[jboss-cvs] JBossAS SVN: r89131 - in branches/Branch_5_x: server/src/etc/conf/all and 6 other directories.

jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org
Tue May 19 16:18:53 EDT 2009

Author: scott.stark at jboss.org
Date: 2009-05-19 16:18:52 -0400 (Tue, 19 May 2009)
New Revision: 89131

JBAS-6259, Use bindingservice.beans and update ServiceBindingManagedObjectsTestCase tests to validate persistence across restarts

Modified: branches/Branch_5_x/build/build-distr.xml
--- branches/Branch_5_x/build/build-distr.xml	2009-05-19 18:35:20 UTC (rev 89130)
+++ branches/Branch_5_x/build/build-distr.xml	2009-05-19 20:18:52 UTC (rev 89131)
@@ -1053,7 +1053,7 @@
   	<!-- copy the service binding manager to it's deployment --> 
-    <copy todir="${install.server}/all/conf/bindingservice.sar">
+    <copy todir="${install.server}/all/conf/bindingservice.beans">
      <fileset dir="${_module.output}/lib">
      	<include name="jboss-bindingservice.jar"/>

Copied: branches/Branch_5_x/server/src/etc/conf/all/bindingservice.beans (from rev 89127, branches/Branch_5_x/server/src/etc/conf/all/bindingservice.sar)

Modified: branches/Branch_5_x/server/src/etc/conf/all/bootstrap/profile.xml
--- branches/Branch_5_x/server/src/etc/conf/all/bootstrap/profile.xml	2009-05-19 18:35:20 UTC (rev 89130)
+++ branches/Branch_5_x/server/src/etc/conf/all/bootstrap/profile.xml	2009-05-19 20:18:52 UTC (rev 89131)
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
          The uri to the deployers folder.
          A list of uris to deploy folders. -->
    <bean name="BootstrapProfileFactory" class="org.jboss.system.server.profileservice.StaticClusteredProfileFactory">
-      <property name="bindingsURI">${jboss.server.home.url}conf/bindingservice.sar</property>
+      <property name="bindingsURI">${jboss.server.home.url}conf/bindingservice.beans</property>
       <property name="bootstrapURI">${jboss.server.home.url}conf/jboss-service.xml</property>
       <property name="deployersURI">${jboss.server.home.url}deployers</property>
       <property name="applicationURIs">

Modified: branches/Branch_5_x/server/src/etc/conf/default/bootstrap/profile.xml
--- branches/Branch_5_x/server/src/etc/conf/default/bootstrap/profile.xml	2009-05-19 18:35:20 UTC (rev 89130)
+++ branches/Branch_5_x/server/src/etc/conf/default/bootstrap/profile.xml	2009-05-19 20:18:52 UTC (rev 89131)
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 			The uri to the deployers folder.
 			A list of uris to deploy folders. -->
 	<bean name="BootstrapProfileFactory" class="org.jboss.system.server.profileservice.repository.StaticProfileFactory">
-      <property name="bindingsURI">${jboss.server.home.url}conf/bindingservice.sar</property>
+      <property name="bindingsURI">${jboss.server.home.url}conf/bindingservice.beans</property>
       <property name="bootstrapURI">${jboss.server.home.url}conf/jboss-service.xml</property>
 		<property name="deployersURI">${jboss.server.home.url}deployers</property>
 		<property name="applicationURIs">

Copied: branches/Branch_5_x/server/src/etc/conf/minimal/bindingservice.beans (from rev 89127, branches/Branch_5_x/server/src/etc/conf/minimal/bindingservice.sar)

Added: branches/Branch_5_x/testsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/profileservice/override/restart/test/ServiceBindingManagedObjectsTestCase.java
--- branches/Branch_5_x/testsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/profileservice/override/restart/test/ServiceBindingManagedObjectsTestCase.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/Branch_5_x/testsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/profileservice/override/restart/test/ServiceBindingManagedObjectsTestCase.java	2009-05-19 20:18:52 UTC (rev 89131)
@@ -0,0 +1,631 @@
+ * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
+ * Copyright 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors
+ * by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
+ * full listing of individual contributors.
+ *
+ * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
+ * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+ * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
+ */
+package org.jboss.test.profileservice.override.restart.test;
+import java.net.InetAddress;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.jboss.deployers.spi.management.ManagementView;
+import org.jboss.managed.api.ComponentType;
+import org.jboss.managed.api.ManagedCommon;
+import org.jboss.managed.api.ManagedComponent;
+import org.jboss.managed.api.ManagedProperty;
+import org.jboss.metatype.api.types.CompositeMetaType;
+import org.jboss.metatype.api.types.ImmutableCompositeMetaType;
+import org.jboss.metatype.api.types.MetaType;
+import org.jboss.metatype.api.types.SimpleMetaType;
+import org.jboss.metatype.api.values.ArrayValue;
+import org.jboss.metatype.api.values.CollectionValue;
+import org.jboss.metatype.api.values.CompositeValue;
+import org.jboss.metatype.api.values.MapCompositeValueSupport;
+import org.jboss.metatype.api.values.MetaValue;
+import org.jboss.metatype.api.values.SimpleValue;
+import org.jboss.services.binding.ServiceBindingMetadata;
+import org.jboss.services.binding.impl.ServiceBindingSet;
+import org.jboss.services.binding.managed.ServiceBindingMetadataMapper;
+import org.jboss.test.profileservice.test.AbstractProfileServiceTest;
+ * <p>
+ * Profile service ServiceBindingManager persistent update tests.
+ * </p>
+ * 
+ * @see org.jboss.test.profileservice.override.test.ServiceBindingManagedObjectsTestCase
+ * for the tests that add and update the service binding metadata.
+ * 
+ * @author Brian Stansberry
+ * @author Scott.Stark at jboss.org
+ * @version $Revision: 88921 $
+ */
+public class ServiceBindingManagedObjectsTestCase extends AbstractProfileServiceTest
+   public static final CompositeMetaType SERVICE_BINDING_METADATA_TYPE;
+   public static final CompositeMetaType SERVICE_BINDING_SET_TYPE;
+   static
+   {
+      String[] itemNames = {
+            "bindingSetName",
+            "serviceName",
+            "bindingName",
+            "fullyQualifiedName",
+            "description",
+            "hostName",
+            "port",
+            "fixedHostName",
+            "fixedPort"//,
+//            "serviceBindingValueSourceClassName",
+//            "serviceBindingValueSourceConfig"
+      };
+      String[] itemDescriptions = {
+            "binding set to which this binding applies, or null for all sets",
+            "the name of the service to which this binding applies",
+            "a qualifier identifying which particular binding within the service this is",
+            "the fully qualified binding name",
+            "description of the binding",
+            "the host name or string notation IP address to use for the binding",
+            "the port to use for the binding",
+            "whether the host name should remain fixed in all binding sets",
+            "whether the port should remain fixed in all binding sets"//,
+//            "fully qualified classname of specialized object used to process binding results",
+//            ""
+      };
+      MetaType[] itemTypes = {
+            SimpleMetaType.STRING,
+            SimpleMetaType.STRING,
+            SimpleMetaType.STRING,
+            SimpleMetaType.STRING,
+            SimpleMetaType.STRING,
+            SimpleMetaType.STRING,
+            SimpleMetaType.INTEGER_PRIMITIVE,
+            SimpleMetaType.BOOLEAN_PRIMITIVE,
+            SimpleMetaType.BOOLEAN_PRIMITIVE//,
+//            SimpleMetaType.STRING,
+//            new GenericMetaType(ManagedObject)
+      };
+      SERVICE_BINDING_METADATA_TYPE = new ImmutableCompositeMetaType(ServiceBindingMetadata.class.getName(), 
+            "Service Binding Metadata",
+            itemNames, itemDescriptions, itemTypes);
+      String[] itemNames2 = {
+            "name",
+            "defaultHostName",
+            "portOffset",
+            "overrideBindings"
+      };
+      String[] itemDescriptions2 = {
+            "the name of the binding set",
+            "the host name that should be used for all bindings whose configuration " +
+               "does not specify fixedHostName=\"true\"",
+            "value to add to the port configuration for a standard binding to " +
+               "derive the port to use in this binding set",
+            "binding configurations that apply only to this binding set, either " +
+               "non-standard bindings or ones that override standard binding configurations",
+      };
+      MetaType[] itemTypes2 = {
+            SimpleMetaType.STRING,
+            SimpleMetaType.STRING,
+            SimpleMetaType.INTEGER_PRIMITIVE,
+            ServiceBindingMetadataMapper.TYPE
+      };
+      SERVICE_BINDING_SET_TYPE = new ImmutableCompositeMetaType(ServiceBindingSet.class.getName(), 
+            "Service Binding Set", itemNames2, itemDescriptions2, itemTypes2);
+   }
+   /**
+    * <p>
+    * Creates an instance of {@code SecurityManagedObjectsTestCase} with the specified name.
+    * </p>
+    * 
+    * @param name a {@code String} representing the name of this {@code TestCase}.
