[jboss-dev-forums] [Design the new POJO MicroContainer] - Re: Nested property ref

adrian@jboss.org do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Dec 12 06:16:42 EST 2007

Now that I've changed ConfigureAction to use direct BeanInfo.set, I guess there is no need for this?
This == preparing MetaDataStack & ContextCL before BeanInfo.set invocation.

What? I don't understand the logic?

You modified the code and are now claiming that you don't need to
implement a feature of the old code?
Or are you saying it is already done elsewhere?

The classloader/metadata stack stuff needs doing more generically anyway.
i.e. It should be doing it for JMX as well (although in the case of,
JBossMX it already does the classloader - the RI JMX doesn't though).

And it should also be doing it for all callouts to the bean (I don't know that
it is done currently?).
My preference is that this code should be in an AOP interceptor not in the MC
anyway. You want the classloader/metadata stack for all invocations
(if you want it all) not just the MC lifecycle.

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