[jboss-cvs] JBossAS SVN: r112000 - in projects/jboss-jca/tags: IRONJACAMAR_1_0_3_FINAL/common/src/main/java/org/jboss/jca/common/metadata/common and 1 other directories.

jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org
Thu Aug 11 09:16:11 EDT 2011

Author: jesper.pedersen
Date: 2011-08-11 09:16:11 -0400 (Thu, 11 Aug 2011)
New Revision: 112000

IronJacamar 1.0.3.Final

Deleted: projects/jboss-jca/tags/IRONJACAMAR_1_0_3_FINAL/common/src/main/java/org/jboss/jca/common/metadata/common/CommonIronJacamarParser.java
--- projects/jboss-jca/branches/Branch_1_0/common/src/main/java/org/jboss/jca/common/metadata/common/CommonIronJacamarParser.java	2011-08-11 11:14:07 UTC (rev 111998)
+++ projects/jboss-jca/tags/IRONJACAMAR_1_0_3_FINAL/common/src/main/java/org/jboss/jca/common/metadata/common/CommonIronJacamarParser.java	2011-08-11 13:16:11 UTC (rev 112000)
@@ -1,399 +0,0 @@
- * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source.
- * Copyright 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors
- * as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the
- * distribution for a full listing of individual contributors.
- *
- * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
- * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
- * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
- * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
- */
-package org.jboss.jca.common.metadata.common;
-import org.jboss.jca.common.CommonBundle;
-import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.common.CommonAdminObject;
-import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.common.CommonConnDef;
-import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.common.CommonPool;
-import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.common.CommonSecurity;
-import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.common.CommonTimeOut;
-import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.common.CommonValidation;
-import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.common.Recovery;
-import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.resourceadapter.ResourceAdapter;
-import org.jboss.jca.common.api.validator.ValidateException;
-import org.jboss.jca.common.metadata.AbstractParser;
-import org.jboss.jca.common.metadata.ParserException;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException;
-import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader;
-import org.jboss.logging.Messages;
-import static javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT;
-import static javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT;
- *
- * A CommonIronJacamarParser.
- *
- * @author <a href="stefano.maestri at jboss.com">Stefano Maestri</a>
- *
- */
-public abstract class CommonIronJacamarParser extends AbstractParser
-   /** The bundle */
-   private static CommonBundle bundle = Messages.getBundle(CommonBundle.class);
-   /**
-    *
-    * parse a single connection-definition tag
-    *
-    * @param reader the reader
-    * @return the parse {@link CommonConnDef} object
-    * @throws XMLStreamException XMLStreamException
-    * @throws ParserException ParserException
-    * @throws ValidateException ValidateException
-    */
-   protected CommonConnDef parseConnectionDefinitions(XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException,
-      ParserException, ValidateException
-   {
-      HashMap<String, String> configProperties = new HashMap<String, String>();
-      CommonSecurity security = null;
-      CommonTimeOut timeOut = null;
-      CommonValidation validation = null;
-      CommonPool pool = null;
-      Recovery recovery = null;
-      //attributes reading
-      boolean useJavaContext = true;
-      String className = null;
-      boolean enabled = true;
-      String jndiName = null;
-      String poolName = null;
-      boolean useCcm = true;
-      int attributeSize = reader.getAttributeCount();
-      boolean isXa = false;
-      for (int i = 0; i < attributeSize; i++)
-      {
-         CommonConnDef.Attribute attribute = CommonConnDef.Attribute.forName(reader.getAttributeLocalName(i));
-         switch (attribute)
-         {
-            case ENABLED : {
-               enabled = attributeAsBoolean(reader, attribute.getLocalName(), true);
-               break;
-            }
-            case JNDINAME : {
-               jndiName = attributeAsString(reader, attribute.getLocalName());
-               break;
-            }
-            case CLASS_NAME : {
-               className = attributeAsString(reader, attribute.getLocalName());
-               break;
-            }
-            case POOL_NAME : {
-               poolName = attributeAsString(reader, attribute.getLocalName());
-               break;
-            }
-            case USEJAVACONTEXT : {
-               useJavaContext = attributeAsBoolean(reader, attribute.getLocalName(), true);
-               break;
-            }
-            case USECCM : {
-               useCcm = attributeAsBoolean(reader, attribute.getLocalName(), true);
-               break;
-            }
-            default :
-               throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedAttribute(attribute.getLocalName(), reader.getLocalName()));
-         }
-      }
-      if (jndiName == null || jndiName.trim().equals(""))
-         throw new ParserException(bundle.missingJndiName(reader.getLocalName()));
-      while (reader.hasNext())
-      {
-         switch (reader.nextTag())
-         {
-            case END_ELEMENT : {
-               if (ResourceAdapter.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == ResourceAdapter.Tag.CONNECTION_DEFINITION)
-               {
-                  return new CommonConnDefImpl(configProperties, className, jndiName, poolName, enabled,
-                                               useJavaContext, useCcm, pool, timeOut, validation, security, recovery);
-               }
-               else
-               {
-                  if (CommonConnDef.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == CommonConnDef.Tag.UNKNOWN)
-                  {
-                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndTag(reader.getLocalName()));
-                  }
-               }
-               break;
-            }
-            case START_ELEMENT : {
-               switch (CommonConnDef.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()))
-               {
-                  case CONFIG_PROPERTY : {
-                     configProperties.put(attributeAsString(reader, "name"), elementAsString(reader));
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case SECURITY : {
-                     security = parseSecuritySettings(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case TIMEOUT : {
-                     timeOut = parseTimeOut(reader, isXa);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case VALIDATION : {
-                     validation = parseValidation(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case XA_POOL : {
-                     if (pool != null)
-                        throw new ParserException(bundle.multiplePools());
-                     pool = parseXaPool(reader);
-                     isXa = true;
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case POOL : {
-                     if (pool != null)
-                        throw new ParserException(bundle.multiplePools());
-                     pool = parsePool(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case RECOVERY : {
-                     recovery = parseRecovery(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  default :
-                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedElement(reader.getLocalName()));
-               }
-               break;
-            }
-         }
-      }
-      throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndOfDocument());
-   }
-   private CommonValidation parseValidation(XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException, ParserException
-   {
-      boolean useFastFail = false;
-      boolean backgroundValidation = false;
-      Long backgroundValidationMillis = null;
-      while (reader.hasNext())
-      {
-         switch (reader.nextTag())
-         {
-            case END_ELEMENT : {
-               if (CommonConnDef.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == CommonConnDef.Tag.VALIDATION)
-               {
-                  return new CommonValidationImpl(backgroundValidation, backgroundValidationMillis, useFastFail);
-               }
-               else
-               {
-                  if (CommonValidation.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == CommonValidation.Tag.UNKNOWN)
-                  {
-                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndTag(reader.getLocalName()));
-                  }
-               }
-               break;
-            }
-            case START_ELEMENT : {
-               switch (CommonValidation.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()))
-               {
-                  case BACKGROUNDVALIDATIONMILLIS : {
-                     backgroundValidationMillis = elementAsLong(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case BACKGROUNDVALIDATION : {
-                     backgroundValidation = elementAsBoolean(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case USEFASTFAIL : {
-                     useFastFail = elementAsBoolean(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  default :
-                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedElement(reader.getLocalName()));
-               }
-               break;
-            }
-         }
-      }
-      throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndOfDocument());
-   }
-   private CommonTimeOut parseTimeOut(XMLStreamReader reader, boolean isXa) throws XMLStreamException,
-      ParserException, ValidateException
-   {
-      Long blockingTimeoutMillis = null;
-      Long allocationRetryWaitMillis = null;
-      Long idleTimeoutMinutes = null;
-      Integer allocationRetry = null;
-      Integer xaResourceTimeout = null;
-      while (reader.hasNext())
-      {
-         switch (reader.nextTag())
-         {
-            case END_ELEMENT : {
-               if (CommonConnDef.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == CommonConnDef.Tag.TIMEOUT)
-               {
-                  return new CommonTimeOutImpl(blockingTimeoutMillis, idleTimeoutMinutes, allocationRetry,
-                                               allocationRetryWaitMillis, xaResourceTimeout);
-               }
-               else
-               {
-                  if (CommonTimeOut.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == CommonTimeOut.Tag.UNKNOWN)
-                  {
-                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndTag(reader.getLocalName()));
-                  }
-               }
-               break;
-            }
-            case START_ELEMENT : {
-               switch (CommonTimeOut.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()))
-               {
-                  case ALLOCATIONRETRYWAITMILLIS : {
-                     allocationRetryWaitMillis = elementAsLong(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case ALLOCATIONRETRY : {
-                     allocationRetry = elementAsInteger(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case BLOCKINGTIMEOUTMILLIS : {
-                     blockingTimeoutMillis = elementAsLong(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case IDLETIMEOUTMINUTES : {
-                     idleTimeoutMinutes = elementAsLong(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case XARESOURCETIMEOUT : {
-                     if (!isXa)
-                        throw new ParserException(bundle.unsupportedElement(reader.getLocalName()));
