[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBossCache] - Re: JBossCache Cache Mgmt interceptor hit/miss not collected

JerryGauth do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Aug 27 14:26:52 EDT 2007

Sorry - I've been away on vacation and am just now catching up on this thread.

The decision to not include puts and gets of "nodes" in the statistics was made when we added statistics support in late 2005.  I don't recall whether there was a forum discussion but the issue is addressed briefly in JBossCache source control under \docs\design\ManagementAttributes.txt.  This document notes that we arbitrarily decided to not include "nodes" in those statistics counters.

This can certainly be revisited and modified as appropriate.  One design issue is how the counters should be incremented when a node is put or read.  If you put a node containing 5 attributes, is that 1 write operation or 5?  Same issue for gets of nodes.


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