[jboss-cvs] JBossAS SVN: r102867 - in trunk/hornetq-int/src: resources/META-INF and 1 other directory.

jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org
Wed Mar 24 06:04:33 EDT 2010

Author: ataylor
Date: 2010-03-24 06:04:32 -0400 (Wed, 24 Mar 2010)
New Revision: 102867

removed unwanted hornetq configs

Deleted: trunk/hornetq-int/src/main/java/org/jboss/as/integration/hornetq/management/jms/QueueManageMO.java
--- trunk/hornetq-int/src/main/java/org/jboss/as/integration/hornetq/management/jms/QueueManageMO.java	2010-03-24 09:57:34 UTC (rev 102866)
+++ trunk/hornetq-int/src/main/java/org/jboss/as/integration/hornetq/management/jms/QueueManageMO.java	2010-03-24 10:04:32 UTC (rev 102867)
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
-* Copyright 2009, Red Hat Inc., and individual contributors as indicated
-* by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
-* full listing of individual contributors.
-* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
-* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
-* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-* Lesser General Public License for more details.
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-* License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
-* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
-* 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
-package org.jboss.as.integration.hornetq.management.jms;
-import org.jboss.managed.api.annotation.*;
- * @author <a href="mailto:andy.taylor at jboss.org">Andy Taylor</a>
- */
- at ManagementObject(name = "QueueManageMO", componentType = @ManagementComponent(type = "JMSDestinationManage", subtype = "QueueManage"),
-      properties = ManagementProperties.EXPLICIT, isRuntime = true)
-public interface QueueManageMO
-   @ManagementOperation(name = "createQueue", description = "Creates a new Queue",
-       params ={
-           @ManagementParameter(name = "name", description = "the queue name"),
-           @ManagementParameter(name = "address", description = "the queue address"),
-           @ManagementParameter(name = "DLA", description = "the dead letter address"),
-           @ManagementParameter(name = "ExpiryAddress", description = "the queue expiry address")
-       })
-   void createQueue(String name, String address, String DLA, String ExpiryAddress) throws Exception;
-   String[] getJMSQueues();
-   String getQueueConfiguration(String name);
-   void updateQueueConfiguration(String name, String DLA, String ExpiryAddress);

Deleted: trunk/hornetq-int/src/resources/META-INF/rhq-plugin-orig.xml
--- trunk/hornetq-int/src/resources/META-INF/rhq-plugin-orig.xml	2010-03-24 09:57:34 UTC (rev 102866)
+++ trunk/hornetq-int/src/resources/META-INF/rhq-plugin-orig.xml	2010-03-24 10:04:32 UTC (rev 102867)
@@ -1,1376 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plugin [
-      <!ENTITY destinationMetrics '
-                 <metric property="Name"
-                 displayName="Name"
-                 description="name of this queue"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-                 <metric property="JNDIBinding"
-                 displayName="JNDI Binding"
-                 description="JNDI Binding of this queue"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-                 <metric property="Address"
-                 displayName="Address"
-                 description="Address of this queue"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-                 <metric property="Address"
-                 displayName="Address"
-                 description="Address of this queue"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-                 <metric property="Temporary"
-                 displayName="Temporary"
-                 description="If this queue is Temporary"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-                 <metric property="MessageCount"
-                 displayName="Message Count"
-                 description="number of messages currently in this destination"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-      <!ENTITY destinationOperations '
-            <operation name="removeMessages" displayName="remove messages" description="Remove the messages corresponding to the given filter.">
-               <parameters>
-		            <c:simple-property required="false" name="filter" displayName="A message filter"/>
-		        </parameters>
-               <results>
-	                <c:simple-property name="operationResult" type="integer" description="Number of removed messages."/>
-               </results>
-            </operation>
-      <!ENTITY hornetqcomponentMetrics '
-                 <metric property="Started"
-                 displayName="Started"
-                 description="is this component started"
-                 defaultInterval="10000"
-                 category="availability"
-                 displayType="summary" defaultOn="true"/>
-      <!ENTITY hornetqcomponentOperations '
-            <operation name="start" displayName="start" description="Starts this HornetQ component.">
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="stop" displayName="stop" description="Stops this HornetQ component.">
-            </operation>
-      ]>
-<plugin name="HornetQ"
-        displayName="HornetQPlugin"
-        description="Supports management and monitoring of HornetQ Servers"
-        package="org.jboss.as.integration.hornetq.jopr"
-        version="2.1.10"
-        xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
-        xmlns="urn:xmlns:rhq-plugin"
-        xmlns:c="urn:xmlns:rhq-configuration">
-   <depends plugin="JMX" useClasses="true"/>
-      <server name="HornetQ Server"
-            discovery="HornetQServerDiscoveryComponent"
-            class="HornetQServerComponent"
-            singleton="true"
-            supportsManualAdd="true">
-         <subcategories>
-            <subcategory name="JMS"
-                         description="JMS Management">
-            </subcategory>
-            <subcategory name="Core"
-                description="Core Management">
-            </subcategory>
-        </subcategories>
-         <plugin-configuration>
-                <c:simple-property name="connectorAddress" required="false" description="JMX Remoting address of the remote HornetQ Instance (leave blank for InVM)"  />
-                <!-- The template section is only for manual resource additions, and default parameters and the ones presented to the user. -->
-                <c:template name="HornetQRemoteDiscovery" description="The default setup for HornetQ">
-                  <c:simple-property name="connectorAddress" displayName="URL of the remote server using (service:jmx:rmi://"
-                                     defaultValue="service:jmx:rmi://"/>
-                </c:template>
-         </plugin-configuration>
-         <metric property="hornetqversion"
-                 displayName="HornetQ Version"
-                 description="the HornetQ Version"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-         <service name="HornetQ JMS Server Manager"
-            discovery="HornetQDiscoveryComponent"
-            subCategory="JMS"
-            class="HornetQComponent"
-            singleton="true">
-            <plugin-configuration>
-                <c:simple-property name="objectName" default="org.hornetq:module=JMS,type=Server"/>
-            </plugin-configuration>
-            <operation name="createQueue" displayName="Create a JMS Queue" description="Create a JMS Queue.">
-               <parameters>
-		            <c:simple-property required="true" name="queueName" displayName="queue name"/>
-                  <c:simple-property required="true" name="String:jndiBinding" displayName="jndi binding"/>
-		        </parameters>
-               <results><c:simple-property name="operationResult" type="boolean" description="The Outcome of creating the queue."/></results>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="destroyQueue" displayName="Destroy a JMS Queue" description="Destroy a JMS Queue.">
-               <parameters>
-		            <c:simple-property required="true" name="queueName" displayName="queue name"/>
-		        </parameters>
-               <results><c:simple-property name="operationResult" description="The Outcome of destroying the queue."/></results>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="createTopic" displayName="Create a JMS Topic" description="Create a JMS Topic.">
-               <parameters>
-		            <c:simple-property required="true" name="topicName" displayName="topic name"/>
-                  <c:simple-property required="true" name="jndiBinding" displayName="jndi binding"/>
-		        </parameters>
-               <results><c:simple-property name="operationResult" description="The Outcome of creating the topic."/></results>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="destroyTopic" displayName="Destroy a JMS Topic" description="Destroy a JMS Topic.">
-               <parameters>
-		            <c:simple-property required="true" name="topicName" displayName="topic name"/>
-		        </parameters>
-               <results><c:simple-property name="operationResult" description="The Outcome of destroying the topic."/></results>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="createConnectionFactory" displayName="Create a JMS ConnectionFactory" description="Create a JMS ConnectionFactory.">
-               <parameters>
-		            <c:simple-property required="true" name="name" displayName="connection factory name name"/>
-		            <c:simple-property required="true" name="liveTransportClassName" displayName="the transport class"/>
-		            <c:simple-property required="false" name="liveTransportParams" displayName="comma-separated list of key=value for the transport parameters"/>
-		            <c:simple-property required="false" name="backupTransportClassNames" displayName="the backup transport class"/>