-                     xaResourceTimeout = elementAsInteger(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  default :
-                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedElement(reader.getLocalName()));
-               }
-               break;
-            }
-         }
-      }
-      throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndOfDocument());
-   }
-   /**
-    *
-    * parse a single admin-oject tag
-    *
-    * @param reader the reader
-    * @return the parsed {@link CommonAdminObject}
-    * @throws XMLStreamException XMLStreamException
-    * @throws ParserException ParserException
-    */
-   protected CommonAdminObject parseAdminObjects(XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException,
-      ParserException
-   {
-      HashMap<String, String> configProperties = new HashMap<String, String>();
-      //attributes reading
-      boolean useJavaContext = true;
-      String className = null;
-      boolean enabled = true;
-      String jndiName = null;
-      String poolName = null;
-      int attributeSize = reader.getAttributeCount();
-      for (int i = 0; i < attributeSize; i++)
-      {
-         CommonAdminObject.Attribute attribute = CommonAdminObject.Attribute.forName(reader
-            .getAttributeLocalName(i));
-         switch (attribute)
-         {
-            case ENABLED : {
-               enabled = attributeAsBoolean(reader, attribute.getLocalName(), true);
-               break;
-            }
-            case JNDINAME : {
-               jndiName = attributeAsString(reader, attribute.getLocalName());
-               break;
-            }
-            case CLASS_NAME : {
-               className = attributeAsString(reader, attribute.getLocalName());
-               break;
-            }
-            case USEJAVACONTEXT : {
-               useJavaContext = attributeAsBoolean(reader, attribute.getLocalName(), true);
-               break;
-            }
-            case POOL_NAME : {
-               poolName = attributeAsString(reader, attribute.getLocalName());
-               break;
-            }
-            default :
-               throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedAttribute(attribute.getLocalName(), reader.getLocalName()));
-         }
-      }
-      if (jndiName == null || jndiName.trim().equals(""))
-         throw new ParserException(bundle.missingJndiName(reader.getLocalName()));
-      while (reader.hasNext())
-      {
-         switch (reader.nextTag())
-         {
-            case END_ELEMENT : {
-               if (ResourceAdapter.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == ResourceAdapter.Tag.ADMIN_OBJECT)
-               {
-                  return new CommonAdminObjectImpl(configProperties, className, jndiName, poolName, enabled,
-                                                   useJavaContext);
-               }
-               else
-               {
-                  if (CommonAdminObject.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == CommonAdminObject.Tag.UNKNOWN)
-                  {
-                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndTag(reader.getLocalName()));
-                  }
-               }
-               break;
-            }
-            case START_ELEMENT : {
-               switch (CommonAdminObject.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()))
-               {
-                  case CONFIG_PROPERTY : {
-                     configProperties.put(attributeAsString(reader, "name"), elementAsString(reader));
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  default :
-                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedElement(reader.getLocalName()));
-               }
-               break;
-            }
-         }
-      }
-      throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndOfDocument());
-   }

Copied: projects/jboss-jca/tags/IRONJACAMAR_1_0_3_FINAL/common/src/main/java/org/jboss/jca/common/metadata/common/CommonIronJacamarParser.java (from rev 111999, projects/jboss-jca/branches/Branch_1_0/common/src/main/java/org/jboss/jca/common/metadata/common/CommonIronJacamarParser.java)
--- projects/jboss-jca/tags/IRONJACAMAR_1_0_3_FINAL/common/src/main/java/org/jboss/jca/common/metadata/common/CommonIronJacamarParser.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ projects/jboss-jca/tags/IRONJACAMAR_1_0_3_FINAL/common/src/main/java/org/jboss/jca/common/metadata/common/CommonIronJacamarParser.java	2011-08-11 13:16:11 UTC (rev 112000)
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+ * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source.
+ * Copyright 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors
+ * as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the
+ * distribution for a full listing of individual contributors.
+ *
+ * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
+ * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+ * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
+ */
+package org.jboss.jca.common.metadata.common;
+import org.jboss.jca.common.CommonBundle;
+import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.common.CommonAdminObject;
+import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.common.CommonConnDef;
+import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.common.CommonPool;
+import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.common.CommonSecurity;
+import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.common.CommonTimeOut;
+import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.common.CommonValidation;
+import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.common.Recovery;
+import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.resourceadapter.ResourceAdapter;
+import org.jboss.jca.common.api.validator.ValidateException;
+import org.jboss.jca.common.metadata.AbstractParser;
+import org.jboss.jca.common.metadata.ParserException;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException;
+import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader;
+import org.jboss.logging.Messages;
+import static javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT;
+import static javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT;
+ *
+ * A CommonIronJacamarParser.
+ *
+ * @author <a href="stefano.maestri at jboss.com">Stefano Maestri</a>
+ *
+ */
+public abstract class CommonIronJacamarParser extends AbstractParser
+   /** The bundle */
+   private static CommonBundle bundle = Messages.getBundle(CommonBundle.class);
+   /**
+    *
+    * parse a single connection-definition tag
+    *
+    * @param reader the reader
+    * @return the parse {@link CommonConnDef} object
+    * @throws XMLStreamException XMLStreamException
+    * @throws ParserException ParserException
+    * @throws ValidateException ValidateException
+    */
+   protected CommonConnDef parseConnectionDefinitions(XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException,
+      ParserException, ValidateException
+   {
+      HashMap<String, String> configProperties = new HashMap<String, String>();
+      CommonSecurity security = null;
+      CommonTimeOut timeOut = null;
+      CommonValidation validation = null;
+      CommonPool pool = null;
+      Recovery recovery = null;
+      //attributes reading
+      boolean useJavaContext = true;
+      String className = null;
+      boolean enabled = true;
+      String jndiName = null;
+      String poolName = null;
+      boolean useCcm = true;
+      int attributeSize = reader.getAttributeCount();
+      boolean isXa = false;
+      for (int i = 0; i < attributeSize; i++)
+      {
+         CommonConnDef.Attribute attribute = CommonConnDef.Attribute.forName(reader.getAttributeLocalName(i));
+         switch (attribute)
+         {
+            case ENABLED : {
+               enabled = attributeAsBoolean(reader, attribute.getLocalName(), true);
+               break;
+            }
+            case JNDINAME : {
+               jndiName = attributeAsString(reader, attribute.getLocalName());
+               break;
+            }
+            case CLASS_NAME : {
+               className = attributeAsString(reader, attribute.getLocalName());
+               break;
+            }
+            case POOL_NAME : {
+               poolName = attributeAsString(reader, attribute.getLocalName());
+               break;
+            }
+            case USEJAVACONTEXT : {
+               useJavaContext = attributeAsBoolean(reader, attribute.getLocalName(), true);
+               break;
+            }
+            case USECCM : {
+               useCcm = attributeAsBoolean(reader, attribute.getLocalName(), true);
+               break;
+            }
+            default :
+               throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedAttribute(attribute.getLocalName(), reader.getLocalName()));
+         }
+      }
+      if (jndiName == null || jndiName.trim().equals(""))
+         throw new ParserException(bundle.missingJndiName(reader.getLocalName()));
+      while (reader.hasNext())
+      {
+         switch (reader.nextTag())
+         {
+            case END_ELEMENT : {
+               if (ResourceAdapter.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == ResourceAdapter.Tag.CONNECTION_DEFINITION)
+               {
+                  return new CommonConnDefImpl(configProperties, className, jndiName, poolName, enabled,
+                                               useJavaContext, useCcm, pool, timeOut, validation, security, recovery);
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                  if (CommonConnDef.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == CommonConnDef.Tag.UNKNOWN)
+                  {
+                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndTag(reader.getLocalName()));
+                  }
+               }
+               break;
+            }
+            case START_ELEMENT : {
+               switch (CommonConnDef.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()))
+               {
+                  case CONFIG_PROPERTY : {
+                     configProperties.put(attributeAsString(reader, "name"), elementAsString(reader));
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case SECURITY : {
+                     security = parseSecuritySettings(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case TIMEOUT : {
+                     timeOut = parseTimeOut(reader, isXa);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case VALIDATION : {
+                     validation = parseValidation(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case XA_POOL : {
+                     if (pool != null)
+                        throw new ParserException(bundle.multiplePools());
+                     pool = parseXaPool(reader);
+                     isXa = true;
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case POOL : {
+                     if (pool != null)
+                        throw new ParserException(bundle.multiplePools());
+                     pool = parsePool(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case RECOVERY : {
+                     recovery = parseRecovery(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  default :
+                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedElement(reader.getLocalName()));
+               }
+               break;
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndOfDocument());
+   }
+   private CommonValidation parseValidation(XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException, ParserException
+   {
+      boolean useFastFail = false;
+      boolean backgroundValidation = false;
+      Long backgroundValidationMillis = null;
+      while (reader.hasNext())
+      {
+         switch (reader.nextTag())
+         {
+            case END_ELEMENT : {
+               if (CommonConnDef.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == CommonConnDef.Tag.VALIDATION)
