[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of POJO Server] - Re: ReferenceMetaDataResolverDeployer is wrong

adrian@jboss.org do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Dec 4 09:27:48 EST 2007

"adrian at jboss.org" wrote : Also, I'm seeing a lot of this hackery in the new metadata.
  | What's wrong with using OO?
  |   | private static String getJndiName(JBossEnterpriseBeanMetaData beanMD, boolean isLocal)
  |   |    {
  |   |       String jndiName = null;
  |   |       if (isLocal)
  |   |       {
  |   |          // Validate that there is a local home associated with this bean
  |   |          jndiName = beanMD.determineLocalJndiName();
  |   |          if (jndiName == null)
  |   |          {
  |   |             log.warn("LocalHome jndi name requested for: '" + beanMD.getEjbName() + "' but there is no LocalHome class");
  |   |          }
  |   |       }
  |   |       else
  |   |       {
  |   | -         if( beanMD.isEntity() )
  |   | -         {
  |   | -            JBossEntityBeanMetaData md = (JBossEntityBeanMetaData) beanMD;
  |   | -            jndiName = md.getJndiName();
  |   | -         }
  |   | -         else if( beanMD.isSession())
  |   | -         {
  |   | -            JBossSessionBeanMetaData md = (JBossSessionBeanMetaData) beanMD;
  |   | -            jndiName = md.getHomeJndiName();
  |   | -            if(jndiName == null)
  |   | -               jndiName = md.getJndiName();
  |   | -         }
  |   | +        jndiName = md.determineRemoteJndiName();
  |   |       }
  |   |       return jndiName;
  |   |    }
  |   | 
  | And move the if statements into the types?

In fact, there already is a determineJndiName() for the remote jndi name.
It should be using that, otherwise it doesn't do the jndi-name=ejb-name
when the jndi name is not explicitly specified.

It still needs fixing to be OO, see the comment in the code.

  | [ejort at warjort server]$ svn diff
  | Index: src/main/org/jboss/deployment/ReferenceMetaDataResolverDeployer.java
  | ===================================================================
  | --- src/main/org/jboss/deployment/ReferenceMetaDataResolverDeployer.java        (revision 67880)
  | +++ src/main/org/jboss/deployment/ReferenceMetaDataResolverDeployer.java        (working copy)
  | @@ -408,17 +408,19 @@
  |        }
  |        else
  |        {
  | +         // FIXME the session.getHomeJndiName should be moved to the JBossSessionMetaData.determineJndiName()
  | +         // and these if statements replaced with md.determineJndiName()
  |           if( beanMD.isEntity() )
  |           {
  |              JBossEntityBeanMetaData md = (JBossEntityBeanMetaData) beanMD;
  | -            jndiName = md.getJndiName();
  | +            jndiName = md.determineJndiName();
  |           }
  |           else if( beanMD.isSession())
  |           {
  |              JBossSessionBeanMetaData md = (JBossSessionBeanMetaData) beanMD;
  |              jndiName = md.getHomeJndiName();
  |              if(jndiName == null)
  | -               jndiName = md.getJndiName();
  | +               jndiName = md.determineJndiName();
  |           }
  |        }
  |        return jndiName;

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