[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss Portal] - Re: Presentation Framework update

julien@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sat Dec 8 13:08:24 EST 2007

I wanted to mention that one role of the PF is to be a backbone for the management of events between the different components in the various tiers. I.e an event could be sent from a portlet to other portlets using JSR 286 API but the creation of messages could happen in the portlet container or in the user agent done by a javascript API. It would be the same for the consumption of messages that could happen in the portlet container or in the user agent.

That kind of message management is similar to the Bayeux protocol (http://svn.xantus.org/shortbus/trunk/bayeux/bayeux.html).

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