+               {
+                  return new CommonValidationImpl(backgroundValidation, backgroundValidationMillis, useFastFail);
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                  if (CommonValidation.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == CommonValidation.Tag.UNKNOWN)
+                  {
+                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndTag(reader.getLocalName()));
+                  }
+               }
+               break;
+            }
+            case START_ELEMENT : {
+               switch (CommonValidation.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()))
+               {
+                  case BACKGROUNDVALIDATIONMILLIS : {
+                     backgroundValidationMillis = elementAsLong(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case BACKGROUNDVALIDATION : {
+                     backgroundValidation = elementAsBoolean(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case USEFASTFAIL : {
+                     useFastFail = elementAsBoolean(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  default : {
+                     if (reader.getLocalName().equals("background-validation-minutes"))
+                     {
+                        Integer backgroundValidationMinutes = elementAsInteger(reader);
+                        backgroundValidationMillis = backgroundValidationMinutes.intValue() * 60000L;
+                     }
+                     else if (reader.getLocalName().equals("useFastFail"))
+                     {
+                        useFastFail = elementAsBoolean(reader);
+                     }
+                     else
+                     {
+                        throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedElement(reader.getLocalName()));
+                     }
+                  }
+               }
+               break;
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndOfDocument());
+   }
+   private CommonTimeOut parseTimeOut(XMLStreamReader reader, boolean isXa) throws XMLStreamException,
+      ParserException, ValidateException
+   {
+      Long blockingTimeoutMillis = null;
+      Long allocationRetryWaitMillis = null;
+      Long idleTimeoutMinutes = null;
+      Integer allocationRetry = null;
+      Integer xaResourceTimeout = null;
+      while (reader.hasNext())
+      {
+         switch (reader.nextTag())
+         {
+            case END_ELEMENT : {
+               if (CommonConnDef.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == CommonConnDef.Tag.TIMEOUT)
+               {
+                  return new CommonTimeOutImpl(blockingTimeoutMillis, idleTimeoutMinutes, allocationRetry,
+                                               allocationRetryWaitMillis, xaResourceTimeout);
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                  if (CommonTimeOut.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == CommonTimeOut.Tag.UNKNOWN)
+                  {
+                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndTag(reader.getLocalName()));
+                  }
+               }
+               break;
+            }
+            case START_ELEMENT : {
+               switch (CommonTimeOut.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()))
+               {
+                  case ALLOCATIONRETRYWAITMILLIS : {
+                     allocationRetryWaitMillis = elementAsLong(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case ALLOCATIONRETRY : {
+                     allocationRetry = elementAsInteger(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case BLOCKINGTIMEOUTMILLIS : {
+                     blockingTimeoutMillis = elementAsLong(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case IDLETIMEOUTMINUTES : {
+                     idleTimeoutMinutes = elementAsLong(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case XARESOURCETIMEOUT : {
+                     if (!isXa)
+                        throw new ParserException(bundle.unsupportedElement(reader.getLocalName()));
+                     xaResourceTimeout = elementAsInteger(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  default :
+                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedElement(reader.getLocalName()));
+               }
+               break;
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndOfDocument());
+   }
+   /**
+    *
+    * parse a single admin-oject tag
+    *
+    * @param reader the reader
+    * @return the parsed {@link CommonAdminObject}
+    * @throws XMLStreamException XMLStreamException
+    * @throws ParserException ParserException
+    */
+   protected CommonAdminObject parseAdminObjects(XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException,
+      ParserException
+   {
+      HashMap<String, String> configProperties = new HashMap<String, String>();
+      //attributes reading
+      boolean useJavaContext = true;
+      String className = null;
+      boolean enabled = true;
+      String jndiName = null;
+      String poolName = null;
+      int attributeSize = reader.getAttributeCount();
+      for (int i = 0; i < attributeSize; i++)
+      {
+         CommonAdminObject.Attribute attribute = CommonAdminObject.Attribute.forName(reader
+            .getAttributeLocalName(i));
+         switch (attribute)
+         {
+            case ENABLED : {
+               enabled = attributeAsBoolean(reader, attribute.getLocalName(), true);
+               break;
+            }
+            case JNDINAME : {
+               jndiName = attributeAsString(reader, attribute.getLocalName());
+               break;
+            }
+            case CLASS_NAME : {
+               className = attributeAsString(reader, attribute.getLocalName());
+               break;
+            }
+            case USEJAVACONTEXT : {
+               useJavaContext = attributeAsBoolean(reader, attribute.getLocalName(), true);
+               break;
+            }
+            case POOL_NAME : {
+               poolName = attributeAsString(reader, attribute.getLocalName());
+               break;
+            }
+            default :
+               throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedAttribute(attribute.getLocalName(), reader.getLocalName()));
+         }
+      }
+      if (jndiName == null || jndiName.trim().equals(""))
+         throw new ParserException(bundle.missingJndiName(reader.getLocalName()));
+      while (reader.hasNext())
+      {
+         switch (reader.nextTag())
+         {
+            case END_ELEMENT : {
+               if (ResourceAdapter.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == ResourceAdapter.Tag.ADMIN_OBJECT)
+               {
+                  return new CommonAdminObjectImpl(configProperties, className, jndiName, poolName, enabled,
+                                                   useJavaContext);
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                  if (CommonAdminObject.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == CommonAdminObject.Tag.UNKNOWN)
+                  {
+                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndTag(reader.getLocalName()));
+                  }
+               }
+               break;
+            }
+            case START_ELEMENT : {
+               switch (CommonAdminObject.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()))
+               {
+                  case CONFIG_PROPERTY : {
+                     configProperties.put(attributeAsString(reader, "name"), elementAsString(reader));
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  default :
+                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedElement(reader.getLocalName()));
+               }
+               break;
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndOfDocument());
+   }

Deleted: projects/jboss-jca/tags/IRONJACAMAR_1_0_3_FINAL/common/src/main/java/org/jboss/jca/common/metadata/ds/DsParser.java
--- projects/jboss-jca/branches/Branch_1_0/common/src/main/java/org/jboss/jca/common/metadata/ds/DsParser.java	2011-08-11 11:14:07 UTC (rev 111998)
+++ projects/jboss-jca/tags/IRONJACAMAR_1_0_3_FINAL/common/src/main/java/org/jboss/jca/common/metadata/ds/DsParser.java	2011-08-11 13:16:11 UTC (rev 112000)
@@ -1,924 +0,0 @@
- * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source.
- * Copyright 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors
- * as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the
- * distribution for a full listing of individual contributors.
- *
- * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
- * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
- * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
- * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
- */
-package org.jboss.jca.common.metadata.ds;
-import org.jboss.jca.common.CommonBundle;
-import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.common.CommonPool;
-import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.common.CommonXaPool;
-import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.common.Extension;
-import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.common.Recovery;
-import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.ds.DataSource;
-import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.ds.DataSources;
-import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.ds.Driver;
-import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.ds.DsSecurity;
-import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.ds.Statement;
-import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.ds.Statement.TrackStatementsEnum;
-import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.ds.TimeOut;
-import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.ds.TransactionIsolation;
-import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.ds.Validation;
-import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.ds.XaDataSource;
-import org.jboss.jca.common.api.validator.ValidateException;
-import org.jboss.jca.common.metadata.AbstractParser;
-import org.jboss.jca.common.metadata.MetadataParser;
-import org.jboss.jca.common.metadata.ParserException;
-import java.io.InputStream;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Locale;
-import java.util.Map;
-import javax.xml.stream.XMLInputFactory;
-import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException;
-import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader;
-import org.jboss.logging.Messages;
-import static javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT;
-import static javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT;
- *
- * A DsParser.
- *
- * @author <a href="stefano.maestri at jboss.com">Stefano Maestri</a>
- *
- */
-public class DsParser extends AbstractParser implements MetadataParser<DataSources>
-   /** The bundle */
-   private static CommonBundle bundle = Messages.getBundle(CommonBundle.class);
-   @Override
-   public DataSources parse(InputStream xmlInputStream) throws Exception
-   {
-      XMLStreamReader reader = null;
-      XMLInputFactory inputFactory = XMLInputFactory.newInstance();
-      reader = inputFactory.createXMLStreamReader(xmlInputStream);
-      try
-      {
-         return parse(reader);
-      }
-      finally
-      {
-         if (reader != null)
-            reader.close();
-      }
-   }
-   @Override
-   public DataSources parse(XMLStreamReader reader) throws Exception
-   {
-      DataSources dataSources = null;
-      //iterate over tags
-      int iterate;
-      try
-      {
-         iterate = reader.nextTag();
-      }
-      catch (XMLStreamException e)
-      {
-         //founding a non tag..go on. Normally non-tag found at beginning are comments or DTD declaration
-         iterate = reader.nextTag();
-      }
-      switch (iterate)
-      {
-         case END_ELEMENT : {
-            // should mean we're done, so ignore it.
