[jboss-dev-forums] [Deployers on JBoss (Deployers/JBoss)] - Re: HOWTO: remove a deployment context that is in error?

adrian@jboss.org do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Dec 4 08:12:26 EST 2007

"smcgowan at redhat.com" wrote : Similar behavior seen during deployment of:
  | org.jboss.test.messagedriven.test.*MessageDrivenUnitTestCase
  | and org.jboss.test.jbossmessaging.ra.Ra*UnitTestCase
  | when the test suite is run in its' entirety .  These tests deploy successfully and pass when run singly as noted in:
  | http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-4637#action_12390385

I think you'll find the problem with the full testsuite is that things aren't getting
undeployed properly because of previously failed tests.

e.g. If a test deploys something then times out, it doesn't undeploy the test deployment.

e.g.2. If the test is broken such that it doesn't undeploy in the event of a failure

  | deploy(...);
  | // do test
  | undeploy(...); // oops not in a finally block so doesn't happen when an error occurs

For the message driven tests (and many others) there is a
that gets deployed for all tests that use the test queues/topics.

This is clearly not getting undeployed somewhere:
"java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot set paging params when active"
it's already active because it wasn't undeployed by a previous test.

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