+    */
+   public ServiceBindingManagedObjectsTestCase(String name)
+   {
+      super(name);
+   }
+   private ManagedComponent getServiceBindingManagerManagedComponent() throws Exception
+   {
+      ManagementView managementView = getManagementView();
+      ComponentType type = new ComponentType("MCBean", "ServiceBindingManager");
+      ManagedComponent component = managementView.getComponent("ServiceBindingManager", type);
+      assertNotNull(component);
+      return component;
+   }
+   private void serviceBindingTest(MetaValue element)
+   {
+      getLog().info(element);
+      assertTrue(element instanceof CompositeValue);
+      CompositeValue compValue = (CompositeValue) element;
+      MetaValue metaval = compValue.get("serviceName");
+      assertNotNull("has serviceName", metaval);
+      assertTrue(metaval instanceof SimpleValue);
+      assertTrue(((SimpleValue) metaval).getValue() instanceof String);
+      metaval = compValue.get("bindingName");
+      if (metaval != null)
+      {
+         assertTrue(metaval instanceof SimpleValue);
+         Object val = ((SimpleValue) metaval).getValue();
+         assertTrue(val instanceof String);
+      }
+      metaval = compValue.get("fullyQualifiedName");
+      assertNotNull("has fullyQualifiedName", metaval);
+      assertTrue(metaval instanceof SimpleValue);
+      assertTrue(((SimpleValue) metaval).getValue() instanceof String);
+      metaval = compValue.get("description");
+      if (metaval != null)
+      {
+         assertTrue(metaval instanceof SimpleValue);
+         Object val = ((SimpleValue) metaval).getValue();
+         assertTrue(val instanceof String);
+      }
+      metaval = compValue.get("hostName");
+      assertNotNull("has hostName", metaval);
+      assertTrue(metaval instanceof SimpleValue);
+      assertTrue(((SimpleValue) metaval).getValue() instanceof String);
+      metaval = compValue.get("bindAddress");
+      assertNotNull("has bindAddress", metaval);
+      assertTrue(metaval instanceof ArrayValue);
+      Object val = ((ArrayValue) metaval).getValue();
+      assertTrue(val instanceof byte[]);
+      metaval = compValue.get("port");
+      assertNotNull("has port", metaval);
+      assertTrue(metaval instanceof SimpleValue);
+      assertEquals("type of port value isn't int", int.class.getName(), metaval.getMetaType().getClassName());
+   }
+   private void serviceBindingSetTest(MetaValue metaValue, Map<String, Integer> offsets) throws Exception
+   {
+      assertTrue(metaValue instanceof CompositeValue);
+      CompositeValue bindingSet = (CompositeValue) metaValue;
+      MetaValue val =  bindingSet.get("name");
+      assertNotNull("property name has no value", val);
+      assertTrue("property name value is SimpleValue", val instanceof SimpleValue);
+      Object simpleVal = ((SimpleValue) val).getValue();
+      assertTrue(simpleVal instanceof String);
+      String name = (String) simpleVal;
+      val =  bindingSet.get("defaultHostName");
+      assertNotNull("property defaultHostName has no value", val);
+      assertEquals("type of defaultHostName value isn't String", String.class.getName(), val.getMetaType().getClassName());
+      assertTrue("property defaultHostName value is SimpleValue", val instanceof SimpleValue);
+      assertEquals(InetAddress.getByName(getServerHost()), InetAddress.getByName((String) ((SimpleValue) val).getValue()));
+      val =  bindingSet.get("portOffset");
+      assertNotNull("property portOffset has no value", val);
+      assertTrue("property portOffset value is SimpleValue", val instanceof SimpleValue);
+      simpleVal = ((SimpleValue) val).getValue();
+      assertTrue(simpleVal instanceof Integer);
+      assertTrue(((Integer) simpleVal).intValue() > -1);
+      offsets.put(name, (Integer) simpleVal);
+      val =  bindingSet.get("overrideBindings");
+      assertNotNull("property overrideBindings has no value", val);
+      assertTrue("property overrideBindings value is CollectionValue", val instanceof CollectionValue);
+      MetaValue[] elements = ((CollectionValue) val).getElements();
+      getLog().info(elements);
+      for (MetaValue element : elements)
+      {
+         serviceBindingMetadataTest(element);
+      }
+   }
+   private Checked serviceBindingMetadataTest(MetaValue metaValue)
+   {
+      assertTrue(metaValue instanceof CompositeValue);
+      CompositeValue bindingMetadata = (CompositeValue) metaValue;
+      Checked result = new Checked();
+      MetaValue val =  bindingMetadata.get("fullyQualifiedName");
+      assertNotNull("property fullyQualifiedName has no value", val);
+      assertTrue("property fullyQualifiedName value is SimpleValue", val instanceof SimpleValue);
+      assertNotNull("property fullyQualifiedName value is not null", ((SimpleValue) val).getValue());
+      val =  bindingMetadata.get("serviceName");
+      assertNotNull("property serviceName has no value", val);
+      assertTrue("property serviceName value is SimpleValue", val instanceof SimpleValue);
+      assertNotNull("property serviceName value is not null", ((SimpleValue) val).getValue());
+      val =  bindingMetadata.get("bindingName");
+      if (val != null)
+      {
+         result.bindingName = true;
+         assertNotNull("property bindingName has no value", val);
+         assertTrue("property bindingName value is SimpleValue", val instanceof SimpleValue);
+         assertEquals("type of bindingName value isn't String", String.class.getName(), val.getMetaType().getClassName());
+      }
+      val =  bindingMetadata.get("bindingSetName");
+      if (val != null)
+      {
+         assertNotNull("property bindingSetName has no value", val);
+         assertTrue("property bindingSetName value is SimpleValue", val instanceof SimpleValue);
+         assertEquals("type of bindingSetName value isn't String", String.class.getName(), val.getMetaType().getClassName());
+      }
+      val =  bindingMetadata.get("hostName");
+      if (val != null)
+      {
+         result.hostname = true;
+         assertTrue("property hostName value is SimpleValue", val instanceof SimpleValue);
+         assertEquals("type of hostName value isn't String", String.class.getName(), val.getMetaType().getClassName());
+      }
+      val =  bindingMetadata.get("port");
+      assertNotNull("property port has no value", val);
+      assertTrue("property port value is SimpleValue", val instanceof SimpleValue);
+      assertNotNull("property port value is not null", ((SimpleValue) val).getValue());
+      assertEquals("type of port value isn't int", int.class.getName(), val.getMetaType().getClassName());
+      assertNotNull("property port value is not null", ((SimpleValue) val).getValue());
+      val =  bindingMetadata.get("description");
+      if (val != null)
+      {
+         result.hostname = true;
+         assertNotNull("property hostName has no value", val);
+         assertTrue("property description value is SimpleValue", val instanceof SimpleValue);
+         assertEquals("type of description value isn't String", String.class.getName(), val.getMetaType().getClassName());
+      }
+      val =  bindingMetadata.get("fixedPort");
+      assertNotNull("property bindingName has no value", val);
+      assertTrue("property bindingName value is SimpleValue", val instanceof SimpleValue);
+      assertNotNull("property bindingName value is not null", ((SimpleValue) val).getValue());
+      assertEquals("type of bindingName value isn't boolean", boolean.class.getName(), val.getMetaType().getClassName());
+      assertNotNull("property bindingName value is not null", ((SimpleValue) val).getValue());
+      val =  bindingMetadata.get("fixedHostName");
+      assertNotNull("property bindingName has no value", val);
+      assertTrue("property bindingName value is SimpleValue", val instanceof SimpleValue);
+      assertNotNull("property bindingName value is not null", ((SimpleValue) val).getValue());
+      assertEquals("type of bindingName value isn't boolean", boolean.class.getName(), val.getMetaType().getClassName());
+      assertNotNull("property bindingName value is not null", ((SimpleValue) val).getValue());
+      return result;
+   }
+   public void testUpdatedStandardBindings() throws Exception
+   {
+      ManagedComponent component = getServiceBindingManagerManagedComponent();
+      logHierarchy(component);
+      Map<String, ManagedProperty> properties = component.getProperties();
+      assertNotNull(properties);
+      ManagedProperty prop = properties.get("standardBindings");
+      // Before passing the updated component back, store some info about
+      // the binding sets so we can use it later 
+      prop = properties.get("bindingSets");
+      assertNotNull("Missing property bindingSets", prop);
+      MetaValue val =  prop.getValue();
+      assertNotNull("property bindingSets has no value", val);
+      assertTrue("property bindingSets value is CollectionValue", val instanceof CollectionValue);
+      MetaValue[] elements = ((CollectionValue) val).getElements();
+      assertNotNull(elements);
+      // C) Validate update from B)  
+      component = getServiceBindingManagerManagedComponent();
+      properties = component.getProperties();
+      Map<String, Integer> offsets = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
+      Map<String, String> hosts = new HashMap<String, String>();
+      for (MetaValue mv : elements)
+      {
+         String name = getSimpleValue(mv, "name", String.class);
+         offsets.put(name, getSimpleValue(mv, "portOffset", Integer.class));
+         hosts.put(name, getSimpleValue(mv, "defaultHostName", String.class));
+      }
+      IndexedArray indexedArray = checkAddedBinding(properties, 25, 23456, offsets, hosts);
+   }
+   private IndexedArray checkAddedBinding(Map<String, ManagedProperty> properties, int bindingCount, int basePort, Map<String, Integer> offsets, Map<String, String> hosts)
+   {
+      // Return the array of standard bindings + the pos of the added binding
+      IndexedArray result = new IndexedArray();
+      // Scan for the standard binding
+      ManagedProperty prop = properties.get("standardBindings");
+      assertNotNull("Missing property standardBindings", prop);
+      MetaValue val =  prop.getValue();
+      assertNotNull("property standardBindings has no value", val);
+      assertTrue("property standardBindings value is CollectionValue", val instanceof CollectionValue);
+      MetaValue[] refreshedElements = ((CollectionValue) val).getElements();
+      assertEquals(bindingCount, refreshedElements.length);
+      result.array = refreshedElements; // pass back to caller
+      boolean sawAdded = false;
+      for (int i = 0; i < refreshedElements.length; i++)
+      {
+         MetaValue mv = refreshedElements[i];
+         if ("AddedStandardBinding".equals(getSimpleValue(mv, "serviceName")))
+         {
+            sawAdded = true;
+            assertEquals("correct bindingName in standard binding", "bindingName", getSimpleValue(mv, "bindingName"));
+            assertEquals("correct description in standard binding", "description", getSimpleValue(mv, "description"));
+            assertNull("correct hostName in standardBinding", getSimpleValue(mv, "hostName"));
+            assertEquals("correct port in standard binding", basePort, getSimpleValue(mv, "port", Integer.class).intValue());
+            assertFalse("correct fixedPort in standard binding", getSimpleValue(mv, "fixedPort", Boolean.class).booleanValue());
+            assertFalse("correct fixedHostName in standard binding", getSimpleValue(mv, "fixedHostName", Boolean.class).booleanValue());
+            result.index = i; // tell caller which pos has the added binding
+            break;
+         }
+      }
+      assertTrue("saw standard binding", sawAdded);