-		            <c:simple-property required="false" name="backupTransportParams" displayName="comma-separated list of key=value for the transport parameters"/>
-		            <c:simple-property required="true" name="jndiBindings" displayName="comma-separated list of JNDI bindings"/>
-		        </parameters>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="createConnectionFactory2,operation=createConnectionFactory" displayName="Create a JMS ConnectionFactory that uses discovery" description="Create a JMS ConnectionFactory that uses discovery.">
-               <parameters>
-		            <c:simple-property required="true" name="name" displayName="connection factory name name"/>
-		            <c:simple-property required="true" name="discoveryAddress" displayName="the discovery address of the server to connect to"/>
-		            <c:simple-property required="true" name="discoveryPort" displayName="the discovery port of the server to connect to"/>
-		            <c:simple-property required="true" name="jndiBindings" displayName="comma-separated list of JNDI bindings"/>
-		        </parameters>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="listRemoteAddresses,result=String[]" displayName="List Remote Addresses" description="List all remote addresses connected to HornetQ.">
-               <results>
-                  <c:list-property name="result">
-	                    <c:map-property required="false" name="element">
-	                       <c:simple-property type="string" name="value"/>
-	                    </c:map-property>
-	                </c:list-property>
-               </results>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="listRemoteAddresses2,operation=listRemoteAddresses,result=String[]" displayName="List Remote Addresses" description="List all remote addresses connected to HornetQ that match an ip address.">
-               <parameters>
-		            <c:simple-property required="true" name="ipAddress" displayName="The IP Address"/>
-		         </parameters>
-               <results>
-	                <c:list-property name="result">
-	                    <c:map-property required="false" name="element">
-	                       <c:simple-property type="string" name="value"/>
-	                    </c:map-property>
-	                </c:list-property>
-               </results>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="closeConnectionsForAddress" displayName="Close Connection" description="Closes all the connections for the given IP Address.">
-               <parameters>
-		            <c:simple-property required="true" name="ipAddress" displayName="The IP Address"/>
-		         </parameters>
-               <results><c:simple-property name="operationResult" type="boolean" description="The Outcome of closing the connection."/></results>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="listConnectionIDs,result=String[]" displayName="List connections" description="List all the connection IDs.">
-               <results>
-	                <c:list-property name="result">
-	                    <c:map-property required="false" name="element">
-	                       <c:simple-property type="string" name="value"/>
-	                    </c:map-property>
-	                </c:list-property>
-               </results>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="listSessions,result=String[]" displayName="List sessions" description="List the sessions for the given connectionID.">
-               <parameters>
-		            <c:simple-property required="true" name="connectionID" displayName="The Connection ID"/>
-		         </parameters>
-               <results>
-	                <c:list-property name="result">
-	                    <c:map-property required="false" name="element">
-	                       <c:simple-property type="string" name="value"/>
-	                    </c:map-property>
-	                </c:list-property>
-               </results>
-            </operation>
-            <metric property="Started"
-                 displayName="HornetQ Started"
-                 description="Is the JMSServer Started"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="Version"
-                 displayName="HornetQ Version"
-                 description="The Version of the HornetQ JMS Server"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="TopicNames"
-                 displayName="Topics"
-                 description="The available topics"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="QueueNames"
-                 displayName="Queues"
-                 description="The available queues"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="ConnectionFactoryNames"
-                 displayName="Connection Factories"
-                 description="The available connection factories"  category="availability"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-         </service>
-         <service name="Queues"
-                  discovery="HornetQDiscoveryComponent"
-                  subCategory="JMS"
-                  class="HornetQComponent">
-            <plugin-configuration>
-                <c:simple-property name="objectName" default="org.hornetq:module=JMS,type=Queue"/>
-                <c:simple-property name="resourceNameProperty" default="name"/>
-                <c:simple-property name="searchString" default="name=*"/>
-            </plugin-configuration>
-            &destinationOperations;
-            <operation name="listMessages,result=JMSMessage" displayName="list all the messages" description="list all the messages.">
-               <parameters>
-		            <c:simple-property required="false" name="filter" displayName="A JMS message filter (can be empty)"/>
-		        </parameters>
-               <results>
-	                <c:list-property name="result">
-	                    <c:map-property required="false" name="element">
-	                       <c:simple-property type="string" name="JMSMessageID"/>
-	                       <c:simple-property type="long" required="false" name="JMSTimestamp"/>
-                          <c:simple-property type="long" required="false" name="JMSExpiration"/>
-                          <c:simple-property type="string" required="false" name="JMSDeliveryMode"/>
-                          <c:simple-property type="string" name="JMSMessageID"/>
-	                    </c:map-property>
-	                </c:list-property>
-               </results>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="countMessages" displayName="list all the messages" description="Returns the number of the messages in the queue matching the given filter.">
-               <parameters>
-		            <c:simple-property required="false" name="selector" displayName="the selector"/>
-		        </parameters>
-               <results>
-	                <c:simple-property name="operationResult" type="integer" description="Number of the messages in the queue matching the given filter."/>
-               </results>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="removeMessage" displayName="remove message" description="Remove the message corresponding to the given messageID.">
-               <parameters>
-		            <c:simple-property required="true" name="messageID" displayName="The message ID"/>
-		        </parameters>
-               <results>
-	                <c:simple-property name="operationResult" type="boolean" description="Was the message removed."/>
-               </results>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="expireMessages" displayName="expire messages" description="Expires the messages corresponding to the given filter.">
-               <parameters>
-		            <c:simple-property required="false" name="filter" displayName="A message filter"/>
-		        </parameters>
-               <results>
-	                <c:simple-property name="operationResult" type="integer" description="Number of expired messages."/>
-               </results>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="expireMessage" displayName="expire message" description="Expire the message corresponding to the given messageID.">
-               <parameters>
-		            <c:simple-property required="true" name="messageID" displayName="The message ID"/>
-		        </parameters>
-               <results>
-	                <c:simple-property name="operationResult" type="boolean" description="Was the message removed."/>
-               </results>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="sendMessageToDeadLetterAddress" displayName="send message to dead letter address" description="Send the message corresponding to the given messageID to this queue's Dead Letter Address.">
-               <parameters>
-		            <c:simple-property required="true" name="messageID" displayName="The message ID"/>
-		        </parameters>
-               <results>
-	                <c:simple-property name="operationResult" type="boolean" description="Was the message sent."/>
-               </results>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="sendMessagesToDeadLetterAddress" displayName="send messages to dead letter address" description="Send the messages corresponding to the given filter to this queue's Dead Letter Address.">
-               <parameters>
-		            <c:simple-property required="false" name="filterStr" displayName="A message filter"/>
-		        </parameters>
-               <results>
-	                <c:simple-property name="operationResult" type="integer" description="Number of expired messages."/>
-               </results>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="changeMessagePriority" displayName="change message priority" description="Change the priority of the message corresponding to the given messageID.">
-               <parameters>
-		            <c:simple-property required="true" name="messageID" displayName="A message ID"/>
-                  <c:simple-property required="true" type="integer" name="int:newPriority" displayName="the new priority (between 0 and 9)"/>
