[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss Portal] - Re: JBossPortal, trusting Apache for authentication.

groovenarula do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Dec 26 14:27:20 EST 2007

Well I managed to make some progress by writing a custom 'TomCat Value'. The Tomcat Value (which extends ValueBase) successfully set's the 'request's' Principal to the desired user (the Portal shows the messgage 'Logged in as : xxxxxxx') ! However, I'm logging in as 'admin' (curretly hardcoded in the custom Value class) and am setting all the roles of the user to 'Admin','User' and 'Authenticated'. But I can't access the 'Dashboard'. It's thorwing up a '403' - Access Denied error. Not sure where to go from here !

Thanks for info ! 

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