[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of Messaging on JBoss (Messaging/JBoss)] - Re: New test structure

jmesnil do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Dec 10 08:42:47 EST 2007

"timfox" wrote : Following on from the new JBM 2.0 test strategy, we need to come to concensus on a package structure for the tests, since currently we're all putting them in different places.
  | I suggest:
  | org.jboss.test.            parent directory - all tests are under this

Shouldn't we put our code under org.jboss.messaging.test to avoid (very unlikely) name collision with other JBoss projects?

"timefox" wrote : 
  | e.g. org.jboss.test.unit.messaging.core.impl would contain unit tests for the core implementation classes
  | Comments/suggestions?

There is also the alternative to put the different types of test related to a single "component" under the same tree.

e.g. for remoting; all tests related to remoting would be under org.jboss.messaging.test.remoting:
- org.jboss.messaging.test.remoting.unit
- org.jboss.messaging.test.remoting.integration
- org.jboss.messaging.test.remoting.timing
- ...

This mimics the way the code is hierarchized (all remoting code is under org.jboss.messaging.remoting and its subpackages) and the tests related to a same component/"theme are closer to each other than spread all over the test suite.
imho, it makes it easier to navigate the code and run tests from an IDE

And this won't change the way the tests are run automatically (org.jboss.messaging.test.**.unit instead of org.jboss.messaging.test.unit.**)

What do you think?

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