messages to an entity on
+                the server, often called a <emphasis role="italic">topic</emphasis>, e.g. in the JMS
+                world.</para>
+            <para>There can be many subscriptions on a topic, each subscription receives a copy of
+                    <emphasis role="italic">each</emphasis> message sent to the topic. This differs
+                from the message queue pattern where each message is only consumed by a single
+                consumer.</para>
+            <para>Subscriptions can optionally be <emphasis role="italic">durable</emphasis> which
+                means they retain a copy of each message sent to the topic until the subscriber
+                consumes it.</para>
+            <para>An example of publish-subscribe messaging would be a news feed. As news articles
+                are created by different editors around the world they are sent to a news feed
+                topic. There are many subscribers around the world who are interested in receiving
+                news items - each one creates a subscription and the messaging system ensures that a
+                copy of each news message is delivered to each subscription.</para>
+        </section>
+    </section>
+    <section>
+        <title>Delivery guarantees</title>
+        <para>A key feature of most messaging systems is <emphasis role="italic">reliable
+                messaging</emphasis>. With reliable messaging the server gives a guarantee that the
+            message will be delivered once and only once to each consumer of a queue or each
+            subscription of a topic, even in the event of system failure. This is crucial for many
+            businesses - you don't want your orders fulfilled more than once, or your trades to be
+            lost or occur more than once.</para>
+        <para>In other cases you may not care about a once and only once delivery guarantee and are
+            happy to cope with duplicate deliveries. The messaging system allows you to configure
+            which delivery guarantees you require.</para>
+    </section>
+    <section>
+        <title>Transactions</title>
+        <para>Messaging systems typically support the sending and acknowledgement of multiple
+            messages in a single local transaction. JBoss Messaging also supports the sending and
+            acknowledgement of message as part of a large global transaction - using the Java
+            mapping of XA, JTA.</para>
+    </section>
+    <section>
+        <title>Durability</title>
+        <para> Messages are either durable or non durable. Durable messages will persisted in
+            permanent storage and will survive server failure. Non durable messages will not survive
+            server failure or restart. Examples of durable messages might be orders or trades, where
+            they cannot be lost. An example of a non durable message might be a stock price update.
+            This is transitory and there's no need for it to survive a restart. </para>
+    </section>
+    <section>
+        <title>Messaging APIs and protocols</title>
+        <para>How do client applications interact with messaging systems in order to send and
+            consume messages?</para>
+        <para>Several messaging systems provide their own proprietary APIs with which the client
+            communicates with the messaging system.</para>
+        <para>There are also some standard ways of operating with messaging systems and some
+            emerging standards in this space.</para>
+        <para>Let's take a brief look at these:</para>
+        <section>
+            <title>Java Message Service (JMS)</title>
+            <para><ulink url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Message_Service">JMS</ulink> is part
+                of Sun's JEE specification. It's a Java API that encapsulates both message queue and
+                publish-subscribe messaging patterns. JMS is a lowest common denominator
+                specification - i.e. it was created to encapsulate common functionality of the
+                already existing messaging systems that were available at the time of its
+                creation.</para>
+            <para>JMS is a very popular API and is implemented by most messaging systems. JMS is
+                only available to clients running Java.</para>
+            <para>JMS does not define a standard wire format - it only defines a programmatic API so
+                JMS clients and servers from different vendors cannot interoperate since they will
+                most likely use the vendor's own internal wire protocol.</para>
+            <para>JBoss Messaging provides a fully compliant JMS 1.1 API.</para>
+        </section>
+        <section>
+            <title>System specific APIs</title>
+            <para>Many systems provide their own programmic API for which to interact with the
+                messaging system. The advantage of this it allows the full set of system
+                functionality to be exposed tp the client application. APIs like JMS are not
+                normally rich enough to expose all the extra featurs that most messaging systems
+                provide.</para>
+            <para>JBoss Messaging provides its own core client API for clients to use if they wish
+                to have access to functionality over and above that accesible via the JMS
+                API.</para>
+        </section>
+        <section>
+            <title>STOMP</title>
+            <para><ulink
+                    url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streaming_Text_Orientated_Messaging_Protocol"
+                    >STOMP</ulink> is a very simple protocol for interoperating with messaging
+                systems. It defines a wire format, so theoretically any STOMP client can work with
+                any messaging system that supports STOMP. STOMP clients are available in many
+                different programming languages.</para>
+            <para>JBoss Messaging can be used by any STOMP client when using the <ulink
+                    url="http://stomp.codehaus.org/StompConnect">StompConnect</ulink> broker which
+                translates STOMP protocol to the JMS API.</para>
+            <para>JBoss Messaging will be shortly implementing the STOMP protocol on the boker, thus
+                avoiding the usage of StompConnect.</para>
+        </section>
+        <section>
+            <title>AMQP</title>
+            <para><ulink url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AMQP">AMQP</ulink> is an emerging
+                standard for interoperable messaging. It also defines a wire format, so any AMQP
+                client can work with any messaging system that supports AMQP. AMQP clients are
+                available in many different programming languages.</para>
+            <para>JBoss Messaging will shortly be implementing AMQP.</para>
+        </section>
+        <section>
+            <title>REST</title>
+            <para><ulink url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_State_Transfer"