+      // Check that our standard binding metadata generated the expected actual bindings
+      prop = properties.get("serviceBindings");
+      assertNotNull("Missing property serviceBindings", prop);
+      log.info("serviceBindings: " + prop);
+      val = prop.getValue();
+      assertNotNull("property serviceBindings has no value", val);
+      assertTrue("property serviceBindings value is CompositeValue", val instanceof CompositeValue);
+      CompositeValue compVal = (CompositeValue) val;
+      assertEquals("correct number of standard bindings", offsets.size(), compVal.values().size());
+      for (String bindingSetName : offsets.keySet())
+      {
+         MetaValue mv = compVal.get(bindingSetName);
+         assertTrue(mv instanceof CollectionValue);
+         CollectionValue colVal = (CollectionValue) mv;
+         sawAdded = false;
+         for (MetaValue element : colVal.getElements())
+         {
+            if ("AddedStandardBinding".equals(getSimpleValue(element, "serviceName")))
+            {
+               sawAdded = true;
+               assertEquals("correct bindingName in set " + bindingSetName, 
+                            "bindingName", getSimpleValue(element, "bindingName"));
+               assertEquals("correct description in set " + bindingSetName, 
+                     "description", getSimpleValue(element, "description"));
+               assertEquals("correct hostName in set " + bindingSetName, 
+                     hosts.get(bindingSetName), getSimpleValue(element, "hostName"));
+               assertEquals("correct port in set " + bindingSetName, 
+                     basePort + offsets.get(bindingSetName).intValue(), 
+                     getSimpleValue(element, "port", Integer.class).intValue());
+               break;               
+            }
+         }
+         assertTrue("saw AddedStandardBinding in set " + bindingSetName, sawAdded);
+      }      
+      return result;
+   }
+   public void testUpdatedServiceBindingSets() throws Exception
+   {
+      ManagedComponent component = getServiceBindingManagerManagedComponent();
+      logHierarchy(component);
+      Map<String, ManagedProperty> properties = component.getProperties();
+      assertNotNull(properties);
+      // Before updating get a ref to the standard bindings so we can use it
+      // in later validation
+      Map<String, MetaValue> standardBindings = new HashMap<String, MetaValue>();
+      ManagedProperty prop = properties.get("standardBindings");
+      assertNotNull("Missing property standardBindings", prop);
+      MetaValue val =  prop.getValue();
+      assertNotNull("property standardBindings has no value", val);
+      assertTrue("property standardBindings value is CollectionValue", val instanceof CollectionValue);
+      MetaValue[] elements = ((CollectionValue) val).getElements();
+      assertNotNull("property standardBindings value has elements", elements);
+      for (MetaValue mv : elements)
+      {
+         standardBindings.put(getSimpleValue(mv, "fullyQualifiedName", String.class), mv);
+      }
+      // B) Validate the addition from A) took effect and then UPDATE the added binding set
+      IndexedArray indexedArray = checkAddedBindingSet(properties, 5, 400, 43210, standardBindings);
+   }
+   private IndexedArray checkAddedBindingSet(Map<String, ManagedProperty> properties, int numSets, int portOffset, int overrideBindingPort,
+         Map<String, MetaValue> standardBindings)
+   {
+      IndexedArray result = new IndexedArray();
+      // First confirm the expected binding set is there
+      ManagedProperty prop = properties.get("bindingSets");
+      assertNotNull("Missing property bindingSets", prop);
+      MetaValue val =  prop.getValue();
+      assertNotNull("property bindingSets has no value", val);
+      assertTrue("property bindingSets value is CollectionValue", val instanceof CollectionValue);
+      MetaValue[] elements = ((CollectionValue) val).getElements();
+      assertNotNull(elements);
+      assertEquals(numSets, elements.length);
+      result.array = elements;
+      boolean sawAdded = false;
+      for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++)
+      {
+         MetaValue mv = elements[i];
+         if ("ports-test".equals(getSimpleValue(mv, "name")))
+         {
+            sawAdded = true;
+            assertEquals("added binding set has correct defaultHostName", 
+                  "localhost", getSimpleValue(mv, "defaultHostName"));
+            assertEquals("added binding set has correct portOffset", 
+                  portOffset, getSimpleValue(mv, "portOffset", Integer.class).intValue());
+            MetaValue overVal = ((CompositeValue) mv).get("overrideBindings");
+            assertTrue(overVal instanceof CollectionValue);
+            MetaValue[] overrides = ((CollectionValue) overVal).getElements();
+            assertNotNull("added binding set has overrides", overrides);
+            assertEquals("added binding set has correct # of overrides", 1, overrides.length);
+            mv = overrides[0];
+            assertEquals("added binding set has AddedOverrideBinding", 
+                  "AddedOverrideBinding", getSimpleValue(mv, "serviceName"));
+            assertNull("AddedOverrideBinding has null bindingName", 
+                       getSimpleValue(mv, "bindingName"));
+            assertEquals("AddedOverrideBinding has correct description", 
+                       "description", getSimpleValue(mv, "description"));
+            assertNull("AddedOverrideBinding has null hostName", 
+                  getSimpleValue(mv, "hostName"));
+            assertEquals("AddedOverrideBinding has correct port", 
+                  overrideBindingPort, getSimpleValue(mv, "port", Integer.class).intValue());
+            assertFalse("AddedOverrideBinding has correct fixedHostName", 
+                  getSimpleValue(mv, "fixedHostName", Boolean.class).booleanValue());
+            assertFalse("AddedOverrideBinding has correct fixedPort", 
+                  getSimpleValue(mv, "fixedPort", Boolean.class).booleanValue());
+            result.index = i;
+            break;
+         }
+      }
+      assertTrue(sawAdded);
+      // Next validate the expected actual bindings are there
+      prop = properties.get("serviceBindings");
+      assertNotNull("Missing property serviceBindings", prop);
+      val =  prop.getValue();
+      assertNotNull("property serviceBindings has no value", val);
+      assertTrue("property serviceBindings value is Composite", val instanceof CompositeValue);
+      val = ((CompositeValue) val).get("ports-test");
+      assertNotNull(val);
+      assertTrue("property serviceBindings value is CollectionValue", val instanceof CollectionValue);
+      elements = ((CollectionValue) val).getElements();
+      assertNotNull("property serviceBindings value has elements", elements);
+      assertEquals("property serviceBindings value has correct # of elements", 
+            standardBindings.size() + 1, elements.length);
+      for (MetaValue mv : elements)
+      {
+         String fqn = getSimpleValue(mv, "fullyQualifiedName", String.class);
+         if ("AddedOverrideBinding".equals(fqn))
+         {
+            assertEquals("actual AddedOverrideBinding has correct serviceName", 
+                  "AddedOverrideBinding", getSimpleValue(mv, "serviceName"));
+            assertNull("actual AddedOverrideBinding has null bindingName", 
+                  getSimpleValue(mv, "bindingName"));
+            assertEquals("actual AddedOverrideBinding has correct description", 
+                  "description", getSimpleValue(mv, "description"));
+            assertEquals("actual AddedOverrideBinding has correct port", 
+                  overrideBindingPort + portOffset, getSimpleValue(mv, "port", Integer.class).intValue());
+            assertEquals("actual AddedOverrideBinding has correct hostName", 
+                  "localhost", getSimpleValue(mv, "hostName"));
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            MetaValue standard = standardBindings.get(fqn);
+            assertNotNull(standard);
+            assertEquals("standardBinding " + fqn + " has correct serviceName", 
+                  getSimpleValue(standard, "serviceName"), getSimpleValue(mv, "serviceName"));
+            assertEquals("standardBinding " + fqn + " has correct bindingName", 
+                  getSimpleValue(standard, "bindingName"), getSimpleValue(mv, "bindingName"));
+            assertEquals("standardBinding " + fqn + " has correct description", 
+                  getSimpleValue(standard, "description"), getSimpleValue(mv, "description"));
+            int offset = getSimpleValue(standard, "fixedPort", Boolean.class).booleanValue() ? 0 : portOffset;
+            assertEquals("standardBinding " + fqn + " has correct port", 
+                  getSimpleValue(standard, "port", Integer.class).intValue() + offset, 
+                         getSimpleValue(mv, "port", Integer.class).intValue());
+            String host = getSimpleValue(standard, "fixedHostName", Boolean.class).booleanValue() 
+                                  ? getSimpleValue(standard, "hostName", String.class) 
+                                  : "localhost";
+            assertEquals("standardBinding " + fqn + " has correct hostName", 
+                  host, getSimpleValue(mv, "hostName"));
+         }
+      }
+      return result;
+   }
+   private void logHierarchy(ManagedComponent mc)
+   {
+      ManagedCommon child = mc;
+      ManagedCommon mcom = mc.getParent();
+      while (mcom != null)
+      {
+         log.debug("parent of " + child.getName() + " is " + mcom.getName());
+         child = mcom;
+         mcom = mcom.getParent();
+      }
+   }
+   private Object getSimpleValue(MetaValue val, String key)
+   {
+      return getSimpleValue(val, key, Object.class);
+   }
+   private <T> T getSimpleValue(MetaValue val, String key, Class<T> type)
+   {
+      T result = null;
+      assertTrue(val instanceof CompositeValue);
+      CompositeValue cval = (CompositeValue) val;
+      MetaValue mv = cval.get(key);
+      if (mv != null)
+      {
+         assertTrue(mv instanceof SimpleValue);
+         Object obj = ((SimpleValue) mv).getValue();
+         result = type.cast(obj);
+      }
+      return result;
+   }
+   private static MapCompositeValueSupport cloneCompositeValue(CompositeValue toClone)
+   {
+      if (toClone instanceof MapCompositeValueSupport)
+      {
+         return (MapCompositeValueSupport) toClone.clone();
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         CompositeMetaType type = toClone.getMetaType();
+         Map<String, MetaValue> map = new HashMap<String, MetaValue>();
+         for (String key : type.keySet())
+         {
+            map.put(key, toClone.get(key));
+         }
+         return new MapCompositeValueSupport(map, type);
+      }
+   }
+   private class Checked
+   {
+      private boolean hostname;
+      private boolean bindingName;
+   }
+   private class IndexedArray
+   {
+      int index;
+      MetaValue[] array;
+   }

Added: branches/Branch_5_x/testsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/profileservice/override/test/ServiceBindingManagedObjectsTestCase.java
--- branches/Branch_5_x/testsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/profileservice/override/test/ServiceBindingManagedObjectsTestCase.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/Branch_5_x/testsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/profileservice/override/test/ServiceBindingManagedObjectsTestCase.java	2009-05-19 20:18:52 UTC (rev 89131)
@@ -0,0 +1,607 @@
+ * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
+ * Copyright 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors
+ * by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
+ * full listing of individual contributors.
