[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of Messaging on JBoss (Messaging/JBoss)] - Re: JBMESSAGING-410 - Use of JmsXA in non transactional envi

timfox do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Aug 31 12:45:32 EDT 2006

Ok, let me try and gues what the question is asking, and attempt an answer:

If you are sending messages via an XASession, and the XASession's XAResource instance has been enlisted in a global tx, then the messages will actually be sent when the XAResource receives a "commit" from the transaction manager.

This will occur either when you call commit() on a UserTransaction, if you are using a UserTransaction, or if you are in a managed environment and are using container managed transactions (CMT), e.g. you are in an ejb method which where a transaction was started when the method began, and is committed when the method exits.

It can also occur if you have manually enlisted the XAResource in a JTA gloabl tx which you have created and manually called commit on.

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