[jboss-cvs] JBossAS SVN: r96582 - in projects/jboss-osgi/trunk/reactor/framework/src: main/java/org/jboss/osgi/framework/resolver/internal and 8 other directories.

Ales Justin ales.justin at gmail.com
Mon Nov 23 11:15:43 EST 2009

In defense of Thomas's today's resolver commits,
we discussed this and decided the following:
* Thomas makes current resolver tests generic - exposing potential problems
* you (Adrian) step in and make resolving work properly,
   hoping those tests will help you find/expose issues faster
* Thomas takes over the issue of bundle's lifecycle wrt MC's 
ErrorHandler impl
* error handling: MC core, Deployers facade, actual OSGi impl/behavior


Adrian Brock wrote:
> You're still wasting your time.
> You can't say I haven't given you enough warnings. :-)
> I'd understand it if the tests were written properly
> and tested the requirements. 
> But these tests are written against implementation details:
> On Thu, 2009-11-19 at 10:59 -0500, jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org
> wrote:
>> Author: thomas.diesler at jboss.com
>> Date: 2009-11-19 10:59:11 -0500 (Thu, 19 Nov 2009)
>> New Revision: 96582
>>           Resolver resolver = getTestResolver();
>>           assertEquals(1, resolver.getBundles().size());
>> -         ResolverBundle resolvableA = resolver.getBundle(bundleA.getSymbolicName(), null);
>> -         assertNotNull("Resolvable not null", resolvableA);
>> +         ResolverBundle resBundleA = resolver.getBundle(bundleA.getSymbolicName(), null);
>> +         assertNotNull("Resolvable not null", resBundleA);
>> -         resolvableA = resolver.getBundle(bundleA.getSymbolicName(), bundleA.getVersion());
>> -         assertNotNull("Resolvable not null", resolvableA);
>> +         resBundleA = resolver.getBundle(bundleA.getSymbolicName(), bundleA.getVersion());
>> +         assertNotNull("Resolvable not null", resBundleA);
>> -         resolvableA = resolver.getBundle(bundleA);
>> -         assertNotNull("Resolvable not null", resolvableA);
>> +         resBundleA = resolver.getBundle(bundleA);
>> +         assertNotNull("Resolvable not null", resBundleA);
> So I can't use them when I do this properly using jboss-cl.
> That's why its never a good idea to write regression tests
> against implementation details, you should write to the 
> exposed public interface.
> i.e. which bundle did it load that class from?
> See for example ExportImportPackageUnitTestCase
> P.S. I also recently added a 
> deployBundle(String name, OSGiMetaData metaData, Class<?>... packages)
> so you don't need to create a MANIFEST.MF for each test. You
> just populate the OSGiMetaData programmatically in your test code.
> It still needs a builder to make this easier.
> See for example testAssembledDeployment() in the smoke tests.

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