+ *
+ * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
+ * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+ * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
+ */
+package org.jboss.test.profileservice.override.test;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Set;
+import org.jboss.deployers.spi.management.ManagementView;
+import org.jboss.managed.api.ComponentType;
+import org.jboss.managed.api.ManagedCommon;
+import org.jboss.managed.api.ManagedComponent;
+import org.jboss.managed.api.ManagedProperty;
+import org.jboss.metatype.api.types.CollectionMetaType;
+import org.jboss.metatype.api.types.CompositeMetaType;
+import org.jboss.metatype.api.types.ImmutableCompositeMetaType;
+import org.jboss.metatype.api.types.MetaType;
+import org.jboss.metatype.api.types.SimpleMetaType;
+import org.jboss.metatype.api.values.CollectionValue;
+import org.jboss.metatype.api.values.CollectionValueSupport;
+import org.jboss.metatype.api.values.CompositeValue;
+import org.jboss.metatype.api.values.MapCompositeValueSupport;
+import org.jboss.metatype.api.values.MetaValue;
+import org.jboss.metatype.api.values.SimpleValue;
+import org.jboss.metatype.api.values.SimpleValueSupport;
+import org.jboss.services.binding.ServiceBindingMetadata;
+import org.jboss.services.binding.impl.ServiceBindingSet;
+import org.jboss.services.binding.managed.ServiceBindingMetadataMapper;
+ * <p>
+ * Profile service ServiceBindingManager update tests.
+ * </p>
+ * @see org.jboss.test.profileservice.override.restart.test.ServiceBindingManagedObjectsTestCase
+ * for the tests of the persisted updates.
+ * 
+ * @author Brian Stansberry
+ * @author Scott.Stark at jboss.org
+ * @version $Revision: 88921 $
+ */
+public class ServiceBindingManagedObjectsTestCase extends AbstractProfileServiceTest
+   public static final CompositeMetaType SERVICE_BINDING_METADATA_TYPE;
+   public static final CompositeMetaType SERVICE_BINDING_SET_TYPE;
+   static
+   {
+      String[] itemNames = {
+            "bindingSetName",
+            "serviceName",
+            "bindingName",
+            "fullyQualifiedName",
+            "description",
+            "hostName",
+            "port",
+            "fixedHostName",
+            "fixedPort"//,
+//            "serviceBindingValueSourceClassName",
+//            "serviceBindingValueSourceConfig"
+      };
+      String[] itemDescriptions = {
+            "binding set to which this binding applies, or null for all sets",
+            "the name of the service to which this binding applies",
+            "a qualifier identifying which particular binding within the service this is",
+            "the fully qualified binding name",
+            "description of the binding",
+            "the host name or string notation IP address to use for the binding",
+            "the port to use for the binding",
+            "whether the host name should remain fixed in all binding sets",
+            "whether the port should remain fixed in all binding sets"//,
+//            "fully qualified classname of specialized object used to process binding results",
+//            ""
+      };
+      MetaType[] itemTypes = {
+            SimpleMetaType.STRING,
+            SimpleMetaType.STRING,
+            SimpleMetaType.STRING,
+            SimpleMetaType.STRING,
+            SimpleMetaType.STRING,
+            SimpleMetaType.STRING,
+            SimpleMetaType.INTEGER_PRIMITIVE,
+            SimpleMetaType.BOOLEAN_PRIMITIVE,
+            SimpleMetaType.BOOLEAN_PRIMITIVE//,
+//            SimpleMetaType.STRING,
+//            new GenericMetaType(ManagedObject)
+      };
+      SERVICE_BINDING_METADATA_TYPE = new ImmutableCompositeMetaType(ServiceBindingMetadata.class.getName(), 
+            "Service Binding Metadata",
+            itemNames, itemDescriptions, itemTypes);
+      String[] itemNames2 = {
+            "name",
+            "defaultHostName",
+            "portOffset",
+            "overrideBindings"
+      };
+      String[] itemDescriptions2 = {
+            "the name of the binding set",
+            "the host name that should be used for all bindings whose configuration " +
+               "does not specify fixedHostName=\"true\"",
+            "value to add to the port configuration for a standard binding to " +
+               "derive the port to use in this binding set",
+            "binding configurations that apply only to this binding set, either " +
+               "non-standard bindings or ones that override standard binding configurations",
+      };
+      MetaType[] itemTypes2 = {
+            SimpleMetaType.STRING,
+            SimpleMetaType.STRING,
+            SimpleMetaType.INTEGER_PRIMITIVE,
+            ServiceBindingMetadataMapper.TYPE
+      };
+      SERVICE_BINDING_SET_TYPE = new ImmutableCompositeMetaType(ServiceBindingSet.class.getName(), 
+            "Service Binding Set", itemNames2, itemDescriptions2, itemTypes2);
+   }
+   /**
+    * <p>
+    * Creates an instance of {@code SecurityManagedObjectsTestCase} with the specified name.
+    * </p>
+    * 
+    * @param name a {@code String} representing the name of this {@code TestCase}.
