[jboss-cvs] JBossAS SVN: r109534 - tags/CC_JBPAPP_5_1_0_testsuite/testsuite/src/resources/cc.

jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org
Mon Nov 29 07:49:34 EST 2010

Author: pskopek at redhat.com
Date: 2010-11-29 07:49:33 -0500 (Mon, 29 Nov 2010)
New Revision: 109534

Formatting change by amasino from AtSec.
For some reason he was not able to process tabs in between tags.

Modified: tags/CC_JBPAPP_5_1_0_testsuite/testsuite/src/resources/cc/testCaseMapping_2.0.xml
--- tags/CC_JBPAPP_5_1_0_testsuite/testsuite/src/resources/cc/testCaseMapping_2.0.xml	2010-11-29 11:36:52 UTC (rev 109533)
+++ tags/CC_JBPAPP_5_1_0_testsuite/testsuite/src/resources/cc/testCaseMapping_2.0.xml	2010-11-29 12:49:33 UTC (rev 109534)
@@ -1,2322 +1,2322 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-  Test Case Mapping for EAP 5.1 Common Criteria Certification
-  ===========================================================
-  Note: 
-  - TSFi master data can be fund in latest version of CC_Test_Plan_EAP_5.1.pdf in chapter "3.1 TSFI Id Master Data"
+    Test Case Mapping for EAP 5.1 Common Criteria Certification
+    ===========================================================
+    Note: 
+    - TSFi master data can be fund in latest version of CC_Test_Plan_EAP_5.1.pdf in chapter "3.1 TSFI Id Master Data"
 <cc:testCaseMapping xmlns:cc="http://www.redhat.com/CcTsfiMap"
-                 xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
-                 xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.redhat.com/CcTsfiMap ccTsfiMap.xsd"
-  <!-- Standard EAP testsuite to TOE Security Functionality Interface mapping -->
-  <testSuite name="EAP">
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.deployers.web.test.WEBDeploymentUnitTestCase">
-      <desc>Test case to check web deployer works correctly.</desc>
-      <test name="testWEBDeployment">
-        <desc>Test objective: Test if deployed war file created all necessary structures.
-              Expected result: All expected subdeployments of the war file have to be created.    
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.app.web.xml</TSFI>
-      </test>
-    </testCase>
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.SubjectContextUnitTestCase">
-      <desc>Tests of the JACC subject policy context handler state and consistency with the container caller principal, isCallerInRole methods.</desc>
-      <test name="testUserMethodViaServlet">
-        <desc>Test Objective: Test if calling userMethod via servlet has caller principal equal to one we called the method with.
-                              Test if caller has proper roles assigned.
-                              Tests if policy subject contains proper roles.
-                              Tests if run as identity works for subsequent call to session bean. 
-              Expected Result: Run without exceptions and http request finishes with HTTP_OK status. 
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-     </test>
-    </testCase>
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.DeepCopySubjectUnitTestCase">
-      <desc>JBAS-2657: Add option to deep copy the authenticated subject sets
+    xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+    xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.redhat.com/CcTsfiMap ccTsfiMap.xsd"
+    >
-    Testcase that unit tests the cloneability of various JBossSX 
-    Principal/Groups
-    Also does a test of the server side Subject deep copy via a mutable
-    Principal</desc>
-      <test name="testSubjectCloning">
-        <desc>Test Objective: Test the Deep Copy of Subjects by the JaasSecurityManager via a test servlet deployed.
-              Expected Result: Run without exceptions and with proper HTTP result after each of three different calls.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-      </test>
-    </testCase>
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.EJB3SpecUnitTestCase">
-    	<desc>This TestCase validates the security behavior of protected EJB3 beans.</desc>
-    	<test name="testAdministratorMethodAccess">
-    		<desc>
-            Test Objective: Tests accessing protected methods using a client that has the Administrator role.
-                            Test is conducted for stateless and statefull beans.
-            Expected Result: An administrator should have access to all methods but invokeUnavailableMethod (@DennyAll).
-    		</desc>
-    		<TSFI>tsfi.ann.DenyAll</TSFI>
-    		<TSFI>tsfi.ann.PermitAll</TSFI>
-    		<TSFI>tsfi.ann.RolesAllowed</TSFI>
-    		<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.security.security-policies-jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-    	</test>
-    	<test name="testRegularUserMethodAccess">
-    		<desc>
-            Test Objective:  Test accessing regular, administrative and unavailable methods by regular user.
-            Expected Result: A regular user cannot access administrative methods, but can access regular methods.
-    		</desc>
-    		<TSFI>tsfi.ann.DenyAll</TSFI>
-    		<TSFI>tsfi.ann.PermitAll</TSFI>
-    		<TSFI>tsfi.ann.RolesAllowed</TSFI>
-    		<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.security.security-policies-jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-    	</test>
-    	<test name="testGuestMethodAccess">
-    		<desc>
-            Test Objective:  Test accessing regular, administrative and unavailable methods by guest user (not possessing any roles, but authenticated).
-            Expected Result: A guest user should have access to unprotected methods only.
-    		</desc>
-    		<TSFI>tsfi.ann.DenyAll</TSFI>
-    		<TSFI>tsfi.ann.PermitAll</TSFI>
-    		<TSFI>tsfi.ann.RolesAllowed</TSFI>
-    		<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.security.security-policies-jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-    	</test>
-    	<test name="testUnauthenticatedMethodAccess">
-    		<desc>
-            Test Objective:  Test accessing regular, administrative and unavailable methods by unauthenticated user.
-            Expected Result: An unauthenticated user should have access to unprotected methods only.
-    		</desc>
-    		<TSFI>tsfi.ann.DenyAll</TSFI>
-    		<TSFI>tsfi.ann.PermitAll</TSFI>
-    		<TSFI>tsfi.ann.RolesAllowed</TSFI>
-    		<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.security.security-policies-jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-    	</test>
-    	<test name="testRunAsMethodAccess">
-    		<desc>
-            Test Objective: A client associated with a RegularUser role invokes the RunAsSession
-                            the RunAsSession#invokeRunAs() method delegates the call to the DelegateSession using a
-                            @RunAs("Manager") annotation.
-                            DelegateSession#invokeDelegate() requires a role Manager to run. As the client doesn't have the
-                            required role, the call will only succeed if the RunAsSession propagates an identity with the
-                            Manager role using a @RunAs annotation.
-            Expected Result: Method RunAsSession#invokeRunAs() has to return non null principal.
-                             run-as identity should be the default unauthenticated identity configured in the login module
-                             which is in this case "anonymous". 
-    		</desc>
-    		<TSFI>tsfi.ann.RunAs</TSFI>
-    		<TSFI>tsfi.ann.RolesAllowed</TSFI>
-    		<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.security.security-policies-jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-    	</test>
-    	<test name="testDeclareRoles">
-    		<desc>
-            Test Objective:  Test if declared roles using @DeclareRoles are testable programmatically.
-            Expected Result: UserA and UserB have to have exactly same roles as they have configured and missing "!negativeRole".
-    		</desc>
-    		<TSFI>tsfi.ann.DeclareRoles</TSFI>
-    		<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.security.security-policies-jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-    	</test>
-    </testCase>
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.ejb3.jbpapp2473.unit.RunAsUnitTestCase">
-      <desc>Testcase testing various aspects of @RunAS and @RunAsPrincipal annotations.</desc>
-      <test name="testRole1">
-        <desc>
-            Test Objective:  Test if @RunAs("manager") really sets principal with role "manager". 
-            Expected Result: The bean method isCallerInRole has to return true with "manager" as argument.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.ann.SecurityDomain</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.ann.RunAs</TSFI>
-  		<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.security.security-policies-jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testRole2">
-        <desc>
-            Test Objective:  Test if @RunAsPrincipal("jbpapp2473") and @RunAs("manager") really sets principal with role "manager". 
-            Expected Result: The bean method isCallerInRole has to return true with "manager" as argument.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.ann.RunAsPrincipal</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.ann.SecurityDomain</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testRunAsManager">
-        <desc>
-            Test Objective:  Test if @RunAs("manager") really sets principal "anonymouns". 
-            Expected Result: The bean method getCallerPrincipal() has to return "anonymouns" principal.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.ann.RunAs</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.ann.SecurityDomain</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testRunAsPrincipal">
-        <desc>
-            Test Objective:  Test if @RunAsPrincipal("jbpapp2473") and @RunAs("manager") really sets principal "jbpapp2473". 
-            Expected Result: The bean method getCallerPrincipal() has to return "jbpapp2473" principal.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.ann.RunAsPrincipal</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.ann.SecurityDomain</TSFI>
-  		<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.security.security-policies-jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-      </test>
-    </testCase>
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.EJBSpecUnitTestCase">
-      <desc>Test of EJB spec conformace using the security-spec.jar deployment unit. These test the basic role based access model.</desc>
-      <test name="testStatefulCreateCaller">
-        <desc>Test Objective: Test the use of getCallerPrincipal from within the ejbCreate in a stateful session bean.
-              Expected Result: Finish the test without exceptions indicating successful use of getCallerPrincipal. 
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testGetCallerPrincipal">
-        <desc>Test Objective:
-    1. SecureBean returns a non-null principal when getCallerPrincipal
-       is called with a security context and that this is propagated
-       to its Entity bean ref.
+    <!-- Standard EAP testsuite to TOE Security Functionality Interface mapping -->
+    <testSuite name="EAP">
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.deployers.web.test.WEBDeploymentUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>Test case to check web deployer works correctly.</desc>
+            <test name="testWEBDeployment">
+                <desc>Test objective: Test if deployed war file created all necessary structures.
+                    Expected result: All expected subdeployments of the war file have to be created.    
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.web.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.SubjectContextUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>Tests of the JACC subject policy context handler state and consistency with the container caller principal, isCallerInRole methods.</desc>
+            <test name="testUserMethodViaServlet">
+                <desc>Test Objective: Test if calling userMethod via servlet has caller principal equal to one we called the method with.
+                    Test if caller has proper roles assigned.
+                    Tests if policy subject contains proper roles.
+                    Tests if run as identity works for subsequent call to session bean. 
+                    Expected Result: Run without exceptions and http request finishes with HTTP_OK status. 
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.DeepCopySubjectUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>JBAS-2657: Add option to deep copy the authenticated subject sets
+                Testcase that unit tests the cloneability of various JBossSX 
+                Principal/Groups
+                Also does a test of the server side Subject deep copy via a mutable
+                Principal</desc>
+            <test name="testSubjectCloning">
+                <desc>Test Objective: Test the Deep Copy of Subjects by the JaasSecurityManager via a test servlet deployed.
+                    Expected Result: Run without exceptions and with proper HTTP result after each of three different calls.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.EJB3SpecUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>This TestCase validates the security behavior of protected EJB3 beans.</desc>
+            <test name="testAdministratorMethodAccess">
+                <desc>
+                    Test Objective: Tests accessing protected methods using a client that has the Administrator role.
+                    Test is conducted for stateless and statefull beans.
+                    Expected Result: An administrator should have access to all methods but invokeUnavailableMethod (@DennyAll).
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.ann.DenyAll</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.ann.PermitAll</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.ann.RolesAllowed</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.security.security-policies-jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testRegularUserMethodAccess">
+                <desc>
+                    Test Objective:  Test accessing regular, administrative and unavailable methods by regular user.
+                    Expected Result: A regular user cannot access administrative methods, but can access regular methods.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.ann.DenyAll</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.ann.PermitAll</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.ann.RolesAllowed</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.security.security-policies-jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testGuestMethodAccess">
+                <desc>
+                    Test Objective:  Test accessing regular, administrative and unavailable methods by guest user (not possessing any roles, but authenticated).
+                    Expected Result: A guest user should have access to unprotected methods only.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.ann.DenyAll</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.ann.PermitAll</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.ann.RolesAllowed</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.security.security-policies-jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testUnauthenticatedMethodAccess">
+                <desc>
+                    Test Objective:  Test accessing regular, administrative and unavailable methods by unauthenticated user.
+                    Expected Result: An unauthenticated user should have access to unprotected methods only.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.ann.DenyAll</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.ann.PermitAll</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.ann.RolesAllowed</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.security.security-policies-jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testRunAsMethodAccess">
+                <desc>
+                    Test Objective: A client associated with a RegularUser role invokes the RunAsSession
+                    the RunAsSession#invokeRunAs() method delegates the call to the DelegateSession using a
+                    @RunAs("Manager") annotation.
+                    DelegateSession#invokeDelegate() requires a role Manager to run. As the client doesn't have the
+                    required role, the call will only succeed if the RunAsSession propagates an identity with the
+                    Manager role using a @RunAs annotation.
+                    Expected Result: Method RunAsSession#invokeRunAs() has to return non null principal.
+                    run-as identity should be the default unauthenticated identity configured in the login module
+                    which is in this case "anonymous". 
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.ann.RunAs</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.ann.RolesAllowed</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.security.security-policies-jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testDeclareRoles">
+                <desc>
+                    Test Objective:  Test if declared roles using @DeclareRoles are testable programmatically.
+                    Expected Result: UserA and UserB have to have exactly same roles as they have configured and missing "!negativeRole".
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.ann.DeclareRoles</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.security.security-policies-jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.ejb3.jbpapp2473.unit.RunAsUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>Testcase testing various aspects of @RunAS and @RunAsPrincipal annotations.</desc>
+            <test name="testRole1">
+                <desc>
+                    Test Objective:  Test if @RunAs("manager") really sets principal with role "manager". 
+                    Expected Result: The bean method isCallerInRole has to return true with "manager" as argument.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.ann.SecurityDomain</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.ann.RunAs</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.security.security-policies-jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testRole2">
+                <desc>
+                    Test Objective:  Test if @RunAsPrincipal("jbpapp2473") and @RunAs("manager") really sets principal with role "manager". 
+                    Expected Result: The bean method isCallerInRole has to return true with "manager" as argument.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.ann.RunAsPrincipal</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.ann.SecurityDomain</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testRunAsManager">
+                <desc>
+                    Test Objective:  Test if @RunAs("manager") really sets principal "anonymouns". 
+                    Expected Result: The bean method getCallerPrincipal() has to return "anonymouns" principal.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.ann.RunAs</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.ann.SecurityDomain</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testRunAsPrincipal">
+                <desc>
+                    Test Objective:  Test if @RunAsPrincipal("jbpapp2473") and @RunAs("manager") really sets principal "jbpapp2473". 
+                    Expected Result: The bean method getCallerPrincipal() has to return "jbpapp2473" principal.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.ann.RunAsPrincipal</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.ann.SecurityDomain</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.security.security-policies-jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.EJBSpecUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>Test of EJB spec conformace using the security-spec.jar deployment unit. These test the basic role based access model.</desc>
+            <test name="testStatefulCreateCaller">
+                <desc>Test Objective: Test the use of getCallerPrincipal from within the ejbCreate in a stateful session bean.
+                    Expected Result: Finish the test without exceptions indicating successful use of getCallerPrincipal. 
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testGetCallerPrincipal">
+                <desc>Test Objective:
+                    1. SecureBean returns a non-null principal when getCallerPrincipal
+                    is called with a security context and that this is propagated
+                    to its Entity bean ref.
+                    2. UnsecureBean throws an IllegalStateException when getCallerPrincipal
+                    is called without a security context.
+                    Expected Result: 1. Return caller principal which is equal to the one of callee.  
+                    2. Throw RemoteException on unsecured session bean which. 
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testDomainInteraction">
+                <desc>Test Objective: Test that a call interacting with different security domains does not change the roles it had before the call.
+                    Expected Result: Test has to finish without any exception.       
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testPrincipalPropagation">
+                <desc>Test Objective: Test that the calling principal is propagated across bean calls.
+                    Expected Result: Test has to finish without any exception.       
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testMethodAccess">
+                <desc>Test Objective: Test that the echo method is accessible by an Echo
+                    role. Since the noop() method of the StatelessSession
+                    bean was not assigned any permissions it should be unchecked.
+                    Expected Result: Test has to finish without any exception.       
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testDomainMethodAccess">
+                <desc>Test Objective: Test that the echo method is accessible by an Echo
+                    role. Since the excluded() method of the StatelessSession
+                    bean has been placed into the excluded set it should not
+                    accessible by any user. This uses the security domain of the
+                    JaasSecurityDomain service to test its use as an authentication mgr.
+                    Expected Result: Test has to finish without any exception.       
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testMethodAccess2">
+                <desc>Test Objective: Test that the permissions assigned to the stateless session bean:
+                    with ejb-name=org/jboss/test/security/ejb/StatelessSession_test
+                    are read correctly.
+                    Expected Result: Test has to finish without any exception.       
