[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBossCache] - Re: New state transfer in JBoss Cache

manik.surtani@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Dec 19 08:14:25 EST 2007

I see what you mean.  Perhaps some optimisation could be done on the queue before it is replayed?  E.g., pull out all PREPAREs and corresponding ROLLBACKs, so you are now left with PREPARE and COMMIT combinations that you know should work as they have been applied on other nodes.  Then make sure they are contiguous so that a PREPARE is followed immediately by it's corresponding COMMIT.

Would this have any ordering issues?  I guess with P/L perhaps not since the prepare would logically hold locks until the commit runs so the PREPAREs would dictate order.

With O/L the result of a later commit would be a rollback which would be weeded out of the queue by this stage.

And with MVCC writes will behave a bit like P/L so I guess we are ok here.

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