+    */
+   public ServiceBindingManagedObjectsTestCase(String name)
+   {
+      super(name);
+   }
+   private ManagedComponent getServiceBindingManagerManagedComponent() throws Exception
+   {
+      ManagementView managementView = getManagementView();
+      ComponentType type = new ComponentType("MCBean", "ServiceBindingManager");
+      ManagedComponent component = managementView.getComponent("ServiceBindingManager", type);
+      assertNotNull(component);
+      return component;
+   }
+   public void testUpdateServiceBindingSets() throws Exception
+   {
+      ManagedComponent component = getServiceBindingManagerManagedComponent();
+      logHierarchy(component);
+      Map<String, ManagedProperty> properties = component.getProperties();
+      assertNotNull(properties);
+      // A) ADD a new binding set
+      ManagedProperty prop = properties.get("bindingSets");
+      assertNotNull("Missing property bindingSets", prop);
+      MetaValue val =  prop.getValue();
+      assertNotNull("property bindingSets has no value", val);
+      assertTrue("property bindingSets value is CollectionValue", val instanceof CollectionValue);
+      MetaValue[] origElements = ((CollectionValue) val).getElements();
+      assertNotNull(origElements);
+      MetaValue[] newElements = new MetaValue[origElements.length + 1];
+      System.arraycopy(origElements, 0, newElements, 0, origElements.length);
+      Map<String, MetaValue> map = new HashMap<String, MetaValue>();
+      map.put("name", SimpleValueSupport.wrap("ports-test"));
+      map.put("defaultHostName", SimpleValueSupport.wrap("localhost"));
+      map.put("portOffset", SimpleValueSupport.wrap(500));
+      Map<String, MetaValue> metadata = new HashMap<String, MetaValue>();
+      metadata.put("serviceName", SimpleValueSupport.wrap("AddedOverrideBinding"));
+      metadata.put("description", SimpleValueSupport.wrap("description"));
+      metadata.put("port", SimpleValueSupport.wrap(54321));
+      MapCompositeValueSupport newMetadata = new MapCompositeValueSupport(metadata, SERVICE_BINDING_METADATA_TYPE);
+      CollectionValue overrides = new CollectionValueSupport(new CollectionMetaType(Set.class.getName(), SERVICE_BINDING_METADATA_TYPE), new MetaValue[]{newMetadata});
+      map.put("overrideBindings", overrides);
+      MapCompositeValueSupport newElement = new MapCompositeValueSupport(map, SERVICE_BINDING_SET_TYPE);
+      newElements[newElements.length - 1] = newElement;
+      CollectionValue newVal = new CollectionValueSupport(new CollectionMetaType(Set.class.getName(), SERVICE_BINDING_SET_TYPE), newElements);
+      prop.setValue(newVal);
+      // Before updating get a ref to the standard bindings so we can use it
+      // in later validation
+      Map<String, MetaValue> standardBindings = new HashMap<String, MetaValue>();
+      prop = properties.get("standardBindings");
+      assertNotNull("Missing property standardBindings", prop);
+      val =  prop.getValue();
+      assertNotNull("property standardBindings has no value", val);
+      assertTrue("property standardBindings value is CollectionValue", val instanceof CollectionValue);
+      MetaValue[] elements = ((CollectionValue) val).getElements();
+      assertNotNull("property standardBindings value has elements", elements);
+      for (MetaValue mv : elements)
+      {
+         standardBindings.put(getSimpleValue(mv, "fullyQualifiedName", String.class), mv);
+      }
+      try
+      {
+         getManagementView().updateComponent(component);
+      }
+      catch (Exception e)
+      {
+         log.error("Failed updating " + component, e);
+         throw e;
+      }
+      // B) Validate the addition from A) took effect and then UPDATE the added binding set
+      component = getServiceBindingManagerManagedComponent();  
+      properties = component.getProperties();
+      assertNotNull(properties);
+      IndexedArray indexedArray = checkAddedBindingSet(properties, newElements.length, 500, 54321, standardBindings);
+      prop = properties.get("bindingSets");      
+      assertNotNull("Missing property bindingSets", prop);
+      val =  prop.getValue();
+      assertNotNull("property bindingSets has no value", val);
+      assertTrue("property bindingSets value is CollectionValue", val instanceof CollectionValue);
+      MetaValue[] updated = newElements.clone();
+      MapCompositeValueSupport updatedBindingSet = cloneCompositeValue((CompositeValue) updated[indexedArray.index]);
+      updatedBindingSet.put("portOffset", SimpleValueSupport.wrap(400));
+      MetaValue[] updatedOverrides = ((CollectionValue) updatedBindingSet.get("overrideBindings")).getElements();
+      assertEquals("single override binding", 1, updatedOverrides.length);
+      MapCompositeValueSupport updatedOverride = cloneCompositeValue((CompositeValue) updatedOverrides[0]);
+      updatedOverride.put("port", SimpleValueSupport.wrap(43210));
+      updatedBindingSet.put("overrideBindings", new CollectionValueSupport(new CollectionMetaType(Set.class.getName(), SERVICE_BINDING_METADATA_TYPE), new MetaValue[]{updatedOverride}));
+      updated[indexedArray.index] = updatedBindingSet;
+      newVal = new CollectionValueSupport(new CollectionMetaType(Set.class.getName(), SERVICE_BINDING_SET_TYPE), updated);
+      prop.setValue(newVal);
+      try
+      {
+         getManagementView().updateComponent(component);
+      }
+      catch (Exception e)
+      {
+         log.error("Failed updating " + component, e);
+         throw e;
+      }
+      // C) Validate the update from B) took effect
+      component = getServiceBindingManagerManagedComponent();  
+      properties = component.getProperties();
+      assertNotNull(properties);
+      indexedArray = checkAddedBindingSet(properties, newElements.length, 400, 43210, standardBindings);
+   }
+   public void testUpdateStandardBindings() throws Exception
+   {
+      ManagedComponent component = getServiceBindingManagerManagedComponent();
+      logHierarchy(component);
+      Map<String, ManagedProperty> properties = component.getProperties();
+      assertNotNull(properties);
+      ManagedProperty prop = properties.get("standardBindings");
+      assertNotNull("Missing property standardBindings", prop);
+      MetaValue val =  prop.getValue();
+      assertNotNull("property standardBindings has no value", val);
+      assertTrue("property standardBindings value is CollectionValue", val instanceof CollectionValue);
+      MetaValue[] origElements = ((CollectionValue) val).getElements();
+      assertNotNull(origElements);
+      // A) ADD a new element to "standardBindings"
+      MetaValue[] newElements = new MetaValue[origElements.length + 1];
+      System.arraycopy(origElements, 0, newElements, 0, origElements.length);
+      Map<String, MetaValue> map = new HashMap<String, MetaValue>();
+      map.put("serviceName", SimpleValueSupport.wrap("AddedStandardBinding"));
+      map.put("bindingName", SimpleValueSupport.wrap("bindingName"));
+      map.put("description", SimpleValueSupport.wrap("description"));
+      map.put("port", SimpleValueSupport.wrap(12345));
+      map.put("fixedHostName", SimpleValueSupport.wrap(false));
+      map.put("fixedPort", SimpleValueSupport.wrap(false));
+      MapCompositeValueSupport newElement = new MapCompositeValueSupport(map, SERVICE_BINDING_METADATA_TYPE);
+      newElements[newElements.length - 1] = newElement;
+      CollectionValue newVal = new CollectionValueSupport((CollectionMetaType) val.getMetaType(), newElements);
+      prop.setValue(newVal);
+      // Before passing the updated component back, store some info about
+      // the binding sets so we can use it later 
+      prop = properties.get("bindingSets");
+      assertNotNull("Missing property bindingSets", prop);
+      val =  prop.getValue();
+      assertNotNull("property bindingSets has no value", val);
+      assertTrue("property bindingSets value is CollectionValue", val instanceof CollectionValue);
+      MetaValue[] elements = ((CollectionValue) val).getElements();
+      assertNotNull(elements);
+      // Two maps we'll use
+      Map<String, Integer> offsets = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
+      Map<String, String> hosts = new HashMap<String, String>();
+      for (MetaValue mv : elements)
+      {
+         String name = getSimpleValue(mv, "name", String.class);
+         offsets.put(name, getSimpleValue(mv, "portOffset", Integer.class));
+         hosts.put(name, getSimpleValue(mv, "defaultHostName", String.class));
+      }
+      try
+      {
+         getManagementView().updateComponent(component);
+      }
+      catch (Exception e)
+      {
+         log.error("Failed updating " + component, e);
+         throw e;
+      }
+      // B) Validate the result of A) and MODIFY the element we added in A
+      component = getServiceBindingManagerManagedComponent();
+      properties = component.getProperties();
+      IndexedArray indexedArray = checkAddedBinding(properties, newElements.length, 12345, offsets, hosts);
+      // We'll update the component again using this MetaValue[]
+      newElements = new MetaValue[indexedArray.array.length];
+      System.arraycopy(indexedArray.array, 0, newElements, 0, newElements.length);
+      MapCompositeValueSupport update = cloneCompositeValue((CompositeValue) indexedArray.array[indexedArray.index]);
+      update.put("port", SimpleValueSupport.wrap(23456));
+      newElements[indexedArray.index] = update;      
+      newVal = new CollectionValueSupport((CollectionMetaType) val.getMetaType(), newElements);
+      properties.get("standardBindings").setValue(newVal);
+      // OK, now update      
+      try
+      {
+         getManagementView().updateComponent(component);
+      }
+      catch (Exception e)
+      {
+         log.error("Failed updating " + component, e);
+         throw e;
+      }
+      // C) Validate update from B) plus REMOVE the element we added 
+      component = getServiceBindingManagerManagedComponent();
+      properties = component.getProperties();
+      indexedArray = checkAddedBinding(properties, newElements.length, 23456, offsets, hosts);
+   }
+   private IndexedArray checkAddedBindingSet(Map<String, ManagedProperty> properties, int numSets, int portOffset, int overrideBindingPort,
+         Map<String, MetaValue> standardBindings)
+   {
+      IndexedArray result = new IndexedArray();
+      // First confirm the expected binding set is there
+      ManagedProperty prop = properties.get("bindingSets");
+      assertNotNull("Missing property bindingSets", prop);
+      MetaValue val =  prop.getValue();
+      assertNotNull("property bindingSets has no value", val);
+      assertTrue("property bindingSets value is CollectionValue", val instanceof CollectionValue);
+      MetaValue[] elements = ((CollectionValue) val).getElements();
+      assertNotNull(elements);
+      assertEquals(numSets, elements.length);
+      result.array = elements;
+      boolean sawAdded = false;
+      for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++)
+      {
+         MetaValue mv = elements[i];
+         if ("ports-test".equals(getSimpleValue(mv, "name")))
+         {
+            sawAdded = true;
+            assertEquals("added binding set has correct defaultHostName", 
+                  "localhost", getSimpleValue(mv, "defaultHostName"));
+            assertEquals("added binding set has correct portOffset", 
+                  portOffset, getSimpleValue(mv, "portOffset", Integer.class).intValue());
+            MetaValue overVal = ((CompositeValue) mv).get("overrideBindings");
+            assertTrue(overVal instanceof CollectionValue);
+            MetaValue[] overrides = ((CollectionValue) overVal).getElements();
+            assertNotNull("added binding set has overrides", overrides);
+            assertEquals("added binding set has correct # of overrides", 1, overrides.length);