-		        </parameters>
-               <results>
-	                <c:simple-property name="operationResult" type="boolean" description="True if priority set."/>
-               </results>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="changeMessagesPriority" displayName="change messages priority" description="Change the priority of the messages corresponding to the given filter.">
-               <parameters>
-		            <c:simple-property required="false" name="filter" displayName="A message filter"/>
-                  <c:simple-property required="true" type="integer" name="int:newPriority" displayName="the new priority (between 0 and 9)"/>
-		        </parameters>
-               <results>
-	                <c:simple-property name="operationResult" type="integer" description="Number of messages reset with priority."/>
-               </results>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="moveMessage" displayName="move message" description="Move the message corresponding to the given messageID to another queue.">
-               <parameters>
-		            <c:simple-property required="true" name="messageID" displayName="A message ID"/>
-                  <c:simple-property required="true" name="otherQueueName" displayName="The name of the queue to move the message to"/>
-		        </parameters>
-               <results>
-	                <c:simple-property name="operationResult" type="boolean" description="True if message moved."/>
-               </results>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="moveMessages" displayName="move messages" description="Move the messages corresponding to the given filter.">
-               <parameters>
-		            <c:simple-property required="false" name="filter" displayName="the filter"/>
-                  <c:simple-property required="true" name="otherQueueName" displayName="The name of the queue to move the message to"/>
-		        </parameters>
-               <results>
-	                <c:simple-property name="operationResult" type="boolean" description="True if message moved."/>
-               </results>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="listMessageCounter" displayName="list message counter" description="List the message counters.">
-               <results>
-	                <c:simple-property name="operationResult"  description="Message Counters."/>
-               </results>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="resetMessageCounter" displayName="reset message counters" description="Reset the message counters.">
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="listMessageCounterAsHTML" displayName="list message counter in HTML" description="List the message counters in HTML.">
-               <results>
-	                <c:simple-property name="operationResult"  description="Message Counters."/>
-               </results>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="listMessageCounterHistory" displayName="list message counter history" description="List the message counters history.">
-               <results>
-	                <c:simple-property name="operationResult"  description="Message Counter history."/>
-               </results>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="listMessageCounterHistoryAsHTML" displayName="list message counter history in HTML" description="List the message counters history in HTML.">
-               <results>
-	                <c:simple-property name="operationResult"  description="Message Counter history."/>
-               </results>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="pause" displayName="pause the queue" description="Pause the queue.">
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="resume" displayName="resume the queue" description="Resume the queue.">
-            </operation>
-            &destinationMetrics;
-            <metric property="ScheduledCount"
-                 displayName="Scheduled Count"
-                 description="number of scheduled messages in this queue"
-                 dataType="measurement" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="ConsumerCount"
-                 displayName="Consumer Count"
-                 description="number of consumers consuming messages from this queue"
-                 dataType="measurement" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="DeliveringCount"
-                 displayName="Delivering Count"
-                 description="number of messages that this queue is currently delivering to its consumers"
-                 dataType="measurement" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="MessagesAdded"
-                 displayName="Messages Added"
-                 description="number of messages added to this queue since it was created"
-                 dataType="measurement" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="Paused"
-                 displayName="paused"
-                 description="Is the queue currently paused"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <resource-configuration>
-               <c:group name="HornetQCustomProperties" displayName="Advanced">
-                  <c:simple-property name="ExpiryAddress" displayName="Expiry Address"/>
-                  <c:simple-property name="DeadLetterAddress" displayName="Dead Letter Address"/>
-               </c:group>
-            </resource-configuration>
-         </service>
-         <service name="Topics"
-                  discovery="HornetQDiscoveryComponent"
-                  subCategory="JMS"
-                  class="HornetQComponent">
-            <plugin-configuration>
-                <c:simple-property name="objectName" default="org.hornetq:module=JMS,type=Topic"/>
-                <c:simple-property name="resourceNameProperty" default="name"/>
-                <c:simple-property name="searchString" default="name=*"/>
-            </plugin-configuration>
-            &destinationOperations;
-            <operation name="listAllSubscriptions,result=SubscriptionInfo" displayName="list all subscriptions" description="Lists all the subscriptions for this topic (both durable and non-durable).">
-               <results>
-	                <c:list-property name="result">
-	                    <c:map-property required="false" name="element">
-	                       <c:simple-property type="string" name="name"/>
-	                       <c:simple-property type="string" required="false" name="clientID"/>
-                          <c:simple-property type="string" required="false" name="subName"/>
-                          <c:simple-property type="boolean" required="false" name="durable"/>
-                          <c:simple-property type="integer" name="messageCount"/>
-                          <c:simple-property type="string" name="filter"/>
-	                    </c:map-property>
-	                </c:list-property>
-               </results>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="listDurableSubscriptions,result=SubscriptionInfo" displayName="list all durable subscriptions" description="Lists all the durable subscriptions for this topic.">
-               <results>
-	                <c:list-property name="result">
-	                    <c:map-property required="false" name="element">
-	                       <c:simple-property type="string" name="name"/>
-	                       <c:simple-property type="string" required="false" name="clientID"/>
-                          <c:simple-property type="string" required="false" name="subName"/>
-                          <c:simple-property type="boolean" required="false" name="durable"/>
-                          <c:simple-property type="integer" name="messageCount"/>
-                          <c:simple-property type="string" name="filter"/>
-	                    </c:map-property>
-	                </c:list-property>
-               </results>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="listNonDurableSubscriptions,result=SubscriptionInfo" displayName="list all non durable subscriptions" description="Lists all the non-durable subscriptions for this topic.">
-               <results>
-	                <c:list-property name="result">
-	                    <c:map-property required="false" name="element">
-	                       <c:simple-property type="string" name="name"/>
-	                       <c:simple-property type="string" required="false" name="clientID"/>
-                          <c:simple-property type="string" required="false" name="subName"/>
-                          <c:simple-property type="boolean" required="false" name="durable"/>
-                          <c:simple-property type="integer" name="messageCount"/>
-                          <c:simple-property type="string" name="filter"/>
-	                    </c:map-property>
-	                </c:list-property>
-               </results>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="listMessagesForSubscription,result=JMSMessage" displayName="list all the messages" description="list all the messages.">
-               <parameters>
-		            <c:simple-property required="true" name="queueName" displayName="the name of the queue representing a subscription"/>
-		        </parameters>
-               <results>
-	                <c:list-property name="result">
-	                    <c:map-property required="false" name="element">
-	                       <c:simple-property type="string" name="JMSMessageID"/>
-	                       <c:simple-property type="long" required="false" name="JMSTimestamp"/>
-                          <c:simple-property type="long" required="false" name="JMSExpiration"/>
-                          <c:simple-property type="string" required="false" name="JMSDeliveryMode"/>
-                          <c:simple-property type="string" name="JMSMessageID"/>
-	                    </c:map-property>
-	                </c:list-property>