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testLocalMethodAccess">
+                <desc>Test Objective: Test a user with Echo and EchoLocal roles can access the CalleeBean
+                    through its local interface by calling the CallerBean and that a user
+                    with only a EchoLocal cannot call the CallerBean.
+                    Expected Result: Test has to finish without any exception.       
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testUncheckedRemote">
+                <desc>Test Objective: Test access to a bean with a mix of remote interface permissions and unchecked permissions with the unchecked permissions declared first.
+                    Expected Result: Unchecked remote access has to pass without exception and exluded() method call should throw RemoteException. 
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testRemoteUnchecked">
+                <desc>Test Objective: Test access to a bean with a mix of remote interface permissions and unchecked permissions with the unchecked permissions declared last.
+                    Expected Result: Unchecked remote access has to pass without exception and exluded() method call should throw RemoteException. 
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testUnchecked">
+                <desc>Test Objective: Test that a user with a role that has not been assigned any
+                    method permissions in the ejb-jar descriptor is able to access a
+                    method that has been marked as unchecked.
+                    Expected Result: Test has to finish without any exception.       
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testUncheckedWithLogin">
+                <desc>Test Objective: Test that a user with a valid role is able to access a
+                    bean for which all methods have been marked as unchecked.
+                    Expected Result: Test has to finish without any exception.       
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testExcluded">
+                <desc>Test Objective: Test that user scott who has the Echo role is not able to
+                    access the StatelessSession2.excluded method even though
+                    the Echo role has been granted access to all methods of
+                    StatelessSession2 to test that the excluded-list takes
+                    precendence over the method-permissions.
+                    Expected Result: Test has to finish without any exception.       
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testRunAs">
+                <desc>Test Objective: This method tests the following call chains:
+                    1. RunAsStatelessSession.echo() -> PrivateEntity.echo()
+                    2. RunAsStatelessSession.noop() -> RunAsStatelessSession.excluded()
+                    3. RunAsStatelessSession.forward() -> StatelessSession.echo()
+                    Expected Result: 1. Should succeed because the run-as identity of RunAsStatelessSession
+                    is valid for accessing PrivateEntity.
+                    2. Should succeed because the run-as identity of RunAsStatelessSession
+                    is valid for accessing RunAsStatelessSession.excluded().
+                    3. Should fail because the run-as identity of RunAsStatelessSession is not Echo.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testDeepRunAs">
+                <desc>Test Objective: This method tests the following call chain:
+                    Level1CallerBean.callEcho() -> Level2CallerBean.invokeEcho() -> Level3CalleeBean.echo()
+                    The Level1CallerBean uses a run-as of InternalRole and the Level2CallerBean
+                    and Level3CalleeBean are only accessible by InternalRole.
+                    Expected Result: Test has to finished without any exception.
+                    Test makes sure we cannot access Level2CallerBean remotely, therefore the call have to throw an Exception. 
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testRunAsSFSB">
+                <desc>Test Objective: Test RunAs for proper role propagation on stateful session beans. 
+                    Expected Result: Test should finish without any exceptions thrown.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testJBAS1852">
+                <desc>Test Objective: Test the run-as side-effects raised in http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-1852
+                    (Unexpected Principal (Security Identity) Propagation Switch). 
+                    Expected Result: Test has to finish without any exception.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testMDBRunAs">
+                <desc>Test Objective: Test that an MDB with a run-as identity is able to access secure EJBs that require the identity.
+                    Expected Result: Message sent to QueueA has to come through to QueueB with not set to Failed.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testMDBDeepRunAs">
+                <desc>Test Objective: Test that an MDB with a run-as identity is able to access secure EJBs
+                    that require the identity. DeepRunAsMDB -> Level1MDBCallerBean.callEcho() ->
+                    Level2CallerBean.invokeEcho() -> Level3CalleeBean.echo()
+                    The MDB uses a run-as of InternalRole and the Level2CallerBean
+                    and Level3CalleeBean are only accessible by InternalRole.
+                    Expected Result: Message sent to QueueD has to come through to QueueB with not set to Failed.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testRunAsWithRoles">
+                <desc>Test Objective: This method tests that the RunAsWithRolesMDB is assigned multiple roles
+                    within its onMessage so that it can call into the ProjRepository session
+                    bean's methods that required ProjectAdmin, CreateFolder and DeleteFolder roles.
+                    Expected Result: Message sent to QueueD has to come through to QueueB with not set to Failed.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testHandle">
+                <desc>Test Objective: Test the security behavior of handles. To obtain secured bean from a handle that the handle be logged in and not logged in.
+                    Expected Result: Tests has to pass sections when logged in and throw the exception when not logged in.       
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testStatefulHandle">
+                <desc>Test Objective: Test the security behavior of stateful handles. To obtain secured bean
+                    from a handle requires that there be a security context to obtain the ejb.
+                    Expected Result: Tests has to pass sections when logged in and throw the exception when not logged in.       
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testStress">
+                <desc>Test Objective: Stress test declarative security. Using number of threads.
+                    Expected Result: Test has to finish without any exception.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testStressNoJaasCache">
+                <desc>Test Objective: Stress test declarative security with the JAAS cache disabled. Using testStress test.
+                    Expected Result: Test has to finish without any exception.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.LoginContextUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>A JUnit TestCase for the JAAS LoginContext usage.</desc>
+            <test name="testLogin1">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test whether Subject object put to login context is the same after login() method call.
+                    Expected result: Subject obtained by getSubject() call has to point to the same Subject object used while creatig login object. 
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>  
+            <test name="testLogin2">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Creating login context with the same name as login context in previous test (testLogin1).
+                    We want to show that subject returned atfer login is the one used in login lcontext creation
+                    and not the one from testLogin1 test.
+                    Expected result: Subject obtained by getSubject() call has to point to the same Subject object used while creatig login object. 
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>  
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.NamespacePermissionsUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>A JUnit TestCase for the NamespacePermissions and NamespacePermission classes.</desc>
+            <test name="testImplied">
+                <desc>Test objective: Test the NamespacePermissionCollection implies method for various permissions that should be implied by the setup PermissionCollection.
+                    For more detaile see test source code.
+                    Expected result: All PermissionCollection calls to implies has to return value of true.                
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.ann.Permissions</TSFI>
+            </test>  
+            <test name="testNotImplied">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test the NamespacePermissionCollection implies method for various permission that should NOT be implied by the setup PermissionCollection.
+                    For more detaile see test source code.
+                    Expected result: All PermissionCollection calls to implies has to return value of false.                
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.ann.Permissions</TSFI>
+            </test>  
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.PermissionNameUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>A JUnit TestCase for the PermissionNames class.</desc>
+            <test name="testOrdering">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test of correct behaviour of class PermissionNames.
+                    Aspects tested: conversion to string, correct entries creation, comparision.
+                    Expected result: Test assertions has to be fultilled. 
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.ann.Permissions</TSFI>
+            </test>  
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.WebConstraintsUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>Tests of the web declarative security model</desc>
+            <test name="testUnchecked">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test URLs that should require no authentication for any method.
+                    Expected result: All attepmts to call URL has to pass witout any exception. 
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+            </test>  
+            <test name="testGetAccess">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test GETs against URLs that only allows the GET method and required the GetRole role.
+                    Expected result: All calls to GET URLs using GET method should pass OK those using POST method has to generate HTTP_FORBIDDEN.
+                    When chanaged to user without permissions all GET/POST URLs has to generate HTTP_FORBIDDEN.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testExcludedAccess">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test that the excluded paths are not accessible by anyone.
+                    Expected results: All calls to excluded URLs has to generate HTTP_FORBIDDEN.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testPostAccess">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test POSTs against URLs that only allows the POST method and required the PostRole role.
+                    Expected result: All calls to POST URLs using POST method should pass OK those using GET method has to generate HTTP_FORBIDDEN.
+                    When chanaged to user without permissions all GET/POST URLs has to generate HTTP_FORBIDDEN.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.WebResourcePermissionUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>Tests of the JAAC WebResourcePermission</desc>
+            <test name="testCtor2">
+                <desc>Test objective: This is a unit test of WebResourcePermission to make sure it works as expected.
+                    Expected result: All combination of calls and setups has to fultill all assertions.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testImpliesPermission">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test whether WebResourcePermission implies correctly all given usage combinations. 
+                    Expected result: All combination of calls and setups has to fultill all assertions.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testNotImpliesPermission">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test whether WebResourcePermission doesn't implies correctly all given usage combinations. 
+                    Expected result: All combination of calls and setups has to fultill all assertions.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testBestMatch">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test whether WebResourcePermission implies correctly all given permission combinations. 
+                    Expected result: All calls and setups has to fultill all assertions.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testQualifiedMatch">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test whether WebResourcePermission /restricted/not GET is NOT implied. 
+                    Expected result: Assertion has to be fultilled.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testQualifiedPatterns">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test whether all given patterns are prohibited.
+                    Expected result: Test should pass without generating an Exception.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.WebUserDataPermissionUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>Tests of the JAAC WebUserDataPermission</desc>
+            <test name="testCtor2">
+                <desc>Test objective: This is a unit test of WebUserDataPermission to make sure it works as expected.
+                    Expected result: All combination of calls and setups has to fultill all assertions.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testImpliesPermission">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test whether WebUserDataPermission implies correctly all given usage combinations. 
+                    Expected result: All combination of calls and setups has to fultill all assertions.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testNotImpliesPermission">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test whether WebUserDataPermission doesn't implies correctly all given usage combinations. 
+                    Expected result: All combination of calls and setups has to fultill all assertions.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testMatch">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test whether WebUserDataPermission implies correctly all given permission combinations. 
+                    Expected result: All calls and setups has to fultill all assertions.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testQualifiedPatterns">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test whether all given patterns are prohibited.
+                    Expected result: Test should pass without generating an Exception.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase> 
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.auth.AppCallbackHandlerUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>Unit Tests the AppCallbackHandler</desc>
+            <test name="testUserNamePassword">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Make sure that AppCallbackHandlers puts the same username and password values pass to callback data as passed to it. 
+                    Expected result: Data have to match.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testMapCallback">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Make sure that AppCallbackHandlers puts the same data to Map structure as passed to it. 
+                    Expected result: Data have to match.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testByteArrayCallback">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Make sure that AppCallbackHandlers puts the same data to ByteArray structure as passed to it. 
+                    Expected result: Data have to match.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.jmx.test.RMIAdaptorAuthorizationUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>Authorization of the RMI Adaptor
+                Especially tests the usage of the authorization delegate
+                called as org.jboss.jmx.connector.invoker.ExternalizableRolesAuthorization</desc>
+            <test name="testConfigurableRolesAuthorizedAccess">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test that a valid jmx-console domain user can invoke operations through the jmx/invoker/AuthenticatedRMIAdaptor
+                    Expected result: Calls have to pass without any exception.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-users.properties</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-roles.properties</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jmx-invoker-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testUnAuthorizedAccess">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test unauthorized access.
+                    Expected result: Call should generate exception which is caught by the test code.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jmx-invoker-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.jmx.test.RMIAdaptorUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>Tests over the RMIAdaptor</desc>
+            <test name="testMBeanInfoMarshalling">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test that we can iterate and retrieve MBeanInfo for all registered MBeans
+                    Expected result: Test should pass without any exception thrown.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jmx-invoker-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.web.test.ssl.SSLUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>Tests of ssl and CLIENT-CERT auth. No basic auth.</desc>
+            <test name="testHttps">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test that access of the transport constrained
+                    Expected result: Call should pass without any exception thrown. 
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.https</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testHttpsSecurityDomain">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test whether https can pass through unrestricted secure servlet using client cert auth.
+                    Expected result: Test has to pass without any exception.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.https</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.login-config.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.ClientLoginModuleEJBUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>Tests client login module.</desc>
+            <test name="testClientLoginModule">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Call BeanA using jduke/theduke
+                    +-- call BeanB switching idenity using ClientLoginModule
+                    +---- call BeanC switching idenity using ClientLoginModule
+                    validing the expected caller principal with different ejb method permissions
+                    Expected resutl: Assertion to correctenss of return value has to be fulfilled.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.login-config.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.ClientLoginModuleUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>ClientLoginModuleUnitTestCase/SecurityAssociation interaction tests</desc>
+            <test name="testSingleThreaded">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Tests whether server gets correct current principal in single thread.
+                    Expected result: Assertion of returned principal has to be fulfilled.    
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testSingleThreadedRestoreIdentity">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test whether identity of caller is returned back to original status aftert logout in single thread.
+                    Expected result: All assertions has to be fulfilled.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testSingleThreadedRestoreStack">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test whether whole stack of identities are returned back to state before login in single thread.
+                    Expected result: All assertions has to be fulfilled.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.login-config.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testMultiThreaded">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test mutithreaded login using two threads.
+                    Expected result: Test has to pass without any exception.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testMultiThreadedRestoreIdentity">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test whether identity of caller is returned back to original status aftert logout in multiple threads.
+                    Expected result: All assertions has to be fulfilled.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.login-config.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.CustomPrincipalPropagationUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>Test propagation of Custom Principal</desc>
+            <test name="testCustomPrincipalTransmission">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Custom Principal from outside the Application Server VM
+                    Expected result: Prinipal returned from validateCallerPrincipal of remote bean has to be of the same type.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testCustomPrincipalTransmissionInVM">
+                <desc>Test objective:  A web-app has a welcome jsp (called as index.jsp). Inside this jsp, there is a call made out to an ejb.
+                    Expected result: Custom principal has to propagated accross calls and assertion at the and has to pass.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.DynamicLoginConfigServiceUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>Unit tests for the Dynamic Login Config Service</desc>
+            <test name="testAbsoluteLoginConfigURL">
+                <desc>Test objective:  DynamicLoginConfig service fails absolute login-config.xml url.
+                    Expected result: Series of asserions has to be fulfiled.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testAuthConf">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Do not allow Null AuthConfig or login-config.xml
+                    Expected result: Both calls has to generate exception since they are not allowed.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>    
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.EJBPermissionUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>Tests of the JAAC EJB*Permissions</desc>
+            <test name="testCtor1">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Tests of the EJBMethodPermission(String name, String actions).
+                    Expected result: All assertions of call has to pass.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testCtor2">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Tests of EJBMethodPermission(String ejbName, String methodInterface, Method method).
+                    Expected result: All assertions of call has to pass.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testCtor3">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Tests of EJBMethodPermission(String ejbName, String methodName, String methodInterface, String[] methodParams).
+                    Expected result: All assertions of call has to pass.
+                </desc>      
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.JaasSecurityDomainUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>Tests of the JaasSecurityDomain service.</desc>
+            <test name="testTmpFilePassword">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Tests whether pasword returned from service "jboss.security:service=JaasSecurityDomain,domain=testTmpFilePassword" is valid.
+                    Expected result: Password has to be as expexted.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testFilePassword">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Tests whether pasword returned from service "jboss.security:service=JaasSecurityDomain,domain=testFilePassword" is valid.
+                    Expected result: Password has to be as expexted.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testEncodeDecode">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test if encode/decode produces correct results.
+                    Expected result: Both methods has to produce expected results. 
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testEncodeDecode64">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test if encode64/decode64 produces correct results.
+                    Expected result: Both methods has to produce expected results. 
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>    
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.LoginModulesUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>Tests of the LoginModule classes.</desc>
+            <test name="testClientLogin">
+                <desc>Test objectve:  Test correct functioning of client login module with username password handler.
+                    Expected resut: Assertions has to be fulfilled.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testUsernamePassword">
+                <desc>Test objectve:  Test username passwornd and roles associacions.
+                    Expected resut: Assertions has to be fulfilled.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.messaging-roles.properties</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.messaging-users.properties</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testUsernamePasswordHash">
+                <desc>Test objectve:  Test username passwornd and roles associacions using hashed paswords.
+                    Expected resut: Assertions has to be fulfilled.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testUsernamePasswordHashWithDigestCallback">
+                <desc>Test objectve:  Test username passwornd and roles associacions using hashed paswords with digest callback.
+                    Expected resut: Assertions has to be fulfilled.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testUsersRoles">
+                <desc>Test objectve:  Test series usernam/passwornd couples whether they have associated proper roles and not associated certain ones.
+                    Expected resut: Assertions has to be fulfilled.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.roles.properties</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.users.properties</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.messaging-roles.properties</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.messaging-users.properties</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testUsersRolesHash">
+                <desc>Test objectve:  Test series usernam/passwornd couples whether they have associated proper roles and not associated certain ones using hashed passwords.
+                    Expected resut: Assertions has to be fulfilled.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testAnonUsersRoles">
+                <desc>Test objective: Tests whether password handler with null user and password have proper anonymous principal associated.
+                    This pricipal has no roles attached except Roles.