-            break;
-         }
-         case START_ELEMENT : {
-            switch (Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()))
-            {
-               case DATASOURCES : {
-                  dataSources = parseDataSources(reader);
-                  break;
-               }
-               default :
-                  throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedElement(reader.getLocalName()));
-            }
-            break;
-         }
-         default :
-            throw new IllegalStateException();
-      }
-      return dataSources;
-   }
-   private DataSources parseDataSources(XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException, ParserException,
-      ValidateException
-   {
-      ArrayList<XaDataSource> xaDataSource = new ArrayList<XaDataSource>();
-      ArrayList<DataSource> datasource = new ArrayList<DataSource>();
-      HashMap<String, Driver> drivers = new HashMap<String, Driver>();
-      boolean driversMatched = false;
-      while (reader.hasNext())
-      {
-         switch (reader.nextTag())
-         {
-            case END_ELEMENT : {
-               if (Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == Tag.DATASOURCES)
-               {
-                  return new DatasourcesImpl(datasource, xaDataSource, drivers);
-               }
-               else
-               {
-                  if (DataSources.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == DataSources.Tag.UNKNOWN)
-                  {
-                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndTag(reader.getLocalName()));
-                  }
-               }
-               break;
-            }
-            case START_ELEMENT : {
-               switch (DataSources.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()))
-               {
-                  case DATASOURCE : {
-                     datasource.add(parseDataSource(reader));
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case XA_DATASOURCE : {
-                     xaDataSource.add(parseXADataSource(reader));
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case DRIVERS : {
-                     driversMatched = true;
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case DRIVER : {
-                     Driver driver = parseDriver(reader);
-                     drivers.put(driver.getName(), driver);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  default :
-                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedElement(reader.getLocalName()));
-               }
-               break;
-            }
-         }
-      }
-      throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndOfDocument());
-   }
-   private Driver parseDriver(XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException, ParserException,
-      ValidateException
-   {
-      String driverClass = null;
-      String dataSourceClass = null;
-      String xaDataSourceClass = null;
-      //attributes reading
-      String name = null;
-      Integer majorVersion = null;
-      Integer minorVersion = null;
-      String module = null;
-      for (org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.ds.Driver.Attribute attribute : Driver.Attribute.values())
-      {
-         switch (attribute)
-         {
-            case NAME : {
-               name = attributeAsString(reader, attribute.getLocalName());
-               break;
-            }
-            case MAJOR_VERSION : {
-               majorVersion = attributeAsInt(reader, attribute.getLocalName());
-               break;
-            }
-            case MINOR_VERSION : {
-               minorVersion = attributeAsInt(reader, attribute.getLocalName());
-               break;
-            }
-            case MODULE : {
-               module = attributeAsString(reader, attribute.getLocalName());
-               break;
-            }
-            default :
-               break;
-         }
-      }
-      //elements reading
-      while (reader.hasNext())
-      {
-         switch (reader.nextTag())
-         {
-            case END_ELEMENT : {
-               if (DataSources.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == DataSources.Tag.DRIVER)
-               {
-                  return new DriverImpl(name, majorVersion, minorVersion, module, 
-                                        driverClass, dataSourceClass, xaDataSourceClass);
-               }
-               else
-               {
-                  if (Driver.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == Driver.Tag.UNKNOWN)
-                  {
-                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndTag(reader.getLocalName()));
-                  }
-               }
-               break;
-            }
-            case START_ELEMENT : {
-               switch (Driver.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()))
-               {
-                  case DATASOURCECLASS : {
-                     dataSourceClass = elementAsString(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case XADATASOURCECLASS : {
-                     xaDataSourceClass = elementAsString(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case DRIVERCLASS : {
-                     driverClass = elementAsString(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  default :
-                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedElement(reader.getLocalName()));
-               }
-               break;
-            }
-         }
-      }
-      throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndOfDocument());
-   }
-   private XaDataSource parseXADataSource(XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException, ParserException,
-      ValidateException
-   {
-      TransactionIsolation transactionIsolation = null;
-      Map<String, String> xaDataSourceProperty = new HashMap<String, String>();
-      TimeOut timeOutSettings = null;
-      DsSecurity securitySettings = null;
-      Statement statementSettings = null;
-      Validation validationSettings = null;
-      String urlDelimiter = null;
-      String urlSelectorStrategyClassName = null;
-      String newConnectionSql = null;
-      CommonXaPool xaPool = null;
-      Recovery recovery = null;
-      String xaDataSourceClass = null;
-      String driver = null;
-      //attributes reading
-      boolean useJavaContext = true;
-      String poolName = null;
-      boolean enabled = true;
-      String jndiName = null;
-      boolean spy = false;
-      boolean useCcm = true;
-      for (XaDataSource.Attribute attribute : XaDataSource.Attribute.values())
-      {
-         switch (attribute)
-         {
-            case ENABLED : {
-               enabled = attributeAsBoolean(reader, attribute.getLocalName(), true);
-               break;
-            }
-            case JNDINAME : {
-               jndiName = attributeAsString(reader, attribute.getLocalName());
-               break;
-            }
-            case POOL_NAME : {
-               poolName = attributeAsString(reader, attribute.getLocalName());
-               break;
-            }
-            case USEJAVACONTEXT : {
-               useJavaContext = attributeAsBoolean(reader, attribute.getLocalName(), true);
-               break;
-            }
-            case SPY : {
-               spy = attributeAsBoolean(reader, attribute.getLocalName(), false);
-               break;
-            }
-            case USE_CCM : {
-               useCcm = attributeAsBoolean(reader, attribute.getLocalName(), true);
-               break;
-            }
-            default :
-               break;
-         }
-      }
-      //elements reading
-      while (reader.hasNext())
-      {
-         switch (reader.nextTag())
-         {
-            case END_ELEMENT : {
-               if (DataSources.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == DataSources.Tag.XA_DATASOURCE)
-               {
-                  return new XADataSourceImpl(transactionIsolation, timeOutSettings, securitySettings,
-                                              statementSettings, validationSettings, urlDelimiter,
-                                              urlSelectorStrategyClassName, useJavaContext, poolName, enabled,
-                                              jndiName, spy, useCcm, xaDataSourceProperty, xaDataSourceClass, driver,
-                                              newConnectionSql, xaPool, recovery);
-               }
-               else
-               {
-                  if (XaDataSource.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == XaDataSource.Tag.UNKNOWN)
-                  {
-                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndTag(reader.getLocalName()));
-                  }
-               }
-               break;
-            }
-            case START_ELEMENT : {
-               switch (XaDataSource.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()))
-               {
-                  case XADATASOURCEPROPERTY : {
-                     xaDataSourceProperty.put(attributeAsString(reader, "name"), elementAsString(reader));
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case XADATASOURCECLASS : {
-                     xaDataSourceClass = elementAsString(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case DRIVER : {
-                     driver = elementAsString(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case XA_POOL : {
-                     xaPool = parseXaPool(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case NEWCONNECTIONSQL : {
-                     newConnectionSql = elementAsString(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case URLDELIMITER : {
-                     urlDelimiter = elementAsString(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case URLSELECTORSTRATEGYCLASSNAME : {
-                     urlSelectorStrategyClassName = elementAsString(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case TRANSACTIONISOLATION : {
-                     transactionIsolation = TransactionIsolation.valueOf(elementAsString(reader));
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case SECURITY : {
-                     securitySettings = parseDsSecurity(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case STATEMENT : {
-                     statementSettings = parseStatementSettings(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case TIMEOUT : {
-                     timeOutSettings = parseTimeOutSettings(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case VALIDATION : {
-                     validationSettings = parseValidationSetting(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case RECOVERY : {
-                     recovery = parseRecovery(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  default :
-                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedElement(reader.getLocalName()));
-               }
-               break;
-            }
-         }
-      }
-      throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndOfDocument());
-   }
-   private DsSecurity parseDsSecurity(XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException, ParserException,
-      ValidateException
-   {
-      String userName = null;
-      String password = null;
-      String securityDomain = null;
-      Extension reauthPlugin = null;
-      while (reader.hasNext())
-      {
-         switch (reader.nextTag())
-         {
-            case END_ELEMENT : {
-               if (DataSource.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == DataSource.Tag.SECURITY)
-               {
-                  return new DsSecurityImpl(userName, password, securityDomain, reauthPlugin);
-               }
-               else
-               {
-                  if (DsSecurity.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == DsSecurity.Tag.UNKNOWN)
-                  {
-                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndTag(reader.getLocalName()));
-                  }
-               }
-               break;
-            }
-            case START_ELEMENT : {
-               DsSecurity.Tag tag = DsSecurity.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName());
-               switch (tag)
-               {
-                  case PASSWORD : {
-                     password = elementAsString(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case USERNAME : {
-                     userName = elementAsString(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case SECURITY_DOMAIN : {
-                     securityDomain = elementAsString(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case REAUTH_PLUGIN : {
-                     reauthPlugin = parseExtension(reader, tag.getLocalName());
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  default :
-                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedElement(reader.getLocalName()));
-               }
-               break;
-            }
-         }
-      }
-      throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndOfDocument());
-   }
-   private DataSource parseDataSource(XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException, ParserException,
-      ValidateException
-   {
-      String connectionUrl = null;
-      String driverClass = null;
-      String dataSourceClass = null;
-      String driver = null;
-      TransactionIsolation transactionIsolation = null;
-      Map<String, String> connectionProperties = new HashMap<String, String>();
-      TimeOut timeOutSettings = null;
