[jboss-cvs] JBossAS SVN: r89166 - trunk/server/src/bin.

jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org
Wed May 20 04:19:36 EDT 2009

Author: jfrederic.clere at jboss.com
Date: 2009-05-20 04:19:35 -0400 (Wed, 20 May 2009)
New Revision: 89166

A solaris start script...

Added: trunk/server/src/bin/jboss_init_solaris.sh
--- trunk/server/src/bin/jboss_init_solaris.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/server/src/bin/jboss_init_solaris.sh	2009-05-20 08:19:35 UTC (rev 89166)
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+# $Id: jboss_init_solaris.sh 57106 2006-09-23 14:09:54Z dimitris at jboss.org $
+# JBoss Control Script for Solaris
+# description: JBoss Applicaton Server / EJB Container
+# Run this script as the root user.  This script will start
+# as many instances of JBoss as there are array entries in a
+# startup configuration file under /etc/rc.config.d/ as
+# defined below.  If no configuration file exists, the script
+# will still attempt to start at least one server using default
+# values.
+# Installation Instructions:
+# 1. Copy <jboss-home>/bin/jboss_init_solaris.sh to/sbin/init.d/jboss
+# 2. Create softlinks to the file from the various startup and shutdown 
+#    directories:
+#    ln -s /etc/init.d/jboss /etc/rc2.d/K01jboss
+#    ln -s /etc/init.d/jboss /etc/rc3.d/S99jboss
+# 3. Create /etc/default/jboss with the variables defined below. For 
+#    example if you have two servers at /opt/jboss1 and /opt/jboss2 that run 
+#    as users jboss1 and jboss2 using the default instances, then you would 
+#    create the following configuration entries:
+#    JBOSS_HOME[0]=/opt/jboss1
+#    JBOSS_USER[0]=jboss1
+#    SERVER_NAME[0]=default
+#    JBOSS_START[0]=1
+##   default console logging (you can also just omit the next line)
+#    JBOSS_CONSOLE[0]=""
+#    JBOSS_HOME[1]=/opt/jboss2
+#    JBOSS_USER[1]=jboss2
+#    SERVER_NAME[1]=default
+#    JBOSS_START[1]=1
+##   No Console logging
+#    JBOSS_CONSOLE[1]=/dev/null
+# This script will start as many instances of JBoss as there are 
+# consecutive array entries for the variables defined below.
+# There may be a unique jboss server instance for each $JBOSS_HOME[i] 
+# and $SERVER_NAME[i] combination.
+# The following variables should be defined in /etc/default/jboss.
+# If they are not, the variables are defaulted below:
+# JBOSS_HOME[i] - root directory for jboss installation, like 
+#   /opt/jboss-<version>. 
+#   The default for the 1st instance is /opt/jboss: JBOSS_HOME[0]=/opt/jboss.
+#   No default for any other instance.
+# SERVER_NAME[i] - server instance name.  Normally "all", "default", or
+#   "minimal". Maps to server instance at $JBOSS_HOME/server/$SERVER_NAME
+#   The default value is "default".
+# JBOSS_START[i] - set to "0" to force JBOSS to not start when this script
+#   is run. Usefull when this script is run automatically at system
+#   startup time. Default is "1" to startup.
+# JBOSS_USER[i] - it is username by which the jboss application server
+#   is started. The default user is jboss.
+# JBOSS_CONSOLE[i] - file where jboss console logging will be written
+#   Use "/dev/null" if console logging is not desired.
+#   default is /var/opt/jboss/jboss_<user>_<instance>.log
+# JAVA_HOME should also be defined in the target users environment, such
+#   as is the case when it is exported from ~/.profile.
+# NOTE: The notation for array subscript [0] is optional.  You can refer to 
+if [ -f /etc/default/jboss ]
+  . /etc/default/jboss
+umask 022
+# Make sure variables are defined at least for the first instance of the
+# array.  Note that $SERVER_NAME is the same as ${SERVER_NAME[0]}
+export PATH
+#Usage: isJBossRunning <jbossHome> <jbossUserId> <instance>
+# sets non zero return code if Jboss is not running
+# sets global isJBossRunningPid with 1st process id if it is running 
+    JBossHome=$2 JBossUserId=$1 instance=$3
+    isJBossRunningPid=0
+    # pipeline reads 1st jboss pid if it is running for user, jboss home, and instance
+    ps -u $JBossUserId -o pid -o args| 
+    grep "$JBossHome" | grep -v "grep" | grep "program.name=run.sh" > /tmp/$$.jboss
+    read isJBossRunningPid junk < /tmp/$$.jboss
+    rm -f /tmp/$$.jboss
+#USAGE: isUserOK
+# prints any problems on standard error and returns with a non-zero status
+# returns a 0 status if all is OK
+    # check if the user exists
+    id ${JBOSS_USER[i]} >/dev/null 2>&1
+    if (($?!=0)); then
