[jboss-cvs] JBossAS SVN: r105436 - projects/docs/enterprise/EWP/trunk/RichFaces/en-US.

jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org
Mon May 31 20:32:38 EDT 2010

Author: misty at redhat.com
Date: 2010-05-31 20:32:38 -0400 (Mon, 31 May 2010)
New Revision: 105436

Fixes for JBPAPP-4374 and general improvement of the list of files created when Maven creates a skin

Modified: projects/docs/enterprise/EWP/trunk/RichFaces/en-US/Architecture_Overview.xml
--- projects/docs/enterprise/EWP/trunk/RichFaces/en-US/Architecture_Overview.xml	2010-06-01 00:25:06 UTC (rev 105435)
+++ projects/docs/enterprise/EWP/trunk/RichFaces/en-US/Architecture_Overview.xml	2010-06-01 00:32:38 UTC (rev 105436)
@@ -2313,7 +2313,7 @@
 		<section id="PlugnSkin" role="new">
 			<para><emphasis>Plug-n-Skin</emphasis> lets you easily create, customize, and plug in a custom skin to your project. You can create skins based on the parameters of predefined RichFaces skins. Plug-n-Skin also lets you unify the appearance of rich controls with standard HTML elements. This section contains step-by-step instructions for creating your own skin with Plug-n-Skin.</para>
-			<para>First, use Maven to create a template for your new skin. (You can find more information about configuring Maven for RichFaces in the <!--#modify add info?--><ulink url="http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/HowToConfigureMavenForRichFaces">JBoss wiki article</ulink>. These Maven instructions can be copied and pasted into the command line interface to execute them.</para>
+			<para>First, use Maven to create a template for your new skin. (You can find more information about configuring Maven for RichFaces in the <!--#modify add info?--><ulink url="http://community.jboss.org/wiki/HowToConfigureMavenForRichFaces">JBoss wiki article</ulink>. These Maven instructions can be copied and pasted into the command line interface to execute them.</para>
 			<programlisting role="XML">...
 mvn archetype:create
@@ -2373,68 +2373,94 @@
 						<varname>createExt</varname> &#8212; if set to <literal>true</literal>, extended CSS classes are added. For more information, please, see <xref linkend="StControlsSkinning" />.</para>
-			<para>Once these operations are complete, the following files and folders should have been created:</para>
-			<itemizedlist>
-				<listitem>
+			<para>Refer to <xref linkend="table-filenames-created-by-mvn_add-skin_command" /> for which files are created by the command.</para>
+			<table id="table-filenames-created-by-mvn_add-skin_command">
+			  <title>Files and Fodlers Created By the <command>mvn cdk:add-skin -Dname=SKIN-NAME -Dpackage=SKIN-PACKAGE</command> Command</title>
+			  <tgroup cols="3">
+			    <thead>
+			      <row>
+				<entry><para>File Name</para></entry>
+				<entry><para>Location</para></entry>
+				<entry><para>Description</para></entry>
+			      </row>
+			    </thead>
+			    <tbody>
+			      <row>
+				 <entry><para><filename>BaseImage.java</filename></para></entry>
+				 <entry><para><filename>\src\main\java\SKIN-PACKAGE\SKIN-NAME\images\</filename></para></entry>
+				 <entry><para>the base class used to store images.</para></entry>
+			      </row>
+			      <row>
+				<entry><para>BaseImageTest.java</para></entry>
+				<entry><para><filename>\src\test\java\SKIN-PACKAGE\SKIN-NAME\images\</filename></para></entry>
+				<entry><para>a test version of a class that stores images.</para></entry>
+			      </row>
+			      <row>
+				<entry><para>XCSS files</para></entry>
+				<entry><para><filename>\src\main\resources\SKIN-PACKAGE\SKIN-NAME\css\</filename></para></entry>
+				<entry><para>define the new look of RichFaces components affected by the new skin.</para></entry>
+			      </row>
+			      <row>
+				<entry><para><filename><replaceable>SKIN-NAME</replaceable>.properties</filename></para></entry>
+				<entry><para><filename>\src\main\resources\SKIN-PACKAGE\SKIN-NAME\css\</filename></para></entry>
+				<entry>
+				  <para>a file that contains the new skin's properties.</para>
+				  <para>The following properties are used to configure the <filename>SKIN-NAME.properties</filename>	file: </para>
+				  <variablelist>
+				    <varlistentry>
+				      <term><varname>baseSkin</varname></term>
+				      <listitem>
+					<para>the name of the skin to be used as a basis for your own skin. The look of the skin you define will be affected by the new style properties. </para>
+				      </listitem>
+				    </varlistentry>
+				    <varlistentry>
+				      <term><varname>generalStyleSheet</varname></term>
+				      <listitem>
+					<para>a path to the style sheet (<filename><replaceable>SKIN-NAME</replaceable>.xcss</filename>) that imports your component's style sheets to be modified by the new skin.</para>
+				      </listitem>
+				    </varlistentry>
+				    <varlistentry>
+				      <term><varname>extendedStyleSheet</varname></term>
+				      <listitem>
+					<para>the path to a style sheet that is used to unify the appearance of RichFaces components and standard HTML controls. For additional information, read <xref linkend="StControlsSkinning" />.</para>
+				      </listitem>
+				    </varlistentry>
+				    <varlistentry>
+				      <term><varname>gradientType</varname></term>
+				      <listitem>
-						<filename>BaseImage.java</filename> &#8212; the base class used to store images. Location: <filename>\src\main\java\SKIN-PACKAGE\SKIN-NAME\images\</filename>