-      DsSecurity securitySettings = null;
-      Statement statementSettings = null;
-      Validation validationSettings = null;
-      String urlDelimiter = null;
-      String urlSelectorStrategyClassName = null;
-      String newConnectionSql = null;
-      CommonPool pool = null;
-      //attributes reading
-      boolean useJavaContext = true;
-      String poolName = null;
-      boolean enabled = true;
-      String jndiName = null;
-      boolean spy = false;
-      boolean useCcm = true;
-      boolean jta = true;
-      for (DataSource.Attribute attribute : DataSource.Attribute.values())
-      {
-         switch (attribute)
-         {
-            case ENABLED : {
-               enabled = attributeAsBoolean(reader, attribute.getLocalName(), true);
-               break;
-            }
-            case JNDINAME : {
-               jndiName = attributeAsString(reader, attribute.getLocalName());
-               break;
-            }
-            case POOL_NAME : {
-               poolName = attributeAsString(reader, attribute.getLocalName());
-               break;
-            }
-            case USEJAVACONTEXT : {
-               useJavaContext = attributeAsBoolean(reader, attribute.getLocalName(), true);
-               break;
-            }
-            case SPY : {
-               spy = attributeAsBoolean(reader, attribute.getLocalName(), false);
-               break;
-            }
-            case USE_CCM : {
-               useCcm = attributeAsBoolean(reader, attribute.getLocalName(), true);
-               break;
-            }
-            case JTA : {
-               jta = attributeAsBoolean(reader, attribute.getLocalName(), true);
-               break;
-            }
-            default :
-               break;
-         }
-      }
-      //elements reading
-      while (reader.hasNext())
-      {
-         switch (reader.nextTag())
-         {
-            case END_ELEMENT : {
-               if (DataSources.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == DataSources.Tag.DATASOURCE)
-               {
-                  return new DataSourceImpl(connectionUrl, driverClass, dataSourceClass, driver, transactionIsolation,
-                                            connectionProperties, timeOutSettings, securitySettings,
-                                            statementSettings, validationSettings, urlDelimiter,
-                                            urlSelectorStrategyClassName, newConnectionSql, useJavaContext, poolName,
-                                            enabled, jndiName, spy, useCcm, jta, pool);
-               }
-               else
-               {
-                  if (DataSource.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == DataSource.Tag.UNKNOWN)
-                  {
-                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndTag(reader.getLocalName()));
-                  }
-               }
-               break;
-            }
-            case START_ELEMENT : {
-               switch (DataSource.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()))
-               {
-                  case CONNECTIONPROPERTY : {
-                     connectionProperties.put(attributeAsString(reader, "name"), elementAsString(reader));
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case CONNECTIONURL : {
-                     connectionUrl = elementAsString(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case DRIVERCLASS : {
-                     driverClass = elementAsString(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case DATASOURCECLASS : {
-                     dataSourceClass = elementAsString(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case DRIVER : {
-                     driver = elementAsString(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case POOL : {
-                     pool = parsePool(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case NEWCONNECTIONSQL : {
-                     newConnectionSql = elementAsString(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case URLDELIMITER : {
-                     urlDelimiter = elementAsString(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case URLSELECTORSTRATEGYCLASSNAME : {
-                     urlSelectorStrategyClassName = elementAsString(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case TRANSACTIONISOLATION : {
-                     transactionIsolation = TransactionIsolation.valueOf(elementAsString(reader));
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case SECURITY : {
-                     securitySettings = parseDsSecurity(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case STATEMENT : {
-                     statementSettings = parseStatementSettings(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case TIMEOUT : {
-                     timeOutSettings = parseTimeOutSettings(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case VALIDATION : {
-                     validationSettings = parseValidationSetting(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  default :
-                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedElement(reader.getLocalName()));
-               }
-               break;
-            }
-         }
-      }
-      throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndOfDocument());
-   }
-   private Validation parseValidationSetting(XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException, ParserException,
-      ValidateException
-   {
-      boolean validateOnMatch = false;
-      boolean useFastFail = false;
-      Long backgroundValidationMillis = null;
-      Extension staleConnectionChecker = null;
-      boolean backgroundValidation = false;
-      String checkValidConnectionSql = null;
-      Extension validConnectionChecker = null;
-      Extension exceptionSorter = null;
-      while (reader.hasNext())
-      {
-         switch (reader.nextTag())
-         {
-            case END_ELEMENT : {
-               if (DataSource.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == DataSource.Tag.VALIDATION)
-               {
-                  return new ValidationImpl(backgroundValidation, backgroundValidationMillis, useFastFail,
-                                            validConnectionChecker, checkValidConnectionSql, validateOnMatch,
-                                            staleConnectionChecker, exceptionSorter);
-               }
-               else
-               {
-                  if (Validation.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == Validation.Tag.UNKNOWN)
-                  {
-                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndTag(reader.getLocalName()));
-                  }
-               }
-               break;
-            }
-            case START_ELEMENT : {
-               Validation.Tag currTag = Validation.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName());
-               switch (currTag)
-               {
-                  case BACKGROUNDVALIDATION : {
-                     backgroundValidation = elementAsBoolean(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case BACKGROUNDVALIDATIONMILLIS : {
-                     backgroundValidationMillis = elementAsLong(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case CHECKVALIDCONNECTIONSQL : {
-                     checkValidConnectionSql = elementAsString(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case EXCEPTIONSORTER : {
-                     exceptionSorter = parseExtension(reader, currTag.getLocalName());
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case STALECONNECTIONCHECKER : {
-                     staleConnectionChecker = parseExtension(reader, currTag.getLocalName());
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case USEFASTFAIL : {
-                     useFastFail = elementAsBoolean(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case VALIDATEONMATCH : {
-                     validateOnMatch = elementAsBoolean(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case VALIDCONNECTIONCHECKER : {
-                     validConnectionChecker = parseExtension(reader, currTag.getLocalName());
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  default :
-                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedElement(reader.getLocalName()));
-               }
-               break;
-            }
-         }
-      }
-      throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndOfDocument());
-   }
-   private TimeOut parseTimeOutSettings(XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException, ParserException,
-      ValidateException
-   {
-      Long blockingTimeoutMillis = null;
-      Long idleTimeoutMinutes = null;
-      boolean setTxQuertTimeout = false;
-      Long queryTimeout = null;
-      Integer allocationRetry = null;
-      Long allocationRetryWaitMillis = null;
-      Long useTryLock = null;
-      Integer xaResourceTimeout = null;
-      while (reader.hasNext())
-      {
-         switch (reader.nextTag())
-         {
-            case END_ELEMENT : {
-               if (DataSource.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == DataSource.Tag.TIMEOUT)
-               {
-                  return new TimeOutImpl(blockingTimeoutMillis, idleTimeoutMinutes, allocationRetry,
-                                         allocationRetryWaitMillis, xaResourceTimeout, setTxQuertTimeout,
-                                         queryTimeout, useTryLock);
-               }
-               else
-               {
-                  if (TimeOut.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == TimeOut.Tag.UNKNOWN)
-                  {
-                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndTag(reader.getLocalName()));
-                  }
-               }
-               break;
-            }
-            case START_ELEMENT : {
-               switch (TimeOut.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()))
-               {
-                  case ALLOCATIONRETRY : {
-                     allocationRetry = elementAsInteger(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case ALLOCATIONRETRYWAITMILLIS : {
-                     allocationRetryWaitMillis = elementAsLong(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case BLOCKINGTIMEOUTMILLIS : {
-                     blockingTimeoutMillis = elementAsLong(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case IDLETIMEOUTMINUTES : {
-                     idleTimeoutMinutes = elementAsLong(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case QUERYTIMEOUT : {
-                     queryTimeout = elementAsLong(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case SETTXQUERYTIMEOUT : {
-                     setTxQuertTimeout = elementAsBoolean(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case USETRYLOCK : {
-                     useTryLock = elementAsLong(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case XARESOURCETIMEOUT : {
-                     xaResourceTimeout = elementAsInteger(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  default :
-                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedElement(reader.getLocalName()));
-               }
-               break;
-            }
-         }
-      }
-      throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndOfDocument());
-   }
-   private Statement parseStatementSettings(XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException, ParserException,
-      ValidateException
-   {
-      Long preparedStatementsCacheSize = null;
-      boolean sharePreparedStatements = false;
-      TrackStatementsEnum trackStatements = null;
-      while (reader.hasNext())
-      {
-         switch (reader.nextTag())
-         {
-            case END_ELEMENT : {
-               if (DataSource.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == DataSource.Tag.STATEMENT)
-               {
-                  return new StatementImpl(sharePreparedStatements, preparedStatementsCacheSize, trackStatements);
-               }
-               else
-               {
-                  if (Statement.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == Statement.Tag.UNKNOWN)
-                  {
-                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndTag(reader.getLocalName()));
-                  }
-               }
-               break;
-            }
-            case START_ELEMENT : {
-               switch (Statement.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()))
-               {
-                  case PREPAREDSTATEMENTCACHESIZE : {
-                     preparedStatementsCacheSize = elementAsLong(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case TRACKSTATEMENTS : {
-                     String elementString = elementAsString(reader);
-                     trackStatements = TrackStatementsEnum.valueOf(elementString == null ? "FALSE" : elementString
-                        .toUpperCase(Locale.US));
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  case SHAREPREPAREDSTATEMENTS : {
-                     sharePreparedStatements = elementAsBoolean(reader);
-                     break;
-                  }
-                  default :
-                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedElement(reader.getLocalName()));
-               }
-               break;
-            }
-         }
-      }
-      throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndOfDocument());
-   }
-   /**
-   *
-   * A Tag.