+                    Expected resut: Assertions has to be fulfilled.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testAnon">
+                <desc>Test objective: Tests whether password handler with null user and password have proper anonymous principal associated.
+                    This pricipal has no roles attached except Roles.
+                    Expected resut: Assertions has to be fulfilled.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testNull">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Using "testNull" login context there should be no way to log with null user and password.
+                    Expected result: User cannot log in with null/null username and password.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testIdentity">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test whether login context "testIdentity" contains proper roles and users.
+                    Expected result: All assertions of users and roles has to pass.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testJCACallerIdentity">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test whether login context "testJCACallerIdentity" contains users jduke and jduke2 with expected private credencials. 
+                    Expected result: All assertions of users has to pass.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testJaasSecurityDomainIdentityLoginModule">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test JAAS security identity login module to access principal and his password credencial.
+                    Expected result: Password and username has to to be equal to the ones expected. 
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testSimple">
+                <desc>Test objective:   Tests simple file login module.
+                    Expected result: All assertions of users and roles has to pass.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testJdbc">
+                <desc>Test objective:   Tests DB login module.
+                    Expected result: All assertions of users and roles has to pass.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.db.roles</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.db.users</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testControlFlags">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test control flags of application on login module.
+                    Expected result: All "testControlFlags" has to return SUFFICIENT status. 
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testCertLogin">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Tests whether cert login module works correctly.
+                    Expected result: Subject has to contain principal with name "unit-tests" and proper X509 certificate.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testCertRoles">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Tests proper role assignment to principal named "unit-tests".  
+                    Expected result: The principal has to have all expected roles. 
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>    
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.MissingMethodUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>Tests missing-method-permissions-excluded-mode</desc>
+            <test name="testMissingIsUnchecked">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test that methods without a method-permission behave as unchecked.
+                    Expected result: Test has to pass without any exception.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testMissingIsExcluded">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test that methods without a method-permission behave as excluded.
+                    Expected result: Call to bean.invokeEcho should pass and bean.callEcho should fail.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>    
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.RoleMappingModuleUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>JBAS-3323: Role Mapping Login Module that maps application role to declarative role</desc>
+            <test name="testRoleMappingModule">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test the RoleMappingLoginModule with no option to replace the role.
+                    Expected result: All assertions regardig roles have to pass.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testRoleMappingModuleWithReplace">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test the RoleMappingLoginModule with an option to replace the role.
+                    Expected result: All assertions regardig roles have to pass.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>    
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.SAInheritableThreadLocalUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>Test that the security context thread locals propagate to child threads</desc>
+            <test name="testSecurityContext">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test the expected security context exists via the SecurityAssociation accessors.
+                    Expected result: Subject and principal have to be as expected.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testInheritableThreadLocal">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Validate that a child thread sees its parent.
+                    Expected result: Subject and principal have to be as expected.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>    
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.SAThreadLocalUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>Test that the security context thread locals do NOT propagate to child threads</desc>
+            <test name="testSecurityContext">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test the order of PermissionNames.
+                    Expected result: Subject and principal have to be as expected.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testThreadLocal">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Validate that a thread sees its subject and principal from SecurityAssociation.
+                    Expected result: Subject and principal have to be as expected.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>    
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.SecurityDomainLoginModuleOptionUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>For changes made on JBAS-1477, the security domain name is added to every login
+                module option map by the ApplicationInfo object.  When TRACE logging is enable,
+                a login module will then display this option value for trouble shooting.  The
+                first part of test, displays how the security domain option is properly set
+                in a security domain that exists in Configuration.  The second test shows
+                how the "other" security domain is displayed when the original domain does not
+                exist in Configuration.</desc>
+            <test name="testSecurityDomainLoginModuleOption">
+                <desc>Test objective:  The security domain name is added to every login module option map by the ApplicationInfo object.  When TRACE logging is enable,
+                    a login module will then display this option value for trouble shooting.  The
+                    first part of test, displays how the security domain option is properly set
+                    in a security domain that exists in Configuration. The second test shows
+                    how the "other" security domain is displayed when the original domain does not
+                    exist in Configuration.
+                    Expected result: Security domain option should be equal to SecurityConstants.DEFAULT_APPLICATION_POLICY. 
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>    
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.SecurityMgrStressTestCase">
+            <desc>Stress testing of the JaasSecurityManager</desc>
+            <test name="testMTAuthentication">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test concurrent access to the isValid and doesUserHaveRole securitymgr methods.
+                    Expected result: All threads have to finish without an exception.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>    
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.SecurityProxyUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>Tests of the EJB security proxy.</desc>
+            <test name="testMethodAccess">
+                <desc>Test objective: Test that the echo method is accessible by an Echo
+                    role. Since the noop() method of the StatelessSession
+                    bean was not assigned any permissions it should not be
+                    accessible by any user.
+                    Expected result: Calls to bean methods should fail on all occurences.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>    
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.XMLLoginModulesUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>Tests of the LoginModule classes using the XMLLoginConfigImpl implementation of the JAAS login module configuration.</desc>
+            <test name="testGargantusRealm">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test the correct functioning of XML login module.
+                    Expected result: Principal, username, password and managedConnectionFactoryName have to be as expected by setup.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testPropertyReplacement">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test whether property replacement works fine.
+                    Expected result: Properties should have values as expected by setup.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testPBEIdentityLoginModule">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test whether PBEIdentityLoginModule works fine. 
+                    Expected result: All assertions have to be fulfilled.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testPBEIdentityLoginModuleTmpFilePassword">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test whether the login module can use tmp password file.
+                    Expected result: Returned username and password have to be as expected.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testXMLLoginModule">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test whether XMLIdentityLoginModule works fine. 
+                    Expected result: All assertions have to be fulfilled.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>  
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.web.test.WebIntegrationUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>Tests of servlet container integration into the JBoss server. This test
+                requires than a web container be integrated into the JBoss server. The tests
+                currently do NOT use the java.net.HttpURLConnection and associated http client
+                and  these do not return valid HTTP error codes so if a failure occurs it
+                is best to connect the webserver using a browser to look for additional error
+                info.
+                The secure access tests require a user named 'jduke' with a password of 'theduke'
+                with a role of 'AuthorizedUser' in the servlet container.</desc>
+            <test name="testClientLoginServlet">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Access the http://{host}/jbosstest/ClientLoginServlet
+                    Expected result: URL has to be accessible (pass without exception).
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testUserInRoleServlet">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Access the http://{host}/jbosstest/restricted/UserInRoleServlet to test isUserInRole.
+                    Expected result: URL has to be accessible (pass without exception).
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.login-config.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testSecureServlet">
+                <desc>Test objective: Access the http://{host}/jbosstest/restricted/SecureServlet
+                    Expected result: URL has to be accessible (pass without exception).
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.login-config.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testSecureServlet2">
+                <desc>Test objective: Access the http://{host}/jbosstest/restricted2/SecureServlet.
+                    Expected result: URL has to be accessible (pass without exception).
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.login-config.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testSubjectServlet">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Access the http://{host}/jbosstest/restricted/SubjectServlet.
+                    Expected result: URL has to be accessible (pass without exception).
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.login-config.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testSecureServletAndUnsecureAccess">
+                <desc>Test objecive:  Access the http://{host}/jbosstest/restricted/SecureServlet
+                    Expected result: URL has to be accessible (pass without exception).
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testSecureServletWithBadPass">
+                <desc>Access the http://{host}/jbosstest/restricted/SecureServlet
+                    Expected result: URL cannot be accessible.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.login-config.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testSecureServletWithNoLogin">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Access the http://{host}/jbosstest/restricted/SecureServlet
+                    Expected result: URL cannot be accessible.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testNotJbosstest">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Access the http://{host}/jbosstest-not/unrestricted/SecureServlet
+                    Expected result: URL has to be accessible (pass without exception).
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testSecuredEntityFacadeServlet">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Access the http://{host}/jbosstest/restricted/SecuredEntityFacadeServlet
+                    Expected result: URL has to be accessible (pass without exception).
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testSecureEJBAccess">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Access the http://{host}/jbosstest/restricted/SecureEJBAccess
+                    Expected result: URL has to be accessible (pass without exception).
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testIncludeEJB">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Access the http://{host}/jbosstest/restricted/include_ejb.jsp
+                    Expected result: URL has to be accessible (pass without exception).
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.login-config.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testUnsecureEJBAccess">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Access the http://{host}/jbosstest/UnsecureEJBAccess with method=echo
+                    to test that an unsecured servlet cannot access a secured EJB method
+                    that requires a valid permission.
+                    Expected result: URL cannot be accessible. This should fail.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testUnsecureAnonEJBAccess">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Access the http://{host}/jbosstest/UnsecureEJBAccess with method=unchecked
+                    to test that an unsecured servlet can access a secured EJB method that
+                    only requires an authenticated user. This requires unauthenticated
+                    identity support by the web security domain.
+                    Expected result: URL has to be accessible (pass without exception).
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testUnsecureRunAsServlet">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Access the baseURLNoAuth+"jbosstest/UnsecureEJBAccess?method=echo"
+                    Expected result: URL has to be accessible (pass without exception).
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testUnsecureRunAsServletWithPrincipalName">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Access the http://{host}/jbosstest/UnsecureRunAsServletWithPrincipalName
+                    to test that an unsecured servlet can access a secured EJB method by using
+                    a run-as role. This should also have a custom run-as principal name.
+                    Expected result: URL has to be accessible (pass without exception).
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testUnsecureRunAsServletWithPrincipalNameAndRoles">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Access the http://{host}/jbosstest/UnsecureRunAsServletWithPrincipalNameAndRoles
+                    to test that an unsecured servlet can access a secured EJB method by using
+                    a run-as role. This should also have a custom run-as principal name and
+                    additional roles.
+                    Expected result: URL has to be accessible (pass without exception).
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testNotJbosstest2">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Deploy a second ear that include a notjbosstest-web.war to test ears
+                    with the same war names conflicting.
+                    Access the http://{host}/jbosstest-not2/unrestricted/SecureServlet
+                    Expected result: URL has to be accessible (pass without exception).
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testUnauthorizedAccess">
+                <desc>Test objective:  JBAS-3279: Authenticated user can bypass declarative role checks for servlets
+                    Expected result: Users cannot bypass the role checks. 
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>    
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.web.security.CustomHeaderAuthTestCase">
+            <desc>JBAS-2283: Custom Header based authentication</desc>
+            <test name="testRegularFormAuth">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Ensure that in the absence of headers, there is regular form based authentication.
+                    Expected result: Test should pass without any exception.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>     
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.web.test.ssl.ClientCertJaspiWebUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>Tests the CLIENT-CERT JASPI integration.
+            </desc>
+            <test name="ClientCertJaspiWebUnitTestCase">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test if one can access servlet secured using org.jboss.security.auth.spi.BaseCertLoginModule.
+                    Expected result: Https response while opening page has to be HTTP_OK.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.keystore.usercerts</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.pooled.test.BeanStressTestCase">
+            <desc>Stress tests for pooled invoker</desc>
+            <test name="testNewProxy">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test creates number of threads to invoke operation on EJB using pooled invoker through new proxy mechanism. 
+                    Expected result: No exceptions during the test.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.pooled</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testOldProxy">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test creates number of threads to invoke operation on EJB using pooled invoker through old proxy mechanism. 
+                    Expected result: No exceptions during the test.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.pooled</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.web.test.FormAuthUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>Tests of form authentication</desc>
+            <test name="testFormAuth">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test form authentication of a secured servlet.
+                    Expected result: Access the resuorce with proper login. 
+                    Access the resource without attempting a login to validate that the
+                    session is valid and that any caching on the server is working as expected.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.jboss.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.juddi.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.juddi.web.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testFormAuthException">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test that a bad login is redirected to the errors.jsp and that the
+                    session j_exception is not null.
+                    Expected result: All assertions on returned content have to pass.                
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.jboss.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.juddi.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.juddi.web.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testFormAuthSubject">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test form authentication of a secured servlet and validate that there is
+                    a SecurityAssociation setting Subject. 
+                    Expected result: All assertions on returned content have to pass.                
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.jboss.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.juddi.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.juddi.web.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testPostDataFormAuth">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test that a post from an unsecured form to a secured servlet does not
+                    loose its data during the redirct to the form login.
+                    Expected result: All assertions on returned content have to pass.                
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.jboss.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.juddi.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.juddi.web.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testFlushOnSessionInvalidation">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test that the war which use &lt;security-domain flushOnSessionInvalidation="true"&gt;
+                    in the jboss-web.xml does not have any jaas security domain cache entries
+                    after the web session has been invalidated.
+                    Expected result: All assertions have to pass to ensure there are not leftovers.                
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.jboss.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.juddi.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.juddi.web.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>    
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.web.test.SingleSignOnUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>Tests of web app single sign-on</desc>
+            <test name="testFormAuthSingleSignOn">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test single sign-on across two web apps using form based auth.
+                    Expected result: All assertions have to pass.                
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testNoAuthSingleSignOn">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test single sign-on across two web apps using form based auth
+                    Expected result: All assertions have to pass.                
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>    
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.web.test.UserInRoleUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>Tests of the servlet request isUserInRole call.</desc>
+            <test name="testRoleWithLink">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Access to baseURL+"userinrole/testRoleWithLink"
+                    Expected result: URL has to be accessible (pass without exception).
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testRoleWithoutLink">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Access to baseURL+"userinrole/testUnreferencedRole"
+                    Expected result: URL has to be accessible (pass without exception).
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testConflictingUserInRole">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test that two wars from different security domains with common principal
+                    names do not conflict in terms of isUserInRole results.
+                    This is the non-jacc version where the programmatic security of isUserInRole
+                    will work off of the roles populated in the subject, irrespective of whether
+                    the roles are fully defined in the web.xml
+                    Expected result: All assertions on returned content have to pass.                
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testConflictingUserInRoleJaccVersion">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test that two wars from different security domains with common principal
+                    names do not conflict in terms of isUserInRole results.
+                    This is the jacc version where the programmatic security of isUserInRole
+                    will work only of the roles are fully defined in the web.xml
+                    Expected result: All assertions on returned content have to pass.                
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>    
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.web.test.WebProgrammaticLoginTestCase">
+            <desc>JBAS-4077: Web Programmatic Login </desc>
+            <test name="testUnsuccessfulLogin">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test unsuccessful login
+                    Expected result: All assertions on access allowed/denied have to pass.                
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testSuccessfulLogin">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test Successful programmatic login in a servlet
+                    Expected result: All assertions on access allowed/denied have to pass.                
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>    
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.jmx.test.SecureRMIAdaptorUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>Tests for a secured deployment of the jmx invoker adaptor</desc>
+            <test name="testAuthenticatedAccess">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test that a valid jmx-console domain user can invoke operations
+                    through the jmx/invoker/AuthenticatedRMIAdaptor.
+                    Expected result: Test has to pass without exception which means access was granted.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-users.properties</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-roles.properties</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testUnauthenticatedAccess">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test that a valid jmx-console domain user can NOT invoke operations
+                    through the jmx/invoker/AuthenticatedRMIAdaptor
+                    Expected result: Call to getAttribute should fail and exception has to be caught.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-users.properties</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-roles.properties</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testAuthorizedAccess">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test that a valid jmx-console domain user can invoke operations
+                    through the jmx/invoker/AuthenticatedRMIAdaptor.
+                    Expected result: Test has to pass without exception which means authorization to call operations was granted.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-users.properties</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-roles.properties</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testUnauthorizedAccess">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test that a valid jmx-console domain user can NOT invoke operations
+                    through the jmx/invoker/AuthenticatedRMIAdaptor
+                    Expected result: Call to getAttribute should fail and exception has to be caught.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-users.properties</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-roles.properties</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>    
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.rmi.test.RMIOverHttpsTestCase">
+            <desc>Tests whether server can handle RMI over HTTPS calls to EJB3.</desc>
+            <test name="testCallingEJB3OverHttps">
+                <desc>Test objective:  To test calls to EJB3 over HTTPS transport protocol.
+                    Expected resutl: Test has to pass without any exception. Which means all calls return expected values.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.https</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.hi.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.hi.web.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testCallingEJB3OverHttp">
+                <desc>Test objective:  To test calls to EJB3 over HTTP transport protocol.
+                    Expected resutl: Test has to pass without any exception. Which means all calls return expected values.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.http</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.hi.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.hi.web.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.naming.test.SecurityUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>Tests of secured access to the JNDI naming service. This testsuite will be run with the standard security resources available via the classpath.</desc>
+            <test name="testSecureHttpInvokerFailure">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test access to the security http InitialContext without a login.
+                    Expected result: "jmx" shoudn't have to be able to lookup.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testSecureHttpInvoker">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test access to the JNDI naming service over a restricted http URL.
