[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of Messaging on JBoss (Messaging/JBoss)] - Re: New test structure

jmesnil do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Dec 12 05:21:45 EST 2007

"jmesnil" wrote : 
  | This mimics the way the code is hierarchized (all remoting code is under org.jboss.messaging.remoting and its subpackages) and the tests related to a same component/"theme are closer to each other than spread all over the test suite.
  | imho, it makes it easier to navigate the code and run tests from an IDE
  | And this won't change the way the tests are run automatically (org.jboss.messaging.test.**.unit instead of org.jboss.messaging.test.unit.**)

To be more precise, I suggest to keep the tests under test/src/java source folder.
Related tests are closer to each other  (sharing a common super package) but remain separate from the code they test which is under src/main/java source folder.

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