+	echo "ERROR: The user ${JBOSS_USER[i]} does not exist." 1>&2
+	return 1
+    fi
+    # check if the user has write permission on the jboss instance directory
+    su ${JBOSS_USER[i]} -c "test -w ${JBOSS_HOME[i]}/server/${SERVER_NAME[i]}" >/dev/null 2>&1
+    if (($?!=0)); then
+	echo "ERROR: The user ${JBOSS_USER[i]} does not have write access to ${JBOSS_HOME[i]}/server/${SERVER_NAME[i]}" 1>&2
+	return 2
+    fi
+    # user must have JAVA_HOME defined
+    su - ${JBOSS_USER[i]} -c 'whence java || [[ -d $JAVA_HOME ]]' >/dev/null 2>&1
+    if (($?!=0)); then
+	echo "ERROR: The user \"${JBOSS_USER[i]}\" does not have \$JAVA_HOME defined; either define \$JAVA_HOME for this user or ensure that a path to \"java\" exists." 1>&2
+	return 3
+    fi
+    # user looks good so far
+    return 0
+# Usage: startJBoss <index>
+    typeset -i i=$1
+    (( ${JBOSS_START[i]} != 1 )) && return 0
+    # make sure the console log exists with appropriate permissions for JBOSS_USER[i]
+    if [[ ! -d ${JBOSS_CONSOLE[i]%/*} ]]; then
+	mkdir -p ${JBOSS_CONSOLE[i]%/*}
+	chmod 0755 ${JBOSS_CONSOLE[i]%/*} 
+	chown ${JBOSS_USER[i]} ${JBOSS_CONSOLE[i]%/*}
+    fi
+    # do some basic error checking
+    if [[ ! -d ${JBOSS_HOME[i]} ]]; then
+	echo "ERROR: JBOSS_HOME[$i] is not a valid directory : ${JBOSS_HOME[i]}" 1>&2
+	return 1
+    fi
+    isUserOK || return 2
+    isJBossRunning ${JBOSS_USER[i]} ${JBOSS_HOME[i]} ${SERVER_NAME[i]}
+    if (( $? == 0 )); then
+	echo "JBoss AS is already running for user ${JBOSS_USER[i]} at ${JBOSS_HOME[i]} with instance ${SERVER_NAME[i]}" 1>&2
+	return 3
+    fi
+    # keep last version of the console log around
+    [[ -f ${JBOSS_CONSOLE[i]} ]] && mv ${JBOSS_CONSOLE[i]} ${JBOSS_CONSOLE[i]}.old
+    # JBoss is not running, start it up
+    CMD_START="${JBOSS_HOME[i]}/bin/run.sh -c ${SERVER_NAME[i]}"
+    nohup su - ${JBOSS_USER[i]} -c "sh $CMD_START" >${JBOSS_CONSOLE[i]} 2>&1 &
+    echo "Starting JBoss AS for user ${JBOSS_USER[i]} at ${JBOSS_HOME[i]} with instance ${SERVER_NAME[i]}."
+    # wait a few seconds then check if it started ok
+    #isJBossRunning ${JBOSS_USER[i]} ${JBOSS_HOME[i]} ${SERVER_NAME[i]} || sleep 2 ||
+    #isJBossRunning ${JBOSS_USER[i]} ${JBOSS_HOME[i]} ${SERVER_NAME[i]} || sleep 3 ||
+    #echo "... server not started yet. Check the log files for errors"
+# Usage: stopJBoss <index>
+    typeset -i i=$1
+    # return silently if JBoss AS is not running
+    isJBossRunning ${JBOSS_USER[i]} ${JBOSS_HOME[i]} ${SERVER_NAME[i]} || return 0
+    # JBoss is running and $isJBossRunningPid is set to the process id
+    #  SIGTERM does a gracefull shutdown like ^C
+    echo "Stopping JBoss AS PID $isJBossRunningPid for user ${JBOSS_USER[i]} at ${JBOSS_HOME[i]} with instance ${SERVER_NAME[i]}"
+    kill -s SIGTERM $isJBossRunningPid
+    # wait for up to 30 seconds for the process to terminate gracefully
+    isJBossRunning ${JBOSS_USER[i]} ${JBOSS_HOME[i]} ${SERVER_NAME[i]} && printf "please wait " && sleep 5 &&
+    isJBossRunning ${JBOSS_USER[i]} ${JBOSS_HOME[i]} ${SERVER_NAME[i]} && printf "." && sleep 10 &&
+    isJBossRunning ${JBOSS_USER[i]} ${JBOSS_HOME[i]} ${SERVER_NAME[i]} && printf "." && sleep 15 &&
+    isJBossRunning ${JBOSS_USER[i]} ${JBOSS_HOME[i]} ${SERVER_NAME[i]} && 
+    echo "NOT Terminated! Wait a moment then check to see if the process has shut down gracefully, or terminate it now with\n  \"kill -s SIGKILL $isJBossRunningPid\"" >&2
+# Usage: doAll <command> <command args>
+    typeset cmd=$1
+    typeset -i rc=0
+    shift
+    # loop thru the configuration file for servers to start or stop as identified by JBOSS_HOME[i] and the
+    # other parameters
+    ((i=0))
+    while [[ ${JBOSS_HOME[i]} != "" ]]
+    do
+      # set defaults for any missing values
+      SERVER_NAME[$i]=${SERVER_NAME[i]:-"default"}
+      JBOSS_USER[$i]=${JBOSS_USER[i]:-"jboss"} 
+      JBOSS_CONSOLE[$i]=${JBOSS_CONSOLE[i]:-/var/opt/jboss/${JBOSS_USER[i]}/jboss_${SERVER_NAME[i]}.log}
+      JBOSS_START[$i]=${JBOSS_START[i]:-1}
+      $cmd $i $*
+      (($? != 0)) && rc=$?
+      ((i=i+1))
+    done
+    return $rc
+case "$1" in
+    start_msg)
+	echo "Starting JBoss"
+	;;
+    start)
+	doAll startJBoss
+	;;
+    stop_msg)
+	echo "Stopping JBoss"
+	;;
+    stop)
+	doAll stopJBoss
+	;;
+    restart)
+	$0 stop
+	$0 start
+	;;
+    *)
+	echo "usage: $0 (start|stop|restart|help)" 1>&2
+	exit 1
+exit $?

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