+                    Expected result: Test has to pass without exception and after logout principal has to be equal to null. 
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testHttpReadonlyLookup">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test access of the readonly context without a login.
+                    Expected result: Lookup to readonly data has to be possible, but attaching data into readonly subtree is denied.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testHttpReadonlyContextLookup">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test access of the readonly context without a login.
+                    Expected result: Readonly stuff has to be accessed, but not bindable. Context not under readonly should not be accessed.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.http</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>    
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.aop.test.SecurityUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>Testcase for annotated and XML specified security aspects.</desc>
+            <test name="testAnnotated">
+                <desc>Test objective:  Test all annotated aspects.
+                    Expected result: All AOP tests has to finish without exception.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.ann.Permissions</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.ann.Unchecked</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.ann.Exclude</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.jbossts.ASCrashRecovery01.TestWithJPA">
+            <desc>Test case simulating error in connection an leaving open transactions in database.
+                As a next step is resolving them after succesful start of the server.
+            </desc>
+            <test name="testAction">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective: Test case simulating error in connection an leaving open transactions in database.     
+                    Expected result: Successful resolving opend transactions and server start.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.api.jta</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.ann.TransactionAttribute</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.ann.TransactionManagement</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.jbossts-properties.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.tm.test.TxTimeoutAnnotUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>Tests for transaction timeout annotation EJB3 version of TxTimeoutUnitTestCase.</desc>
+            <test name="testOverriddenTimeoutExpires">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Tests if @TransactionTimeout expires system sends EJBTransactionRolledbackException and transaction is rolled back. 
+                    Expected result: EJBTransactionRolledbackException has to be caught. 
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.ann.TransactionTimeout</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.jbossts-properties.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testOverriddenTimeoutDoesNotExpire">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective: Tests whether @TransactionTimeout expires greater that wait time of doesn't make transaction to roll back or stay in different status that STATUS_ACTIVE. 
+                    Expected result: Transaction has to stay in STATUS_ACTIVE. 
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.ann.TransactionTimeout</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.jbossts-properties.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.invokers.test.MultiInvokersUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>Test use of multiple invokers per container</desc>
+            <test name="testMultiInvokers">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective: Test whether entity bean is reachable through different invokers.  
+                    Expected result: Entity returned must be identical in both invokers.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.unifiedInvoker</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testClientContainer">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective: Use the IClientContainer view of the proxy to install a custom
+                    InvokerInterceptor which routes requests to either the server side
+                    selected transport for the BusinessSession, or an mdb depending
+                    on the method invoked.
+                    Expected result: Test should finish without an exception and JMS transport invoker should decorate result with specific string.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.unifiedInvoker</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.cluster.defaultcfg.test.HAInvokerUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>Clustered HA invoker test case.</desc>
+            <test name="testJRMPHAProxyFailover">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective: Failover test after undeploying from one cluster node.
+                    Expected result: After reconfigure we should have deployment still available. No unexpected exceptions during test run.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmpha</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.ws.jaxws.ejb3Integration.injection.InjectionTestCase">
+            <desc>Tests support for @EJB annotations in WS components</desc>
+            <test name="testEjb3Endpoint">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Tests injection of EJB to component on EJB3 endpoint.
+                    Expected result: Call has to return expected string combined with injected comp. call.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.ann.WebContext</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.api.jaxws</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testPojoEndpoint">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Tests injection of EJB to component on POJO endpoint.
+                    Expected result: Call has to return expected string combined with injected comp. call.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.ann.WebContext</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.api.jaxws</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.audit.test.SecurityAuditTestCase">
+            <desc>This test case starts predefined configuration with audit logging enabled and asserts 
+                audit logfile for messages to see if successful audit.</desc>
+            <test name="testServerStartupAndShutdownAuditMessage">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective: Tests if after successful startup and shutdown of server, audit log contains proper entries. 
+                    Expected result: Audit log has to contain proper messages indicating startup and shutdown of the server.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cmd.start</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cmd.stop</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.jboss-log4j.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.authorization.secured.HttpRequestJmxAuthenticationUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>Test verifies that there is no jmx-console security baypass in secured profiles.</desc>
+            <test name="testGet">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to jmx-console via HTTP PUT possible. 
+                    Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jmx-console.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jmx-console.web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-users.properties</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-roles.properties</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testPost">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to jmx-console via HTTP POST possible. 
+                    Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jmx-console.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jmx-console.web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-users.properties</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-roles.properties</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testHead">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to jmx-console via HTTP HEAD possible. 
+                    Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jmx-console.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jmx-console.web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-users.properties</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-roles.properties</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testOptions">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to jmx-console via HTTP OPTIONS possible. 
+                    Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jmx-console.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jmx-console.web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-users.properties</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-roles.properties</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testPut">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to jmx-console via HTTP PUT possible. 
+                    Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jmx-console.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jmx-console.web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-users.properties</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-roles.properties</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testDelete">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to jmx-console via HTTP DELETE possible. 
+                    Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jmx-console.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jmx-console.web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-users.properties</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-roles.properties</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testTrace">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to jmx-console via HTTP TRACE possible. 
+                    Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jmx-console.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jmx-console.web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-users.properties</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-roles.properties</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.authorization.secured.HttpRequestJBossWSAuthenticationUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>Test verifies that there is no jbossws console security baypass in secured profiles.</desc>
+            <test name="testGet">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to jbossws console via HTTP GET possible. 
+                    Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jbossws-management.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jbossws-management.web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jbossws-users.properties</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jbossws-roles.properties</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testPost">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to jbossws console via HTTP POST possible. 
+                    Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jbossws-management.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jbossws-management.web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jbossws-users.properties</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jbossws-roles.properties</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testHead">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to jbossws console via HTTP HEAD possible. 
+                    Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jbossws-management.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jbossws-management.web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jbossws-users.properties</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jbossws-roles.properties</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testOptions">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to jbossws console via HTTP OPTIONS possible. 
+                    Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jbossws-management.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jbossws-management.web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jbossws-users.properties</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jbossws-roles.properties</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testPut">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to jbossws console via HTTP PUT possible. 
+                    Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jbossws-management.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jbossws-management.web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jbossws-users.properties</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jbossws-roles.properties</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testDelete">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to jbossws console via HTTP DELETE possible. 
+                    Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jbossws-management.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jbossws-management.web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jbossws-users.properties</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jbossws-roles.properties</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testTrace">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to jbossws console via HTTP TRACE possible. 
+                    Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jbossws-management.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jbossws-management.web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jbossws-users.properties</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jbossws-roles.properties</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.authorization.secured.HttpRequestStatusServletAuthenticationUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>Test verifies that there is no http connector status servlet security baypass in secured profiles.</desc>
+            <test name="testGet">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to http connector status servlet via HTTP GET possible. 
+                    Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.web.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testPost">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to http connector status servlet via HTTP POST possible. 
+                    Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.web.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testHead">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to http connector status servlet via HTTP HEAD possible. 
+                    Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.web.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testOptions">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to http connector status servlet via HTTP OPTIONS possible. 
+                    Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.web.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testPut">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to http connector status servlet via HTTP PUT possible. 
+                    Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.web.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testDelete">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to http connector status servlet via HTTP DELETE possible. 
+                    Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.web.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testTrace">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to http connector status servlet via HTTP TRACE possible. 
+                    Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.web.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.authorization.secured.HttpRequestAdminConsoleAuthenticationUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>Test verifies that there is no admin console security baypass in secured profiles.</desc>
+            <test name="testGet">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to admin console via HTTP GET possible. 
+                    Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.admin.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.admin.web.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testPost">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to admin console via HTTP POST possible. 
+                    Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.admin.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.admin.web.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testHead">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to admin console via HTTP HEAD possible. 
+                    Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.admin.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.admin.web.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testOptions">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to admin console via HTTP OPTIONS possible. 
+                    Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.admin.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.admin.web.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testPut">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to admin console via HTTP PUT possible. 
+                    Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.admin.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.admin.web.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testDelete">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to admin console via HTTP DELETE possible. 
+                    Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.admin.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.admin.web.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testTrace">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to admin console via HTTP TRACE possible. 
+                    Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.admin.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.admin.web.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.ann.clustered.test.Ejb3ClusteredAnnTestCase">
+            <desc>Tests if bean marked with @Clustered annotation is able to failover to different node in clustered environment.</desc>
+            <test name="testAppSetup">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Tests whether app is setup and deployed correctly.   
+                    Expected result:Test application should be retrievable and work fine. 
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.ann.Clustered</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.cluster.hapartition-jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testOneNodeFail">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Tests if counting half of cycles on one node and the other half on node which has left after 
+                    one node undeploy returns expected number of increments.   
+                    Expected result: Final number returned by bean (after one node undeploy) should be the same like counting on one node. 
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.ann.Clustered</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.cluster.hapartition-jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.jbossmessaging.test.SecurityUnitTestCase">
+            <desc>Test of security features in JMS providers</desc>
+            <test name="testLoginTest">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Tests if properly logged user can send messages to topic.      
+                    Expected result: Amount of sent messages has to be the same like amount of received messages. 
+                    Publisher has to publish specified mount of messsages.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testLoginNoCred">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Topic worker should be able to connect without credentials.     
+                    Expected result: No exception thrown during the connect. 
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testLoginValidCred">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Topic worker should be able to connect with valid credentials.   
+                    Expected result: No exception thrown during the connect. 
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testLoginInvalidPwd">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Topic worker should not be able to connect without valid password.   
+                    Expected result: Proper exception has to thrown the connect. 
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testLoginInvalidCred">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Topic worker should not be able to connect without valid credentials.   
+                    Expected result: Proper exception has to thrown the connect. 
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testClientIDPreconfTest">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Tests if client gets preconfigured client id.   
+                    Expected result: Has to be set preconfigured client id, exactly.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testClientIDSetTest">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Tests if connection object receives client id from the client.   
+                    Expected result: Connection object has to return the same client id as the one set via client.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testClientIDSetAfterInvoke">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Tests if connection object receives client id from the client after publishing message to topic.   
+                    Expected result: Setting client id after publish is not allowed. Proper exception has to be thrown.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testAuzValidTopicPublisher">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test to check valid authorization to publish to topic.      
+                    Expected result: User has to be able to publish to the topic.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testAuzValidTopicPublisherTransaction">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test to check valid authorization to publish to transacted topic.      
+                    Expected result: User has to be able to publish to the topic.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testAuzInvalidTopicPublisher">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test to check that user with invalid authorization can publish to topic.      
+                    Expected result: User has not to be able to publish to the topic. Proper exception has to be thrown
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testAuzInvalidTopicPublisherTransaction">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test to check that user with invalid authorization can publish to transacted topic.      
+                    Expected result: User has not to be able to publish to the topic. Proper exception has to be thrown
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testAuzValidTopicSubscriber">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test to check that user with valid authorization can subscribe to a topic.      
+                    Expected result: User has to be able to subscribe to the topic and receive message.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testAuzValidTopicSubscriberTransaction">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test to check that user with valid authorization can subscribe to a transacted topic.      
+                    Expected result: User has to be able to subscribe to the topic and receive message.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testAuzInvalidTopicSubscriber">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test to check that user without valid authorization can subscribe to a topic.      
+                    Expected result: User has not to be able to subscribe to the topic and receive message. Proper exception has to be thrown.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testAuzInvalidTopicSubscriberTransaction">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test to check that user without valid authorization can subscribe to a transacted topic.      
+                    Expected result: User has not to be able to subscribe to the topic and receive message. Proper exception has to be thrown.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testAuzValidQueueSender">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test to check valid authorization to publish to queue.      
+                    Expected result: User has to be able to publish to the queue.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testAuzValidQueueSenderTransaction">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test to check valid authorization to publish to transacted queue.      
+                    Expected result: User has to be able to publish to the queue.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testAuzInvalidQueueSender">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test to check that user with invalid authorization can publish to queue.      
+                    Expected result: User has not to be able to publish to the queue. Proper exception has to be thrown.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testAuzInvalidQueueSenderTransaction">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test to check that user with invalid authorization can publish to transacted queue.      
+                    Expected result: User has not to be able to publish to the queue. Proper exception has to be thrown.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testAuzValidQueueReceiver">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test to check that user with valid authorization can subscribe to a queue and receive a message.      
+                    Expected result: User has to be able to subscribe to the queue and receive a message.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testAuzValidQueueReceiverTransaction">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test to check that user with valid authorization can subscribe to a transacted queue and receive a message.      
+                    Expected result: User has to be able to subscribe to the queue and receive a message.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testAuzInvalidQueueReceiver">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test to check that user without valid authorization can subscribe to a queue and receive a message.      
+                    Expected result: User has not to be able to subscribe to the queue and receive a message.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testAuzInvalidQueueReceiverTransaction">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test to check that user without valid authorization can subscribe to a transacted queue and receive a message.      
+                    Expected result: User has not to be able to subscribe to the queue and receive a message.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testAuzValidQueueBrowser">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test to check that user with valid authorization can browse a queue.      
+                    Expected result: User has to be able to browse the queue.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testAuzInvalidQueueBrowser">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test to check that user without valid authorization can browse a queue.      
+                    Expected result: User has not to be able to browse the queue.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testValidPreconfDurSub">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test to check that user with valid authorization can durrably subscribe to preconfigured topic and receive a message.      
+                    Expected result: User has to be able to subscribe to the topic and receive a message.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testInvalidPreconfDurSub">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test to check that user without valid authorization can durrably subscribe to preconfigured topic and receive a message.      
+                    Expected result: User has not to be able to subscribe to the topic and receive a message.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testValidDynDurSub">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test to check that user with valid authorization can durrably subscribe to dynamic topic and receive a message.      
+                    Expected result: User has to be able to subscribe to the topic and receive a message.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testInvalidDynDurSub">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test to check that user without valid authorization can durrably subscribe to dynamic topic and receive a message.      
+                    Expected result: User has to be able to subscribe to the topic and receive a message.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.jbossmessaging.test.Jms11UnitTest">
+            <desc>Basic tests using the jms 1.1 producer/consumer APIs.</desc>
+            <test name="testQueueMessageOrder">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test that messages are ordered by message arrival and priority.
+                    This also tests :
+                    Using a non-transacted AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE session
+                    Using a MessageConsumer
+                    Using a QueueSender
+                    Sending PERSITENT and NON_PERSISTENT text messages.
+                    Using a QueueBrowser
+                    Expected result: No exceptions thrown. 
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testTemporaryQueueDelete">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test that temporary queues can be deleted.   
+                    Expected result: No exceptions thrown. 
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testTemporaryTopicDelete">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test that temporary topics can be deleted.   
+                    Expected result: No exceptions thrown. 
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testInvalidDestinationQueueBrowse">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test invalid destination trying to browse a message.   
+                    Expected result: InvalidDestinationException has to be thrown while trying to browse queue.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testErrorsTopicSubscribe">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test errors trying on topic subscribe.   
+                    Expected result: Proper exceptions have to be thrown (InvalidDestinationException). 
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testCreateQueue">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test create queue.   
+                    Expected result: Queue created, no exceptions thrown. 
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testMessageListener">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Testing message listener in different modes.   
+                    Expected result: No exceptions thrown. 
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testApplicationServerStuff">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Testing message listener on application server in different modes.  
+                    Expected result: No exceptions thrown. 
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testTopics">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Testing various aspects of topic pub/sub mechanism.  
+                    Expected result: No exceptions thrown. 
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testTopicNoLocal">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test to see if the NoLocal feature of topics works.
+                    Expected result: Messages sent from the same connection should not
+                    be received by Subscribers on the same connection.  
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testTopicNoLocalBounce">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test to see whether no local works if a message was created somewhere else.
+                    Expected result: No local subscriber should not receive the message, but local should. 
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testTopicSelectorChange">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test subscribing to a topic with one selector, then changing to another.  
+                    Expected result: Test subscriber with message selector for property A will receive 2 messages
+                    sent later, but not acknowledged.
+                    Then receives two messages with message property B set, but no A.
+                    Later sender sends anothe two messages with prop. A and newly established receiver
+                    with selector for prop A will receive 4 messages with A property set. 
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testTopicSelectorNullOrEmpty">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test subscribing to a topic with a null and empty selector  
+                    Expected result: Subscribers with null and empty selector have to be able receive messages.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testSendReceiveOutdated">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test sending/receiving an outdated message.
+                    Expected result: Receiver should receive only one message (the one which didn't expire).
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testSendReceiveExpired">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test receiving message with JMSExpiration and persistent delivery mode is delivered regardless of JMSExpiration. 
+                    Expected result: The message has to be received. 
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testSendListenOutdated">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test sending/listening an outdated message.
+                    Expected result: After sending one outdated and one non-outdated message listener will receive only one message (non-outdated).