-               </results>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="countMessagesForSubscription" displayName="list messages for subscription" description="Count the number of messages matching the filter for the given subscription.">
-               <parameters>
-		            <c:simple-property required="true" name="clientID" displayName="the client ID"/>
-                  <c:simple-property required="true" name="subscriptionName" displayName="the name of the durable subscription"/>
-                  <c:simple-property required="false" name="filter" displayName="a JMS filter (can be empty)"/>
-		        </parameters>
-               <results>
-	                <c:simple-property name="operationResult"  description="Message Subscriptions."/>
-               </results>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="dropDurableSubscription" displayName="Drop durable subscription" description="Drop a durable subscription.">
-               <parameters>
-		            <c:simple-property required="true" name="clientID" displayName="the client ID"/>
-                  <c:simple-property required="true" name="subscriptionName" displayName="the name of the durable subscription"/>
-		        </parameters>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="dropAllSubscriptions" displayName="Drop all durable subscriptions" description="Drop all durable subscription.">
-            </operation>
-            &destinationMetrics;
-            <metric property="SubscriptionCount"
-                 displayName="Subscription Count"
-                 description="number of (durable and non-durable) subscribers for this topic"
-                 dataType="measurement" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="DurableSubscriptionCount"
-                 displayName="Durable Subscription Count"
-                 description="number of durable subscribers for this topic"
-                 dataType="measurement" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="NonDurableSubscriptionCount"
-                 displayName="Non Durable Subscription Count"
-                 description="number of non-durable subscribers for this topic"
-                 dataType="measurement" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="DurableMessageCount"
-                 displayName="Durable Message Count"
-                 description="number of messages for all durable subscribers for this topic"
-                 dataType="measurement" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="NonDurableMessageCount"
-                 displayName="Non Durable Message Count"
-                 description="number of messages for all non-durable subscribers for this topic"
-                 dataType="measurement" displayType="summary"/>
-         </service>
-         <service name="ConnectionFactories"
-                  discovery="HornetQDiscoveryComponent"
-                  subCategory="JMS"
-                  class="HornetQComponent">
-            <plugin-configuration>
-                <c:simple-property name="objectName" default="org.hornetq:module=JMS,type=ConnectionFactory"/>
-                <c:simple-property name="resourceNameProperty" default="name"/>
-                <c:simple-property name="searchString" default="name=*"/>
-            </plugin-configuration>
-            <metric property="Name"
-                 displayName="Name"
-                 description="Name of the connection factory"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="Bindings"
-                 displayName="Bindings"
-                 description="the connection factory bindings"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="StaticConnectors"
-                 displayName="Static Connectors"
-                 description="the connection factory connectors"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-               <resource-configuration>
-                  <c:group name="HornetQCustomProperties" displayName="Advanced">
-                     <c:simple-property name="DiscoveryAddress" required="false" displayName="Discovery Address"/>
-                     <c:simple-property name="DiscoveryPort" type="integer" displayName="Discovery Port"/>
-                     <c:simple-property name="DiscoveryRefreshTimeout" type="long" displayName="Discovery Refresh Timeout"/>
-                     <c:simple-property name="DiscoveryInitialWaitTimeout" type="long" displayName="Discovery Initial Wait Timeout"/>
-                     <c:simple-property name="ClientID" required="false" displayName="Client ID"/>
-                     <c:simple-property name="DupsOKBatchSize" type="integer" displayName="Dups OK Batch Size"/>
-                     <c:simple-property name="TransactionBatchSize" type="integer" displayName="Transaction Batch Size"/>
-                     <c:simple-property name="ClientFailureCheckPeriod" type="long" displayName="Client Failure Check Period"/>
-                     <c:simple-property name="ConnectionTTL" type="long" displayName="Connection TTL"/>
-                     <c:simple-property name="CallTimeout" type="long" displayName="Call Timeout"/>
-                     <c:simple-property name="ConsumerWindowSize" type="integer" displayName="Consumer Window Size"/>
-                     <c:simple-property name="ConsumerMaxRate" type="integer" displayName="Consumer Max Rate"/>
-                     <c:simple-property name="ConfirmationWindowSize" type="integer" displayName="Confirmation Window Size"/>
-                     <c:simple-property name="ProducerMaxRate" type="integer" displayName="Producer Max Rate"/>
-                     <c:simple-property name="ProducerWindowSize" type="integer" displayName="Producer Window Size"/>
-                     <c:simple-property name="CacheLargeMessagesClient" type="boolean" displayName="Cache Large Messages Client"/>
-                     <c:simple-property name="MinLargeMessageSize" type="integer" displayName="Min Large Message Size"/>
-                     <c:simple-property name="BlockOnNonDurableSend" type="boolean" displayName="Block On Non Durable Send"/>
-                     <c:simple-property name="BlockOnAcknowledge" type="boolean" displayName="Block On Acknowledge"/>
-                     <c:simple-property name="BlockOnDurableSend" type="boolean" displayName="Block On Durable Send"/>
-                     <c:simple-property name="AutoGroup" type="boolean" displayName="Auto Group"/>
-                     <c:simple-property name="PreAcknowledge" type="boolean" displayName="Pre Acknowledge"/>
-                     <c:simple-property name="MaxRetryInterval" type="long" displayName="Max Retry Interval"/>
-                     <c:simple-property name="RetryIntervalMultiplier" type="double" displayName="Retry Interval Multiplier"/>
-                     <c:simple-property name="ReconnectAttempts" type="integer" displayName="Reconnect Attempts"/>
-                     <c:simple-property name="FailoverOnServerShutdown" type="boolean" displayName="Failover On Server Shutdown"/>
-                     <c:simple-property name="ScheduledThreadPoolMaxSize" type="integer" displayName="Scheduled Thread Pool Max Size"/>
-                     <c:simple-property name="ThreadPoolMaxSize" type="integer" displayName="Thread Pool Max Size"/>
-                     <c:simple-property name="GroupID" required="false" displayName="Group ID"/>
-                     <c:simple-property name="InitialMessagePacketSize" type="integer" displayName="Initial Message Packet Size"/>
-                     <c:simple-property name="UseGlobalPools" type="boolean" displayName="Use Global Pools"/>
-                     <c:simple-property name="RetryInterval" type="long" displayName="Retry Interval"/>
-                     <c:simple-property name="ConnectionLoadBalancingPolicyClassName" displayName="Connection Load Balancing Policy Class Name"/>
-                  </c:group>
-               </resource-configuration>
-         </service>
-         <service name="HornetQ Server Manager"
-            discovery="HornetQDiscoveryComponent"
-            subCategory="Core"
-            class="HornetQComponent"
-            singleton="true">
-            <plugin-configuration>
-                <c:simple-property name="objectName" default="org.hornetq:module=Core,type=Server"/>
-            </plugin-configuration>
-            <operation name="createQueue" displayName="Create a Queue" description="Creates a new Queue.">
-               <parameters>
-		            <c:simple-property required="true" name="address" displayName="address"/>
-                  <c:simple-property required="true" name="name" displayName="name"/>
-		        </parameters>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="createQueue2,operation=createQueue" displayName="Create a Queue with filter" description="Creates a new Queue with a given filter.">
-               <parameters>
-		            <c:simple-property required="true" name="address" displayName="address"/>
-                  <c:simple-property required="true" name="name" displayName="name"/>
-		            <c:simple-property required="true" name="filter" displayName="filter"/>
-                  <c:simple-property required="true" type="boolean" name="boolean:durable" displayName="durable"/>
-		        </parameters>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="createQueue3,operation=createQueue" displayName="Create a durable Queue" description="Creates a new Queue passing in its durability.">
-               <parameters>
-		            <c:simple-property required="true" name="address" displayName="address"/>
-                  <c:simple-property required="true" name="name" displayName="name"/>
-                  <c:simple-property required="true" type="boolean" name="boolean:durable" displayName="durable"/>
-		        </parameters>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="deployQueue2,operation=deployQueue" displayName="Deploys a Queue with filter" description="Deploys a Queue.">
-               <parameters>
-		            <c:simple-property required="true" name="address" displayName="address"/>
