[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of Kosmos] - SVN Portlet configuration

melpelotones do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Jul 12 11:41:05 EDT 2006

Hi again, 

Now I am configuring the subversion plugin, after reading 
the reference manual I have seen that is possible to access to 
secure subversion repositories. 

I am accessing to my repository in this way: 


ONE Subversion 






and I am having this error 

[INFO] SvnMonitoringPortlet - Initializing... 
[INFO] SvnMonitoringPortlet - Viewing... 
[INFO] MethodResultCacheInterceptor - Cache-miss: reloading "hu.midori.kosmos.server.svn.SvnServiceImpl.getRepositories.svn+ssh://myserver/home/myproject/svn_repo"... 
[ERROR] SvnServiceImpl - Unable to process the SVN repo <java.net.MalformedURLException: unknown protocol: svn+ssh>java.net.MalformedURLException: unknown protocol: svn+ssh 

Can i Use svn+ssh? 
in case of being possible, how can I put the login/password in the request? 

Thank you in advance, 

Best Regards, 

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