[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss Portal] - Re: WANTED: Input from administrators & developers

lukin do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sat Aug 18 02:25:53 EDT 2007

dario.liberman sayd aboud staging envionments and is quite wanted feture for production environment. Allmost all portal teams have authors and editors, and matherial get published after editor's review. It is nice idea from blogs and CMSes. Sure, this can be solved by many other ways but having such feature clearly defined and documented is good idea.

Another good idea is clear separation of public and member's content and controls. It can be understood wider - we need separate portal contents and controls for different user groups. In many cases editors and admins must publish diffirrent informayion to specific user group and user may address his posting to different groups.

I'm not sure it is exactly portal issues but portal centanly must support such operations. 

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