[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss ESB] - Re: JBESB Data Transformation - Maintenance and Design

tfennelly do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Jul 26 11:20:04 EDT 2006

Hey Dave, I eventually had a look at this - sorry about the delay.

Firstly, I don't see anything in there that's "out of sync" with anything we've done or talked about within JBoss ESB.  To be honest, I think "Translation Designers" etc are possibly further up the functional stack from where JBoss ESB is currently aiming (Mark???).  Something of that nature would be a great usability feature for JBoss ESB.

I would be interested in seeing more detail on your ideas in this area.  In terms of developing tools/wizards for configuring/building-on an ESB Transformation Service, I think the devil will be in the detail!!  That said, I think there's a lot that could be done with wizards/designers etc to make the easy things easy, allowing you to concentrate more on the nasty parts of transformation.  This would be a major learning process for me anyway - how to develop a designer/wizard that is successful in making the Transformation Service easier to use, without getting in the way when the going gets tough!!

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