[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JCA on JBoss] - Re: DeploymentInfo/Template MCF

vickyk do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Dec 4 11:36:08 EST 2007

After spending some more time analyzing the failure of testAddDataSource I could make that the org.jboss.resource.deployers.management.DsDataSourceTemplate.wrtieTemplate(..) is not implemented fully , the code should be something like 

  | if( group instanceof ManagedConnectionFactoryDeploymentGroup )
  |       {
  |     	  AbstractManagedObjectFactory mof = new AbstractManagedObjectFactory();    	  
  |     	  ManagedObject dsDeploymentMO = mof.initManagedObject((Serializable)group,"DataSource", "LocalTx");    	  
  |     	  for(ManagedProperty moprop : values.getProperties().values())
  |     	  {
  |     	    ManagedProperty moProp = dsDeploymentMO.getProperty(moprop.getName());
  |     	    moProp.setValue((Serializable)moprop.getValue());
  |     	  }    	      	  
  |       }
This above code needs to be refactored , may be this could provide some help to Alexey who would be looking at this now .

PS: This code is yet not working 

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