-                  <c:simple-property required="true" name="name" displayName="name"/>
-		            <c:simple-property required="false"  name="filter" displayName="filter"/>
-		        </parameters>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="deployQueue" displayName="Deploy a Queue with filter and durability" description="Deploys a Queue with a filter and durability.">
-               <parameters>
-		            <c:simple-property required="true" name="address" displayName="address"/>
-                  <c:simple-property required="true" name="name" displayName="name"/>
-		            <c:simple-property required="false" name="filter" displayName="filter"/>
-                  <c:simple-property required="true" type="boolean" name="boolean:durable" displayName="durable"/>
-		        </parameters>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="destroyQueue" displayName="Destroys a Queue" description="Destroys a Queue.">
-               <parameters>
-                  <c:simple-property required="true" name="name" displayName="name"/>
-		        </parameters>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="enableMessageCounters" displayName="Enable message counters" description="Enable message counters.">
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="disableMessageCounters" displayName="Disable message counters" description="Disable message counters.">
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="resetAllMessageCounters" displayName="Reset all  message counters" description="Reset all  message counters.">
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="resetAllMessageCounterHistories" displayName="Reset all  message counters history" description="Reset all  message counters history.">
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="listPreparedTransactions,result=string[]" displayName="List all prepared transactions" description="List all the prepared transaction, sorted by date, oldest first.">
-               <results>
-	                <c:list-property name="result">
-	                    <c:map-property required="false" name="element">
-	                       <c:simple-property type="string" name="value"/>
-	                    </c:map-property>
-	                </c:list-property>
-               </results>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="listHeuristicCommittedTransactions,result=string[]" displayName="List heuristically committed transactions" description="List transactions which have been heuristically committed.">
-               <results>
-	                <c:list-property name="result">
-	                    <c:map-property required="false" name="element">
-	                       <c:simple-property type="string" name="value"/>
-	                    </c:map-property>
-	                </c:list-property>
-               </results>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="listHeuristicRolledBackTransactions,result=string[]" displayName="List heuristically rolled back transactions" description="List transactions which have been heuristically rolled back.">
-               <results>
-	                <c:list-property name="result">
-	                    <c:map-property required="false" name="element">
-	                       <c:simple-property type="string" name="value"/>
-	                    </c:map-property>
-	                </c:list-property>
-               </results>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="commitPreparedTransaction" displayName="Commit a prepared transaction" description="Commit a prepared transaction.">
-               <parameters>
-                  <c:simple-property required="true" name="transactionAsBase64" displayName="transaction As Base64"/>
-		        </parameters>
-               <results>
-                  <c:simple-property name="operationResult" type="boolean" displayName="Whether the tx was commited"/>
-               </results>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="rollbackPreparedTransaction" displayName="Rollback a prepared transaction" description="Rollback a prepared transaction.">
-               <parameters>
-                  <c:simple-property required="true" name="transactionAsBase64" displayName="transaction As Base64"/>
-		         </parameters>
-               <results>
-                  <c:simple-property name="operationResult" type="boolean" displayName="Whether the tx was commited"/>
-               </results>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="listRemoteAddresses,result=string[]" displayName="Lists the addresses" description="Lists the addresses of all the clients connected to this address.">
-               <results>
-	                <c:list-property name="result">
-	                    <c:map-property required="false" name="element">
-	                       <c:simple-property type="string" name="value"/>
-	                    </c:map-property>
-	                </c:list-property>
-               </results>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="listRemoteAddresses2,operation=listRemoteAddresses,result=string[]" displayName="Lists the addresses with ip address" description="Lists the addresses a specified ip address connected to this address.">
-              <parameters>
-                  <c:simple-property required="true" name="ipAddress" displayName="ip address"/>
-		        </parameters>
-               <results>
-	                <c:list-property name="result">
-	                    <c:map-property required="false" name="element">
-	                       <c:simple-property type="string" name="value"/>
-	                    </c:map-property>
-	                </c:list-property>
-               </results>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="closeConnectionsForAddress" displayName="Closes Connections" description="Closes all the connections for the given IP Address.">
-              <parameters>
-                  <c:simple-property required="true" name="ipAddress" displayName="ip address"/>
-		        </parameters>
-               <results>
-	                <c:simple-property name="operationResult"  description="Connection Closed."/>
-               </results>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="listConnectionIDs,result=string[]" displayName="List connection IDs" description="List all the connection IDs.">
-               <results>
-	                <c:list-property name="result">
-	                    <c:map-property required="false" name="element">
-	                       <c:simple-property type="string" name="value"/>
-	                    </c:map-property>
-	                </c:list-property>
-               </results>
-            </operation>
-            <operation name="listSessions,result=string[]" displayName="List sessions" description="List the sessions for the given connectionID.">
-              <parameters>
-                  <c:simple-property required="true" name="connectionID" displayName="connection ID"/>
-		        </parameters>
-               <results>
-	                <c:list-property name="result">
-	                    <c:map-property required="false" name="element">
-	                       <c:simple-property type="string" name="value"/>
-	                    </c:map-property>
-	                </c:list-property>
-               </results>
-            </operation>
-            <metric property="Started"
-                 displayName="HornetQ Started"
-                 description="Is the JMSServer Started"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"
-                 category="availability"/>
-            <metric property="Version"
-                 displayName="HornetQ Version"
-                 description="The Version of the HornetQ JMS Server"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="BackupConnectorName"
-                 displayName="Backup Connector Name"
-                 description="name of the connector used to connect to the backup"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="ConnectionCount"
-                 displayName="Connection Count"
-                 description="number of connections connected to this server"
-                 dataType="measurement" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="InterceptorClassNames"
-                 displayName="Interceptor Class Names"
-                 description="the list of interceptors used by this server"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="Clustered"
-                 displayName="Clustered"
-                 description="whether this server is clustered"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="ScheduledThreadPoolMaxSize"
-                 displayName="Scheduled Thread Pool Max Size"
-                 description="the maximum number of threads in the scheduled thread pool"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="ThreadPoolMaxSize"
-                 displayName="Thread Pool Max Size"
-                 description="the maximum number of threads in the thread pool"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="SecurityInvalidationInterval"
-                 displayName="Security Invalidation Interval"
-                 description="the interval time (in milliseconds) to invalidate security credentials"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="SecurityEnabled"
-                 displayName="Security Enabled"
-                 description="whether security is enabled for this server"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="BindingsDirectory"
-                 displayName="Bindings Directory"
-                 description="the file system directory used to store bindings"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="JournalDirectory"
-                 displayName="Journal Directory"
-                 description="the file system directory used to store journal log"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="JournalType"
-                 displayName="Journal Type"
-                 description=" used by this server (either NIO or ASYNCIO)."