+            mv = overrides[0];
+            assertEquals("added binding set has AddedOverrideBinding", 
+                  "AddedOverrideBinding", getSimpleValue(mv, "serviceName"));
+            assertNull("AddedOverrideBinding has null bindingName", 
+                       getSimpleValue(mv, "bindingName"));
+            assertEquals("AddedOverrideBinding has correct description", 
+                       "description", getSimpleValue(mv, "description"));
+            assertNull("AddedOverrideBinding has null hostName", 
+                  getSimpleValue(mv, "hostName"));
+            assertEquals("AddedOverrideBinding has correct port", 
+                  overrideBindingPort, getSimpleValue(mv, "port", Integer.class).intValue());
+            assertFalse("AddedOverrideBinding has correct fixedHostName", 
+                  getSimpleValue(mv, "fixedHostName", Boolean.class).booleanValue());
+            assertFalse("AddedOverrideBinding has correct fixedPort", 
+                  getSimpleValue(mv, "fixedPort", Boolean.class).booleanValue());
+            result.index = i;
+            break;
+         }
+      }
+      assertTrue(sawAdded);
+      // Next validate the expected actual bindings are there
+      prop = properties.get("serviceBindings");
+      assertNotNull("Missing property serviceBindings", prop);
+      val =  prop.getValue();
+      assertNotNull("property serviceBindings has no value", val);
+      assertTrue("property serviceBindings value is Composite", val instanceof CompositeValue);
+      val = ((CompositeValue) val).get("ports-test");
+      assertNotNull(val);
+      assertTrue("property serviceBindings value is CollectionValue", val instanceof CollectionValue);
+      elements = ((CollectionValue) val).getElements();
+      assertNotNull("property serviceBindings value has elements", elements);
+      assertEquals("property serviceBindings value has correct # of elements", 
+            standardBindings.size() + 1, elements.length);
+      for (MetaValue mv : elements)
+      {
+         String fqn = getSimpleValue(mv, "fullyQualifiedName", String.class);
+         if ("AddedOverrideBinding".equals(fqn))
+         {
+            assertEquals("actual AddedOverrideBinding has correct serviceName", 
+                  "AddedOverrideBinding", getSimpleValue(mv, "serviceName"));
+            assertNull("actual AddedOverrideBinding has null bindingName", 
+                  getSimpleValue(mv, "bindingName"));
+            assertEquals("actual AddedOverrideBinding has correct description", 
+                  "description", getSimpleValue(mv, "description"));
+            assertEquals("actual AddedOverrideBinding has correct port", 
+                  overrideBindingPort + portOffset, getSimpleValue(mv, "port", Integer.class).intValue());
+            assertEquals("actual AddedOverrideBinding has correct hostName", 
+                  "localhost", getSimpleValue(mv, "hostName"));
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            MetaValue standard = standardBindings.get(fqn);
+            assertNotNull(standard);
+            assertEquals("standardBinding " + fqn + " has correct serviceName", 
+                  getSimpleValue(standard, "serviceName"), getSimpleValue(mv, "serviceName"));
+            assertEquals("standardBinding " + fqn + " has correct bindingName", 
+                  getSimpleValue(standard, "bindingName"), getSimpleValue(mv, "bindingName"));
+            assertEquals("standardBinding " + fqn + " has correct description", 
+                  getSimpleValue(standard, "description"), getSimpleValue(mv, "description"));
+            int offset = getSimpleValue(standard, "fixedPort", Boolean.class).booleanValue() ? 0 : portOffset;
+            assertEquals("standardBinding " + fqn + " has correct port", 
+                  getSimpleValue(standard, "port", Integer.class).intValue() + offset, 
+                         getSimpleValue(mv, "port", Integer.class).intValue());
+            String host = getSimpleValue(standard, "fixedHostName", Boolean.class).booleanValue() 
+                                  ? getSimpleValue(standard, "hostName", String.class) 
+                                  : "localhost";
+            assertEquals("standardBinding " + fqn + " has correct hostName", 
+                  host, getSimpleValue(mv, "hostName"));
+         }
+      }
+      return result;
+   }
+   private IndexedArray checkAddedBinding(Map<String, ManagedProperty> properties, int bindingCount, int basePort, Map<String, Integer> offsets, Map<String, String> hosts)
+   {
+      // Return the array of standard bindings + the pos of the added binding
+      IndexedArray result = new IndexedArray();
+      // Scan for the standard binding
+      ManagedProperty prop = properties.get("standardBindings");
+      assertNotNull("Missing property standardBindings", prop);
+      MetaValue val =  prop.getValue();
+      assertNotNull("property standardBindings has no value", val);
+      assertTrue("property standardBindings value is CollectionValue", val instanceof CollectionValue);
+      MetaValue[] refreshedElements = ((CollectionValue) val).getElements();
+      assertEquals(bindingCount, refreshedElements.length);
+      result.array = refreshedElements; // pass back to caller
+      boolean sawAdded = false;
+      for (int i = 0; i < refreshedElements.length; i++)
+      {
+         MetaValue mv = refreshedElements[i];
+         if ("AddedStandardBinding".equals(getSimpleValue(mv, "serviceName")))
+         {
+            sawAdded = true;
+            assertEquals("correct bindingName in standard binding", "bindingName", getSimpleValue(mv, "bindingName"));
+            assertEquals("correct description in standard binding", "description", getSimpleValue(mv, "description"));
+            assertNull("correct hostName in standardBinding", getSimpleValue(mv, "hostName"));
+            assertEquals("correct port in standard binding", basePort, getSimpleValue(mv, "port", Integer.class).intValue());
+            assertFalse("correct fixedPort in standard binding", getSimpleValue(mv, "fixedPort", Boolean.class).booleanValue());
+            assertFalse("correct fixedHostName in standard binding", getSimpleValue(mv, "fixedHostName", Boolean.class).booleanValue());
+            result.index = i; // tell caller which pos has the added binding
+            break;
+         }
+      }
+      assertTrue("saw standard binding", sawAdded);
+      // Check that our standard binding metadata generated the expected actual bindings
+      prop = properties.get("serviceBindings");
+      assertNotNull("Missing property serviceBindings", prop);
+      log.info("serviceBindings: " + prop);
+      val = prop.getValue();
+      assertNotNull("property serviceBindings has no value", val);
+      assertTrue("property serviceBindings value is CompositeValue", val instanceof CompositeValue);
+      CompositeValue compVal = (CompositeValue) val;
+      assertEquals("correct number of standard bindings", offsets.size(), compVal.values().size());
+      for (String bindingSetName : offsets.keySet())
+      {
+         MetaValue mv = compVal.get(bindingSetName);
+         assertTrue(mv instanceof CollectionValue);
+         CollectionValue colVal = (CollectionValue) mv;
+         sawAdded = false;
+         for (MetaValue element : colVal.getElements())
+         {
+            if ("AddedStandardBinding".equals(getSimpleValue(element, "serviceName")))
+            {
+               sawAdded = true;
+               assertEquals("correct bindingName in set " + bindingSetName, 
+                            "bindingName", getSimpleValue(element, "bindingName"));
+               assertEquals("correct description in set " + bindingSetName, 
+                     "description", getSimpleValue(element, "description"));
+               assertEquals("correct hostName in set " + bindingSetName, 
+                     hosts.get(bindingSetName), getSimpleValue(element, "hostName"));
+               assertEquals("correct port in set " + bindingSetName, 
+                     basePort + offsets.get(bindingSetName).intValue(), 
+                     getSimpleValue(element, "port", Integer.class).intValue());
+               break;               
+            }
+         }
+         assertTrue("saw AddedStandardBinding in set " + bindingSetName, sawAdded);
+      }      
+      return result;
+   }
+   private void logHierarchy(ManagedComponent mc)
+   {
+      ManagedCommon child = mc;
+      ManagedCommon mcom = mc.getParent();
+      while (mcom != null)
+      {
+         log.debug("parent of " + child.getName() + " is " + mcom.getName());
+         child = mcom;
+         mcom = mcom.getParent();
+      }
+   }
+   private Object getSimpleValue(MetaValue val, String key)
+   {
+      return getSimpleValue(val, key, Object.class);
+   }
+   private <T> T getSimpleValue(MetaValue val, String key, Class<T> type)
+   {
+      T result = null;
+      assertTrue(val instanceof CompositeValue);
+      CompositeValue cval = (CompositeValue) val;
+      MetaValue mv = cval.get(key);
+      if (mv != null)
+      {
+         assertTrue(mv instanceof SimpleValue);
+         Object obj = ((SimpleValue) mv).getValue();
+         result = type.cast(obj);
+      }
+      return result;
+   }
+   private static MapCompositeValueSupport cloneCompositeValue(CompositeValue toClone)
+   {
+      if (toClone instanceof MapCompositeValueSupport)
+      {
+         return (MapCompositeValueSupport) toClone.clone();
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         CompositeMetaType type = toClone.getMetaType();
+         Map<String, MetaValue> map = new HashMap<String, MetaValue>();
+         for (String key : type.keySet())
+         {
+            map.put(key, toClone.get(key));
+         }
+         return new MapCompositeValueSupport(map, type);
+      }
+   }
+   private class IndexedArray
+   {
+      int index;
+      MetaValue[] array;
+   }

Modified: branches/Branch_5_x/testsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/profileservice/test/ServiceBindingManagedObjectsTestCase.java
--- branches/Branch_5_x/testsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/profileservice/test/ServiceBindingManagedObjectsTestCase.java	2009-05-19 18:35:20 UTC (rev 89130)
+++ branches/Branch_5_x/testsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/profileservice/test/ServiceBindingManagedObjectsTestCase.java	2009-05-19 20:18:52 UTC (rev 89131)
@@ -24,26 +24,22 @@
 import java.net.InetAddress;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
 import org.jboss.deployers.spi.management.ManagementView;
 import org.jboss.managed.api.ComponentType;
 import org.jboss.managed.api.ManagedCommon;
 import org.jboss.managed.api.ManagedComponent;
 import org.jboss.managed.api.ManagedProperty;
-import org.jboss.metatype.api.types.CollectionMetaType;
 import org.jboss.metatype.api.types.CompositeMetaType;
 import org.jboss.metatype.api.types.ImmutableCompositeMetaType;
 import org.jboss.metatype.api.types.MetaType;
 import org.jboss.metatype.api.types.SimpleMetaType;
 import org.jboss.metatype.api.values.ArrayValue;
 import org.jboss.metatype.api.values.CollectionValue;
-import org.jboss.metatype.api.values.CollectionValueSupport;
 import org.jboss.metatype.api.values.CompositeValue;
 import org.jboss.metatype.api.values.MapCompositeValueSupport;
 import org.jboss.metatype.api.values.MetaValue;
 import org.jboss.metatype.api.values.SimpleValue;
-import org.jboss.metatype.api.values.SimpleValueSupport;
 import org.jboss.services.binding.ServiceBindingMetadata;
 import org.jboss.services.binding.impl.ServiceBindingSet;
 import org.jboss.services.binding.managed.ServiceBindingMetadataMapper;
@@ -53,6 +49,9 @@
  * Profile service ServiceBindingManager tests.
