[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss Portal] - Tabbed Browsing Safety, multiple tabs could corrupt logic th

bulloncito do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Sep 27 14:35:50 EDT 2006

Hi there.

I'ven looking at interplortlet communication techniques, and an issue come to my mind, when propagating messages using portlet session, there is a concurrency problem whenever multiple windows/tabs are being used, lets say, the user clicks a portlet on a window, then its action phase occurs, however due to network latency, heavy load, or wathever reason beyond our control it takes several seconds, user will in his impatience change tab and perform another click, whose action may overwrite previos click´s action parameters on session BEFORE render phase occurs, this would totally screw up logic and maybe coherence, there could be lots of validation server side, however that shuld not be necesary if we manage to isolate " click scope ".

I've tought of propagating variables on tab-safe manner through actionURL and RenderURL tags, by overrinding doEndTag method and propagating only what we want to propagate, such approach culd be customizable to wich parameters to propagate, some sort of a "conversational state" (lingo stolen frome seam, but has nothing to do with it), however there was a dead end, I cannot reach renderRequest parameters from different portlets than target portlet, and, because of the "concurrency issue" on session described above, I don't want to put those things in session, even using some weird version control would be messy.

Any toughts for a workaround ?

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