[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of Messaging on JBoss (Messaging/JBoss)] - Re: Incorporating Remoting http transport into Messaging

ron_sigal do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Sep 29 03:07:01 EDT 2006

I'm copying this from the Remoting forum in case nobody has a watch on it.

"timfox" wrote : 
  | Messaging has no requirement to get acknowledgements that messages have been delivered to the client side.

There may be no formal messaging requirement for acknowledgements, but it seems to derive from the current implementation. Currently, messaging delivers messages from the server to the client by the synchronous org.jboss.remoting.Client.invoke() method, and ServerConsumerEndpoint.stop() waits for the completion of the call to invoke():

  |          this.executor.execute(new Deliverer());
  |          //Now wait for it to execute
  |          Future result = new Future();
  |          this.executor.execute(new Waiter(result));       
  |          result.getResult();

Now, if you want to have the client side poll for messages, then the completion of the Deliverer only means that the messages have been handed over to Remoting. My understanding is that you want all messages that have left ServerConsumerEndpoint to be delivered to MessageCallbackHandler before concluding ServerConsumerEndpoint.stop(), and the only way I can see to get that information is to get an acknowledgement from the client side. Let me know if I've misinterpreted something.

"timfox" wrote : 
  | (The HTTP transport might use acknowledgments internally to manage it's buffer -although I am not sure that is the best way to do it- but that's an implementation detail of the HTTP transport).

My understanding is that this issue isn't specific to the HTTP transport. Messaging's current use of the socket transport involves a callback org.jboss.remoting.Client on the server side contacting a ServerSocket on the client side. I thought you wanted to avoid the client side ServerSocket in all cases. Or does this restriction apply only to the HTTP transport? 

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