[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss jBPM] - Re: Reporting Engine Integration

jeffdelong do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Dec 6 11:43:06 EST 2007

For the BAM work I did in the past I looked at Jasper Reports, but rejected it early on. In the end, we did all reporting by dumping data to Excel.

We should think through the requirements for reports before settling on a solution. Are the reports on historical data or current data? Are there canned reports provided by the product? Is there a requirement for the user to be able to create custom reports? What type of user would specify the custom reports? An Eclipse based report design tool may not be appropriate environment for a business user to specify a report. What type of user would consume the reports? How will the reports be delivered? (screen, spreadsheet, pdf, hardcopy?).

Another criteria for the technology selection is the overall architecture. Is the database access all via Hibernate? If so, is the product providing a set of named queries (that users could augment), or using the Hibernate criteria API? Or will the reporting tool go directly to the database? is the database being designed to support arbitrary queries? Will the reporting UI be integrated into the BAM dashboard UI, or is it totally separate?

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