[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of Messaging on JBoss (Messaging/JBoss)] - New test structure

timfox do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Dec 10 08:05:54 EST 2007

Following on from the new JBM 2.0 test strategy, we need to come to concensus on a package structure for the tests, since currently we're all putting them in different places.

I suggest:

org.jboss.test.            parent directory - all tests are under this
org.jboss.test.unit       unit tests - only use mocks and fakes of 3rd party components - fully deterministic
org.jboss.test.unit.fakes   any shared fake implementations that can be used by different tests
org.jboss.test.integration    integration tests - use real third party components - fully deterministic
org.jboss.test.timing     timing sensitive tests - e.g. scheduled delivery tests - allowed to contain Thread.sleeps(), theorertically may be non deterministic due to timing differences in thread scheduling.
org.jboss.test.concurrent - concurrent tests - like unit tests but may use multiple threads to test a component with concurrently.
org.jboss.test.stress - stress tests

under each of the preceeding directories the actual tests would be structured according to the classname.

e.g. org.jboss.test.unit.messaging.core.impl would contain unit tests for the core implementation classes


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