-   *
-   * @author <a href="stefano.maestri at jboss.com">Stefano Maestri</a>
-   *
-   */
-   public enum Tag
-   {
-      /** always first
-       *
-       */
-      UNKNOWN(null),
-      /** jboss-ra tag name
-       *
-       */
-      DATASOURCES("datasources");
-      private final String name;
-      /**
-       *
-       * Create a new Tag.
-       *
-       * @param name a name
-       */
-      Tag(final String name)
-      {
-         this.name = name;
-      }
-      /**
-       * Get the local name of this element.
-       *
-       * @return the local name
-       */
-      public String getLocalName()
-      {
-         return name;
-      }
-      private static final Map<String, Tag> MAP;
-      static
-      {
-         final Map<String, Tag> map = new HashMap<String, Tag>();
-         for (Tag element : values())
-         {
-            final String name = element.getLocalName();
-            if (name != null)
-               map.put(name, element);
-         }
-         MAP = map;
-      }
-      /**
-      *
-      * Static method to get enum instance given localName string
-      *
-      * @param localName a string used as localname (typically tag name as defined in xsd)
-      * @return the enum instance
-      */
-      public static Tag forName(String localName)
-      {
-         final Tag element = MAP.get(localName);
-         return element == null ? UNKNOWN : element;
-      }
-   }

Copied: projects/jboss-jca/tags/IRONJACAMAR_1_0_3_FINAL/common/src/main/java/org/jboss/jca/common/metadata/ds/DsParser.java (from rev 111999, projects/jboss-jca/branches/Branch_1_0/common/src/main/java/org/jboss/jca/common/metadata/ds/DsParser.java)
--- projects/jboss-jca/tags/IRONJACAMAR_1_0_3_FINAL/common/src/main/java/org/jboss/jca/common/metadata/ds/DsParser.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ projects/jboss-jca/tags/IRONJACAMAR_1_0_3_FINAL/common/src/main/java/org/jboss/jca/common/metadata/ds/DsParser.java	2011-08-11 13:16:11 UTC (rev 112000)
@@ -0,0 +1,937 @@
+ * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source.
+ * Copyright 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors
+ * as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the
+ * distribution for a full listing of individual contributors.
+ *
+ * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
+ * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+ * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
+ */
+package org.jboss.jca.common.metadata.ds;
+import org.jboss.jca.common.CommonBundle;
+import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.common.CommonPool;
+import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.common.CommonXaPool;
+import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.common.Extension;
+import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.common.Recovery;
+import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.ds.DataSource;
+import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.ds.DataSources;
+import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.ds.Driver;
+import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.ds.DsSecurity;
+import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.ds.Statement;
+import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.ds.Statement.TrackStatementsEnum;
+import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.ds.TimeOut;
+import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.ds.TransactionIsolation;
+import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.ds.Validation;
+import org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.ds.XaDataSource;
+import org.jboss.jca.common.api.validator.ValidateException;
+import org.jboss.jca.common.metadata.AbstractParser;
+import org.jboss.jca.common.metadata.MetadataParser;
+import org.jboss.jca.common.metadata.ParserException;
+import java.io.InputStream;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Locale;
+import java.util.Map;
+import javax.xml.stream.XMLInputFactory;
+import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException;
+import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader;
+import org.jboss.logging.Messages;
+import static javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT;
+import static javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT;
+ *
+ * A DsParser.
+ *
+ * @author <a href="stefano.maestri at jboss.com">Stefano Maestri</a>
+ *
+ */
+public class DsParser extends AbstractParser implements MetadataParser<DataSources>
+   /** The bundle */
+   private static CommonBundle bundle = Messages.getBundle(CommonBundle.class);
+   @Override
+   public DataSources parse(InputStream xmlInputStream) throws Exception
+   {
+      XMLStreamReader reader = null;
+      XMLInputFactory inputFactory = XMLInputFactory.newInstance();
+      reader = inputFactory.createXMLStreamReader(xmlInputStream);
+      try
+      {
+         return parse(reader);
+      }
+      finally
+      {
+         if (reader != null)
+            reader.close();
+      }
+   }
+   @Override
+   public DataSources parse(XMLStreamReader reader) throws Exception
+   {
+      DataSources dataSources = null;
+      //iterate over tags
+      int iterate;
+      try
+      {
+         iterate = reader.nextTag();
+      }
+      catch (XMLStreamException e)
+      {
+         //founding a non tag..go on. Normally non-tag found at beginning are comments or DTD declaration
+         iterate = reader.nextTag();
+      }
+      switch (iterate)
+      {
+         case END_ELEMENT : {
+            // should mean we're done, so ignore it.
+            break;
+         }
+         case START_ELEMENT : {
+            switch (Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()))
+            {
+               case DATASOURCES : {
+                  dataSources = parseDataSources(reader);
+                  break;
+               }
+               default :
+                  throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedElement(reader.getLocalName()));
+            }
+            break;
+         }
+         default :
+            throw new IllegalStateException();
+      }
+      return dataSources;
+   }
+   private DataSources parseDataSources(XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException, ParserException,
+      ValidateException
+   {
+      ArrayList<XaDataSource> xaDataSource = new ArrayList<XaDataSource>();
+      ArrayList<DataSource> datasource = new ArrayList<DataSource>();
+      HashMap<String, Driver> drivers = new HashMap<String, Driver>();
+      boolean driversMatched = false;
+      while (reader.hasNext())
+      {
+         switch (reader.nextTag())
+         {
+            case END_ELEMENT : {
+               if (Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == Tag.DATASOURCES)
+               {
+                  return new DatasourcesImpl(datasource, xaDataSource, drivers);
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                  if (DataSources.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == DataSources.Tag.UNKNOWN)
+                  {
+                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndTag(reader.getLocalName()));
+                  }
+               }
+               break;
+            }
+            case START_ELEMENT : {
+               switch (DataSources.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()))
+               {
+                  case DATASOURCE : {
+                     datasource.add(parseDataSource(reader));
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case XA_DATASOURCE : {
+                     xaDataSource.add(parseXADataSource(reader));
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case DRIVERS : {
+                     driversMatched = true;
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case DRIVER : {
+                     Driver driver = parseDriver(reader);
+                     drivers.put(driver.getName(), driver);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  default :
+                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedElement(reader.getLocalName()));
+               }
+               break;
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndOfDocument());
+   }
+   private Driver parseDriver(XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException, ParserException,
+      ValidateException
+   {
+      String driverClass = null;
+      String dataSourceClass = null;
+      String xaDataSourceClass = null;
+      //attributes reading
+      String name = null;
+      Integer majorVersion = null;
+      Integer minorVersion = null;
+      String module = null;
+      for (org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.ds.Driver.Attribute attribute : Driver.Attribute.values())
+      {
+         switch (attribute)
+         {
+            case NAME : {
+               name = attributeAsString(reader, attribute.getLocalName());
+               break;
+            }
+            case MAJOR_VERSION : {
+               majorVersion = attributeAsInt(reader, attribute.getLocalName());
+               break;
+            }
+            case MINOR_VERSION : {
+               minorVersion = attributeAsInt(reader, attribute.getLocalName());
+               break;
+            }
+            case MODULE : {
+               module = attributeAsString(reader, attribute.getLocalName());
+               break;
+            }
+            default :
+               break;
+         }
+      }
+      //elements reading
+      while (reader.hasNext())
+      {
+         switch (reader.nextTag())
+         {
+            case END_ELEMENT : {
+               if (DataSources.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == DataSources.Tag.DRIVER)
+               {
+                  return new DriverImpl(name, majorVersion, minorVersion, module, 
+                                        driverClass, dataSourceClass, xaDataSourceClass);
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                  if (Driver.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == Driver.Tag.UNKNOWN)
+                  {
+                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndTag(reader.getLocalName()));
+                  }
+               }
+               break;
+            }
+            case START_ELEMENT : {
+               switch (Driver.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()))
+               {
+                  case DATASOURCECLASS : {
+                     dataSourceClass = elementAsString(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case XADATASOURCECLASS : {
+                     xaDataSourceClass = elementAsString(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case DRIVERCLASS : {
+                     driverClass = elementAsString(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  default :
+                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedElement(reader.getLocalName()));
+               }
+               break;
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndOfDocument());
+   }
+   private XaDataSource parseXADataSource(XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException, ParserException,
+      ValidateException
+   {
+      TransactionIsolation transactionIsolation = null;
+      Map<String, String> xaDataSourceProperty = new HashMap<String, String>();
+      TimeOut timeOutSettings = null;
+      DsSecurity securitySettings = null;