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="JournalSyncTransactional"
-                 displayName="Journal Sync Transactional"
-                 description="whether the journal is synchronized when receiving transactional data"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="JournalSyncNonTransactional"
-                 displayName="Journal Sync Non Transactional"
-                 description="whether the journal is synchronized when receiving non-transactional data"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="JournalFileSize"
-                 displayName="Journal File Size"
-                 description="the size (in bytes) of each journal files"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="JournalMinFiles"
-                 displayName="Journal Min Files"
-                 description="the number of journal files to pre-create"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="JournalMaxIO"
-                 displayName="Journal Max IO"
-                 description="the maximum number of write requests that can be in the AIO queue at any given time"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="JournalBufferSize"
-                 displayName="Journal Buffer Size"
-                 description="the size of the internal buffer on the journal"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="JournalBufferTimeout"
-                 displayName="Journal Buffer Timeout"
-                 description="the timeout (in nanoseconds) used to flush internal buffers on the journal"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="JournalCompactMinFiles"
-                 displayName="Journal Compact Min Files"
-                 description="the minimal number of journal files before compacting"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="JournalCompactPercentage"
-                 displayName="Journal Compact Percentage"
-                 description="the percentage of live data before compacting the journal"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="PersistenceEnabled"
-                 displayName="Persistence Enabled"
-                 description="whether this server is using persistence and store data"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="CreateBindingsDir"
-                 displayName="Create Bindings Dir"
-                 description="whether the bindings directory is created on this server startup"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="CreateJournalDir"
-                 displayName="Create Journal Dir"
-                 description="whether the journal directory is created on this server startup"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="MessageCounterEnabled"
-                 displayName="Message Counter Enabled"
-                 description="whether message counter is enabled for this server"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary" category="availability"/>
-            <metric property="MessageCounterMaxDayCount"
-                 displayName="Message Counter Max Day Count"
-                 description="the maximum number of days kept in memory for message counter"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="MessageCounterSamplePeriod"
-                 displayName="Message Counter Sample Period"
-                 description="the sample period (in milliseconds) to take message counter snapshot"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="Backup"
-                 displayName="Backup"
-                 description="if this server is a backup"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="SharedStore"
-                 displayName="Shared Store"
-                 description="whether this server shares its data store with a corresponding live or backup server"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="PagingDirectory"
-                 displayName="Paging Directory"
-                 description="the file system directory used to store paging files"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="PersistDeliveryCountBeforeDelivery"
-                 displayName="Persist Delivery Count Before Delivery"
-                 description="whether delivery count is persisted before messages are delivered to the consumers"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="ConnectionTTLOverride"
-                 displayName="Connection TTL Override"
-                 description="This value overrides the connection time to live sent by the client"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="ManagementAddress"
-                 displayName="Management Address"
-                 description="the management address of this server"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="ManagementNotificationAddress"
-                 displayName="Management Notification Address"
-                 description="the management notification address of this server"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="IDCacheSize"
-                 displayName="ID Cache Size"
-                 description="the size of the cache for pre-creating message IDs"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="PersistIDCache"
-                 displayName="Persist ID Cache"
-                 description="whether message ID cache is persisted"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="LargeMessagesDirectory"
-                 displayName="Large Messages Directory"
-                 description="the file system directory used to store large messages"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="WildcardRoutingEnabled"
-                 displayName="Wildcard Routing Enabled"
-                 description="whether wildcard routing is supported by this server"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="TransactionTimeout"
-                 displayName="Transaction Timeout"
-                 description="the timeout (in milliseconds) after which transactions are removed"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="TransactionTimeoutScanPeriod"
-                 displayName="Transaction Timeout Scan Period"
-                 description="the frequency (in milliseconds) to scan transactions to detect which transactions have timed out"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="MessageExpiryScanPeriod"
-                 displayName="Message Expiry Scan Period"
-                 description="he frequency (in milliseconds)  to scan messages to detect which messages have expired"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="MessageExpiryThreadPriority"
-                 displayName="Message Expiry Thread Priority"
-                 description="the priority of the thread used to scan message expiration"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="AsyncConnectionExecutionEnabled"
-                 displayName="Async Connection Execution Enabled"
-                 description="whether code coming from connection is executed asynchronously or not"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="Connectors"
-                 displayName="Connectors"
-                 description="the connectors configured for this server"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="AddressNames"
-                 displayName="Address Names"
-                 description="the addresses created on this server"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="QueueNames"
-                 displayName="Queue Names"
-                 description="he names of the queues created on this server"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-         </service>
-         <service name="Acceptors"
-                  discovery="HornetQDiscoveryComponent"
-                  subCategory="Core"
-                  class="HornetQComponent">
-            <plugin-configuration>
-                <c:simple-property name="objectName" default="org.hornetq:module=Core,type=Acceptor"/>
-                <c:simple-property name="resourceNameProperty" default="name"/>
-                <c:simple-property name="searchString" default="name=*"/>
-            </plugin-configuration>
-            &hornetqcomponentOperations;
-            &hornetqcomponentMetrics;
-            <metric property="Name"
-                 displayName="Name"
-                 description="the name of the acceptor created on this server"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="FactoryClassName"
-                 displayName="Factory Class Name"
-                 description="the name of the factory used to create this acceptor"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="Parameters"
-                 displayName="Parameters"
-                 description="this Acceptor's parameters"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-         </service>
-         <service name="Addresses"
-                  discovery="HornetQDiscoveryComponent"
-                  subCategory="Core"
-                  class="HornetQComponent">
-            <plugin-configuration>
-                <c:simple-property name="objectName" default="org.hornetq:module=Core,type=Address"/>
-                <c:simple-property name="resourceNameProperty" default="name"/>
-                <c:simple-property name="searchString" default="name=*"/>
-            </plugin-configuration>
-            <metric property="Address"
-                 displayName="Address"
-                 description="the address"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="Roles,result=roles"
-                 displayName="Roles"
-                 description="Returns the roles (name and permissions) associated to this address"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="QueueNames"
-                 displayName="Queue Names"
-                 description="Returns the names of the queues bound to this address"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="NumberOfPages"
-                 displayName="Number Of Pages"
-                 description="Returns the number of pages used by this address"
-                 dataType="measurement" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="NumberOfBytesPerPage"
-                 displayName="Number Of Bytes Per Page"
-                 description="Returns the number of bytes used by each page for this address"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-         </service>
-         <service name="Bridges"
-                  discovery="HornetQDiscoveryComponent"
-                  subCategory="Core"
-                  class="HornetQComponent">
-            <plugin-configuration>
-                <c:simple-property name="objectName" default="org.hornetq:module=Core,type=Bridge"/>
-                <c:simple-property name="resourceNameProperty" default="name"/>
-                <c:simple-property name="searchString" default="name=*"/>
-            </plugin-configuration>
-            &hornetqcomponentMetrics;
-            <metric property="Name"
-                 displayName="Name"
-                 description="name of this bridge"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="QueueName"
-                 displayName="QueueName"
-                 description="name of the queue this bridge is consuming messages from"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="ForwardingAddress"
-                 displayName="Forwarding Address"
-                 description="the address this bridge will forward messages to"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="FilterString"
-                 displayName="Filter String"
-                 description="the filter string associated to this bridge"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="TransformerClassName"
-                 displayName="Transformer Class Name"
-                 description="the name of the org.hornetq.core.server.cluster.Transformer implementation associated to this bridge"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="ConnectorPair"
-                 displayName="Connector Pair"
-                 description="the pair of connectors used by this bridge"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="DiscoveryGroupName"
-                 displayName="Discovery Group Name"
-                 description="the name of the discovery group used by this bridge"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="RetryInterval"
-                 displayName="Retry Interval"
-                 description="the retry interval used by this bridge"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="RetryIntervalMultiplier"
-                 displayName="Retry Interval Multiplier"
-                 description="the retry interval multiplier used by this bridge"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="ReconnectAttempts"
-                 displayName="Reconnect Attempts"
-                 description="the number of reconnection attempts used by this bridge"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="FailoverOnServerShutdown"
-                 displayName="Failover On Server Shutdown"
-                 description="whether the session used by this bridge will failover if the target server is normally shutdown."
