[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of Messaging on JBoss (Messaging/JBoss)] - Re: Remoting - Multiplexed (Bidirectional) Transport

timfox do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Oct 19 06:56:18 EDT 2006

"ron_sigal" wrote : 
  | 2. I'm not sure what a bidirectional channel would look like in Remoting, 

I was thinking something vaguely similar to the Channel interface in Java NIO, except it would need to support both synchronous and asynchronous invocations.

This could be the lowest level of the layered approach that Scott has suggested, and on top of that the rest of remoting could be layered.

anonymous wrote : 
  | but there's a sense in which Remoting connections are close to a bidirectional channel.  From client to server, there's the option of an invocation which is asynchronous at the application level,

Does this mean that in the current implementation the invocation is synchronous at the transport level?

Also, what does the current wire format of the multiplex transport look like? Is it based on frames? Or some other way of doing it?

I'm thinking of how hard/easy it would be to get it to look similar(ish) to the AMQP wire format? 

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