+      Statement statementSettings = null;
+      Validation validationSettings = null;
+      String urlDelimiter = null;
+      String urlSelectorStrategyClassName = null;
+      String newConnectionSql = null;
+      CommonXaPool xaPool = null;
+      Recovery recovery = null;
+      String xaDataSourceClass = null;
+      String driver = null;
+      //attributes reading
+      boolean useJavaContext = true;
+      String poolName = null;
+      boolean enabled = true;
+      String jndiName = null;
+      boolean spy = false;
+      boolean useCcm = true;
+      for (XaDataSource.Attribute attribute : XaDataSource.Attribute.values())
+      {
+         switch (attribute)
+         {
+            case ENABLED : {
+               enabled = attributeAsBoolean(reader, attribute.getLocalName(), true);
+               break;
+            }
+            case JNDINAME : {
+               jndiName = attributeAsString(reader, attribute.getLocalName());
+               break;
+            }
+            case POOL_NAME : {
+               poolName = attributeAsString(reader, attribute.getLocalName());
+               break;
+            }
+            case USEJAVACONTEXT : {
+               useJavaContext = attributeAsBoolean(reader, attribute.getLocalName(), true);
+               break;
+            }
+            case SPY : {
+               spy = attributeAsBoolean(reader, attribute.getLocalName(), false);
+               break;
+            }
+            case USE_CCM : {
+               useCcm = attributeAsBoolean(reader, attribute.getLocalName(), true);
+               break;
+            }
+            default :
+               break;
+         }
+      }
+      //elements reading
+      while (reader.hasNext())
+      {
+         switch (reader.nextTag())
+         {
+            case END_ELEMENT : {
+               if (DataSources.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == DataSources.Tag.XA_DATASOURCE)
+               {
+                  return new XADataSourceImpl(transactionIsolation, timeOutSettings, securitySettings,
+                                              statementSettings, validationSettings, urlDelimiter,
+                                              urlSelectorStrategyClassName, useJavaContext, poolName, enabled,
+                                              jndiName, spy, useCcm, xaDataSourceProperty, xaDataSourceClass, driver,
+                                              newConnectionSql, xaPool, recovery);
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                  if (XaDataSource.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == XaDataSource.Tag.UNKNOWN)
+                  {
+                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndTag(reader.getLocalName()));
+                  }
+               }
+               break;
+            }
+            case START_ELEMENT : {
+               switch (XaDataSource.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()))
+               {
+                  case XADATASOURCEPROPERTY : {
+                     xaDataSourceProperty.put(attributeAsString(reader, "name"), elementAsString(reader));
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case XADATASOURCECLASS : {
+                     xaDataSourceClass = elementAsString(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case DRIVER : {
+                     driver = elementAsString(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case XA_POOL : {
+                     xaPool = parseXaPool(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case NEWCONNECTIONSQL : {
+                     newConnectionSql = elementAsString(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case URLDELIMITER : {
+                     urlDelimiter = elementAsString(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case URLSELECTORSTRATEGYCLASSNAME : {
+                     urlSelectorStrategyClassName = elementAsString(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case TRANSACTIONISOLATION : {
+                     transactionIsolation = TransactionIsolation.valueOf(elementAsString(reader));
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case SECURITY : {
+                     securitySettings = parseDsSecurity(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case STATEMENT : {
+                     statementSettings = parseStatementSettings(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case TIMEOUT : {
+                     timeOutSettings = parseTimeOutSettings(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case VALIDATION : {
+                     validationSettings = parseValidationSetting(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case RECOVERY : {
+                     recovery = parseRecovery(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  default :
+                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedElement(reader.getLocalName()));
+               }
+               break;
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndOfDocument());
+   }
+   private DsSecurity parseDsSecurity(XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException, ParserException,
+      ValidateException
+   {
+      String userName = null;
+      String password = null;
+      String securityDomain = null;
+      Extension reauthPlugin = null;
+      while (reader.hasNext())
+      {
+         switch (reader.nextTag())
+         {
+            case END_ELEMENT : {
+               if (DataSource.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == DataSource.Tag.SECURITY)
+               {
+                  return new DsSecurityImpl(userName, password, securityDomain, reauthPlugin);
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                  if (DsSecurity.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == DsSecurity.Tag.UNKNOWN)
+                  {
+                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndTag(reader.getLocalName()));
+                  }
+               }
+               break;
+            }
+            case START_ELEMENT : {
+               DsSecurity.Tag tag = DsSecurity.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName());
+               switch (tag)
+               {
+                  case PASSWORD : {
+                     password = elementAsString(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case USERNAME : {
+                     userName = elementAsString(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case SECURITY_DOMAIN : {
+                     securityDomain = elementAsString(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case REAUTH_PLUGIN : {
+                     reauthPlugin = parseExtension(reader, tag.getLocalName());
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  default :
+                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedElement(reader.getLocalName()));
+               }
+               break;
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndOfDocument());
+   }
+   private DataSource parseDataSource(XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException, ParserException,
+      ValidateException
+   {
+      String connectionUrl = null;
+      String driverClass = null;
+      String dataSourceClass = null;
+      String driver = null;
+      TransactionIsolation transactionIsolation = null;
+      Map<String, String> connectionProperties = new HashMap<String, String>();
+      TimeOut timeOutSettings = null;
+      DsSecurity securitySettings = null;
+      Statement statementSettings = null;
+      Validation validationSettings = null;
+      String urlDelimiter = null;
+      String urlSelectorStrategyClassName = null;
+      String newConnectionSql = null;
+      CommonPool pool = null;
+      //attributes reading
+      boolean useJavaContext = true;
+      String poolName = null;
+      boolean enabled = true;
+      String jndiName = null;
+      boolean spy = false;
+      boolean useCcm = true;
+      boolean jta = true;
+      for (DataSource.Attribute attribute : DataSource.Attribute.values())
+      {
+         switch (attribute)
+         {
+            case ENABLED : {
+               enabled = attributeAsBoolean(reader, attribute.getLocalName(), true);
+               break;
+            }
+            case JNDINAME : {
+               jndiName = attributeAsString(reader, attribute.getLocalName());
+               break;
+            }
+            case POOL_NAME : {
+               poolName = attributeAsString(reader, attribute.getLocalName());
+               break;
+            }
+            case USEJAVACONTEXT : {
+               useJavaContext = attributeAsBoolean(reader, attribute.getLocalName(), true);
+               break;
+            }
+            case SPY : {
+               spy = attributeAsBoolean(reader, attribute.getLocalName(), false);
+               break;
+            }
+            case USE_CCM : {
+               useCcm = attributeAsBoolean(reader, attribute.getLocalName(), true);
+               break;
+            }
+            case JTA : {
+               jta = attributeAsBoolean(reader, attribute.getLocalName(), true);
+               break;
+            }
+            default :
+               break;
+         }
+      }
+      //elements reading
+      while (reader.hasNext())
+      {
+         switch (reader.nextTag())
+         {
+            case END_ELEMENT : {
+               if (DataSources.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == DataSources.Tag.DATASOURCE)
+               {
+                  return new DataSourceImpl(connectionUrl, driverClass, dataSourceClass, driver, transactionIsolation,
+                                            connectionProperties, timeOutSettings, securitySettings,
+                                            statementSettings, validationSettings, urlDelimiter,
+                                            urlSelectorStrategyClassName, newConnectionSql, useJavaContext, poolName,
+                                            enabled, jndiName, spy, useCcm, jta, pool);
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                  if (DataSource.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == DataSource.Tag.UNKNOWN)
+                  {
+                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndTag(reader.getLocalName()));
+                  }
+               }
+               break;
+            }
+            case START_ELEMENT : {
+               switch (DataSource.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()))
+               {
+                  case CONNECTIONPROPERTY : {
+                     connectionProperties.put(attributeAsString(reader, "name"), elementAsString(reader));
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case CONNECTIONURL : {
+                     connectionUrl = elementAsString(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case DRIVERCLASS : {
+                     driverClass = elementAsString(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case DATASOURCECLASS : {
+                     dataSourceClass = elementAsString(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case DRIVER : {
+                     driver = elementAsString(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case POOL : {
+                     pool = parsePool(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case NEWCONNECTIONSQL : {