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.webservice.endpoint.EndpointTestCase">
+            <desc>Test JAXWS Endpoint deployment</desc>
+            <test name="testWSDLAccess">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test whether deployment of WS endpoint has wsdl accessible via http://" + getServerHost() + ":8080/jaxws-endpoint?wsdl.  
+                    Expected result: Has to return non-null wsdl document.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.api.jaxws</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testClientAccess">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test whether client has access to deployed web service.  
+                    Expected result: Client has to receive expected string from endpoint.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.api.jaxws</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testServletAccess">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test whether one can access endpoint as servlet. 
+                    Expected result: Resulting http respose contains expected string.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.api.jaxws</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.webservice.admindevel.ExampleTestCase">
+            <desc>A test for the examples from the JBoss Admin Devel book</desc>
+            <test name="testHelloString">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test if call to endpoint method returns proper string.   
+                    Expected result: Expected string has to be returned.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.api.ws</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testHelloBean">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test whether webservice can be access using data bean.   
+                    Expected result: Data bean has to contain proper result string.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.api.ws</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testHelloArray">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test whether webservice can be access using array query with mutiple data objects.  
+                    Expected result: All objects have to return expected message from webservice.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.api.ws</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>
+    </testSuite>
-    2. UnsecureBean throws an IllegalStateException when getCallerPrincipal
-       is called without a security context.
-              Expected Result: 1. Return caller principal which is equal to the one of callee.  
-                               2. Throw RemoteException on unsecured session bean which. 
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testDomainInteraction">
-        <desc>Test Objective: Test that a call interacting with different security domains does not change the roles it had before the call.
-              Expected Result: Test has to finish without any exception.       
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testPrincipalPropagation">
-        <desc>Test Objective: Test that the calling principal is propagated across bean calls.
-              Expected Result: Test has to finish without any exception.       
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testMethodAccess">
-        <desc>Test Objective: Test that the echo method is accessible by an Echo
-                              role. Since the noop() method of the StatelessSession
-                              bean was not assigned any permissions it should be unchecked.
-              Expected Result: Test has to finish without any exception.       
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testDomainMethodAccess">
-        <desc>Test Objective: Test that the echo method is accessible by an Echo
-                              role. Since the excluded() method of the StatelessSession
-                              bean has been placed into the excluded set it should not
-                              accessible by any user. This uses the security domain of the
-                              JaasSecurityDomain service to test its use as an authentication mgr.
-              Expected Result: Test has to finish without any exception.       
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testMethodAccess2">
-        <desc>Test Objective: Test that the permissions assigned to the stateless session bean:
-                              with ejb-name=org/jboss/test/security/ejb/StatelessSession_test
-                              are read correctly.
-              Expected Result: Test has to finish without any exception.       
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testLocalMethodAccess">
-        <desc>Test Objective: Test a user with Echo and EchoLocal roles can access the CalleeBean
-                              through its local interface by calling the CallerBean and that a user
-                              with only a EchoLocal cannot call the CallerBean.
-              Expected Result: Test has to finish without any exception.       
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testUncheckedRemote">
-        <desc>Test Objective: Test access to a bean with a mix of remote interface permissions and unchecked permissions with the unchecked permissions declared first.
-              Expected Result: Unchecked remote access has to pass without exception and exluded() method call should throw RemoteException. 
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testRemoteUnchecked">
-        <desc>Test Objective: Test access to a bean with a mix of remote interface permissions and unchecked permissions with the unchecked permissions declared last.
-              Expected Result: Unchecked remote access has to pass without exception and exluded() method call should throw RemoteException. 
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testUnchecked">
-        <desc>Test Objective: Test that a user with a role that has not been assigned any
-                              method permissions in the ejb-jar descriptor is able to access a
-                              method that has been marked as unchecked.
-              Expected Result: Test has to finish without any exception.       
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testUncheckedWithLogin">
-        <desc>Test Objective: Test that a user with a valid role is able to access a
-                              bean for which all methods have been marked as unchecked.
-              Expected Result: Test has to finish without any exception.       
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testExcluded">
-        <desc>Test Objective: Test that user scott who has the Echo role is not able to
-                              access the StatelessSession2.excluded method even though
-                              the Echo role has been granted access to all methods of
-                              StatelessSession2 to test that the excluded-list takes
-                              precendence over the method-permissions.
-              Expected Result: Test has to finish without any exception.       
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testRunAs">
-        <desc>Test Objective: This method tests the following call chains:
-                               1. RunAsStatelessSession.echo() -> PrivateEntity.echo()
-                               2. RunAsStatelessSession.noop() -> RunAsStatelessSession.excluded()
-                               3. RunAsStatelessSession.forward() -> StatelessSession.echo()
-              Expected Result: 1. Should succeed because the run-as identity of RunAsStatelessSession
-                                  is valid for accessing PrivateEntity.
-                               2. Should succeed because the run-as identity of RunAsStatelessSession
-                                  is valid for accessing RunAsStatelessSession.excluded().
-                               3. Should fail because the run-as identity of RunAsStatelessSession is not Echo.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testDeepRunAs">
-        <desc>Test Objective: This method tests the following call chain:
-                              Level1CallerBean.callEcho() -> Level2CallerBean.invokeEcho() -> Level3CalleeBean.echo()
-                              The Level1CallerBean uses a run-as of InternalRole and the Level2CallerBean
-                              and Level3CalleeBean are only accessible by InternalRole.
-              Expected Result: Test has to finished without any exception.
-                               Test makes sure we cannot access Level2CallerBean remotely, therefore the call have to throw an Exception. 
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testRunAsSFSB">
-        <desc>Test Objective: Test RunAs for proper role propagation on stateful session beans. 
-              Expected Result: Test should finish without any exceptions thrown.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testJBAS1852">
-        <desc>Test Objective: Test the run-as side-effects raised in http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-1852
-                              (Unexpected Principal (Security Identity) Propagation Switch). 
-              Expected Result: Test has to finish without any exception.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testMDBRunAs">
-        <desc>Test Objective: Test that an MDB with a run-as identity is able to access secure EJBs that require the identity.
-              Expected Result: Message sent to QueueA has to come through to QueueB with not set to Failed.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testMDBDeepRunAs">
-        <desc>Test Objective: Test that an MDB with a run-as identity is able to access secure EJBs
-                              that require the identity. DeepRunAsMDB -> Level1MDBCallerBean.callEcho() ->
-                              Level2CallerBean.invokeEcho() -> Level3CalleeBean.echo()
-                              The MDB uses a run-as of InternalRole and the Level2CallerBean
-                              and Level3CalleeBean are only accessible by InternalRole.
-              Expected Result: Message sent to QueueD has to come through to QueueB with not set to Failed.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testRunAsWithRoles">
-        <desc>Test Objective: This method tests that the RunAsWithRolesMDB is assigned multiple roles
-                              within its onMessage so that it can call into the ProjRepository session
-                              bean's methods that required ProjectAdmin, CreateFolder and DeleteFolder roles.
-              Expected Result: Message sent to QueueD has to come through to QueueB with not set to Failed.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testHandle">
-        <desc>Test Objective: Test the security behavior of handles. To obtain secured bean from a handle that the handle be logged in and not logged in.
-              Expected Result: Tests has to pass sections when logged in and throw the exception when not logged in.       
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testStatefulHandle">
-        <desc>Test Objective: Test the security behavior of stateful handles. To obtain secured bean
-                              from a handle requires that there be a security context to obtain the ejb.
-              Expected Result: Tests has to pass sections when logged in and throw the exception when not logged in.       
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testStress">
-        <desc>Test Objective: Stress test declarative security. Using number of threads.
-              Expected Result: Test has to finish without any exception.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testStressNoJaasCache">
-        <desc>Test Objective: Stress test declarative security with the JAAS cache disabled. Using testStress test.
-              Expected Result: Test has to finish without any exception.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.app.ejb-jar.xml</TSFI>
-      </test>
-    </testCase>
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.LoginContextUnitTestCase">
-      <desc>A JUnit TestCase for the JAAS LoginContext usage.</desc>
-      <test name="testLogin1">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test whether Subject object put to login context is the same after login() method call.
-              Expected result: Subject obtained by getSubject() call has to point to the same Subject object used while creatig login object. 
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>  
-      <test name="testLogin2">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Creating login context with the same name as login context in previous test (testLogin1).
-                               We want to show that subject returned atfer login is the one used in login lcontext creation
-                               and not the one from testLogin1 test.
-              Expected result: Subject obtained by getSubject() call has to point to the same Subject object used while creatig login object. 
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>  
-    </testCase>
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.NamespacePermissionsUnitTestCase">
-      <desc>A JUnit TestCase for the NamespacePermissions and NamespacePermission classes.</desc>
-      <test name="testImplied">
-        <desc>Test objective: Test the NamespacePermissionCollection implies method for various permissions that should be implied by the setup PermissionCollection.
-                              For more detaile see test source code.
-              Expected result: All PermissionCollection calls to implies has to return value of true.                
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.ann.Permissions</TSFI>
-      </test>  
-      <test name="testNotImplied">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test the NamespacePermissionCollection implies method for various permission that should NOT be implied by the setup PermissionCollection.
-                               For more detaile see test source code.
-              Expected result: All PermissionCollection calls to implies has to return value of false.                
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.ann.Permissions</TSFI>
-      </test>  
-    </testCase>
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.PermissionNameUnitTestCase">
-      <desc>A JUnit TestCase for the PermissionNames class.</desc>
-      <test name="testOrdering">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test of correct behaviour of class PermissionNames.
-                               Aspects tested: conversion to string, correct entries creation, comparision.
-              Expected result: Test assertions has to be fultilled. 
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.ann.Permissions</TSFI>
-      </test>  
-    </testCase>
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.WebConstraintsUnitTestCase">
-      <desc>Tests of the web declarative security model</desc>
-      <test name="testUnchecked">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test URLs that should require no authentication for any method.
-              Expected result: All attepmts to call URL has to pass witout any exception. 
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-      </test>  
-      <test name="testGetAccess">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test GETs against URLs that only allows the GET method and required the GetRole role.
-              Expected result: All calls to GET URLs using GET method should pass OK those using POST method has to generate HTTP_FORBIDDEN.
-                               When chanaged to user without permissions all GET/POST URLs has to generate HTTP_FORBIDDEN.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testExcludedAccess">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test that the excluded paths are not accessible by anyone.
-              Expected results: All calls to excluded URLs has to generate HTTP_FORBIDDEN.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testPostAccess">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test POSTs against URLs that only allows the POST method and required the PostRole role.
-              Expected result: All calls to POST URLs using POST method should pass OK those using GET method has to generate HTTP_FORBIDDEN.
-                               When chanaged to user without permissions all GET/POST URLs has to generate HTTP_FORBIDDEN.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-      </test>
-    </testCase>
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.WebResourcePermissionUnitTestCase">
-      <desc>Tests of the JAAC WebResourcePermission</desc>
-      <test name="testCtor2">
-        <desc>Test objective: This is a unit test of WebResourcePermission to make sure it works as expected.
-              Expected result: All combination of calls and setups has to fultill all assertions.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testImpliesPermission">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test whether WebResourcePermission implies correctly all given usage combinations. 
-              Expected result: All combination of calls and setups has to fultill all assertions.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-     </test>
-      <test name="testNotImpliesPermission">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test whether WebResourcePermission doesn't implies correctly all given usage combinations. 
-              Expected result: All combination of calls and setups has to fultill all assertions.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-     </test>
-      <test name="testBestMatch">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test whether WebResourcePermission implies correctly all given permission combinations. 
-              Expected result: All calls and setups has to fultill all assertions.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-     </test>
-      <test name="testQualifiedMatch">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test whether WebResourcePermission /restricted/not GET is NOT implied. 
-              Expected result: Assertion has to be fultilled.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-     </test>
-      <test name="testQualifiedPatterns">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test whether all given patterns are prohibited.
-              Expected result: Test should pass without generating an Exception.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-     </test>
-    </testCase>
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.WebUserDataPermissionUnitTestCase">
-      <desc>Tests of the JAAC WebUserDataPermission</desc>
-      <test name="testCtor2">
-        <desc>Test objective: This is a unit test of WebUserDataPermission to make sure it works as expected.
-              Expected result: All combination of calls and setups has to fultill all assertions.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testImpliesPermission">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test whether WebUserDataPermission implies correctly all given usage combinations. 
-              Expected result: All combination of calls and setups has to fultill all assertions.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testNotImpliesPermission">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test whether WebUserDataPermission doesn't implies correctly all given usage combinations. 
-              Expected result: All combination of calls and setups has to fultill all assertions.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testMatch">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test whether WebUserDataPermission implies correctly all given permission combinations. 
-              Expected result: All calls and setups has to fultill all assertions.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testQualifiedPatterns">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test whether all given patterns are prohibited.
-              Expected result: Test should pass without generating an Exception.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-      </test>
-    </testCase> 
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.auth.AppCallbackHandlerUnitTestCase">
-      <desc>Unit Tests the AppCallbackHandler</desc>
-      <test name="testUserNamePassword">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Make sure that AppCallbackHandlers puts the same username and password values pass to callback data as passed to it. 
-              Expected result: Data have to match.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testMapCallback">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Make sure that AppCallbackHandlers puts the same data to Map structure as passed to it. 
-              Expected result: Data have to match.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testByteArrayCallback">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Make sure that AppCallbackHandlers puts the same data to ByteArray structure as passed to it. 
-              Expected result: Data have to match.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>
-    </testCase>
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.jmx.test.RMIAdaptorAuthorizationUnitTestCase">
-      <desc>Authorization of the RMI Adaptor
-            Especially tests the usage of the authorization delegate
-            called as org.jboss.jmx.connector.invoker.ExternalizableRolesAuthorization</desc>
-      <test name="testConfigurableRolesAuthorizedAccess">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test that a valid jmx-console domain user can invoke operations through the jmx/invoker/AuthenticatedRMIAdaptor
-              Expected result: Calls have to pass without any exception.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-users.properties</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-roles.properties</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jmx-invoker-service.xml</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testUnAuthorizedAccess">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test unauthorized access.
-              Expected result: Call should generate exception which is caught by the test code.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jmx-invoker-service.xml</TSFI>
-      </test>
-    </testCase>
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.jmx.test.RMIAdaptorUnitTestCase">
-      <desc>Tests over the RMIAdaptor</desc>
-      <test name="testMBeanInfoMarshalling">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test that we can iterate and retrieve MBeanInfo for all registered MBeans
-              Expected result: Test should pass without any exception thrown.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jmx-invoker-service.xml</TSFI>
-      </test>
-    </testCase>
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.web.test.ssl.SSLUnitTestCase">
-      <desc>Tests of ssl and CLIENT-CERT auth. No basic auth.</desc>
-      <test name="testHttps">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test that access of the transport constrained
-              Expected result: Call should pass without any exception thrown. 
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.https</TSFI>
-     </test>
-      <test name="testHttpsSecurityDomain">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test whether https can pass through unrestricted secure servlet using client cert auth.
-              Expected result: Test has to pass without any exception.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.https</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.login-config.xml</TSFI>
-     </test>
-    </testCase>
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.ClientLoginModuleEJBUnitTestCase">
-      <desc>Tests client login module.</desc>
-      <test name="testClientLoginModule">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Call BeanA using jduke/theduke
-                               +-- call BeanB switching idenity using ClientLoginModule
-                               +---- call BeanC switching idenity using ClientLoginModule
-                               validing the expected caller principal with different ejb method permissions
-              Expected resutl: Assertion to correctenss of return value has to be fulfilled.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.login-config.xml</TSFI>
-     </test>
-    </testCase>
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.ClientLoginModuleUnitTestCase">
-      <desc>ClientLoginModuleUnitTestCase/SecurityAssociation interaction tests</desc>
-      <test name="testSingleThreaded">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Tests whether server gets correct current principal in single thread.
-              Expected result: Assertion of returned principal has to be fulfilled.    
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-     </test>
-      <test name="testSingleThreadedRestoreIdentity">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test whether identity of caller is returned back to original status aftert logout in single thread.
-              Expected result: All assertions has to be fulfilled.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-     </test>
-      <test name="testSingleThreadedRestoreStack">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test whether whole stack of identities are returned back to state before login in single thread.
-              Expected result: All assertions has to be fulfilled.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.login-config.xml</TSFI>
-     </test>
-      <test name="testMultiThreaded">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test mutithreaded login using two threads.
-              Expected result: Test has to pass without any exception.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-     </test>
-      <test name="testMultiThreadedRestoreIdentity">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test whether identity of caller is returned back to original status aftert logout in multiple threads.
