[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of POJO Server] - AbstractJarHandler.isFile/isDirectory and isArchive

scott.stark@jboss.org do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sat Sep 9 10:34:31 EDT 2006

I don't agree with the current implementation of the AbstractJarHandler.isFile/isDirectory. Jars are currently marked as always directories and not files. For me the status of of being a directory or file should reflect the underlying vfs context behavior. If a vf is a directory, its not meaningful to obtain its input stream. If its a file it is.

The notion of a file being a container for other files should either be reflected via another attribute such as hasChildren or implicit with a non-container simply returning an empty child list.

Also, the isArchive attribute is of little value and certainly not sufficiently general as we also look to the JarUtils.isArchive. A more general contentType attribute and registry for suffix to content types would be more useful.

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