[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of POJO Server] - Re: Seam examples tests

pete.muir@jboss.org do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sat Dec 8 21:29:27 EST 2007

"alesj" wrote : Should we make this pulling from repo optional?
  | Or at least there must be a check if the artifact changed.
  | Since the example artifacts are ~ 4M big.

Probably, you should compare the checksums that maven generates for the ear (md5 and sha1) between each download.

Also, as Seam version changes, the path to the artifact changes e.g. from 2.0.1-SNAPSHOT to 2.0.2-SNAPSHOT. The maven-metadata.xml file will tell you the current version.

anonymous wrote : Scott or Pete, can you help with this seam.xml?

anonymous wrote : <!-- TODO copy from repository to ${build.lib} -->
  |       <!-- include the example + -ds.xml file -->
  |       <!-- remove version string tag -->
  |       <!-- make copying optional or/and check for artifact modifications -->

By far the easiest way is to use maven ant tasks as it will do all of the above in about 6 lines of ant. But I don't know if this is an acceptable dependency for JBoss AS testsuite. Otherwise we have to write some horrible ant stuff.

I now have some decent ant in seam (hudson) builds to deploy example snapshots to maven, so if you want more than booking, numberguess, dvdstore then tell me and I can add them.

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