[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss ESB] - Re: GpListener reload config - new instance of listeners?

jokum do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Oct 2 17:08:59 EDT 2006


Reinitialising all the listeners even when nothing is changed in the config can't be done I think. This even means the listeners are down for the time the reinit process takes.

In my opinion we should be able to check whether the config has changed for a certain listener. Is yes we reinitialise this listener. If not we don't do anything.

Regarding the threading. Every message coming to a listener results in spawning a new thread to be usedto execute the action. We should implement a thread pool using the concurrancy features in JDK 1.5(Executors).

I think we should have a threadpool for each listener. If so we can tune the pool per listener. Listeners/actions taking lot of time to execute can get a bigger threadpool than others.

I think this is not that much work.

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