[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss Portal] - WSRP in testsuite + testsuite / test organization

julien@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Jul 17 12:59:20 EDT 2006

I have been working on integrating most of the tests we have excepted wsrp.

WSRP does not build all its artifacts in the "output" target of the build which makes it harder to integrate (btw WSRP testing targets is a mess).

I understand that it takes time and probably building tests should not be in the output target. Probably that could be the same for the portlet tests that can take time to build on slow filesystems.

What I call test artifacts are : everything related to run a test, from the service deployed in the server to the war file containing a particular test case deployed during the execution of the test (which is a common testing pattern we use).

I am thinking about defining a simple contract between testsuite and the different builds.

1/ a package-tests which just package the tests. This task should depend on the "init" target to setup the properties and such.

  | <target name="package-tests" depends="init">
  |    ...
  | </target>

2/ an execute-tests which execute all the tests in the build. This task also should depend on the "init" target.

  | <target name="execte-tests" depends="init">
  |    ...
  | </target>

Of course then every module is free to declare more targets. Like

  | <target name="test" depends="output,package-tests,execute-tests"/>

which would build the module, its tests and execute them.

View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=3958529#3958529

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