[jboss-dev-forums] [Design the new POJO MicroContainer] - Re: setting managed property of type List

adrian@jboss.org do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Dec 12 07:48:13 EST 2007

"alesj" wrote : "adrian at jboss.org" wrote : 
  |   | Generically, we could allow some kind of plugin mechanism to allow
  |   | somebody to configure:
  |   | interface -> implementation class or factory
  | Even for non collection classes?
  | The composite ones.
  | Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of OO? :-)

I don't get the reference to OO? This is reflection/serialization where we've
taken apart the object to split its state into "primitives".
The issue is how do we reconstruct it.


  | @ManagementProperty
  | public void setSomething(Interface i) {}
  | public interface Interface
  | {
  |    void setInteger(int i);
  |    void setString(String s);
  | }

This is a composite with two primitive properties, but we don't know
what the implementation is.

There are two options
1) Create a proxy

2) Allow somebody to define what the implementation class is (or a factory to create one)

The proxy approach doesn't work for collections since they aren't javabeans.

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