[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss Portal] - Re: Starting the detachment of portal common

julien@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Aug 14 10:28:52 EDT 2007

The main reason are:

- lower the maintenance cost of our software: avoid to maintain common, portlet container, wsrp into several branches. Instead have portal common 1.0, portlet container 1.0, etc...

- decouple the life cycle of software: for instance the CMS today does not need much development except bug fixes, then why should we keep it in jboss-portal-2.6, jboss-portal-2.8, etc... ? if I want to add a new feature to the portlet container and keep a stable version in jboss-portal-2.6 and jboss-portal-2.8 then I don't have to create an additional branch for it and merge it later.

- lower the cost of a release by using already tested components. No need to run the CMS testsuite if we use jboss-portal-cms 1.0 which has been already gone through QA.

- increase reuse of our components at the JEMS level and prepare the MC migration.

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