[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of EJB 3.0] - Re: Component Proposal - Configurable Service Locator

ALRubinger do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Jan 4 12:24:27 EST 2007

Thanks for your input, Carlo.

I've reviewed the relevant parts of the JEE5 Spec (Injection and Client Chapters) and am in the process of putting together my own Application Client to run against JBoss built from TRUNK.

Yes, a lot of the issues I'd addressed are handled in the spec.  Not covered, and handled by a potential ServiceLocator:

* Lookup by interface

* Lookup AFTER the main method is called (the spec dictates that injection is done once, via static members, before "main" on the client.  What about after?)

* @Service injection?  How is this currently being handled as a JMX Service Bean is a JBoss-specific extension?

And yes, I'd really like to have a client access services on more than one host.  This may be outside the discussion of the client container; take into account the case of an EJB with dependencies on other remote EJBs:

* Client contacts Application Services as JEE5 Application Client
* Application Services depend on some set of Core Services used by many applications - contact via ServiceLocator

The core services may be hosted at any number of locations.

I'd like to determine how to best address this issue if possible.


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