[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of EJB 3.0] - Re: Transaction behavior of clustered SFSB caching

sacha.labourey@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Aug 27 06:11:41 EDT 2007


Could you please also make sure we have the option to replicate multiple SFSB in a single Web request? Seam can make usage of multiple SFSB that it will store in its HTTPSession. When a web request comes in, it might change state in the http session as well as many related SFSB (stored into this http session). Ideally, we want one batch replication for all related state, not n-replications. 

Can this behaviour be mimicked by grouping these operations in a "transaction" (or a related but weaker notion), as you suggested in your previous post?



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