+                    >REST</ulink> approaches to messaging are showing a lot interest recently. With
+                a REST approach messaging resources are manipulated as resources, typically using a
+                simple set of operations on those resources, e.g. PUT, POST, GET etc. REST
+                approaches to messaging often use HTTP as their underlying protocol.</para>
+            <para>The advantage of a REST approach with HTTP is in its simplicity and the fact the
+                internet is already tuned to deal with HTTP optimally.</para>
+            <para>JBoss Messaging will shortly be implementing REST.</para>
+        </section>
+    </section>
+    <section>
+        <title>High Availability</title>
+        <para>High Availability (HA) means that the system should remain operation after failure of
+            one or more of the servers. The degree of support for HA varies from messaging system to
+            messaging system.</para>
+        <para>Some messaging systems require you to deal with server side failure by writing some
+            client side code which gets called on event of server failure, and in which you are
+            supposed to recreate your connections to another server.</para>
+        <para>JBoss Messaging provides 100% transparent failover where you don't have have to write
+            any special client side code to deal with failure. On failover JBoss Messaging will
+            automatically fail over your client connections to another server, and your client
+            sessions can continue as if nothing happened.</para>
+    </section>
+    <section>
+        <title>Clusters</title>
+        <para>Many messaging systems allow you to create groups of messaging servers called
+                <emphasis role="italic">clusters</emphasis>. Cluster allow the load of sending and
+            consuming messages to be spread over many servers. This allows your system to be able
+            scale horizontally by adding new servers to the cluster.</para>
+        <para>Degrees of support for clusters varies from messaging system to messaging system, with
+            some systems having fairly basic clusters where the cluster members being hardly aware
+            of each other.</para>
+        <para>JBoss Messaging provides very configurable state of the art clustering where messages
+            can be intelligently load balanced between the servers in the cluster, according to the
+            number of consumers on each node, and whether they are ready for messages.</para>
+        <para>JBoss Messaging also has the ability to automatically redistribute messages between
+            nodes of a cluster to prevent starvation on any particular node.</para>
+        <para>For full details on clustering please the clustering section.</para>
+    </section>
+    <section>
+        <title>Bridges and routing</title>
+        <para>Some messaging systems allow isolated clusters or single nodes to be bridged together,
+            typically over unreliable connections like a Wide Area Network (WAN).</para>
+        <para>A bridge normally consumes from a queue on one server and forwards messages to another
+            queue on a different server. Bridges cope with unreliable connections, automatically
+            reconnecting when the connections becomes available again.</para>
+        <para>JBoss Messaging bridges can be configured with filter expressions to only forward
+            certain messages, and transformation can be hooked in.</para>
+        <para>JBoss Messaging also allows routing between queues to be configured in server side
+            configuration. This allows complex routing networks to be set up forwarding or copying
+            messages from one destination to another, forming a global network of interconnected
+            brokers.</para>
+    </section>
+    <section>
+        <title>Other messaging system functionality</title>
+        <para>Here's a quick run through of other features and terms you might hear in the context
+            of messaging systems:</para>
+        <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+                <para>Message expiry</para>
+                <para>You can set a Time to Live (TTL) on a message. If you do this then if the
+                    messaging system has not delivered the message by the time TTL comes then the
+                    message will be discarded or possibly sent to a configurable other
+                    destination.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem><para>Message redelivery</para></listitem>
+            <listitem><para>Blah blah</para></listitem>
+        </itemizedlist>
+    </section>

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 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <chapter id="preface">
-    <para/>
-    <para>TODO: copy blurb from User Guide</para>
+    <para>The goal of JBoss Messaging is simple and uncompromising; to bring unrivalled levels of
+        performance and reliability to messaging, and to be the fastest, best featured and most
+        scalable multi-protocol messaging system.</para>
+    <para>Why use JBoss Messaging? Here are a few of the reasons:</para>
+    <itemizedlist>
+        <listitem>
+            <para>100% open source software. We use the Apache Software License version 2.0 to limit
+                restrictions on use.</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+            <para>Written in Java. Runs on any platform with a J2SE 5.0 JDK, that's everything from
+                Windows desktops to IBM mainframes.</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+            <para>Superb performance. Our class beating high performance journal provides persistent
+                messaging performance at rates normally seen for non persistent messaging.</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+            <para>Full feature set. All the features you'd expect in any serious messaging system,
+                and others you won't find anywhere else.</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+            <para>Elegant POJO based design with minimal third party dependencies. Run JBoss
+                Messaging stand-alone, run it in integrated in your favourite JEE application
+                server, or run it embedded inside your own product.</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+            <para>Seamless high availabilty. We provide server replication and completely
+                transparent client failover so you don't have to worry about coding your client
+                specially for an HA environment.</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+            <para>Hugely flexible clustering. Create clusters of servers that know how to load
+                balance messages. Link geographically distributed clusters over unreliable
+                connections to form a global network. Configure routing of messages in a highly
+                flexible way.</para>
+        </listitem>
+    </itemizedlist>

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