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="ReconnectAttempts"
-                 displayName="Reconnect Attempts"
-                 description="the number of reconnection attempts used by this bridge"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="UseDuplicateDetection"
-                 displayName="Use Duplicate Detection"
-                 description="whether this bridge is using duplicate detection"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-         </service>
-         <service name="Broadcast Groups"
-                  discovery="HornetQDiscoveryComponent"
-                  subCategory="Core"
-                  class="HornetQComponent">
-            <plugin-configuration>
-                <c:simple-property name="objectName" default="org.hornetq:module=Core,type=BroadcastGroup"/>
-                <c:simple-property name="resourceNameProperty" default="name"/>
-                <c:simple-property name="searchString" default="name=*"/>
-            </plugin-configuration>
-            &hornetqcomponentMetrics;
-            <metric property="Name"
-                 displayName="Name"
-                 description="the configuration name of this broadcast group"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="LocalBindPort"
-                 displayName="Local Bind Port"
-                 description="the local port this broadcast group is bound to"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="GroupAddress"
-                 displayName="Group Address"
-                 description="the address this broadcast group is broadcasting to"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="GroupPort"
-                 displayName="Group Port"
-                 description="the port this broadcast group is broadcasting to"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="BroadcastPeriod"
-                 displayName="Broadcast Period"
-                 description="the period used by this broadcast group"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="ConnectorPairs,result=connectorpairs"
-                 displayName="Connector Pairs"
-                 description="the pairs of live-backup connectors that are broadcasted by this broadcast group"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-         </service>
-         <service name="Cluster Connections"
-                  discovery="HornetQDiscoveryComponent"
-                  subCategory="Core"
-                  class="HornetQComponent">
-            <plugin-configuration>
-                <c:simple-property name="objectName" default="org.hornetq:module=Core,type=ClusterConnection"/>
-                <c:simple-property name="resourceNameProperty" default="name"/>
-                <c:simple-property name="searchString" default="name=*"/>
-            </plugin-configuration>
-            &hornetqcomponentMetrics;
-            <metric property="Name"
-                 displayName="Name"
-                 description="the configuration name of this cluster connection"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="Address"
-                 displayName="Address"
-                 description="the address used by this cluster connection"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="NodeID"
-                 displayName="Node ID"
-                 description="the node id name of this cluster connection"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="DuplicateDetection"
-                 displayName="Duplicate Detection"
-                 description="whether this cluster connection uses duplicate detection"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="ForwardWhenNoConsumers"
-                 displayName="Forward When No Consumers"
-                 description="whether this cluster connection forward messages when it has no local consumers"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="MaxHops"
-                 displayName="Max Hops"
-                 description="the maximum number of hops used by this cluster connection"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="StaticConnectorNamePairs,result=connectorpairs"
-                 displayName="Static Connector Name Pairs"
-                 description="the pairs of live-backup connectors used by this cluster connection"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="DiscoveryGroupName"
-                 displayName="Discovery Group Name"
-                 description="name of the discovery group used by this cluster connection"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="RetryInterval"
-                 displayName="Retry Interval"
-                 description="the connection retry interval used by this cluster connection"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-           <!-- <metric property="Nodes,result=clusternodes"
-                 displayName="Nodes"
-                 description="the nodes connected to this cluster connection"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>-->
-         </service>
-         <service name="Discovery Groups"
-                  discovery="HornetQDiscoveryComponent"
-                  subCategory="Core"
-                  class="HornetQComponent">
-            <plugin-configuration>
-                <c:simple-property name="objectName" default="org.hornetq:module=Core,type=DiscoveryGroup"/>
-                <c:simple-property name="resourceNameProperty" default="name"/>
-                <c:simple-property name="searchString" default="name=*"/>
-            </plugin-configuration>
-            &hornetqcomponentMetrics;
-            <metric property="Name"
-                 displayName="Name"
-                 description="name of this discovery group"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="GroupAddress"
-                 displayName="Group Address"
-                 description="the address that this discovery group is listening to"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="GroupPort"
-                 displayName="Group Port"
-                 description="the port that this discovery group is listening to"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="RefreshTimeout"
-                 displayName="Refresh Timeout"
-                 description="the refresh timeout used by this discovery group"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-         </service>
-         <service name="Divert Groups"
-                  discovery="HornetQDiscoveryComponent"
-                  subCategory="Core"
-                  class="HornetQComponent">
-            <plugin-configuration>
-                <c:simple-property name="objectName" default="org.hornetq:module=Core,type=Divert"/>
-                <c:simple-property name="resourceNameProperty" default="name"/>
-                <c:simple-property name="searchString" default="name=*"/>
-            </plugin-configuration>
-            <metric property="Filter"
-                 displayName="Filter"
-                 description="the filter used by this divert"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="Exclusive"
-                 displayName="Exclusive"
-                 description="if true messages will be exclusively diverted and will not be routed to the origin address"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="UniqueName"
-                 displayName="Unique Name"
-                 description="the cluster-wide unique name of this divert"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="RoutingName"
-                 displayName="Routing Name"
-                 description="the routing name of this divert"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="Address"
-                 displayName="Address"
-                 description="the origin address used by this divert"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="ForwardingAddress"
-                 displayName="Forwarding Address"
-                 description="the forwarding address used by this divert"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-            <metric property="TransformerClassName"
-                 displayName="Transformer Class Name"
-                 description="the name of the org.hornetq.core.server.cluster.Transformer implementation associated to this divert"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-         </service>
-         <service name="Queues(by address)"
-                  discovery="HornetQDiscoveryComponent"
-                  subCategory="Core"
-                  class="HornetQComponent">
-            <plugin-configuration>
-                <c:simple-property name="objectName" default="org.hornetq:module=Core,type=Queue"/>
-                <c:simple-property name="resourceNameProperty" default="address"/>
-                <c:simple-property name="searchString" default="address=*,name=*"/>
-            </plugin-configuration>
-            <service name="Core Queues"
-                  discovery="HornetQDiscoveryComponent"
-                  class="HornetQComponent">
-                     <plugin-configuration>
-                        <c:simple-property name="useParentObjectName" type="boolean" default="true"/>
-                        <c:simple-property name="resourceNameProperty" default="name"/>
-                        <c:simple-property name="searchString" default="name=*"/>
-                     </plugin-configuration>
-               <operation name="listScheduledMessages,result=Message" displayName="List the messages scheduled for delivery" description="Lists all the messages scheduled for delivery for this queue.">
-                  <results>
-                      <c:list-property name="result">
-                          <c:map-property required="false" name="element">
-                             <c:simple-property type="long" name="messageID"/>
-                             <c:simple-property type="string" required="false" name="address"/>
-                             <c:simple-property type="integer" required="false" name="type"/>
-                             <c:simple-property type="boolean" required="false" name="durable"/>
-                             <c:simple-property type="long" name="expiration"/>
-                             <c:simple-property type="long" name="timestamp"/>
-                             <c:simple-property type="integer" name="priority"/>
-                          </c:map-property>
-                      </c:list-property>
-                  </results>
-               </operation>
-               <operation name="listMessages,result=Message" displayName="List all the messages in the queue matching the given filter" description="List all the messages in the queue matching the given filter.">
-                  <parameters>
-		               <c:simple-property required="false" name="filter" displayName="A message filter (can be empty)"/>
-		            </parameters>
-                  <results>
-                      <c:list-property name="result">
-                          <c:map-property required="false" name="element">
-                             <c:simple-property type="long" name="messageID"/>
-                             <c:simple-property type="string" required="false" name="address"/>
-                             <c:simple-property type="integer" required="false" name="type"/>
-                             <c:simple-property type="boolean" required="false" name="durable"/>
-                             <c:simple-property type="long" name="expiration"/>
-                             <c:simple-property type="long" name="timestamp"/>
-                             <c:simple-property type="integer" name="priority"/>
-                          </c:map-property>
-                      </c:list-property>
-                  </results>
-               </operation>