-              Expected result: All assertions has to be fulfilled.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.login-config.xml</TSFI>
-     </test>
-    </testCase>
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.CustomPrincipalPropagationUnitTestCase">
-      <desc>Test propagation of Custom Principal</desc>
-      <test name="testCustomPrincipalTransmission">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Custom Principal from outside the Application Server VM
-              Expected result: Prinipal returned from validateCallerPrincipal of remote bean has to be of the same type.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testCustomPrincipalTransmissionInVM">
-        <desc>Test objective:  A web-app has a welcome jsp (called as index.jsp). Inside this jsp, there is a call made out to an ejb.
-              Expected result: Custom principal has to propagated accross calls and assertion at the and has to pass.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-      </test>
-    </testCase>
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.DynamicLoginConfigServiceUnitTestCase">
-      <desc>Unit tests for the Dynamic Login Config Service</desc>
-      <test name="testAbsoluteLoginConfigURL">
-        <desc>Test objective:  DynamicLoginConfig service fails absolute login-config.xml url.
-              Expected result: Series of asserions has to be fulfiled.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testAuthConf">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Do not allow Null AuthConfig or login-config.xml
-              Expected result: Both calls has to generate exception since they are not allowed.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>
-    </testCase>    
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.EJBPermissionUnitTestCase">
-      <desc>Tests of the JAAC EJB*Permissions</desc>
-      <test name="testCtor1">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Tests of the EJBMethodPermission(String name, String actions).
-              Expected result: All assertions of call has to pass.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testCtor2">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Tests of EJBMethodPermission(String ejbName, String methodInterface, Method method).
-              Expected result: All assertions of call has to pass.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testCtor3">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Tests of EJBMethodPermission(String ejbName, String methodName, String methodInterface, String[] methodParams).
-              Expected result: All assertions of call has to pass.
-        </desc>      
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>
-    </testCase>
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.JaasSecurityDomainUnitTestCase">
-      <desc>Tests of the JaasSecurityDomain service.</desc>
-      <test name="testTmpFilePassword">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Tests whether pasword returned from service "jboss.security:service=JaasSecurityDomain,domain=testTmpFilePassword" is valid.
-              Expected result: Password has to be as expexted.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testFilePassword">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Tests whether pasword returned from service "jboss.security:service=JaasSecurityDomain,domain=testFilePassword" is valid.
-              Expected result: Password has to be as expexted.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testEncodeDecode">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test if encode/decode produces correct results.
-              Expected result: Both methods has to produce expected results. 
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testEncodeDecode64">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test if encode64/decode64 produces correct results.
-              Expected result: Both methods has to produce expected results. 
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>
-    </testCase>    
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.LoginModulesUnitTestCase">
-      <desc>Tests of the LoginModule classes.</desc>
-      <test name="testClientLogin">
-        <desc>Test objectve:  Test correct functioning of client login module with username password handler.
-              Expected resut: Assertions has to be fulfilled.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testUsernamePassword">
-        <desc>Test objectve:  Test username passwornd and roles associacions.
-              Expected resut: Assertions has to be fulfilled.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.messaging-roles.properties</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.messaging-users.properties</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testUsernamePasswordHash">
-        <desc>Test objectve:  Test username passwornd and roles associacions using hashed paswords.
-              Expected resut: Assertions has to be fulfilled.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testUsernamePasswordHashWithDigestCallback">
-        <desc>Test objectve:  Test username passwornd and roles associacions using hashed paswords with digest callback.
-              Expected resut: Assertions has to be fulfilled.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testUsersRoles">
-        <desc>Test objectve:  Test series usernam/passwornd couples whether they have associated proper roles and not associated certain ones.
-              Expected resut: Assertions has to be fulfilled.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-	    <TSFI>tsfi.app.roles.properties</TSFI>
-	    <TSFI>tsfi.app.users.properties</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.messaging-roles.properties</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.messaging-users.properties</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testUsersRolesHash">
-        <desc>Test objectve:  Test series usernam/passwornd couples whether they have associated proper roles and not associated certain ones using hashed passwords.
-              Expected resut: Assertions has to be fulfilled.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testAnonUsersRoles">
-        <desc>Test objective: Tests whether password handler with null user and password have proper anonymous principal associated.
-                              This pricipal has no roles attached except Roles.
-              Expected resut: Assertions has to be fulfilled.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testAnon">
-        <desc>Test objective: Tests whether password handler with null user and password have proper anonymous principal associated.
-                              This pricipal has no roles attached except Roles.
-              Expected resut: Assertions has to be fulfilled.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testNull">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Using "testNull" login context there should be no way to log with null user and password.
-              Expected result: User cannot log in with null/null username and password.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testIdentity">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test whether login context "testIdentity" contains proper roles and users.
-              Expected result: All assertions of users and roles has to pass.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testJCACallerIdentity">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test whether login context "testJCACallerIdentity" contains users jduke and jduke2 with expected private credencials. 
-              Expected result: All assertions of users has to pass.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testJaasSecurityDomainIdentityLoginModule">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test JAAS security identity login module to access principal and his password credencial.
-              Expected result: Password and username has to to be equal to the ones expected. 
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testSimple">
-        <desc>Test objective:   Tests simple file login module.
-              Expected result: All assertions of users and roles has to pass.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testJdbc">
-        <desc>Test objective:   Tests DB login module.
-              Expected result: All assertions of users and roles has to pass.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-	    <TSFI>tsfi.db.roles</TSFI>
-	    <TSFI>tsfi.db.users</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testControlFlags">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test control flags of application on login module.
-              Expected result: All "testControlFlags" has to return SUFFICIENT status. 
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testCertLogin">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Tests whether cert login module works correctly.
-              Expected result: Subject has to contain principal with name "unit-tests" and proper X509 certificate.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testCertRoles">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Tests proper role assignment to principal named "unit-tests".  
-              Expected result: The principal has to have all expected roles. 
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>
-    </testCase>    
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.MissingMethodUnitTestCase">
-      <desc>Tests missing-method-permissions-excluded-mode</desc>
-      <test name="testMissingIsUnchecked">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test that methods without a method-permission behave as unchecked.
-              Expected result: Test has to pass without any exception.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testMissingIsExcluded">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test that methods without a method-permission behave as excluded.
-              Expected result: Call to bean.invokeEcho should pass and bean.callEcho should fail.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>
-    </testCase>    
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.RoleMappingModuleUnitTestCase">
-      <desc>JBAS-3323: Role Mapping Login Module that maps application role to declarative role</desc>
-      <test name="testRoleMappingModule">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test the RoleMappingLoginModule with no option to replace the role.
-              Expected result: All assertions regardig roles have to pass.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testRoleMappingModuleWithReplace">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test the RoleMappingLoginModule with an option to replace the role.
-              Expected result: All assertions regardig roles have to pass.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>
-    </testCase>    
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.SAInheritableThreadLocalUnitTestCase">
-      <desc>Test that the security context thread locals propagate to child threads</desc>
-      <test name="testSecurityContext">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test the expected security context exists via the SecurityAssociation accessors.
-              Expected result: Subject and principal have to be as expected.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testInheritableThreadLocal">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Validate that a child thread sees its parent.
-              Expected result: Subject and principal have to be as expected.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>
-    </testCase>    
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.SAThreadLocalUnitTestCase">
-      <desc>Test that the security context thread locals do NOT propagate to child threads</desc>
-      <test name="testSecurityContext">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test the order of PermissionNames.
-              Expected result: Subject and principal have to be as expected.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testThreadLocal">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Validate that a thread sees its subject and principal from SecurityAssociation.
-              Expected result: Subject and principal have to be as expected.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>
-    </testCase>    
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.SecurityDomainLoginModuleOptionUnitTestCase">
-      <desc>For changes made on JBAS-1477, the security domain name is added to every login
-            module option map by the ApplicationInfo object.  When TRACE logging is enable,
-            a login module will then display this option value for trouble shooting.  The
-            first part of test, displays how the security domain option is properly set
-            in a security domain that exists in Configuration.  The second test shows
-            how the "other" security domain is displayed when the original domain does not
-            exist in Configuration.</desc>
-      <test name="testSecurityDomainLoginModuleOption">
-        <desc>Test objective:  The security domain name is added to every login module option map by the ApplicationInfo object.  When TRACE logging is enable,
-                               a login module will then display this option value for trouble shooting.  The
-                               first part of test, displays how the security domain option is properly set
-                               in a security domain that exists in Configuration. The second test shows
-                               how the "other" security domain is displayed when the original domain does not
-                               exist in Configuration.
-              Expected result: Security domain option should be equal to SecurityConstants.DEFAULT_APPLICATION_POLICY. 
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>
-    </testCase>    
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.SecurityMgrStressTestCase">
-      <desc>Stress testing of the JaasSecurityManager</desc>
-      <test name="testMTAuthentication">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test concurrent access to the isValid and doesUserHaveRole securitymgr methods.
-              Expected result: All threads have to finish without an exception.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>
-    </testCase>    
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.SecurityProxyUnitTestCase">
-      <desc>Tests of the EJB security proxy.</desc>
-      <test name="testMethodAccess">
-        <desc>Test objective: Test that the echo method is accessible by an Echo
-                              role. Since the noop() method of the StatelessSession
-                              bean was not assigned any permissions it should not be
-                              accessible by any user.
-              Expected result: Calls to bean methods should fail on all occurences.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>
-    </testCase>    
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.XMLLoginModulesUnitTestCase">
-      <desc>Tests of the LoginModule classes using the XMLLoginConfigImpl implementation of the JAAS login module configuration.</desc>
-      <test name="testGargantusRealm">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test the correct functioning of XML login module.
-              Expected result: Principal, username, password and managedConnectionFactoryName have to be as expected by setup.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testPropertyReplacement">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test whether property replacement works fine.
-              Expected result: Properties should have values as expected by setup.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testPBEIdentityLoginModule">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test whether PBEIdentityLoginModule works fine. 
-              Expected result: All assertions have to be fulfilled.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testPBEIdentityLoginModuleTmpFilePassword">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test whether the login module can use tmp password file.
-              Expected result: Returned username and password have to be as expected.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testXMLLoginModule">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test whether XMLIdentityLoginModule works fine. 
-              Expected result: All assertions have to be fulfilled.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-      </test>
-    </testCase>  
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.web.test.WebIntegrationUnitTestCase">
-      <desc>Tests of servlet container integration into the JBoss server. This test
- requires than a web container be integrated into the JBoss server. The tests
- currently do NOT use the java.net.HttpURLConnection and associated http client
- and  these do not return valid HTTP error codes so if a failure occurs it
- is best to connect the webserver using a browser to look for additional error
- info.
- The secure access tests require a user named 'jduke' with a password of 'theduke'
- with a role of 'AuthorizedUser' in the servlet container.</desc>
-      <test name="testClientLoginServlet">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Access the http://{host}/jbosstest/ClientLoginServlet
-              Expected result: URL has to be accessible (pass without exception).
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testUserInRoleServlet">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Access the http://{host}/jbosstest/restricted/UserInRoleServlet to test isUserInRole.
-              Expected result: URL has to be accessible (pass without exception).
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.login-config.xml</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testSecureServlet">
-        <desc>Test objective: Access the http://{host}/jbosstest/restricted/SecureServlet
-              Expected result: URL has to be accessible (pass without exception).
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.login-config.xml</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testSecureServlet2">
-        <desc>Test objective: Access the http://{host}/jbosstest/restricted2/SecureServlet.
-              Expected result: URL has to be accessible (pass without exception).
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.login-config.xml</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testSubjectServlet">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Access the http://{host}/jbosstest/restricted/SubjectServlet.
-              Expected result: URL has to be accessible (pass without exception).
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.login-config.xml</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testSecureServletAndUnsecureAccess">
-        <desc>Test objecive:  Access the http://{host}/jbosstest/restricted/SecureServlet
-              Expected result: URL has to be accessible (pass without exception).
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testSecureServletWithBadPass">
-        <desc>Access the http://{host}/jbosstest/restricted/SecureServlet
-              Expected result: URL cannot be accessible.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.login-config.xml</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testSecureServletWithNoLogin">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Access the http://{host}/jbosstest/restricted/SecureServlet
-              Expected result: URL cannot be accessible.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testNotJbosstest">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Access the http://{host}/jbosstest-not/unrestricted/SecureServlet
-              Expected result: URL has to be accessible (pass without exception).
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testSecuredEntityFacadeServlet">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Access the http://{host}/jbosstest/restricted/SecuredEntityFacadeServlet
-              Expected result: URL has to be accessible (pass without exception).
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testSecureEJBAccess">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Access the http://{host}/jbosstest/restricted/SecureEJBAccess
-              Expected result: URL has to be accessible (pass without exception).
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testIncludeEJB">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Access the http://{host}/jbosstest/restricted/include_ejb.jsp
-              Expected result: URL has to be accessible (pass without exception).
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.login-config.xml</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testUnsecureEJBAccess">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Access the http://{host}/jbosstest/UnsecureEJBAccess with method=echo
-                               to test that an unsecured servlet cannot access a secured EJB method
-                               that requires a valid permission.
-              Expected result: URL cannot be accessible. This should fail.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testUnsecureAnonEJBAccess">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Access the http://{host}/jbosstest/UnsecureEJBAccess with method=unchecked
-                               to test that an unsecured servlet can access a secured EJB method that
-                               only requires an authenticated user. This requires unauthenticated
-                               identity support by the web security domain.
-              Expected result: URL has to be accessible (pass without exception).
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testUnsecureRunAsServlet">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Access the baseURLNoAuth+"jbosstest/UnsecureEJBAccess?method=echo"
-              Expected result: URL has to be accessible (pass without exception).
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testUnsecureRunAsServletWithPrincipalName">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Access the http://{host}/jbosstest/UnsecureRunAsServletWithPrincipalName
-                               to test that an unsecured servlet can access a secured EJB method by using
-                               a run-as role. This should also have a custom run-as principal name.
-              Expected result: URL has to be accessible (pass without exception).
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testUnsecureRunAsServletWithPrincipalNameAndRoles">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Access the http://{host}/jbosstest/UnsecureRunAsServletWithPrincipalNameAndRoles
-                               to test that an unsecured servlet can access a secured EJB method by using
-                               a run-as role. This should also have a custom run-as principal name and
-                               additional roles.
-              Expected result: URL has to be accessible (pass without exception).
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testNotJbosstest2">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Deploy a second ear that include a notjbosstest-web.war to test ears
-                               with the same war names conflicting.
-                               Access the http://{host}/jbosstest-not2/unrestricted/SecureServlet
-              Expected result: URL has to be accessible (pass without exception).
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testUnauthorizedAccess">
-        <desc>Test objective:  JBAS-3279: Authenticated user can bypass declarative role checks for servlets
-              Expected result: Users cannot bypass the role checks. 
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-      </test>
-    </testCase>    
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.web.security.CustomHeaderAuthTestCase">
-      <desc>JBAS-2283: Custom Header based authentication</desc>
-      <test name="testRegularFormAuth">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Ensure that in the absence of headers, there is regular form based authentication.
-              Expected result: Test should pass without any exception.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-      </test>
-    </testCase>     
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.web.test.ssl.ClientCertJaspiWebUnitTestCase">
-    	<desc>Tests the CLIENT-CERT JASPI integration.
-    	</desc>
-    	<test name="ClientCertJaspiWebUnitTestCase">
-    	    <desc>
-            Test objective:  Test if one can access servlet secured using org.jboss.security.auth.spi.BaseCertLoginModule.
-            Expected result: Https response while opening page has to be HTTP_OK.
-    	    </desc>
-    		<TSFI>tsfi.keystore.usercerts</TSFI>
-    		<TSFI>tsfi.app.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-    	</test>
-    </testCase>
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.pooled.test.BeanStressTestCase">
-    	<desc>Stress tests for pooled invoker</desc>
-    	<test name="testNewProxy">
-   	      <desc>
-            Test objective:  Test creates number of threads to invoke operation on EJB using pooled invoker through new proxy mechanism. 
-            Expected result: No exceptions during the test.
-   	      </desc>
-    	  <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.pooled</TSFI>
-    	</test>
-    	<test name="testOldProxy">
-   	      <desc>
-            Test objective:  Test creates number of threads to invoke operation on EJB using pooled invoker through old proxy mechanism. 
-            Expected result: No exceptions during the test.
-   	      </desc>
-    	  <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.pooled</TSFI>
-    	</test>
-    </testCase>
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.web.test.FormAuthUnitTestCase">
-      <desc>Tests of form authentication</desc>
-      <test name="testFormAuth">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test form authentication of a secured servlet.
-              Expected result: Access the resuorce with proper login. 
-                               Access the resource without attempting a login to validate that the
-                               session is valid and that any caching on the server is working as expected.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.app.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.app.web.xml</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.app.jboss.xml</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.juddi.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.juddi.web.xml</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testFormAuthException">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test that a bad login is redirected to the errors.jsp and that the
-                               session j_exception is not null.