+                     newConnectionSql = elementAsString(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case URLDELIMITER : {
+                     urlDelimiter = elementAsString(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case URLSELECTORSTRATEGYCLASSNAME : {
+                     urlSelectorStrategyClassName = elementAsString(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case TRANSACTIONISOLATION : {
+                     transactionIsolation = TransactionIsolation.valueOf(elementAsString(reader));
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case SECURITY : {
+                     securitySettings = parseDsSecurity(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case STATEMENT : {
+                     statementSettings = parseStatementSettings(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case TIMEOUT : {
+                     timeOutSettings = parseTimeOutSettings(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case VALIDATION : {
+                     validationSettings = parseValidationSetting(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  default :
+                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedElement(reader.getLocalName()));
+               }
+               break;
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndOfDocument());
+   }
+   private Validation parseValidationSetting(XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException, ParserException,
+      ValidateException
+   {
+      boolean validateOnMatch = false;
+      boolean useFastFail = false;
+      Long backgroundValidationMillis = null;
+      Extension staleConnectionChecker = null;
+      boolean backgroundValidation = false;
+      String checkValidConnectionSql = null;
+      Extension validConnectionChecker = null;
+      Extension exceptionSorter = null;
+      while (reader.hasNext())
+      {
+         switch (reader.nextTag())
+         {
+            case END_ELEMENT : {
+               if (DataSource.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == DataSource.Tag.VALIDATION)
+               {
+                  return new ValidationImpl(backgroundValidation, backgroundValidationMillis, useFastFail,
+                                            validConnectionChecker, checkValidConnectionSql, validateOnMatch,
+                                            staleConnectionChecker, exceptionSorter);
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                  if (Validation.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == Validation.Tag.UNKNOWN)
+                  {
+                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndTag(reader.getLocalName()));
+                  }
+               }
+               break;
+            }
+            case START_ELEMENT : {
+               Validation.Tag currTag = Validation.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName());
+               switch (currTag)
+               {
+                  case BACKGROUNDVALIDATION : {
+                     backgroundValidation = elementAsBoolean(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case BACKGROUNDVALIDATIONMILLIS : {
+                     backgroundValidationMillis = elementAsLong(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case CHECKVALIDCONNECTIONSQL : {
+                     checkValidConnectionSql = elementAsString(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case EXCEPTIONSORTER : {
+                     exceptionSorter = parseExtension(reader, currTag.getLocalName());
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case STALECONNECTIONCHECKER : {
+                     staleConnectionChecker = parseExtension(reader, currTag.getLocalName());
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case USEFASTFAIL : {
+                     useFastFail = elementAsBoolean(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case VALIDATEONMATCH : {
+                     validateOnMatch = elementAsBoolean(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case VALIDCONNECTIONCHECKER : {
+                     validConnectionChecker = parseExtension(reader, currTag.getLocalName());
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  default : {
+                     if (reader.getLocalName().equals("background-validation-minutes"))
+                     {
+                        Integer backgroundValidationMinutes = elementAsInteger(reader);
+                        backgroundValidationMillis = backgroundValidationMinutes.intValue() * 60000L;
+                     }
+                     else if (reader.getLocalName().equals("useFastFail"))
+                     {
+                        useFastFail = elementAsBoolean(reader);
+                     }
+                     else
+                     {
+                        throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedElement(reader.getLocalName()));
+                     }
+                  }
+               }
+               break;
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndOfDocument());
+   }
+   private TimeOut parseTimeOutSettings(XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException, ParserException,
+      ValidateException
+   {
+      Long blockingTimeoutMillis = null;
+      Long idleTimeoutMinutes = null;
+      boolean setTxQuertTimeout = false;
+      Long queryTimeout = null;
+      Integer allocationRetry = null;
+      Long allocationRetryWaitMillis = null;
+      Long useTryLock = null;
+      Integer xaResourceTimeout = null;
+      while (reader.hasNext())
+      {
+         switch (reader.nextTag())
+         {
+            case END_ELEMENT : {
+               if (DataSource.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == DataSource.Tag.TIMEOUT)
+               {
+                  return new TimeOutImpl(blockingTimeoutMillis, idleTimeoutMinutes, allocationRetry,
+                                         allocationRetryWaitMillis, xaResourceTimeout, setTxQuertTimeout,
+                                         queryTimeout, useTryLock);
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                  if (TimeOut.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == TimeOut.Tag.UNKNOWN)
+                  {
+                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndTag(reader.getLocalName()));
+                  }
+               }
+               break;
+            }
+            case START_ELEMENT : {
+               switch (TimeOut.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()))
+               {
+                  case ALLOCATIONRETRY : {
+                     allocationRetry = elementAsInteger(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case ALLOCATIONRETRYWAITMILLIS : {
+                     allocationRetryWaitMillis = elementAsLong(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case BLOCKINGTIMEOUTMILLIS : {
+                     blockingTimeoutMillis = elementAsLong(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case IDLETIMEOUTMINUTES : {
+                     idleTimeoutMinutes = elementAsLong(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case QUERYTIMEOUT : {
+                     queryTimeout = elementAsLong(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case SETTXQUERYTIMEOUT : {
+                     setTxQuertTimeout = elementAsBoolean(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case USETRYLOCK : {
+                     useTryLock = elementAsLong(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case XARESOURCETIMEOUT : {
+                     xaResourceTimeout = elementAsInteger(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  default :
+                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedElement(reader.getLocalName()));
+               }
+               break;
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndOfDocument());
+   }
+   private Statement parseStatementSettings(XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException, ParserException,
+      ValidateException
+   {
+      Long preparedStatementsCacheSize = null;
+      boolean sharePreparedStatements = false;
+      TrackStatementsEnum trackStatements = null;
+      while (reader.hasNext())
+      {
+         switch (reader.nextTag())
+         {
+            case END_ELEMENT : {
+               if (DataSource.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == DataSource.Tag.STATEMENT)
+               {
+                  return new StatementImpl(sharePreparedStatements, preparedStatementsCacheSize, trackStatements);
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                  if (Statement.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()) == Statement.Tag.UNKNOWN)
+                  {
+                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndTag(reader.getLocalName()));
+                  }
+               }
+               break;
+            }
+            case START_ELEMENT : {
+               switch (Statement.Tag.forName(reader.getLocalName()))
+               {
+                  case PREPAREDSTATEMENTCACHESIZE : {
+                     preparedStatementsCacheSize = elementAsLong(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case TRACKSTATEMENTS : {
+                     String elementString = elementAsString(reader);
+                     trackStatements = TrackStatementsEnum.valueOf(elementString == null ? "FALSE" : elementString
+                        .toUpperCase(Locale.US));
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  case SHAREPREPAREDSTATEMENTS : {
+                     sharePreparedStatements = elementAsBoolean(reader);
+                     break;
+                  }
+                  default :
+                     throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedElement(reader.getLocalName()));
+               }
+               break;
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      throw new ParserException(bundle.unexpectedEndOfDocument());
+   }
+   /**
+   *
+   * A Tag.
+   *
+   * @author <a href="stefano.maestri at jboss.com">Stefano Maestri</a>
+   *
+   */
+   public enum Tag
+   {
+      /** always first
+       *
+       */
+      UNKNOWN(null),
+      /** jboss-ra tag name
+       *
+       */
+      DATASOURCES("datasources");
+      private final String name;
+      /**
+       *
+       * Create a new Tag.
+       *
+       * @param name a name
+       */
+      Tag(final String name)
+      {
+         this.name = name;
+      }
+      /**
+       * Get the local name of this element.
+       *
+       * @return the local name
+       */
+      public String getLocalName()
+      {
+         return name;
+      }
+      private static final Map<String, Tag> MAP;
+      static
+      {
+         final Map<String, Tag> map = new HashMap<String, Tag>();
+         for (Tag element : values())
+         {
+            final String name = element.getLocalName();
+            if (name != null)
+               map.put(name, element);
+         }
+         MAP = map;
+      }
+      /**
+      *
+      * Static method to get enum instance given localName string
+      *
+      * @param localName a string used as localname (typically tag name as defined in xsd)
+      * @return the enum instance
+      */
+      public static Tag forName(String localName)
+      {
+         final Tag element = MAP.get(localName);
+         return element == null ? UNKNOWN : element;
+      }
+   }

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