-					</para>
-				</listitem>
-				<listitem>
-					<para>
-						<filename>BaseImageTest.java</filename> &#8212; a test version of a class that stores images. Location: <filename>\src\test\java\SKIN-PACKAGE\SKIN-NAME\images\</filename>
-					</para>
-				</listitem>
-				<listitem>
-					<para>
-						<filename>XCSS files</filename> &#8212; XCSS files define the new look of RichFaces components affected by the new skin. Location:
-						&quot;\src\main\resources\SKIN-PACKAGE\SKIN-NAME\css\&quot;
-					</para>
-				</listitem>
-				<listitem>
-					<para>
-						<filename>SKIN-NAME.properties</filename> &#8212; a file that contains the new skin's properties. Location: <filename>\src\main\resources\SKIN-PACKAGE\SKIN-NAME\css\</filename>
-					</para>
-					<para>The following properties are used to configure the <filename>SKIN-NAME.properties</filename>	file: </para>
-					<itemizedlist>
-						<listitem>
-							<para>
-								<varname>baseSkin</varname> &#8212; the name of the skin to be used as a basis for your own skin. The look of the skin you define will be affected by the new style properties. </para>
-						</listitem>
-						<listitem>
-							<para>
-								<varname>generalStyleSheet</varname> &#8212; a path to the style sheet (<filename>SKIN-NAME.xcss</filename>) that imports your component's style sheets to be modified by the new skin.</para>
-						</listitem>
-						<listitem>
-							<para>
-								<varname>extendedStyleSheet</varname> &#8212; the path to a style sheet that is used to unify the appearance of RichFaces components and standard HTML controls. For additional information, read <xref linkend="StControlsSkinning" />.</para>
-						</listitem>
-						<listitem>
-							<para>
-								<varname>gradientType</varname> &#8212; a predefined property to set the type of gradient applied to the new skin. Possible values are <literal>glass</literal>, <literal>plastic</literal>, <literal>plain</literal>. More information on gradient implementation
-								you can find further in this chapter.</para>
-						</listitem>
-					</itemizedlist>
-				</listitem>
-				<listitem>
-					<para>
-						<filename>SKIN-NAME.xcss</filename> &#8212; an XCSS file that imports the component's XCSS files to be modified by the new skin. Location: <filename>src\main\resources\META-INF\skins</filename>
-					</para>
-				</listitem>
-				<listitem>
-					<para>
-						<literal>XCSS files</literal> &#8212; creates the XCSS files that determine styles for standard controls (<filename>extended_classes.xcss</filename> and <filename>extended.xcss</filename>), if the <varname>createExt</varname> key is set to <literal>true</literal>. Location:
-						<filename>\src\main\resources\SKIN-PACKAGE\SKIN-NAME\css\</filename> </para>
-				</listitem>
-				<listitem>
-					<para>
-						<filename>SKIN-NAME-ext.xcss</filename> &#8212; creates the <filename>SKIN-NAME-ext.xcss</filename> file that imports defining styles for standard controls if <varname>createExt</varname> is set to <literal>true</literal>. Location: <filename>src\main\resources\META-INF\skins</filename>.</para>
-				</listitem>
-				<listitem>
-					<para>
-						<filename>SKIN-NAME-resources.xml</filename> &#8212; contains descriptions of all files listed previously. Location: <filename>src\main\config\resources</filename>.</para>
-				</listitem>
-			</itemizedlist>
+					  a predefined property to set the type of gradient applied to the new skin. Possible values are <literal>glass</literal>, <literal>plastic</literal>, <literal>plain</literal>. More information on gradient implementation
+					you can find further in this chapter.</para>
+				      </listitem>
+				    </varlistentry>
+				  </variablelist>
+				</entry>
+			      </row>
+			      <row>
+				 <entry><para><filename>SKIN-NAME.xcss</filename></para></entry>
+				 <entry><para><filename>src\main\resources\META-INF\skins</filename></para></entry>
+				 <entry><para>an XCSS file that imports the component's XCSS files to be modified by the new skin.</para></entry>
+			      </row>
+			      <row>
+				<entry><para>XCSS files</para></entry>
+				<entry><para><filename>\src\main\resources\SKIN-PACKAGE\SKIN-NAME\css\</filename></para></entry>
+				<entry><para>determine styles for standard controls (<filename>extended_classes.xcss</filename> and <filename>extended.xcss</filename>), if the <varname>createExt</varname> key is set to <literal>true</literal>.</para></entry>
+			      </row>
+			      <row>
+				 <entry><para><filename>SKIN-NAME-ext.xcss</filename></para></entry>
+				 <entry><para><filename>src\main\resources\META-INF\skins</filename>.</para></entry>
+				 <entry><para>imports defining styles for standard controls if <varname>createExt</varname> is set to <literal>true</literal>.</para></entry>
+			      </row>
+			      <row>
+				 <entry><para><filename>SKIN-NAME-resources.xml</filename></para></entry>
+				 <entry><para><filename>src\main\config\resources</filename>.</para></entry>
+				 <entry><para>contains descriptions of all files listed previously.</para></entry>
+			      </row>
+			    </tbody>
+			  </tgroup>
+			</table>
 			<para>You can now start editing the XCSS files located in <filename>\src\main\resources\SKIN-PACKAGE\SKIN-NAME\css\</filename>. Assign new style properties to your selectors (listed in the XCSS files) in either of the following ways:</para>

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