-              Expected result: All assertions on returned content have to pass.                
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.app.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.app.web.xml</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.app.jboss.xml</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.juddi.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.juddi.web.xml</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testFormAuthSubject">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test form authentication of a secured servlet and validate that there is
-                               a SecurityAssociation setting Subject. 
-              Expected result: All assertions on returned content have to pass.                
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.app.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.app.web.xml</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.app.jboss.xml</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.juddi.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.juddi.web.xml</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testPostDataFormAuth">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test that a post from an unsecured form to a secured servlet does not
-                               loose its data during the redirct to the form login.
-              Expected result: All assertions on returned content have to pass.                
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.app.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.app.web.xml</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.app.jboss.xml</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.juddi.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.juddi.web.xml</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testFlushOnSessionInvalidation">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test that the war which use &lt;security-domain flushOnSessionInvalidation="true"&gt;
-                               in the jboss-web.xml does not have any jaas security domain cache entries
-                               after the web session has been invalidated.
-              Expected result: All assertions have to pass to ensure there are not leftovers.                
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.app.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.app.web.xml</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.app.jboss.xml</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.juddi.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.juddi.web.xml</TSFI>
-      </test>
-    </testCase>    
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.web.test.SingleSignOnUnitTestCase">
-      <desc>Tests of web app single sign-on</desc>
-      <test name="testFormAuthSingleSignOn">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test single sign-on across two web apps using form based auth.
-              Expected result: All assertions have to pass.                
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testNoAuthSingleSignOn">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test single sign-on across two web apps using form based auth
-              Expected result: All assertions have to pass.                
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-      </test>
-    </testCase>    
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.web.test.UserInRoleUnitTestCase">
-      <desc>Tests of the servlet request isUserInRole call.</desc>
-      <test name="testRoleWithLink">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Access to baseURL+"userinrole/testRoleWithLink"
-              Expected result: URL has to be accessible (pass without exception).
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testRoleWithoutLink">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Access to baseURL+"userinrole/testUnreferencedRole"
-              Expected result: URL has to be accessible (pass without exception).
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testConflictingUserInRole">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test that two wars from different security domains with common principal
-                               names do not conflict in terms of isUserInRole results.
-                               This is the non-jacc version where the programmatic security of isUserInRole
-                               will work off of the roles populated in the subject, irrespective of whether
-                               the roles are fully defined in the web.xml
-              Expected result: All assertions on returned content have to pass.                
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testConflictingUserInRoleJaccVersion">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test that two wars from different security domains with common principal
-                               names do not conflict in terms of isUserInRole results.
-                               This is the jacc version where the programmatic security of isUserInRole
-                               will work only of the roles are fully defined in the web.xml
-              Expected result: All assertions on returned content have to pass.                
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-      </test>
-    </testCase>    
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.web.test.WebProgrammaticLoginTestCase">
-      <desc>JBAS-4077: Web Programmatic Login </desc>
-      <test name="testUnsuccessfulLogin">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test unsuccessful login
-              Expected result: All assertions on access allowed/denied have to pass.                
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testSuccessfulLogin">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test Successful programmatic login in a servlet
-              Expected result: All assertions on access allowed/denied have to pass.                
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.web.http</TSFI>
-      </test>
-    </testCase>    
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.jmx.test.SecureRMIAdaptorUnitTestCase">
-      <desc>Tests for a secured deployment of the jmx invoker adaptor</desc>
-      <test name="testAuthenticatedAccess">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test that a valid jmx-console domain user can invoke operations
-                               through the jmx/invoker/AuthenticatedRMIAdaptor.
-              Expected result: Test has to pass without exception which means access was granted.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmp</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-users.properties</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-roles.properties</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testUnauthenticatedAccess">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test that a valid jmx-console domain user can NOT invoke operations
-                               through the jmx/invoker/AuthenticatedRMIAdaptor
-              Expected result: Call to getAttribute should fail and exception has to be caught.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-users.properties</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-roles.properties</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testAuthorizedAccess">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test that a valid jmx-console domain user can invoke operations
-                               through the jmx/invoker/AuthenticatedRMIAdaptor.
-              Expected result: Test has to pass without exception which means authorization to call operations was granted.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-users.properties</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-roles.properties</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testUnauthorizedAccess">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test that a valid jmx-console domain user can NOT invoke operations
-                               through the jmx/invoker/AuthenticatedRMIAdaptor
-              Expected result: Call to getAttribute should fail and exception has to be caught.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-users.properties</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-roles.properties</TSFI>
-      </test>
-    </testCase>    
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.rmi.test.RMIOverHttpsTestCase">
-    	<desc>Tests whether server can handle RMI over HTTPS calls to EJB3.</desc>
-    	<test name="testCallingEJB3OverHttps">
-    		<desc>Test objective:  To test calls to EJB3 over HTTPS transport protocol.
-	              Expected resutl: Test has to pass without any exception. Which means all calls return expected values.
-    		</desc>
-    		<TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.https</TSFI>
-    		<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.hi.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
-    		<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.hi.web.xml</TSFI>
-    	</test>
-    	<test name="testCallingEJB3OverHttp">
-    		<desc>Test objective:  To test calls to EJB3 over HTTP transport protocol.
-	              Expected resutl: Test has to pass without any exception. Which means all calls return expected values.
-    		</desc>
-    		<TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.http</TSFI>
-    		<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.hi.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
-    		<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.hi.web.xml</TSFI>
-    	</test>
-    </testCase>
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.naming.test.SecurityUnitTestCase">
-      <desc>Tests of secured access to the JNDI naming service. This testsuite will be run with the standard security resources available via the classpath.</desc>
-      <test name="testSecureHttpInvokerFailure">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test access to the security http InitialContext without a login.
-              Expected result: "jmx" shoudn't have to be able to lookup.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.http</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testSecureHttpInvoker">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test access to the JNDI naming service over a restricted http URL.
-              Expected result: Test has to pass without exception and after logout principal has to be equal to null. 
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.http</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testHttpReadonlyLookup">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test access of the readonly context without a login.
-              Expected result: Lookup to readonly data has to be possible, but attaching data into readonly subtree is denied.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.http</TSFI>
-      </test>
-      <test name="testHttpReadonlyContextLookup">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test access of the readonly context without a login.
-              Expected result: Readonly stuff has to be accessed, but not bindable. Context not under readonly should not be accessed.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.http</TSFI>
-      </test>
-    </testCase>    
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.aop.test.SecurityUnitTestCase">
-      <desc>Testcase for annotated and XML specified security aspects.</desc>
-      <test name="testAnnotated">
-        <desc>Test objective:  Test all annotated aspects.
-              Expected result: All AOP tests has to finish without exception.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.ann.Permissions</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.ann.Unchecked</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.ann.Exclude</TSFI>
-      </test>
-	</testCase>
-    <testCase name="org.jboss.test.jbossts.ASCrashRecovery01.TestWithJPA">
-      <desc>Test case simulating error in connection an leaving open transactions in database.
-            As a next step is resolving them after succesful start of the server.
-      </desc>
-      <test name="testAction">
-        <desc>
-        Test objective: Test case simulating error in connection an leaving open transactions in database.     
-        Expected result: Successful resolving opend transactions and server start.
-        </desc>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.api.jta</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.ann.TransactionAttribute</TSFI>
-        <TSFI>tsfi.ann.TransactionManagement</TSFI>
-		<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.jbossts-properties.xml</TSFI>
-      </test>
-	</testCase>
-	<testCase name="org.jboss.test.tm.test.TxTimeoutAnnotUnitTestCase">
-      <desc>Tests for transaction timeout annotation EJB3 version of TxTimeoutUnitTestCase.</desc>
-	  <test name="testOverriddenTimeoutExpires">
-		<desc>
-        Test objective:  Tests if @TransactionTimeout expires system sends EJBTransactionRolledbackException and transaction is rolled back. 
-        Expected result: EJBTransactionRolledbackException has to be caught. 
-		</desc>
-		<TSFI>tsfi.ann.TransactionTimeout</TSFI>
-		<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.jbossts-properties.xml</TSFI>
-	  </test>
-	  <test name="testOverriddenTimeoutDoesNotExpire">
-		<desc>
-        Test objective: Tests whether @TransactionTimeout expires greater that wait time of doesn't make transaction to roll back or stay in different status that STATUS_ACTIVE. 
-        Expected result: Transaction has to stay in STATUS_ACTIVE. 
-		</desc>
-		<TSFI>tsfi.ann.TransactionTimeout</TSFI>
-		<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.jbossts-properties.xml</TSFI>
-	  </test>
-	</testCase>
-	<testCase name="org.jboss.test.invokers.test.MultiInvokersUnitTestCase">
-	  <desc>Test use of multiple invokers per container</desc>
-	  <test name="testMultiInvokers">
-	    <desc>
-        Test objective: Test whether entity bean is reachable through different invokers.  
-        Expected result: Entity returned must be identical in both invokers.
-	    </desc>
-	    <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.unifiedInvoker</TSFI>
-	  </test>
-	  <test name="testClientContainer">
-	    <desc>
-        Test objective: Use the IClientContainer view of the proxy to install a custom
-                        InvokerInterceptor which routes requests to either the server side
-                        selected transport for the BusinessSession, or an mdb depending
-                        on the method invoked.
-        Expected result: Test should finish without an exception and JMS transport invoker should decorate result with specific string.
-	    </desc>
-	    <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.unifiedInvoker</TSFI>
-	  </test>
-	</testCase>
-	<testCase name="org.jboss.test.cluster.defaultcfg.test.HAInvokerUnitTestCase">
-	  <desc>Clustered HA invoker test case.</desc>
-	  <test name="testJRMPHAProxyFailover">
-	    <desc>
-        Test objective: Failover test after undeploying from one cluster node.
-        Expected result: After reconfigure we should have deployment still available. No unexpected exceptions during test run.
-	    </desc>
-	    <TSFI>tsfi.port.rmi.jrmpha</TSFI>
-	  </test>
-	</testCase>
-	<testCase name="org.jboss.test.ws.jaxws.ejb3Integration.injection.InjectionTestCase">
-	  <desc>Tests support for @EJB annotations in WS components</desc>
-	  <test name="testEjb3Endpoint">
-	    <desc>
-        Test objective:  Tests injection of EJB to component on EJB3 endpoint.
-        Expected result: Call has to return expected string combined with injected comp. call.
-	    </desc>
-	    <TSFI>tsfi.ann.WebContext</TSFI>
-	    <TSFI>tsfi.api.jaxws</TSFI>
-	  </test>
-	  <test name="testPojoEndpoint">
-	    <desc>
-        Test objective:  Tests injection of EJB to component on POJO endpoint.
-        Expected result: Call has to return expected string combined with injected comp. call.
-	    </desc>
-	    <TSFI>tsfi.ann.WebContext</TSFI>
-	    <TSFI>tsfi.api.jaxws</TSFI>
-	  </test>
-	</testCase>
-	<testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.audit.test.SecurityAuditTestCase">
-	    <desc>This test case starts predefined configuration with audit logging enabled and asserts 
-              audit logfile for messages to see if successful audit.</desc>
-		<test name="testServerStartupAndShutdownAuditMessage">
-	 	    <desc>
-            Test objective: Tests if after successful startup and shutdown of server, audit log contains proper entries. 
-            Expected result: Audit log has to contain proper messages indicating startup and shutdown of the server.
-	 	    </desc>
-    	    <TSFI>tsfi.cmd.start</TSFI>
-        	<TSFI>tsfi.cmd.stop</TSFI>
-    	    <TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.jboss-log4j.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-	</testCase>
-	<testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.authorization.secured.HttpRequestJmxAuthenticationUnitTestCase">
-		<desc>Test verifies that there is no jmx-console security baypass in secured profiles.</desc>
-		<test name="testGet">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to jmx-console via HTTP PUT possible. 
-            Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jmx-console.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jmx-console.web.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-users.properties</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-roles.properties</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testPost">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to jmx-console via HTTP POST possible. 
-            Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jmx-console.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jmx-console.web.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-users.properties</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-roles.properties</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testHead">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to jmx-console via HTTP HEAD possible. 
-            Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jmx-console.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jmx-console.web.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-users.properties</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-roles.properties</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testOptions">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to jmx-console via HTTP OPTIONS possible. 
-            Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jmx-console.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jmx-console.web.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-users.properties</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-roles.properties</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testPut">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to jmx-console via HTTP PUT possible. 
-            Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jmx-console.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jmx-console.web.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-users.properties</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-roles.properties</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testDelete">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to jmx-console via HTTP DELETE possible. 
-            Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jmx-console.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jmx-console.web.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-users.properties</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-roles.properties</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testTrace">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to jmx-console via HTTP TRACE possible. 
-            Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jmx-console.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jmx-console.web.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-users.properties</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jmx-console-roles.properties</TSFI>
-		</test>
-	</testCase>
-	<testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.authorization.secured.HttpRequestJBossWSAuthenticationUnitTestCase">
-		<desc>Test verifies that there is no jbossws console security baypass in secured profiles.</desc>
-		<test name="testGet">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to jbossws console via HTTP GET possible. 
-            Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jbossws-management.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jbossws-management.web.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jbossws-users.properties</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jbossws-roles.properties</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testPost">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to jbossws console via HTTP POST possible. 
-            Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jbossws-management.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jbossws-management.web.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jbossws-users.properties</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jbossws-roles.properties</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testHead">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to jbossws console via HTTP HEAD possible. 
-            Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jbossws-management.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jbossws-management.web.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jbossws-users.properties</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jbossws-roles.properties</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testOptions">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to jbossws console via HTTP OPTIONS possible. 
-            Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jbossws-management.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jbossws-management.web.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jbossws-users.properties</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jbossws-roles.properties</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testPut">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to jbossws console via HTTP PUT possible. 
-            Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jbossws-management.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jbossws-management.web.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jbossws-users.properties</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jbossws-roles.properties</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testDelete">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to jbossws console via HTTP DELETE possible. 
-            Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jbossws-management.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jbossws-management.web.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jbossws-users.properties</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jbossws-roles.properties</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testTrace">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to jbossws console via HTTP TRACE possible. 
-            Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jbossws-management.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.jbossws-management.web.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jbossws-users.properties</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.conf.props.jbossws-roles.properties</TSFI>
-		</test>
-	</testCase>
-	<testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.authorization.secured.HttpRequestStatusServletAuthenticationUnitTestCase">
-		<desc>Test verifies that there is no http connector status servlet security baypass in secured profiles.</desc>
-		<test name="testGet">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to http connector status servlet via HTTP GET possible. 
-            Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.app.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.app.web.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testPost">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to http connector status servlet via HTTP POST possible. 
-            Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.app.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.app.web.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testHead">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to http connector status servlet via HTTP HEAD possible. 
-            Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.app.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.app.web.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testOptions">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to http connector status servlet via HTTP OPTIONS possible. 
-            Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.app.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.app.web.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testPut">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to http connector status servlet via HTTP PUT possible. 
-            Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.app.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.app.web.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testDelete">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to http connector status servlet via HTTP DELETE possible. 
-            Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.app.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.app.web.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testTrace">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to http connector status servlet via HTTP TRACE possible. 
-            Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.app.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.app.web.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-	</testCase>
-	<testCase name="org.jboss.test.security.test.authorization.secured.HttpRequestAdminConsoleAuthenticationUnitTestCase">
-		<desc>Test verifies that there is no admin console security baypass in secured profiles.</desc>
-		<test name="testGet">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to admin console via HTTP GET possible. 
-            Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.admin.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.admin.web.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testPost">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to admin console via HTTP POST possible. 
-            Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.admin.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.admin.web.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testHead">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to admin console via HTTP HEAD possible. 
-            Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.admin.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.admin.web.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testOptions">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to admin console via HTTP OPTIONS possible. 
-            Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.admin.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.admin.web.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testPut">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to admin console via HTTP PUT possible. 
-            Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.admin.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.admin.web.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testDelete">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to admin console via HTTP DELETE possible. 
-            Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.admin.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.admin.web.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testTrace">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test whether there is unauthorized access to admin console via HTTP TRACE possible. 
-            Expected result: Answer from server should be HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_BAD_METHOD.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.admin.jboss-web.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.admin.web.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-	</testCase>
-	<testCase name="org.jboss.test.ann.clustered.test.Ejb3ClusteredAnnTestCase">
-		<desc>Tests if bean marked with @Clustered annotation is able to failover to different node in clustered environment.</desc>
-		<test name="testAppSetup">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Tests whether app is setup and deployed correctly.   
-            Expected result:Test application should be retrievable and work fine. 