-               <operation name="countMessages" displayName="count all the messages" description="Returns the number of the messages in the queue matching the given filter.">
-                  <parameters>
-                     <c:simple-property required="false" name="filter" displayName="the filter"/>
-                 </parameters>
-                  <results>
-                      <c:simple-property name="operationResult" type="integer" description="Number of the messages in the queue matching the given filter."/>
-                  </results>
-               </operation>
-               <operation name="removeMessage" displayName="remove message" description="Remove the message corresponding to the given messageID.">
-                  <parameters>
-                     <c:simple-property required="true" type="long" name="long:messageID" displayName="The message ID"/>
-                 </parameters>
-                  <results>
-                      <c:simple-property name="operationResult" type="boolean" description="Was the message removed."/>
-                  </results>
-               </operation>
-               <operation name="removeMessages" displayName="Removes all the message corresponding to the specified filter" description="Remove the messages corresponding to the given filter (and returns the number of removed messages).">
-                  <parameters>
-                     <c:simple-property required="false" name="filter" displayName="the filter"/>
-                 </parameters>
-                  <results>
-                      <c:simple-property name="operationResult" type="integer" description="Number of the messages removed."/>
-                  </results>
-               </operation>
-               <operation name="expireMessages" displayName="expires all the message corresponding to the specified filter" description="Expires the messages corresponding to the given filter (and returns the number of removed messages).">
-                  <parameters>
-                     <c:simple-property required="false" name="filter" displayName="the filter"/>
-                 </parameters>
-                  <results>
-                      <c:simple-property name="operationResult" type="integer" description="Number of the messages removed."/>
-                  </results>
-               </operation>
-               <operation name="expireMessage" displayName="expire message" description="Expire the message corresponding to the given messageID.">
-                  <parameters>
-                     <c:simple-property required="true" type="long" name="long:messageID" displayName="The message ID"/>
-                 </parameters>
-                  <results>
-                      <c:simple-property name="operationResult" type="boolean" description="Was the message removed."/>
-                  </results>
-               </operation>
-               <operation name="moveMessage" displayName="move message" description="move the message corresponding to the given messageID.">
-                  <parameters>
-                     <c:simple-property required="true" type="long" name="long:messageID" displayName="The message ID"/>
-                     <c:simple-property required="true" name="otherQueueName" displayName="The name of the queue to move the message to"/>
-                 </parameters>
-                  <results>
-                      <c:simple-property name="operationResult" type="boolean" description="Was the message removed."/>
-                  </results>
-               </operation>
-               <operation name="moveMessages" displayName="move messages" description="move the message corresponding to the given filter.">
-                  <parameters>
-                     <c:simple-property required="false" name="filter" displayName="the filter"/>
-                     <c:simple-property required="true" name="otherQueueName" displayName="The name of the queue to move the message to"/>
-                 </parameters>
-                  <results>
-                      <c:simple-property name="operationResult" type="integer" description="Number of the messages moved."/>
-                  </results>
-               </operation>
-               <operation name="sendMessageToDeadLetterAddress" displayName="Send the message corresponding to the given messageID to this queue's Dead Letter Address" description="Send the message corresponding to the given messageID to this queue's Dead Letter Address.">
-                  <parameters>
-                     <c:simple-property required="true" type="long" name="long:messageID" displayName="The message ID"/>
-                 </parameters>
-                  <results>
-                      <c:simple-property name="operationResult" type="boolean" description="Was the message removed."/>
-                  </results>
-               </operation>
-               <operation name="sendMessagesToDeadLetterAddress" displayName="Send messages that match a filter to Dead Letter Address" description="Send the messages corresponding to the given filter to this queue's Dead Letter Address.">
-                  <parameters>
-                     <c:simple-property required="false" name="filter" displayName="the filter"/>
-                 </parameters>
-                  <results>
-                      <c:simple-property name="operationResult" type="integer" description="Number of the messages moved."/>
-                  </results>
-               </operation>
-               <operation name="changeMessagePriority" displayName="Change the priority of message" description="Change the priority of the message corresponding to the given messageID.">
-                  <parameters>
-                     <c:simple-property required="true" type="long" name="long:messageID" displayName="The message ID"/>
-                     <c:simple-property required="true" type="integer" name="int:newPriority" displayName="the new priority (between 0 and 9)"/>
-                 </parameters>
-                  <results>
-                      <c:simple-property name="operationResult" type="boolean" description="Was the message updated."/>
-                  </results>
-               </operation>
-               <operation name="changeMessagesPriority" displayName="Change the priority of messages" description="Change the priority of the message corresponding to the given messageID.">
-                  <parameters>
-                     <c:simple-property required="false" name="filter" displayName="the filter"/>
-                     <c:simple-property required="true" type="integer" name="int:newPriority" displayName="the new priority (between 0 and 9)"/>
-                 </parameters>
-                  <results>
-                      <c:simple-property name="operationResult" type="integer" description="Number of the messages updated."/>
-                  </results>
-               </operation>
-               <operation name="listMessageCounter" displayName="list message counter" description="List the message counters.">
-                  <results>
-                      <c:simple-property name="operationResult"  description="Message Counters."/>
-                  </results>
-               </operation>
-               <operation name="resetMessageCounter" displayName="reset message counters" description="Reset the message counters.">
-               </operation>
-               <operation name="listMessageCounterAsHTML" displayName="list message counter in HTML" description="List the message counters in HTML.">
-                  <results>
-                      <c:simple-property name="operationResult"  description="Message Counters."/>
-                  </results>
-               </operation>
-               <operation name="listMessageCounterHistory" displayName="list message counter history" description="List the message counters history.">
-                  <results>
-                      <c:simple-property name="operationResult"  description="Message Counter history."/>
-                  </results>
-               </operation>
-               <operation name="listMessageCounterHistoryAsHTML" displayName="list message counter history in HTML" description="List the message counters history in HTML.">
-                  <results>
-                      <c:simple-property name="operationResult"  description="Message Counter history."/>
-                  </results>
-               </operation>
-               <operation name="pause" displayName="pause the queue" description="Pause the queue.">
-               </operation>
-               <operation name="resume" displayName="resume the queue" description="Resume the queue.">
-               </operation>
-               <metric property="Name"
-                 displayName="Name"
-                 description="name of this queue"
-                 dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-               <metric property="Address"
-                    displayName="Address"
-                    description="the address this queue is bound to"
-                    dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-               <metric property="ID"
-                    displayName="ID"
-                    description="this queue ID"
-                    dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-               <metric property="Temporary"
-                    displayName="Temporary"
-                    description="whether this queue is temporary"
-                    dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-               <metric property="Durable"
-                    displayName="Durable"
-                    description="whether this queue is durable"
-                    dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-               <metric property="Filter"
-                    displayName="Filter"
-                    description="the filter used by this queue"
-                    dataType="trait" displayType="summary"/>
-               <metric property="MessageCount"
-                    displayName="Message Count"
-                    description="the number of messages currently in this queue"
-                    dataType="measurement" displayType="summary"/>
-               <metric property="ScheduledCount"
-                    displayName="Scheduled Count"
-                    description="the number of scheduled messages in this queue"
-                    dataType="measurement" displayType="summary"/>
-               <metric property="ConsumerCount"
-                    displayName="Consumer Count"
-                    description="the number of consumers consuming messages from this queue"
-                    dataType="measurement" displayType="summary"/>
-               <metric property="DeliveringCount"
-                    displayName="Delivering Count"
-                    description="the number of messages that this queue is currently delivering to its consumers"
-                    dataType="measurement" displayType="summary"/>
-               <metric property="MessagesAdded"
-                    displayName="Messages Added"
-                    description="the number of messages added to this queue since it was created"
-                    dataType="measurement" displayType="summary"/>
-               <resource-configuration>
-                  <c:group name="HornetQCustomProperties" displayName="Advanced">
-                     <c:simple-property name="ExpiryAddress" displayName="Expiry Address"/>
-                     <c:simple-property name="DeadLetterAddress" displayName="Dead Letter Address"/>
-                  </c:group>
-               </resource-configuration>
-            </service>
-         </service>
-      </server>
-     <!-- -->

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