[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss jBPM] - Re: next steps for the console webapp

svetzal do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Jul 28 10:04:28 EDT 2006

"tom.baeyens at jboss.com" wrote : 
  | sure a task list and a task form JSF component should be possible, no ?

For sure, it's all a matter of how interactive you want it to be. Event propogation and state coordination between sub-components we've found tricky due to the way the components are instantiated throughout the JSF request lifecycle.

And if we're not adding much more value than a single-tag analog of a JSF dataTable, I'm not sure why we'd want to make the effort.

"tom.baeyens at jboss.com" wrote : 
  | i don't see why an explicit ty to myfaces would be required.  also i don't get what you mean with external resource binding.

In order for a component to be highly interactive, and visually interesting, we will require some client-side JavaScript, CSS styles, possibly iconography/images... In order to make this easy for JSF app developers to use we would want to package the components in a JAR along with their own resources.

Serving out these resources is not difficult, but seems "hackish" as you need to settle on your own URL convention, build a phase listener to implement that convention, and broker requests to these private resources. And you need to build it flexibly so you can grow this library in the future.

MyFaces has some interesting efforts underway to make this flexible and elegant, but the classes are buried in recent implementations. You can see if you check out HEAD and look through the Tomahawk implementations.

It would be very interesting to split these out into a separate package in hopes that it could be used with other JSF implementations.

I have an interactive JSF component written by one of our guys here (with much cursing and swearing) that does LDAP browsing and object selection. Our next step is to refactor it so that it is simpler.

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