  * </p>
+ * @see org.jboss.test.profileservice.override.test.ServiceBindingManagedObjectsTestCase
+ * for tests of updating the metadata
+ * 
  * @author Brian Stansberry
  * @version $Revision$
@@ -425,395 +424,7 @@
 //      assertEquals("ports-01", val.getValue());
 //   }
-   public void testUpdateStandardBindings() throws Exception
-   {
-      ManagedComponent component = getServiceBindingManagerManagedComponent();
-      logHierarchy(component);
-      Map<String, ManagedProperty> properties = component.getProperties();
-      assertNotNull(properties);
-      ManagedProperty prop = properties.get("standardBindings");
-      assertNotNull("Missing property standardBindings", prop);
-      MetaValue val =  prop.getValue();
-      assertNotNull("property standardBindings has no value", val);
-      assertTrue("property standardBindings value is CollectionValue", val instanceof CollectionValue);
-      MetaValue[] origElements = ((CollectionValue) val).getElements();
-      assertNotNull(origElements);
-      // A) ADD a new element to "standardBindings"
-      MetaValue[] newElements = new MetaValue[origElements.length + 1];
-      System.arraycopy(origElements, 0, newElements, 0, origElements.length);
-      Map<String, MetaValue> map = new HashMap<String, MetaValue>();
-      map.put("serviceName", SimpleValueSupport.wrap("AddedStandardBinding"));
-      map.put("bindingName", SimpleValueSupport.wrap("bindingName"));
-      map.put("description", SimpleValueSupport.wrap("description"));
-      map.put("port", SimpleValueSupport.wrap(12345));
-      map.put("fixedHostName", SimpleValueSupport.wrap(false));
-      map.put("fixedPort", SimpleValueSupport.wrap(false));
-      MapCompositeValueSupport newElement = new MapCompositeValueSupport(map, SERVICE_BINDING_METADATA_TYPE);
-      newElements[newElements.length - 1] = newElement;
-      CollectionValue newVal = new CollectionValueSupport((CollectionMetaType) val.getMetaType(), newElements);
-      prop.setValue(newVal);
-      // Before passing the updated component back, store some info about
-      // the binding sets so we can use it later 
-      prop = properties.get("bindingSets");
-      assertNotNull("Missing property bindingSets", prop);
-      val =  prop.getValue();
-      assertNotNull("property bindingSets has no value", val);
-      assertTrue("property bindingSets value is CollectionValue", val instanceof CollectionValue);
-      MetaValue[] elements = ((CollectionValue) val).getElements();
-      assertNotNull(elements);
-      // Two maps we'll use
-      Map<String, Integer> offsets = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
-      Map<String, String> hosts = new HashMap<String, String>();
-      for (MetaValue mv : elements)
-      {
-         String name = getSimpleValue(mv, "name", String.class);
-         offsets.put(name, getSimpleValue(mv, "portOffset", Integer.class));
-         hosts.put(name, getSimpleValue(mv, "defaultHostName", String.class));
-      }
-      try
-      {
-         getManagementView().updateComponent(component);
-      }
-      catch (Exception e)
-      {
-         log.error("Failed updating " + component, e);
-         throw e;
-      }
-      // B) Validate the result of A) and MODIFY the element we added in A
-      component = getServiceBindingManagerManagedComponent();
-      properties = component.getProperties();
-      IndexedArray indexedArray = checkAddedBinding(properties, newElements.length, 12345, offsets, hosts);
-      // We'll update the component again using this MetaValue[]
-      newElements = new MetaValue[indexedArray.array.length];
-      System.arraycopy(indexedArray.array, 0, newElements, 0, newElements.length);
-      MapCompositeValueSupport update = cloneCompositeValue((CompositeValue) indexedArray.array[indexedArray.index]);
-      update.put("port", SimpleValueSupport.wrap(23456));
-      newElements[indexedArray.index] = update;      
-      newVal = new CollectionValueSupport((CollectionMetaType) val.getMetaType(), newElements);
-      properties.get("standardBindings").setValue(newVal);
-      // OK, now update      
-      try
-      {
-         getManagementView().updateComponent(component);
-      }
-      catch (Exception e)
-      {
-         log.error("Failed updating " + component, e);
-         throw e;
-      }
-      // C) Validate update from B) plus REMOVE the element we added 
-      component = getServiceBindingManagerManagedComponent();
-      properties = component.getProperties();
-      indexedArray = checkAddedBinding(properties, newElements.length, 23456, offsets, hosts);
-      // We'll update the component again using this MetaValue[]
-      newElements = new MetaValue[indexedArray.array.length - 1];
-      int j = 0;
-      System.arraycopy(indexedArray.array, 0, newElements, 0, indexedArray.index);
-      System.arraycopy(indexedArray.array, indexedArray.index + 1, newElements, indexedArray.index, indexedArray.array.length - indexedArray.index -1);      
-      newVal = new CollectionValueSupport((CollectionMetaType) val.getMetaType(), newElements);
-      properties.get("standardBindings").setValue(newVal);
-      // OK, now update      
-      try
-      {
-         getManagementView().updateComponent(component);
-      }
-      catch (Exception e)
-      {
-         log.error("Failed updating " + component, e);
-         throw e;
-      }
-      // D) Removal from C) took effect 
-      component = getServiceBindingManagerManagedComponent();
-      properties = component.getProperties();
-      prop = properties.get("standardBindings");
-      assertNotNull("Missing property standardBindings", prop);
-      val =  prop.getValue();
-      assertNotNull("property standardBindings has no value", val);
-      assertTrue("property standardBindings value is CollectionValue", val instanceof CollectionValue);
-      MetaValue[] finalElements = ((CollectionValue) val).getElements();
-      assertNotNull(finalElements);
-      assertEquals(origElements.length, finalElements.length);
-      for (MetaValue mv : finalElements)
-      {
-         assertFalse("AddedStandardBinding".equals(getSimpleValue(mv, "serviceName")));
-      }
-      prop = properties.get("serviceBindings");
-      assertNotNull("Missing property serviceBindings", prop);
-      log.info("serviceBindings: " + prop);
-      val = prop.getValue();
-      assertNotNull("property serviceBindings has no value", val);
-      assertTrue("property serviceBindings value is CompositeValue", val instanceof CompositeValue);
-      CompositeValue compVal = (CompositeValue) val;
-      assertEquals(offsets.size(), compVal.values().size());
-      for (String bindingSetName : offsets.keySet())
-      {
-         MetaValue mv = compVal.get(bindingSetName);
-         assertTrue(mv instanceof CollectionValue);
-         CollectionValue colVal = (CollectionValue) mv;
-         for (MetaValue element : colVal.getElements())
-         {
-            assertFalse("AddedStandardBinding".equals(getSimpleValue(element, "serviceName")));
-         }
-      }    
-   }
-   private IndexedArray checkAddedBinding(Map<String, ManagedProperty> properties, int bindingCount, int basePort, Map<String, Integer> offsets, Map<String, String> hosts)
-   {
-      // Return the array of standard bindings + the pos of the added binding
-      IndexedArray result = new IndexedArray();
-      // Scan for the standard binding
-      ManagedProperty prop = properties.get("standardBindings");
-      assertNotNull("Missing property standardBindings", prop);
-      MetaValue val =  prop.getValue();
-      assertNotNull("property standardBindings has no value", val);
-      assertTrue("property standardBindings value is CollectionValue", val instanceof CollectionValue);
-      MetaValue[] refreshedElements = ((CollectionValue) val).getElements();
-      assertEquals(bindingCount, refreshedElements.length);
-      result.array = refreshedElements; // pass back to caller
-      boolean sawAdded = false;
-      for (int i = 0; i < refreshedElements.length; i++)
-      {
-         MetaValue mv = refreshedElements[i];
-         if ("AddedStandardBinding".equals(getSimpleValue(mv, "serviceName")))
-         {
-            sawAdded = true;
-            assertEquals("correct bindingName in standard binding", "bindingName", getSimpleValue(mv, "bindingName"));
-            assertEquals("correct description in standard binding", "description", getSimpleValue(mv, "description"));
-            assertNull("correct hostName in standardBinding", getSimpleValue(mv, "hostName"));
-            assertEquals("correct port in standard binding", basePort, getSimpleValue(mv, "port", Integer.class).intValue());
-            assertFalse("correct fixedPort in standard binding", getSimpleValue(mv, "fixedPort", Boolean.class).booleanValue());
-            assertFalse("correct fixedHostName in standard binding", getSimpleValue(mv, "fixedHostName", Boolean.class).booleanValue());
-            result.index = i; // tell caller which pos has the added binding
-            break;
-         }
-      }
-      assertTrue("saw standard binding", sawAdded);
-      // Check that our standard binding metadata generated the expected actual bindings
-      prop = properties.get("serviceBindings");
-      assertNotNull("Missing property serviceBindings", prop);
