[jboss-dev-forums] [Design the new POJO MicroContainer] - Re: Nested property ref

adrian@jboss.org do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Dec 10 13:39:19 EST 2007

Joinpoints are legacy. I explained the history behind them somewhere before,
find that for a longer discussion.

The original aim (abstracting different invocation models) has been dealt with
using other approaches.

Most of what they do is just delegated to Class/MethodInfo, etc.

They now have only two real uses:

1) AOP integrates by overriding the constructor joinpoint

2) It makes the constructor/method (e.g. for factories) handling a bit cleaner
since the code just has to resolve and dispatch a joinpoint.

Both could be implemented in different ways which would finally remove the need
for the Joinpoint abstraction.

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