[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss jBPM] - Brainstorming BA requirements

bazoo do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Dec 8 06:22:43 EST 2006

Here are a few requirements which have come up on a recent BPM project I've been the BA for, using a different BPM suite but the concepts are the same:

The ability to step back in a process if a mistake has been made. So rather than an "administrator" editing process variables, a process actor could reject a task and send it back to the previous actor. 
  | In a similar vein, it would be great if you (an administrator) could click on the process map in the web app to restart at the location you clicked.
  | The ability to define task overrun points, which would trigger remedial procedures. For example, if a process actor hasn't completed a task within 24 hours then assign to someone else.
  | To differentiate between primary users of the system, who "live and breathe" in their task list, and secondary users, who would perhaps get an email with a link which they can click to go in and complete a task every so often.
  | The ability to embed task-specific "help" information in the process map which gets pulled through to the web app and displayed in context on the task page.
  | The ability to easily get an overview of all the data associated to a particular process job, and to make changes to that data where it won't affect the integrity of the process.

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