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.ann.Clustered</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.cluster.hapartition-jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testOneNodeFail">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Tests if counting half of cycles on one node and the other half on node which has left after 
-	                         one node undeploy returns expected number of increments.   
-            Expected result: Final number returned by bean (after one node undeploy) should be the same like counting on one node. 
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.ann.Clustered</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.deploy.cluster.hapartition-jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-	</testCase>
-	<testCase name="org.jboss.test.jbossmessaging.test.SecurityUnitTestCase">
-		<desc>Test of security features in JMS providers</desc>
-		<test name="testLoginTest">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Tests if properly logged user can send messages to topic.      
-            Expected result: Amount of sent messages has to be the same like amount of received messages. 
-                             Publisher has to publish specified mount of messsages.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testLoginNoCred">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Topic worker should be able to connect without credentials.     
-            Expected result: No exception thrown during the connect. 
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testLoginValidCred">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Topic worker should be able to connect with valid credentials.   
-            Expected result: No exception thrown during the connect. 
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testLoginInvalidPwd">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Topic worker should not be able to connect without valid password.   
-            Expected result: Proper exception has to thrown the connect. 
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testLoginInvalidCred">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Topic worker should not be able to connect without valid credentials.   
-            Expected result: Proper exception has to thrown the connect. 
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testClientIDPreconfTest">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Tests if client gets preconfigured client id.   
-            Expected result: Has to be set preconfigured client id, exactly.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testClientIDSetTest">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Tests if connection object receives client id from the client.   
-            Expected result: Connection object has to return the same client id as the one set via client.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testClientIDSetAfterInvoke">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Tests if connection object receives client id from the client after publishing message to topic.   
-            Expected result: Setting client id after publish is not allowed. Proper exception has to be thrown.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testAuzValidTopicPublisher">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test to check valid authorization to publish to topic.      
-            Expected result: User has to be able to publish to the topic.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testAuzValidTopicPublisherTransaction">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test to check valid authorization to publish to transacted topic.      
-            Expected result: User has to be able to publish to the topic.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testAuzInvalidTopicPublisher">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test to check that user with invalid authorization can publish to topic.      
-            Expected result: User has not to be able to publish to the topic. Proper exception has to be thrown
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testAuzInvalidTopicPublisherTransaction">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test to check that user with invalid authorization can publish to transacted topic.      
-            Expected result: User has not to be able to publish to the topic. Proper exception has to be thrown
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testAuzValidTopicSubscriber">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test to check that user with valid authorization can subscribe to a topic.      
-            Expected result: User has to be able to subscribe to the topic and receive message.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testAuzValidTopicSubscriberTransaction">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test to check that user with valid authorization can subscribe to a transacted topic.      
-            Expected result: User has to be able to subscribe to the topic and receive message.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testAuzInvalidTopicSubscriber">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test to check that user without valid authorization can subscribe to a topic.      
-            Expected result: User has not to be able to subscribe to the topic and receive message. Proper exception has to be thrown.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testAuzInvalidTopicSubscriberTransaction">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test to check that user without valid authorization can subscribe to a transacted topic.      
-            Expected result: User has not to be able to subscribe to the topic and receive message. Proper exception has to be thrown.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testAuzValidQueueSender">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test to check valid authorization to publish to queue.      
-            Expected result: User has to be able to publish to the queue.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testAuzValidQueueSenderTransaction">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test to check valid authorization to publish to transacted queue.      
-            Expected result: User has to be able to publish to the queue.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testAuzInvalidQueueSender">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test to check that user with invalid authorization can publish to queue.      
-            Expected result: User has not to be able to publish to the queue. Proper exception has to be thrown.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testAuzInvalidQueueSenderTransaction">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test to check that user with invalid authorization can publish to transacted queue.      
-            Expected result: User has not to be able to publish to the queue. Proper exception has to be thrown.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testAuzValidQueueReceiver">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test to check that user with valid authorization can subscribe to a queue and receive a message.      
-            Expected result: User has to be able to subscribe to the queue and receive a message.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testAuzValidQueueReceiverTransaction">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test to check that user with valid authorization can subscribe to a transacted queue and receive a message.      
-            Expected result: User has to be able to subscribe to the queue and receive a message.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testAuzInvalidQueueReceiver">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test to check that user without valid authorization can subscribe to a queue and receive a message.      
-            Expected result: User has not to be able to subscribe to the queue and receive a message.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testAuzInvalidQueueReceiverTransaction">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test to check that user without valid authorization can subscribe to a transacted queue and receive a message.      
-            Expected result: User has not to be able to subscribe to the queue and receive a message.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testAuzValidQueueBrowser">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test to check that user with valid authorization can browse a queue.      
-            Expected result: User has to be able to browse the queue.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testAuzInvalidQueueBrowser">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test to check that user without valid authorization can browse a queue.      
-            Expected result: User has not to be able to browse the queue.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testValidPreconfDurSub">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test to check that user with valid authorization can durrably subscribe to preconfigured topic and receive a message.      
-            Expected result: User has to be able to subscribe to the topic and receive a message.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testInvalidPreconfDurSub">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test to check that user without valid authorization can durrably subscribe to preconfigured topic and receive a message.      
-            Expected result: User has not to be able to subscribe to the topic and receive a message.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testValidDynDurSub">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test to check that user with valid authorization can durrably subscribe to dynamic topic and receive a message.      
-            Expected result: User has to be able to subscribe to the topic and receive a message.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testInvalidDynDurSub">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test to check that user without valid authorization can durrably subscribe to dynamic topic and receive a message.      
-            Expected result: User has to be able to subscribe to the topic and receive a message.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-	</testCase>
-	<testCase name="org.jboss.test.jbossmessaging.test.Jms11UnitTest">
-		<desc>Basic tests using the jms 1.1 producer/consumer APIs.</desc>
-		<test name="testQueueMessageOrder">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test that messages are ordered by message arrival and priority.
-                             This also tests :
-                             Using a non-transacted AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE session
-     	 	                 Using a MessageConsumer
-                             Using a QueueSender
-    			             Sending PERSITENT and NON_PERSISTENT text messages.
-    		                 Using a QueueBrowser
-            Expected result: No exceptions thrown. 
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testTemporaryQueueDelete">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test that temporary queues can be deleted.   
-            Expected result: No exceptions thrown. 
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testTemporaryTopicDelete">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test that temporary topics can be deleted.   
-            Expected result: No exceptions thrown. 
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testInvalidDestinationQueueBrowse">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test invalid destination trying to browse a message.   
-            Expected result: InvalidDestinationException has to be thrown while trying to browse queue.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testErrorsTopicSubscribe">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test errors trying on topic subscribe.   
-            Expected result: Proper exceptions have to be thrown (InvalidDestinationException). 
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testCreateQueue">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test create queue.   
-            Expected result: Queue created, no exceptions thrown. 
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testMessageListener">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Testing message listener in different modes.   
-            Expected result: No exceptions thrown. 
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testApplicationServerStuff">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Testing message listener on application server in different modes.  
-            Expected result: No exceptions thrown. 
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testTopics">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Testing various aspects of topic pub/sub mechanism.  
-            Expected result: No exceptions thrown. 
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testTopicNoLocal">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test to see if the NoLocal feature of topics works.
-            Expected result: Messages sent from the same connection should not
-                             be received by Subscribers on the same connection.  
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testTopicNoLocalBounce">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test to see whether no local works if a message was created somewhere else.
-            Expected result: No local subscriber should not receive the message, but local should. 
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testTopicSelectorChange">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test subscribing to a topic with one selector, then changing to another.  
-            Expected result: Test subscriber with message selector for property A will receive 2 messages
-                             sent later, but not acknowledged.
-                             Then receives two messages with message property B set, but no A.
-                             Later sender sends anothe two messages with prop. A and newly established receiver
-                             with selector for prop A will receive 4 messages with A property set. 
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testTopicSelectorNullOrEmpty">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test subscribing to a topic with a null and empty selector  
-            Expected result: Subscribers with null and empty selector have to be able receive messages.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testSendReceiveOutdated">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test sending/receiving an outdated message.
-            Expected result: Receiver should receive only one message (the one which didn't expire).
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testSendReceiveExpired">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test receiving message with JMSExpiration and persistent delivery mode is delivered regardless of JMSExpiration. 
-            Expected result: The message has to be received. 
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testSendListenOutdated">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test sending/listening an outdated message.
-            Expected result: After sending one outdated and one non-outdated message listener will receive only one message (non-outdated).
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.jboss-beans.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.destinations-service.xml</TSFI>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.cfg.jms.messaging-service.xml</TSFI>
-		</test>
-	</testCase>
-	<testCase name="org.jboss.test.webservice.endpoint.EndpointTestCase">
-		<desc>Test JAXWS Endpoint deployment</desc>
-		<test name="testWSDLAccess">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test whether deployment of WS endpoint has wsdl accessible via http://" + getServerHost() + ":8080/jaxws-endpoint?wsdl.  
-            Expected result: Has to return non-null wsdl document.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.api.jaxws</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testClientAccess">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test whether client has access to deployed web service.  
-            Expected result: Client has to receive expected string from endpoint.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.api.jaxws</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testServletAccess">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test whether one can access endpoint as servlet. 
-            Expected result: Resulting http respose contains expected string.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.api.jaxws</TSFI>
-		</test>
-	</testCase>
-	<testCase name="org.jboss.test.webservice.admindevel.ExampleTestCase">
-		<desc>A test for the examples from the JBoss Admin Devel book</desc>
-		<test name="testHelloString">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test if call to endpoint method returns proper string.   
-            Expected result: Expected string has to be returned.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.api.ws</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testHelloBean">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test whether webservice can be access using data bean.   
-            Expected result: Data bean has to contain proper result string.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.api.ws</TSFI>
-		</test>
-		<test name="testHelloArray">
-			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test whether webservice can be access using array query with mutiple data objects.  
-            Expected result: All objects have to return expected message from webservice.
-			</desc>
-			<TSFI>tsfi.api.ws</TSFI>
-		</test>
-	</testCase>
-  </testSuite>
-  <!--  
-    |============================================================================================
-    | jbossws-cxf specific testsuite to TOE Security Functionality Interface mapping.
-    | Note: this testsuite is used only when profile is using CXF webservices implementation.
-    |============================================================================================
-  -->
-  <testSuite name="JBWS-CXF">
-  	<testCase name="org.jboss.test.ws.jaxws.cxf.descriptor.DescriptorJSETestCase">
-  		<desc>Test a CXF endpoint with provided jbossws-cxf.xml</desc>
-  		<test name="testLegalAccess">
-  			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test whether test service with descriptor in jboss-cxf file could be accessed.  
-            Expected result: Service has to return expected string.
-  			</desc>
-  			<TSFI>tsfi.app.jboss-cxf.xml</TSFI>
-  		</test>
-  	</testCase>
-  	<testCase name="org.jboss.test.ws.jaxws.samples.wsse.SignEncryptTestCase">
-  		<desc>WS-Security sign and encrypt test case</desc>
-  		<test name="test">
-  			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test if test service can be access using WS-Security sign and encrypt method.  
-            Expected result: Service has to return expected string.
-  			</desc>
-  			<TSFI>tsfi.api.jaxws</TSFI>
-  			<TSFI>tsfi.api.ws</TSFI>
-  		</test>
-  	</testCase>
-  	<testCase name="org.jboss.test.ws.jaxws.samples.wsse.SignTestCase">
-  		<desc>WS-Security sign test case</desc>
-  		<test name="test">
-  			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test if test service can be access using WS-Security sign method.  
-            Expected result: Service has to return expected string.
-  			</desc>
-  			<TSFI>tsfi.api.jaxws</TSFI>
-  			<TSFI>tsfi.api.ws</TSFI>
-  		</test>
-  	</testCase>
-  	<testCase name="org.jboss.test.ws.jaxws.samples.wsse.UsernameTestCase">
-  		<desc>WS-Security username test case</desc>
-  		<test name="test">
-  			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test if test service can be access using WS-Security username and password method.  
-            Expected result: Service has to return expected string.
-  			</desc>
-  			<TSFI>tsfi.api.jaxws</TSFI>
-  			<TSFI>tsfi.api.ws</TSFI>
-  		</test>
-  		<test name="testWrongPassword">
-  			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test if accessing service using WS-Security username and password with wrong password throws exception.  
-            Expected result: Test has to catch exception and service cannot be called. 
-  			</desc>
-  			<TSFI>tsfi.api.jaxws</TSFI>
-  		</test>
-  	</testCase>
-  	<testCase name="org.jboss.test.ws.jaxws.complex.ComplexTestCase">
-  		<desc>A complex JAX-WS test</desc>
-  		<test name="testRegistration">
-  			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Tests checks possible call to endpoint and ability to throw proper exception uppon unsuccessful registration.    
-            Expected result: Proper exception type has to be thrown in case of unsuccessful registration.
-  			</desc>
-  			<TSFI>tsfi.api.jaxws</TSFI>
-  			<TSFI>tsfi.api.ws</TSFI>
-  		</test>
-  		<test name="testInvoiceRegistration">
-  			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test checks successful invoice registration using WS port.      
-            Expected result: No exceptions thrown.
-  			</desc>
-  			<TSFI>tsfi.api.jaxws</TSFI>
-  			<TSFI>tsfi.api.ws</TSFI>
-  		</test>
-  		<test name="testOtherPackage">
-  			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test if returned port statiscs are correctly returned from server.  
-            Expected result: Received statistics has to be as expected.
-  			</desc>
-  			<TSFI>tsfi.api.jaxws</TSFI>
-  			<TSFI>tsfi.api.ws</TSFI>
-  		</test>
-  		<test name="testBulkRegistration">
-  			<desc>
-            Test objective:  Test if bulk customer registration works and can handle faulty included customers.
-            Expected result: ValidationFault_Expection has to thrown with list of customer IDs that failed to be registered.  
-  			</desc>
-  			<TSFI>tsfi.api.jaxws</TSFI>
-  			<TSFI>tsfi.api.ws</TSFI>
-  		</test>
-  	</testCase>
-  </testSuite>
+    <!--  
+        |============================================================================================
+        | jbossws-cxf specific testsuite to TOE Security Functionality Interface mapping.
+        | Note: this testsuite is used only when profile is using CXF webservices implementation.
+        |============================================================================================
+    -->
+    <testSuite name="JBWS-CXF">
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.ws.jaxws.cxf.descriptor.DescriptorJSETestCase">
+            <desc>Test a CXF endpoint with provided jbossws-cxf.xml</desc>
+            <test name="testLegalAccess">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test whether test service with descriptor in jboss-cxf file could be accessed.  
+                    Expected result: Service has to return expected string.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.app.jboss-cxf.xml</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.ws.jaxws.samples.wsse.SignEncryptTestCase">
+            <desc>WS-Security sign and encrypt test case</desc>
+            <test name="test">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test if test service can be access using WS-Security sign and encrypt method.  
+                    Expected result: Service has to return expected string.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.api.jaxws</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.api.ws</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.ws.jaxws.samples.wsse.SignTestCase">
+            <desc>WS-Security sign test case</desc>
+            <test name="test">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test if test service can be access using WS-Security sign method.  
+                    Expected result: Service has to return expected string.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.api.jaxws</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.api.ws</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.ws.jaxws.samples.wsse.UsernameTestCase">
+            <desc>WS-Security username test case</desc>
+            <test name="test">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test if test service can be access using WS-Security username and password method.  
+                    Expected result: Service has to return expected string.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.api.jaxws</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.api.ws</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testWrongPassword">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test if accessing service using WS-Security username and password with wrong password throws exception.  
+                    Expected result: Test has to catch exception and service cannot be called. 
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.api.jaxws</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase name="org.jboss.test.ws.jaxws.complex.ComplexTestCase">
+            <desc>A complex JAX-WS test</desc>
+            <test name="testRegistration">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Tests checks possible call to endpoint and ability to throw proper exception uppon unsuccessful registration.    
+                    Expected result: Proper exception type has to be thrown in case of unsuccessful registration.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.api.jaxws</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.api.ws</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testInvoiceRegistration">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test checks successful invoice registration using WS port.      
+                    Expected result: No exceptions thrown.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.api.jaxws</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.api.ws</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testOtherPackage">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test if returned port statiscs are correctly returned from server.  
+                    Expected result: Received statistics has to be as expected.
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.api.jaxws</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.api.ws</TSFI>
+            </test>
+            <test name="testBulkRegistration">
+                <desc>
+                    Test objective:  Test if bulk customer registration works and can handle faulty included customers.
+                    Expected result: ValidationFault_Expection has to thrown with list of customer IDs that failed to be registered.  
+                </desc>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.api.jaxws</TSFI>
+                <TSFI>tsfi.api.ws</TSFI>
+            </test>
+        </testCase>
+    </testSuite>

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