[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss ESB] - Re: Registry Design

tfennelly do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Aug 22 11:09:59 EDT 2006

anonymous wrote : Next thing that I can think of is the Distributed nature of the Registry. Clustered Registry I should say. And it would be stand alone as well. So the first thing we need is a listener for requests. Would we grow this from scratch or we reuse currently available listeners from some application?
So if we're saying that it's going to be a SOAP based endpoint, can't we assume that this endpoint is going to be deployed inside a servlet container??  If so, can't we rely on the container clustering capabilities?

Also, what are we talking about here?  We're not building a registry.  We're simply generalising a registry Inquiry abstraction that acts as a facade to some underlying concrete implementation (UDDI etc).  In reality, if that underlying concrete impl is not clusterable, there's no big gain in clustering the facade!  Yeah/no??

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