-      log.info("serviceBindings: " + prop);
-      val = prop.getValue();
-      assertNotNull("property serviceBindings has no value", val);
-      assertTrue("property serviceBindings value is CompositeValue", val instanceof CompositeValue);
-      CompositeValue compVal = (CompositeValue) val;
-      assertEquals("correct number of standard bindings", offsets.size(), compVal.values().size());
-      for (String bindingSetName : offsets.keySet())
-      {
-         MetaValue mv = compVal.get(bindingSetName);
-         assertTrue(mv instanceof CollectionValue);
-         CollectionValue colVal = (CollectionValue) mv;
-         sawAdded = false;
-         for (MetaValue element : colVal.getElements())
-         {
-            if ("AddedStandardBinding".equals(getSimpleValue(element, "serviceName")))
-            {
-               sawAdded = true;
-               assertEquals("correct bindingName in set " + bindingSetName, 
-                            "bindingName", getSimpleValue(element, "bindingName"));
-               assertEquals("correct description in set " + bindingSetName, 
-                     "description", getSimpleValue(element, "description"));
-               assertEquals("correct hostName in set " + bindingSetName, 
-                     hosts.get(bindingSetName), getSimpleValue(element, "hostName"));
-               assertEquals("correct port in set " + bindingSetName, 
-                     basePort + offsets.get(bindingSetName).intValue(), 
-                     getSimpleValue(element, "port", Integer.class).intValue());
-               break;               
-            }
-         }
-         assertTrue("saw AddedStandardBinding in set " + bindingSetName, sawAdded);
-      }      
-      return result;
-   }
-   public void testUpdateServiceBindingSets() throws Exception
-   {
-      ManagedComponent component = getServiceBindingManagerManagedComponent();
-      logHierarchy(component);
-      Map<String, ManagedProperty> properties = component.getProperties();
-      assertNotNull(properties);
-      // A) ADD a new binding set
-      ManagedProperty prop = properties.get("bindingSets");
-      assertNotNull("Missing property bindingSets", prop);
-      MetaValue val =  prop.getValue();
-      assertNotNull("property bindingSets has no value", val);
-      assertTrue("property bindingSets value is CollectionValue", val instanceof CollectionValue);
-      MetaValue[] origElements = ((CollectionValue) val).getElements();
-      assertNotNull(origElements);
-      MetaValue[] newElements = new MetaValue[origElements.length + 1];
-      System.arraycopy(origElements, 0, newElements, 0, origElements.length);
-      Map<String, MetaValue> map = new HashMap<String, MetaValue>();
-      map.put("name", SimpleValueSupport.wrap("ports-test"));
-      map.put("defaultHostName", SimpleValueSupport.wrap("localhost"));
-      map.put("portOffset", SimpleValueSupport.wrap(500));
-      Map<String, MetaValue> metadata = new HashMap<String, MetaValue>();
-      metadata.put("serviceName", SimpleValueSupport.wrap("AddedOverrideBinding"));
-      metadata.put("description", SimpleValueSupport.wrap("description"));
-      metadata.put("port", SimpleValueSupport.wrap(54321));
-      MapCompositeValueSupport newMetadata = new MapCompositeValueSupport(metadata, SERVICE_BINDING_METADATA_TYPE);
-      CollectionValue overrides = new CollectionValueSupport(new CollectionMetaType(Set.class.getName(), SERVICE_BINDING_METADATA_TYPE), new MetaValue[]{newMetadata});
-      map.put("overrideBindings", overrides);
-      MapCompositeValueSupport newElement = new MapCompositeValueSupport(map, SERVICE_BINDING_SET_TYPE);
-      newElements[newElements.length - 1] = newElement;
-      CollectionValue newVal = new CollectionValueSupport(new CollectionMetaType(Set.class.getName(), SERVICE_BINDING_SET_TYPE), newElements);
-      prop.setValue(newVal);
-      // Before updating get a ref to the standard bindings so we can use it
-      // in later validation
-      Map<String, MetaValue> standardBindings = new HashMap<String, MetaValue>();
-      prop = properties.get("standardBindings");
-      assertNotNull("Missing property standardBindings", prop);
-      val =  prop.getValue();
-      assertNotNull("property standardBindings has no value", val);
-      assertTrue("property standardBindings value is CollectionValue", val instanceof CollectionValue);
-      MetaValue[] elements = ((CollectionValue) val).getElements();
-      assertNotNull("property standardBindings value has elements", elements);
-      for (MetaValue mv : elements)
-      {
-         standardBindings.put(getSimpleValue(mv, "fullyQualifiedName", String.class), mv);
-      }
-      try
-      {
-         getManagementView().updateComponent(component);
-      }
-      catch (Exception e)
-      {
-         log.error("Failed updating " + component, e);
-         throw e;
-      }
-      // B) Validate the addition from A) took effect and then UPDATE the added binding set
-      component = getServiceBindingManagerManagedComponent();  
-      properties = component.getProperties();
-      assertNotNull(properties);
-      IndexedArray indexedArray = checkAddedBindingSet(properties, newElements.length, 500, 54321, standardBindings);
-      prop = properties.get("bindingSets");      
-      assertNotNull("Missing property bindingSets", prop);
-      val =  prop.getValue();
-      assertNotNull("property bindingSets has no value", val);
-      assertTrue("property bindingSets value is CollectionValue", val instanceof CollectionValue);
-      MetaValue[] updated = newElements.clone();
-      MapCompositeValueSupport updatedBindingSet = cloneCompositeValue((CompositeValue) updated[indexedArray.index]);
-      updatedBindingSet.put("portOffset", SimpleValueSupport.wrap(400));
-      MetaValue[] updatedOverrides = ((CollectionValue) updatedBindingSet.get("overrideBindings")).getElements();
-      assertEquals("single override binding", 1, updatedOverrides.length);
-      MapCompositeValueSupport updatedOverride = cloneCompositeValue((CompositeValue) updatedOverrides[0]);
-      updatedOverride.put("port", SimpleValueSupport.wrap(43210));
-      updatedBindingSet.put("overrideBindings", new CollectionValueSupport(new CollectionMetaType(Set.class.getName(), SERVICE_BINDING_METADATA_TYPE), new MetaValue[]{updatedOverride}));
-      updated[indexedArray.index] = updatedBindingSet;
-      newVal = new CollectionValueSupport(new CollectionMetaType(Set.class.getName(), SERVICE_BINDING_SET_TYPE), updated);
-      prop.setValue(newVal);
-      try
-      {
-         getManagementView().updateComponent(component);
-      }
-      catch (Exception e)
-      {
-         log.error("Failed updating " + component, e);
-         throw e;
-      }
-      // C) Validate the update from B) took effect and then REMOVE the added binding set
-      component = getServiceBindingManagerManagedComponent();  
-      properties = component.getProperties();
-      assertNotNull(properties);
-      indexedArray = checkAddedBindingSet(properties, newElements.length, 400, 43210, standardBindings);
-      // We'll update the component again using this MetaValue[]
-      newElements = new MetaValue[indexedArray.array.length - 1];
-      System.arraycopy(indexedArray.array, 0, newElements, 0, indexedArray.index);
-      System.arraycopy(indexedArray.array, indexedArray.index + 1, newElements, indexedArray.index, indexedArray.array.length - indexedArray.index -1);      
-      newVal = new CollectionValueSupport((CollectionMetaType) val.getMetaType(), newElements);
-      properties.get("bindingSets").setValue(newVal);
-      try
-      {
-         getManagementView().updateComponent(component);
-      }
-      catch (Exception e)
-      {
-         log.error("Failed updating " + component, e);
-         throw e;
-      }
-      // D) Confirm the added binding set is now gone
-      component = getServiceBindingManagerManagedComponent();  
-      properties = component.getProperties();
-      assertNotNull(properties);
-      prop = properties.get("bindingSets");
-      assertNotNull("Missing property bindingSets", prop);
-      val =  prop.getValue();
-      assertNotNull("property bindingSets has no value", val);
-      assertTrue("property bindingSets value is CollectionValue", val instanceof CollectionValue);
-      MetaValue[] finalElements = ((CollectionValue) val).getElements();
-      assertNotNull("property bindingSets value has elements", finalElements);
-      assertEquals("correct number of binding sets after removal", 
-                   origElements.length, finalElements.length);
-      for (MetaValue mv : finalElements)
-      {
-         assertFalse("ports-test".equals(getSimpleValue(mv, "name")));
-      }
-      prop = properties.get("serviceBindings");
-      assertNotNull("Missing property serviceBindings", prop);
-      val =  prop.getValue();
-      assertTrue(val instanceof CompositeValue);
-      assertNull("no actual bindings for ports-test", ((CompositeValue) val).get("ports-test"));
-   }
    private IndexedArray checkAddedBindingSet(Map<String, ManagedProperty> properties, int numSets, int portOffset, int overrideBindingPort,
          Map<String, MetaValue> standardBindings)

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